@Razetime Each command has 9 possible meanings. It runs every single possible meaning a program could have, then compares the output to the provided output sample and chooses the meaning based on that
@Dudecoinheringaahing should we just put it on Thursday then
also CMM, should we get a chatbot to post the routine messages for bmg (so not copying over the challenges, but like posting the announcement for voting and for bmg starting or whatever)
@PyGamer0 and further, what time of day is it? where was I heading when I found it? does it belong to someone? am I going to be liable for damages? do I need to hire a lawyer to defend me in civil court? was PETA watching when it died? is this actually a prank video and I'll be going on the youtubes?
henceforth, I conclude that your question needs to be VTC'd as unclear
@vyxal Because I want to contribute to your programming moral decline even more, flag idea for Vyxal: find the smallest positive integer such that the program is true (either starting at 1 or at the TOS, creator's choice)
Still, if I'm not technically liable for anything, I'd move it out of the way for others and keep on going to uni at night despite the fact that I don't actually go to uni at night because I don't have night classes and that everything is online anyway because we are currently in the middle of a pandemic
Still, if I'm not technically liable for anything, I'd move it out of the way for others and keep on going to uni at night despite the fact that I don't actually go to uni at night because I don't have night classes and that everything is online anyway because we are currently in the middle of a pandemic
CMC: You remember that JavaScript challenge where you had to string a bunch of keywords together, and the scoring was with the most unique keywords? That, but for Java.
@Dudecoinheringaahing Canvas's compression is pretty basic (also doesn't have english compression unilke SOGL). It's decent for tiny strings with lots of repeating chars, but is worse than generic compression things for longer things
Anyway, time to do more work on the ELO script. I'm thinking about having it "learn" the names of common languages, so it can identify things like "Help, Wardoq!" without parsing that as a language named "Help" followed by a comma and space
Are there any other language names y'all can think of that have punctuation like , or - in their names?
Oh, good one. I think ignoring , when it's followed by a letter could be a possible solution
I'm putting a considerable amount of work into making sure almost all answers are parsed correctly, or ignored if there's no reasonable way to parse them (which could accidentally result in a wildly wrong byte count that unfairly hurts/helps a less common language's rankings)
@Dudecoinheringaahing That's a feature I was considering, yeah. Unfortunately it'd mess up my current parsing set-up to include additional information like tag boundaries, but I can probably find an awful hack to support it.
Are there any synonyms for <a>? Those caused issues with things like <strike> and <del> for strikethrough handling