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@pxeger Are baths really relaxing? I'd be in constant fear of getting my toe stuck in the drain
How does a shower reduce that fear?
I apologize, I just realized I may be creating a new fear for you.
It doesn't, but somehow it makes me feel slightly less helpless because I'm standing :/
Showers let you be as far away from the drain as possible
Movable heads are a blessing, yeah
You can put your head on the drain side right?
Yeah but then your butt can get stuck in the drain
And also isint the drain on the bottom of the tub? Usually when I lie down my toes stick upwards.
@WheatWizard ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I've never bothered taking a bath before, maybe it isn't that bad
Also don't your shoes protect your toes? Or do you bathe with open toed shoes? So many questions about this fear.
Wait you guys bathe with shoes?
Yeah, my bath shoes
I've been showering wrong all this time?
Protect from athletes foot.
...I can't tell if you're kidding
@user I bet you shower naked as well instead of wearing a winter parka
@cairdcoinheringaahing No, I use a raincoat, too afraid of water for that
Why would you wear a parka in the shower?
Raincoat is a much better idea.
@WheatWizard Because of the cold water
(I actually dislike my feet touching water tho)
How else are you supposed to stay warm?
With hot water, as hot as you can make it
@user But you can keep your feet dry in a bath! Just put them on the rim of the tub while you recline. You can't do that in the shower.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Of course not, they're a cat!
Speaking of weird shower habits, check out r/showerorange (slightly NFSW) or r/showerbeer (more NSFW)
@WheatWizard I can't believe I didn't think of that before! I'll try bathing tomorrow for sure
> Shower Orange. We are dedicated to the consumption of various citrus fruit whilst taking a shower. I know, I know it sounds weird Just give it a try. and post abut your Experiences
I don't wanna disrupt the very productive conversation here, but this sounds like technobabble out of a hacker movie:
> Wezl: Oh, wait, the script inheritance we're running on is sharing a hashmap on a thread. That works
apparently I'm missing something
also, good morning
Check the starboard
@Wezl yeah, you missed me getting access to gpt3 and using it to autogenerate TNB conversations
@user you can tell it's not accurate though because it's capitalized
Anymore simple challenges? I answered another one, not what @Ausername gave me because it was too hard for me to make.
I know C and some of Python, but I don't code with Python in this site because a lot of the users code in Python anyway.
good morning o/ i am absolutely exhausted right now
o/ why are you so exhausted?
@Wezl Looks good, only potentially issue is that I think its a dupe
@cairdcoinheringaahing which one?
@cairdcoinheringaahing done, good suggestion
@cairdcoinheringaahing the government issued an amber alert at 3:50, which is alright because if i get woken up i can fall again soon enough, and then another one at 4:10, and so i really didn't sleep well
@Wezl Both, but the latter one rings a bell
doesn't help that i didn't go to sleep until 3:30 which is my own fault, but still
Should've stayed awake for an extra 40 minutes :P
Guys, I have news. If it's uninteresting, ignore pls.
Lyxal helps give me more inbox messages making me promote them (or something, idk) as a room owner.
But for now, I'm off. Goodnight.
Lyxal isn't a room owner?
@cairdcoinheringaahing they (CGSE) have their own room
@CodeGolfStackExchange Please don't talk about that here. You'll find that people who are interested in that room will probably see things in that room. It's getting a bit repetitive and uninteresting.
@hyper-neutrino that seems pretty bad
@hyper-neutrino heya, need your help 🙃 Can you give chat.stackexchange.com/users/513713/user1013431 write-access to the apl orchard? (chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/52405/the-apl-orchard)
@RGS seems a bit sussy
@RGS done. not Adam asking this time? ;)
@StackMeter Nah, it's fine. People from outside occasionally request access to the orchard.
@hyper-neutrino Thanks a lot! <3
you seem to be a trustworthy user though
@hyper-neutrino Do you have a link for your "room to transcript" userscript?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm just using Samuel Liew's Chat Improvements userscript, which includes... a lot more than just that.
@hyper-neutrino sorry if my request for help was too cold :/ but thanks for this!
(on chrome; I never reinstalled it on Firefox so I just manually go to the transcript each time)
@RGS nah, I'm used to just a ping + "can you grant <> access to <>" :P
@hyper-neutrino that doesn't make it any less rude :P
@RGS fair enough :P don't worry about it there was nothing wring with your request at all :D
@hyper-neutrino This is basically just a complete chat redesign :P
yep :P
> New responsive userlist with usernames and total count, more timestamps, use small signatures only, mods with diamonds, message parser (smart links), timestamps on every message, collapse room description and room tags, mobile improvements, expand starred messages on hover, highlight occurances of same user link, room owner changelog, pretty print styles, and more...
Wow, that's a lot
it's annoying because reputation changes and inbox items show up in the header but when I expand them, it doesn't show stuff from SO Teams
so i have a notification but can't read it
Imagine using Teams. Made by the "I'm still not entirely sure what Teams is" gang
this is almost definitely a bug; teams postdates chat so it's not surprising that chat doesn't see notifications from it
@cairdcoinheringaahing it's sort of just similar to SO but with the reputation thingy cut back a lot and it's private and you can ask specific people questions
you can also ping anyone you want in comments even if they haven't been to that post yet
Ooh, i can scroll through the starboard now!
there's a lot of other stuff but that's the main thing i remember
i don't use it all that much
@user Oh, that's helpful
oh jo king is not spacing out edits as much as I was :P
The text box resizing isn't great actually. Causes stuff to move around when I move my mouse over them
yeah, it does too much for my liking
@cairdcoinheringaahing In the starboard? I think that's alright, you can see the rest of the message without clicking on it
@user A bit in the starboard. But also, I'm currently in 22 different rooms and it doesn't have the normal chat ability to only show the top 5, so the starboard is tiny for me
@cairdcoinheringaahing looking through , I don't see any duplicates IMO, thought there are some "complete parentheses" challenges. I'll rename it to "close my superparens".
Plus, hovering over the room description
one userscript that's cool is this which makes it so when you click images in chat it gets lightboxed rather than opening in a new tab, and makes images show up in the starboard rather than just being imgur links
Oh yeah, that's a little annoying (but worth it imo)
Interestingly, it doesn't highlight HN's messages in the chat, but does with every other user when you hover over them
TBH the main change I want is the ability to hover to expand starboard items and the transcript redirect
@cairdcoinheringaahing Might be the diamond
like you mean people pinging me? yeah that's probably the diamond
Could someone post an image in the Sandbox so I can star it and see if the Expando thing works?
Q: Create an ascii line given length

