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@hyper-neutrino lol I edited it as you posted that
We need a room called The Nineteenth Bakery
@RedwolfPrograms I think it'd be cool if it could detect (say from messages/min) if an active convo is going on and delay it for up to 10 mins (or so). Meta would probably be a better usage, main might be annoying
Can we rename IGS to that now that IGS isn't relevant?
To The Nineteenth Bakery?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Can't it directly check if a post is closed/migrated?
@RedwolfPrograms IGS will always be relevant.
Not when it's instant lol
in The Nineteenth Bakery, 11 secs ago, by caird coinheringaahing
room topic changed to The Nineteenth Bakery: Trash for The Nineteenth Byte (no tags)
@cairdcoinheringaahing RO abuse! *throws stale donuts*
@user or, arguably, IGS will never be relevant
We can always change it if/when we want to :P
Yeah, it's more fun this way :p
The Nineteenth Bin might have been more apt
The Bakery is where the butter goes
Although now HN's message is less funny because that's the real room name lol
Nah, it's still pretty funny :P
Butter's always funny, CMV
It's not funny when you step on it, slip, and die
Unless you are a cat and it was placed there by a mouse
It is when it's someone else ;)
we can change the trash room name at any time, it doesn't really matter
@RedwolfPrograms *disagrees*
just maybe give the other ROs a notice so they know where to trash stuff :P
ooh, * looks nice
Searching "trash" seems to bring it up regardless of the name
Or we could make a new trash room every time someone has an idea for a funny name :P
hm. maybe the topic?
@hyper-neutrino So long as we keep "Trash" in the description, searching for "Trash" finds it
ah, okay
Laptop's still broken :|
Running a memory test to hopefully get the fans running
A better way to get sandbox reviews:
CMG: Guess how many bytes Arnauld's answer will have for this
around 65
@Wzl 48
@Wzl probably more than 6
@Wzl An integer (probably positive)
@cairdcoinheringaahing probably less than 2539853488.3
lol how do I score these? is it like the difference? the ratio?
@rak1507 Wow, that's a rather conservative bound. I think you might need to raise that a bit
@user I thought so too, in that case 2539853488.37
@Wzl Whether or not it's right. If it's right, you give that person a million dollars. If it's wrong, you take a million dollars.
got to last-minute change it to to prove you wrong
@user yes! more than two people have voted! (except some are ranges :/)
For anyone interested, Tor, Ethereum, Iota, Earth Science, Vi and Vim, Science Fiction and Fantasy, Ebooks, Quantum Computing, and Arduino are having upcoming elections (ranging from primary/election soon to question collection soon).
@Wzl rak's, mine, and caird's will probably still work :P
@user okay I'm retroactively adding this as the ToS
I retract my answer then :P
mwahahaha should I post now?
@hyper-neutrino can't nO yOU"RE a mOD, yOU cAN eDIT tO gET iT rIGHT
Well, it's doing the thing again. It boots but the screen it black.
Go ahead, I will now be a millionire
I'm retroactively removing it now :/
@RedwolfPrograms Well, a BSOD is better than a BSOD, right? :P
I can edit it and then purge the history so nobody can prove my initial answer was wrong >:-) (there will stil be the edit pencil :c)
@user Not if it means my SSD got wiped or something
@hyper-neutrino Eliminate any dissenters ;)
@hyper-neutrino >:-) ( and :c) are some interesting emoticons, what do they represent :?
@RedwolfPrograms Well, I was joking, a black screen of death is just as bad as a blue screen of death
@Wzl You don't want to know.
Anything with screen of death in it is probably not good lol :p
) ( is interesting as a mouth (sideways)
"screen of death" sounds like the name of a YA dystopian fiction novel or something
Does anyone remember the amazing answer with code that you can run in C and C++ but which gives you X and -X depending on which it is (or something like that)
Most YA dystopian novels are disappointing :( ) ()(*()()(
@Anush No, but you could try looking for is:answer C++ polyglot maybe?
:c) is my way of not doing :() because i need to close the bracket
also wow my jelly sucks lol
I guess I should wait 2 mins before posting
I wonder if someone could write about a dystopia caused by code golf
@hyper-neutrino How so?
Does this ^ show an empty message for you?
@cairdcoinheringaahing i had like 15 bytes and it took me longer than you, and i'm not sure it even works
[Mr. Burns voice] Excellent.
It's 2122 AD. One century ago exactly, it happened. The code golfers got together, and decided to golf one final thing. Society. Our code was too long. They hacked the nuclear submarines. They did it in twenty bytes of SQL. We were the only survivors.
