Stick Bomber is a two-player game I just made up. Initially, some sticks are placed in one or more groups, and the sticks in each group are laid out in a straight line. So a configuration with three groups of 3, 5, and 8 sticks each may look like the following. For conciseness, we can ...
I went on a spree of flagging old questions as "No longer reproducible" in August-September 2019 on meta, giving me 80 helpful flags, and then was told to stop doing it so obeyed
I'm starting a draft of another one (see the blog room for more). If you want more time to organise and work on yours, I'd be happy to provide a "buffer" :P
@TheFourthMarshal I mean it's understandable why, there's not much of a benefit to it, and it uses up mods' time on something that doesn't really matter. They probably just saw it as flag-farming.
@TheFourthMarshal I agree with this in principle, but one flaw of SE reputation system is that lower rep users, regardless of the network rep, don't have the ability to moderate by themselves
If you had 3k+ rep on MSE, then simply VTCing would be enough (and less disruptive to the mods). Now, you've been trusted with that ability on 3 of the network sites, but SE doesn't distribute privileges based on network rep, so that doesn't really mean anything outside of those sites
It's an unfortunate drawback that you can't just say "Look, I'm trusted elsewhere, can you trust me here?"
On the other hand, over on Arqade, a SE staff member with global moderator priveleges posted a link-only answer a week or so ago (and the answer was deleted by a site moderator)
How Many Sets?
This is similar in concept to this challenge, but that is pretty restrictive on input and output and I think opening up these restrictions would lead to a completely different set of solutions that would be interesting in their own right.
Set is a card game in which pla...
@EphraimRuttenberg Looks good to me. If it's been sandboxed for a week, you're probably good to post it unless there's anything in particular that you want feedback on.
This is similar in concept to this challenge, but that is pretty restrictive on input and output and I think opening up these restrictions would lead to a completely different set of solutions that would be interesting in their own right.
Set is a card game in which players compete to...
Ugh I hate how the samsung clock app plays the alarm sound whenever you're changing its volume. It's so nice when you're trying to make your alarm quieter for the next morning and it starts playing the alarm sound at full volume at 22:00
What kind of idiot designed that
And there's no way to make it not do that
And muting everything I could find doesn't mute the alarm app, which is fine I guess, except it also doesn't mute it while you're just setting the volume of an alarm
@JoKing Yeah, but underscores don't feel as wrong because that's like a replacement for spaces in identifier names, so I'm pretty ok with that, except for using only underscores. That feels cursed too.
If there is a nilad at the start, the return value and left arguments are set to that nilad, then the chain is executed as normal
So for 5>, 5 becomes the return value + left argument. The input is by default the right argument. Therefore, we chop off the 5 and do > with 5 on the left and the arg on the right
Quantum-radiation quine
Your challenge is to write a program that is a quine, meaning it prints out its own source code.
For at least one character, when it is removed from the program's source, a single different character is removed from the output. Your score is (number of characters in your p...
Meanwhile, a golflang theory: there are A107708(n) trees with n internal nodes of degrees 1, 2, or 3. Its asymptotic growth ratio is ~13.56. If you combine with a 4-bit commands, adding one command to a program costs slightly less than a byte.
Enlarge ASCII art, Mark II
This is different from this
Given a piece of ascii art and an odd number which to enlarge it by, replace each character with the corresponding ascii-art, resized to the input number:
And of ...
Partially made with my ascii art resizer - code: ↵ƛ\/_-| ⟨⁰ʁ\\꘍⁰↲|⁰ʁ\/꘍⁰↲vṘ|⁰ð*⁰‹:‟*„/⁰\_*J|⁰ð*⁰‹½:‟*„/¤⁰-Jøm|⁰‹½\|꘍øm⁰*|⁰²ð*⟩v∑Ŀ⁰²ẇv²ÞTv∑⁋, as link is too long to fit.
@PyGamer0 In addition to what pxeger wrote, it was also used to represent "the mission of the struggle for the victory of the Aryan man", so it was (and still is!) commonly (spray) painted on the property of people deemed unworthy, as if to mark them for extermination.
@math it basically creates a list of giant copies for each string based on the size, transliterates, splits into chunks for each letter, and transposes and joins.
@RedwolfPrograms You know that deleted sandboxed posts userscript you made me? Is there a simple way to make it so it only has effect when you're not in a input of some sort?
Two inverse quines
Your challenge is to write two programs A and B such that:
A outputs B
B outputs A
Wherever there is a space character in A, there is a non-whitespace character in B, and vice versa (newlines must be consistent through both)
This means A and B are the same length in characters...
Your challenge is simple. Write two programs that share no characters which output each other.
Two programs P and Q are mutually exclusive quines if:
P outputs Q
Q outputs P
There is no character c which belongs to both P and Q
Each program P and Q are proper quines
This counts empt...