Maanas BInfo Create a diagonal line given its length (lets call the variable say \$n\$ where \$n > 0\$) The diagonal line starts from top left and goes to bottom right. You must use the ascii character \ for the line. The input number can be given from STDIN or if your program doesnt support that use a ...

@user [status-completed]
Doesn't work here :/
damn, you beat me by two seconds
and we have identically sized but different (not by much) solutions
i meant to ping caird. oops
Added another 7 byter :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing isn't this challenge a 5-byter according to the JHT exercises?
That allows for using 1 instead of \
oh right :/
or rather
Also, the Cthulhu thing in chat.SO slowed my browser down so much :P
How does it work?
Easter egg in chat
Q: What Easter Eggs do the chat sites have?

MosheAccording to balpha, the SE chat sites may have individual Easter eggs, depending on the site. If you find them, please post. Edit: Because it's so easy to make this stuff up, a screenshot as proof would be nice. (Although Photoshop ain't that hard either...)

Here's a fun one: open the Console (f12, Ctrl-Shift-J, whatever). Paste in $.getScript('https://cdn-chat.sstatic.net/chat/Js/eggs.js');, then Eggs.Current = Eggs.Asteroids('insert coin')
And enjoy :P
That was a fun game :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing s/Egss/Eggs/?
Also, just searching for "eggs" yields interesting results
@Wezl Userscript isn't working for you?
@Wezl Try going to this room and entering insert coin then
@user no it's filtering. They only trust caird, dzaima, and razetime :P
@user It appears to be their sandbox
I have a CMiniC: recursive palindrome checker
VTC unobservable requirement :P
@StackMeter What does that even mean?
@Adám it means a recursive algorithm to check if a string is a palindrome.
@StackMeter f=(a,r=0)=>r?a==a.reverse():f(a,1)
Q: What is the link to your answer?