@user no luck :(
@hyper-neutrino yep, Braille
Q: List array elements which can be summed from other elements

rootConsider a non-empty, unsorted array of arbitrary length (length > 2), containing unique random integers. Write a program to list those elements in the input array which can be formed by adding other elements in the array. Note: For each target sum element, the other elements (addendums) can be u...

i thought there was some other trickery going on so I clicked edit to copy the source and turns out it was a lot simpler than I initially anticipated :p
Khmer vowel inherent aa is also blank - someone I saw on Discord used it to have an invisible username
@RedwolfPrograms A true golfer would use Jelly, not SQL
@user there's also Aq
There's some sort of mongolian vowel separator I think
@DLosc what does the K (Kleene star builtin) do?
@Razetime in what language? Kleene Star in general means "repeated zero or more times", like the * quantifier in regex
oh now it makes sense
@RedwolfPrograms If somebody knew very little about JS, how would they go about using the Plumber interpreter?
CMC: golf (8 - x % 8) % 8 in any C-like language
@AaronMiller plumber can be run on tio with javascript v8 probably
code`, [0, 1, 2, 3, ...])
@AaronMiller ^
With the array being the inputs
@Ausername if I really wanted to abuse the output format, I could just do tio.run/…
I think it can take strings too
On TIO you'd want to print that
this should work:
@pxeger 7 & ~x maybe?
[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##7VtLc6M4EL7nV2h9mIK1TQx@xDVekprDHPYwW3snbA1rZIcUxi4MmaRm/NuzeoF5CCE5dhKnlkrFtiT69XW3WkLcew/edh4Hm6T/MH1epNE8CdYR2ITp6l9tvvZhD3jxcquDnxcAXQ9eDNIoSLbABrjX2G7CINEub@Ob2@jXbXy51I2Vt9FgCOxrAEMjhpvQm0Pt0vnHuXVt93LZAx3Q0Y2N53@NfO2bl9wZcxiE6BYjhNEyuQOXwNLB78BiI1deMr/TLo2fZs/aIQbg1y/guPqMCETFwlcIE7DyHpFgREDE2U8RY82bz3tIEh0LRLihQVkj46j3wIDRw1emIKVTUme@juZeohmGEcEf4Esce08aZtovEDMWQRhqHYBk1xnVHUfWCNsVcXHcWbk9XaHWDAkNjdILd@IrWAAtedrA9QJjA2wbdLZJHETLjl4ah68YJmkc4XEMqk5Hr6rkw7/XQZR8SbSBriO7PcB4C7WCQfAFwy0knP9CngFjI9j@GSVwCWMiYSNjB/W6dUqNwweFwbv9V2Yr/LEX0Fis468e8g2qCzGosU
@AaronMiller ↑
just type in the code box
@Wzl nope: all((8-x%8)%8==~x&7for x in range(20)) # => False
@Razetime Output doesn't seem to work
waiting for caird to outgolf my solution by 50%
@RedwolfPrograms strange
@hyper-neutrino where lol
oh another question to fastest gun
I'm actually not sure if I know plumber lol
Oh, I figured out the problem
You can't have a leading newline
New Posts OP
I'll fix that
@AaronMiller That should work
Put input in the [] in the footer
Wait no
Dang it
I just copied the link
And didn't generate a correct one
Q: Generate a mantis's head (symmetrical triangle)

WzlGiven guaranteed strictly positive integers \$w\$ and \$n\$, output An equilateral triangle array with side length \$w\$, filled with two distinct, consistent values. I'll call these 0 and 1 but they do not have to be equal to 0 and 1. The number of 1s inside this array must be equal to \$n\$. T...

@hyper-neutrino I was too busy dealing with the other challenge to even read that one :P
Haha, rediscovered the plumber cat program
yay I successfully let hyper gwift a question :P
gastest wun in fe thest?
Apr 23 at 18:35, by Wezl
CMC: find a pronounceable permutation of FGITW
If you know plumber, that cat program is actually super elegant
Unfortunately knowing plumber is a bit difficult lol
i need to start like, actively thinking about jelly chains more lol
@RedwolfPrograms hmmm, lemme see if this is a suitable replacement for haskell...
