> Shower Orange. We are dedicated to the consumption of various citrus fruit whilst taking a shower. I know, I know it sounds weird Just give it a try. and post abut your Experiences
@cairdcoinheringaahing the government issued an amber alert at 3:50, which is alright because if i get woken up i can fall again soon enough, and then another one at 4:10, and so i really didn't sleep well
@CodeGolfStackExchange Please don't talk about that here. You'll find that people who are interested in that room will probably see things in that room. It's getting a bit repetitive and uninteresting.
> New responsive userlist with usernames and total count, more timestamps, use small signatures only, mods with diamonds, message parser (smart links), timestamps on every message, collapse room description and room tags, mobile improvements, expand starred messages on hover, highlight occurances of same user link, room owner changelog, pretty print styles, and more...
this is almost definitely a bug; teams postdates chat so it's not surprising that chat doesn't see notifications from it
@cairdcoinheringaahing it's sort of just similar to SO but with the reputation thingy cut back a lot and it's private and you can ask specific people questions
you can also ping anyone you want in comments even if they haven't been to that post yet
@user A bit in the starboard. But also, I'm currently in 22 different rooms and it doesn't have the normal chat ability to only show the top 5, so the starboard is tiny for me
@cairdcoinheringaahing looking through balanced-string, I don't see any duplicates IMO, thought there are some "complete parentheses" challenges. I'll rename it to "close my superparens".
one userscript that's cool is this which makes it so when you click images in chat it gets lightboxed rather than opening in a new tab, and makes images show up in the starboard rather than just being imgur links
Create a diagonal line given its length (lets call the variable say \$n\$ where \$n > 0\$)
The diagonal line starts from top left and goes to bottom right.
You must use the ascii character \ for the line.
The input number can be given from STDIN or if your program doesnt support that use a ...
According to balpha, the SE chat sites may have individual Easter eggs, depending on the site. If you find them, please post.
Because it's so easy to make this stuff up, a screenshot as proof would be nice. (Although Photoshop ain't that hard either...)
Here's a fun one: open the Console (f12, Ctrl-Shift-J, whatever). Paste in $.getScript('https://cdn-chat.sstatic.net/chat/Js/eggs.js');, then Eggs.Current = Eggs.Asteroids('insert coin')
Your task is to create a program taking no input that returns the link to your answer. You can find a link to your answer by clicking at the share button on your answer.
Standard loopholes apply except for searching for the answer online. In fact, you are expected to find the answer o...
Banning control flow can make certain tasks extremely hard, especially if you want people to use recursion (again, doesn't matter since it's a CMC, but still)
@hyper-neutrino It's a CMC, doesn't have to be observable
@RedwolfPrograms Personally, the biggest pro of GRT is that I can have /review pinned as a tab and it opens new tabs for me. RSR would load the task into the tab, and there'd be no change if it was pinned
right but jelly is defined by its implementation but the underlying python doesn't have a required implementation and therefore we can say "jelly being run on an impl of python that uses merge sort" :P
I don't know much about the differences, because I strongly dislike quicksort, but from what I've heard the difference isn't significant enough to not just use mergesort
Quick sort is much better than merge sort in many cases. Though, when are the cases when merge sort might be a better solution than quick sort?
For example, merge sort works better than quick sort when data cannot be loaded to memory at once. Are there any other cases?
Answers of the sugg...
just take your list, divide it, recurse, and then to merge, you set a pointer at 0 and a pointer at middle, and then each time you sort the two pointer values with an in-place swap (ok technically O(1) memory then, not O(0)) and then advance the left pointer
or something like that
i could write up a quick implementation but i don't feel like it