XwtekGoal Your task is to create a program taking no input that returns the link to your answer. You can find a link to your answer by clicking at the share button on your answer. Rules Standard loopholes apply except for searching for the answer online. In fact, you are expected to find the answer o...

@StackMeter APL, 25: {×≢⍵:((⊃=⊢/)⍵)∧∇1↓¯1↓⍵⋄1} Try it online!
Oh cool, I hit 200 helpful flags on MM :D
That means no ifs, whiles, do-untils, cases or the like
@cairdcoinheringaahing what's MM
@StackMeter f=lambda x:x==""or x[0]==x[-1]and f(x[1:-1])
@StackMeter Wait, what? A recursive algorithm needs an if to stop.
@StackMeter Scala: def f(s:String):Boolean=s.size<2|s(0)==s.last&f(s.init.tail)
@Adám ok
you get one if
but it must be in a recursive function
@Adám In comparison, the normal solution is ⊢≡⌽
@Adám If your language has a short-circuiting or, I guess you can get away without an if, but yeah, doesn't make sense to ban control flow
@user see above
i mean this is like textbook unobservable :p
@StackMeter well then this is valid :D
@StackMeter Jelly, 6 bytes ßḢ⁼ṪƊ¡. Outputs a falsey value (the empty array) for true, and a non-empty array for false
this is why I have to try an ban almost all control flow to force you into the answer I want
Imagine using if when you can use for instead :P
@StackMeter I don't understand. Why do you want to ban it?
@user because people find workarounds
for example, Adám's solution
Workarounds to what? Recursion?
@user yes
I mean, since this is a CMC, you can just ask people to use recursion, and they will
but even that's not very observable like
can i just do like
Banning control flow can make certain tasks extremely hard, especially if you want people to use recursion (again, doesn't matter since it's a CMC, but still)
@hyper-neutrino It's a CMC, doesn't have to be observable
lambda x,y=0:y or x==x[::-1]and f(x,1)
that technically recurses
let me go think of a better example
14 mins ago, by Wezl
@StackMeter f=(a,r=0)=>r?a==a.reverse():f(a,1)
@hyper-neutrino It's not just technical - anyone would agree it recurses (with an f= at the start)
right forgot about that
(lambda f:lambda x:f(f,x))(lambda f,x:x==""or x[0]==x[-1]and f(f,x[1:-1]))
I have a better one
@Wezl ninja outgolfed your invalid submission :P:P
CMacroC: merge sort
most likely valid Mathematica: MergeSort
@StackMeter Scala, joke answer: x=>x.slice(0,x.size/2).sort++x.slice(x.size/2,x.size).sort
@user that's not how you're supposed to play the game#
you should at least recursively slice till you get to lists of size 1
Slicing is easy, merging isn't
@user that's the point
@StackMeter Jelly, 1 byte Note: not guaranteed to actually use merge sort :P
Any opponents to this? If not, looks like you're ok to go ahead to create the tag @Bubbler
@cairdcoinheringaahing it has to use merge sort
would you like me to elaborate
No, it was a tongue-in-cheek answer :P
Looks like the newest Tampermonkey update would have fixed the issues with RSR I was having, but GRT's better anyway IMO :p
I know what merge sort is
@RedwolfPrograms Personally, the biggest pro of GRT is that I can have /review pinned as a tab and it opens new tabs for me. RSR would load the task into the tab, and there'd be no change if it was pinned
I do like your suggestion of changing the favicon for review tasks, but I'm not sure what to change it to.
@cairdcoinheringaahing imgflip.com/i/5c3tf1
What's the context here for discussing mergesort?
I actually really like mergesort.
Tim doesn't.
@user easy. Jelly, 1 byte Note: not guaranteed to actually use merge sort :P
Tim hates mergesort so much he made his own sorting algorithm.
And you know why Tim hates mergesort? Because you like mergesort. Tim hates everything about you ROs because you fired him
No, just removed his most important jobs :p
He depended on that job to feed his 32 children
@cairdcoinheringaahing Python uses Timsort, and Jelly's built in Python, so that's invalid, I think :P
Timsort's only half mergesort
implementation specific :P
i doubt python has a spec for what algorithm sort must use
and jelly's implementation-defined but it doesn't require you to use CPython i think
@hyper-neutrino We define languages by their implementations here though
right but jelly is defined by its implementation but the underlying python doesn't have a required implementation and therefore we can say "jelly being run on an impl of python that uses merge sort" :P
Well "python" isn't a single language then.
Ash used mergesort because frick JS's Array.prototype.sort
@hyper-neutrino imgflip.com/i/5c3uuu
@hyper-neutrino Bah, too much intpicking here
Well python 1 is older than timsort so I would assume it doesn't use timsort.
And early versions of python 2 are also older than timsort.
They likely used quicksort, then
Because quicksort is quicker than mergesort, duh
Yes but mergesort is mergier.
Mergesort's faster in some situations though, right?
@hyper-neutrino My goal for my Add++ rewrite is to be able to write a Jelly interpreter in it :P
I don't know much about the differences, because I strongly dislike quicksort, but from what I've heard the difference isn't significant enough to not just use mergesort
As a general rule of thumb any sorting algo is going to end up being faster in some situations.
quicksort's effectiveness is dependent on your pivot selection algorithm
@WheatWizard Oh, you're right
mergesort is more consistent
@cairdcoinheringaahing sounds slightly painful :p
I like mergesort because it's nice and stable
Even bogosort, if it happens to make the right guess immediately
Plus it (mergesort)'s more fun to implement
Q: When merge sort is preferred over Quick sort?