@hyper-neutrino It's not quite 50%, but it's an easy golf :P
i keep running into issues with 0,2-chains taking the left argument so i just specified the right argument here
but it wasn't a 0,2-chain it was just a lone dyad xd
@hyper-neutrino The way I remember it is that Jelly tries as hard as it can to use the right argument in dyadic chains, so at the first non nilad-dyad pair, you never need or
I was running using 0,2s in my previous iteration (IIRC) so I just thought I had to use it still :P
i theoretically can recite the chaining rules from memory but when I'm golfing I forget them sometimes :P
CMC: best English-Jelly polyglot. Must be pronounceable and do something meaningful in Jelly
Woah, plumber is currently in the lead for LotM?!
I guess I should work on a simple interpreter frontend
if you make an interpreter website, call it Plunger
Will do :p
I'll add syntax highlighting maybe, so you can see the borders between different units
or perhaps I'll just add subtle spacing so you can see where the borders are
@pxeger Go. Reads and evaluates a line from input, returns logical OR with argument
I'm probably going to have to leave soon (probably for the rest of the day)
@user No it doesn't
Ɠo would, but G formats its argument as a grid
which, once again, shouldn't be a one-byte builtin :p
you can barely justify Y at this point
i only ever use it in footers
G, K, and Y aren't useful enough to be 1 byte
Especially as they have 2 byte alternatives
true though the 2 byte for K doesn't always work and is a 2,0 and thus might need $
is useful for things that aren't overly strict I/O, but those things are just one thing and that's compressing lists of strings
Y is in 347 answers, K in 160 and G is in 57
I guess Y is useful enough to be 1 byte :P
Y probably deserves a spot in the 1-byters lol
K, maybe, but it's on thin ice
G is just K<each>Y and if you need it the challenge probably has overly strict I/O anyway
doesn't G also do some padding stuff, which is unlikely to be required even by overly strict I/O
oh yeah nvm you're right
that would take considerably more bytes to do manually then
Some builtins that are used around a similar frequency as K: Ż, ¿, }, , ¢, m, c,
prepend 0 is recent though right?
how common is {?
73 answers
Comparable to ƭ, , Æf, Ȧ and ɠ
ah. unsurprising that } is more common than {
} is very useful for turning a 2,1 like +A into a 2,2 to use the right argument instead of the left
(that's what i remember it being mostly used for)
@cairdcoinheringaahing :(
Q: The shortest way to download a file in C/Assembly

JagarI have found a small compiled software that is very tiny (~498+- bytes!) and it is written in C/Assembly, when I tried to do so in C++ it was much bigger, so I wonder how could this be done in this small size in C or Assembly? Moreover, the software should download an online file and run it after...

> I posted it there, got 4 down votes with 1 suggestion to write it in codegolf.stackexchange.com
@NewMainPosts ...and again, NMP is a light-year-c behind
:O what
well it's about shortening code
I don't expect people on SO to understand our site
@NewMainPosts I understand about allergies, but peanut butter is still clearly superior (when edible) than gorund almonds
@Wzl pre-empting an edit?
@Wzl Code Review has a bot that specifically posts into their chat room whenever someone mentions codereview.stackexchange on the network, because people kept falsely suggesting people go there with their questions
in The 2nd Monitor, 6 hours ago, by Duga
If this code is working, please post this in Code Review after reading their help pages. — adiga 20 secs ago
@cairdcoinheringaahing why is the bot so emphatically female?
@pxeger You'd have to ask in The 2nd Monitor, I have no idea
oh I don't have my transcript userscript
ಠ_ಠ @user you ninja'd me
Do y'all want to charge The 2nd Monitor and destroy Code Review? :P
(/s, obviously)
Pls no :P
TNB + CR generally doesn't have a good history, especially with brigading
Nothing wrong with a bit of friendly spamming >:)
... I know you're joking but... CGCC and CR have a pretty strained history.
Wait, seriously?
Oh, is this about the StackEgg thing?
Not just that, but that's the main thing
I'll keep that in mind then
see this as well; this wasn't really an incident, but it did demonstrate that our relationship still wasn't particularly good
I'm not aware of the specific details other than StackEggs
@Wzl Link
@hyper-neutrino It's more that back in 2016, it used to be considered "fun" by some to go and spam 2nd Monitor with shit like caret chains and ಠ_ಠ faces
oh, i see :/
CGCC seems to also have been pretty active back then, so it makes sense there'd be more immature users ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I think PPCG at the time was both more active and had more positive contributions but also had a higher ratio of negativity. Maybe this is just confirmation bias but it feels like the signal:noise ratio or rate of problematic users / incidents / etc happening was higher, not just overall activity
@hyper-neutrino btw I'm user, not joking. I don't know why people are confusing me for other people today - Redwolf also pinged caird instead of me earlier
but maybe that's just because I wasn't as active so I only saw things that became more noticeable
Humans are generally pretty unreliable when it comes to that kind of stuff (no offense)
I guess someone could use sentiment analysis to figure that out, though
Just browse some of the higher voted posts and you'll see what I mean
It was during that period that the "stop abusing stars" message got posted, and TNB got put in timeout for two of the three times ever
Huh, looks like there was lots of trash posted then
Yeah. If HN thinks we trash too much now, he should've been around then :P
remember how it took us (read: me) several months to actually stop being lazy organize the RO election and get things sorted out?
So were shitposts just more acceptable then?
back then a couple of ROs were appointed directly by mods because issues were so urgent that they needed the immediate solution and couldn't even get an election in time
@user Yes and no. For a substantial amount of time in 2015, TNB was mostly moderated by Quill, a pro-tem mod on CR, and not by any of our mods/ROs, because they weren't very chat-active
@cairdcoinheringaahing well I just noticed our relatively high ratio of messages in Trash, which is probably also because we are extremely active compared to the network. it's definitely way better now; of course less trash would be nice but I'm mostly happy with the state of our site and room right now (other than wishing the old community still existed :P)
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's interesting
@pxeger Stay tuned
@cairdcoinheringaahing huh, why delete the answer?
@Razetime Because it was invalid. The output for [4, 2, -2, 0] should be [0, 2]
oh interesting
Which, unfortunately, I think a lot of answers fail for. I can't be bothered to go through and notify them, but yours does
@cairdcoinheringaahing i think array partitions should work
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah I deleted
@Razetime Maybe. I generally don't bother dealing with a challenge if I have to delete my answer, unless I think its especially interesting
hope y'all are doin' well
@cairdcoinheringaahing ok I have an officially awful solution
BTW the invitation to join trash is quite hilarious
@cairdcoinheringaahing this can be 4,0 as well?
4 isn't the sum of any subset of 2, -2, 0
@hyper-neutrino Your answer was closest with 68 vs 88, enjoy your brownie points (also, yay, 1k rep, time for a bounty :P)
@Razetime How do you get 4?
oh, 4+0,2+-2
@hyper-neutrino sorry, 65 (although 68 is "around 65" :P)
well so is 88 depending on your definition
@Razetime Actually, I may have a solution :P
so does 4,0 count or no
I'm not sure I understand?
is 4+0, 2+-2 a correct answer?
4 cannot be expressed as the sum of any subset of 2, -2, 0, so shouldn't be in the output for 4,2,-2,0
also, is it possible for someone to revert this edit because - it's wrong - then I'll have exactly 1k I think
0 can be expressed as the sum of a subset of 4,2,-2 (2+-2), so it should be in the output
oh ok
@Wzl you need to wait for the answerer to rollback the edit
I think mods can do it too
you can leave a comment under it or flag for mod attention with reason as the rollback for incorrect edit
what is wrong about the edit?
I didn't realize that the "Uses" mean what was used in the output, so I messed it up and my rollback was rejected
@cairdcoinheringaahing so the valid subsets are [4,-2] and [0] here?
@Wzl Congrats for 1k!!!
1.002k c\:
oh... I see. lol, I made the same mistake
didn't read carefully enough. I guess WW also made the same mistake lol
@Razetime No. 2 can be expressed as the sum of elements of -2,0,4 (4+-2). -2 cannot be expressed as the sum of any of 2,0,4. 0 can be expressed as the sum of any of 2,-2,4 (2+-2). 4 cannot be expressed as the sum of any of 2,-2,0. Therefore, the output should be 2 and 0
alright retroactively rejected
I earned the necromancer badge today
thanks to Vyxal LotM!!
Also got outspoken (and 11 stars to a message) thanks to y'all
enjoy your 1K rep
Aaand, I just saved a byte and fixed my answer :D
@hyper-neutrino Codegolf is about making code obscure, short, and unreadable. Code Review is about clean code. Only natural that they both are mortal enemies.
@hyper-neutrino oh well not for long but thanks
@SimonForsberg Yet another limitation of the SE system, forcing mortal enemies to be nice to each other ;)
@SimonForsberg It's really just about making it short, not obscure and unreadable. Those are just happy byproducts of golfing :P
@Razetime Is the Husk port of mine short? It seems like it'd play well into Husk's strengths
@cairdcoinheringaahing Actually, a lot of them fail for [4, 2, -2, 0] (including @Wasif's Python answer)
Argh, not only was my Husk answer twice the length of the Jelly answer, it was also invalid :(
I hate the number 0 in addition to 1, 3, and 7 now
I'm back!