Mohamed Taher AlrefaieQuick sort is much better than merge sort in many cases. Though, when are the cases when merge sort might be a better solution than quick sort? For example, merge sort works better than quick sort when data cannot be loaded to memory at once. Are there any other cases? EDIT: Answers of the sugg...

mergesort requires a side array though
I think quicksort also requires an extra array (a smaller one, though)
you can merge in-place
quick sort is usually not stable, though it can be at an extra memory cost
Completely in-place? How?
@user probably a relatively naive two-pointer approach should work
Unstable sorts are objectively bad
Mergesort ftw :p
@RedwolfPrograms Unstable sorts of people, or just algorithms?
just take your list, divide it, recurse, and then to merge, you set a pointer at 0 and a pointer at middle, and then each time you sort the two pointer values with an in-place swap (ok technically O(1) memory then, not O(0)) and then advance the left pointer
or something like that
i could write up a quick implementation but i don't feel like it
I intuitively understand how mergesort works a lot more than quicksort, which is also another factor in why I prefer it :p
my understanding of quicksort is basically you select a value and then take in your values and divide them based on if they are >= or < that pivot
@hyper-neutrino Oh that's smart
and now you can just recurse on each side
But if you have more < values or more >= values, you need an extra array to store those while adjusting
you could do a pretty naive in-place partition if you don't care about stability
List of pets I want:
1. Gray fox
2. Weasel
3. Red wolf
None of them are legal to own unfortuantely
only stable quick sort needs an extra array (apparently)
You want yourself as a pet?
and i am convinced you can get around that by sacrificing a bit of time
Mergesort just does that by default though :p
TIL I don't know much about sorting algorithms at all
Plus merging things is fun
@RedwolfPrograms Stability isn't always needed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
okay so basically how I would implement/describe these (idk if these are standard) is
20 hours ago, by user
Whenever one of them says "I'm joking, ...", they immediately merge into JoKing and give them extra mana
I could sit down and write an implementation of merge sort on five minutes. For quicksort, I'd almost certainly have to google and copy someone else.
to merge sort, you split your array in half, recursively merge sort each half, and then run a two-pointer to in-place merge both halves
to quick sort, you select a pivot, run a two-pointer from both ends of the array to partition both halves, and then recurse

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