For a little while at least
My dad just got back from a year overseas so that's why I've been offline for a while :p
Thanks! :p
@Wzl 65/85 now
@Razetime It applies the "repeat 0 or more times" operator (*) to a regex. It also implicitly converts the argument to a regex if it's a Scalar or Range, just as if you applied X to it first. Try it online! (Oddly, though, I just realized K vectorizes on Lists but X doesn't. Maybe I should change that.)
Do any of you have a YT channel called Truttle1
no but he's in the esolangs discord
Oh I see
Just thought it might well be one of you
Considering that 80% of the languages that are esoteric come from those who are in CGCC
in fact, I'm going to make it in there myself
1 hour later…
Congrats on 1k!
@hyper-neutrino '1 stick of butter' - You can customise that?
@Ausername I can edit other people's messages
Mod abuse !!!111!!! :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing you starred it (I'm assuming), which is worse :P
Oh. I thought you were able to customise what it said for 'messages'.
@Wzl What is worse: I can star any message in this room, or HN can literally edit any message in chat? :P
but the person who posts it can edit it
it's just that 2 minutes had passed already so caird couldn't edit it anymore
(Writes userscript to change 'messages' to 'sticks of butter')
@cairdcoinheringaahing the latter is potentially worse but it's not being abused (IMO)
@Ausername You need a shiny diamond to do that :P
I think you can edit your own "messages moved" message within 2 minutes
@cairdcoinheringaahing It's fine, as long as you star this
or any automatic message like "x messages deleted" or I think timeouts... not sure
@hyper-neutrino Indeed I can
@Ausername "to change 'sticks of butter' to 'sticks of butter'"? Isn't that just (()=>{})() :?
yeah it's just a normal message
1 messages deleted <- I can edit this too
I forget if timeouts are posted by the user themselves or feeds or nobody
I don't think you can edit move from messages though
Sticks of butter!!!
That's by Feeds IIRC
editing the list of room owners is posted by Feeds though
@Wzl well only one way to find out :P
in The Nineteenth Bakery, 1 min ago, by caird coinheringaahing
Yes you can @Wzl
hm, I thought...
s/messages/sticks of butter
@hyper-neutrino Correction: timeouts are posted by the user who started the timeout
Ah, okay
But, you can (have to if you aren't a mod) include a message with the timeout, so there generally isn't much point in editing them
oh yeah, true lol
in Jelly Hypertraining, 15 mins ago, by caird coinheringaahing
I think I get why and modify their arguments
@hyper-neutrino Take a read at ^ :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I can pin any message in the TNB
@Wzl And I can cancel those pins :P
@Wzl Hoow?
is that still a thing...
@cairdcoinheringaahing only if I hypothetically created them
has SE done anything to chat for the past 6 years :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing oh huh.
i would like a x => [x[0], x[1:]] built-in though
@Ausername you make a message in a room you own, pin it, then move it to the room
Oh cool
I have Vyxal and Userscript
Syntax highlighting would be nice for chat
and you can't even unpin it once you're done
And markdown actually working in multiline messages
man i just want chat's basic features to make sense
Me too
moderating chat is especially really silly
Let's just drop this and use Jquery.
CMC: Find a vulnerability allowing you to execute arbitrary SQL and hypothetically DROP TABLE chat_rooms and SELECT Jquery FROM toolbelt:P
Does that workl
@hyper-neutrino Yeah, it has had a few bug fixes. I don't think it's ever had any new features in years (aside from a couple of "we're adding existing functionality to the mobile chat")
Does hyper ever sleep?
well the time at which I sleep varies
so there's not a long period of time where I'm always asleep
Between 6am and 12pm UTC :P
@Ausername yes and then neutrino takes over
And adam sleeps every second hour or so.
again if you sleep from 0 to 8 half the days and 4 to 12 half the days you'll only have 4 hours of inactivity despite sleeping 8 daily
the better question is do I ever have a life and get off SE to do something and the answer is no
TBH I'd be more active on SE, but I like being asleep too much :P
Me too
TBH I'd be more active on SE, but I like being asleep awake too much :D
^ ^
( ' ' )
That didn't really woork
@Ausername chat makes it look like it has been sliced up
inb4 user says that's how it should be
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Derrick WilliamsRecreate the Stack Overflow logo In response to here Make the Stack Overflow logo using the following criteria The tray: Make a gray tray shaped like a bracket facing upwards using the following RGB values: 188, 187, 187 (#bcbbbb) The dimensions of the tray by pixels: The sticks: Make 5 or...

@cairdcoinheringaahing Both. Both is bad.

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