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One week of school left for me
@RedwolfPrograms Hunted.
we can compromise and have both :)
@user even the Cartesian product of an infinite number of finite lists is uncountable, so the Cartesian product of an infinite number of infinite lists is not very interesting at all
Why isn't that interesting?
wait what
is my understanding of infinity just broken or is there a very obvious bijection between the cartesian product of infinitely many {0, 1} and the positive integers
actually i can see how there would be a problem going from the product to the integers
well forming a bijection from {0,1} to R is easy
which also proves why you can't do that with Z
cartesian product of A lists of size B is B^A, right, so cartesian of infinite finite lists is N^inf whereas finite infinite lists is inf^N and thus countable
(ignoring whether or not you are allowed to just do that with infinity :P)
oh yeah of course you can't represent everything from {0, 1} ^ inf as a positive integer with binary because a vast majority of those tuples have infinitely many ones
but you can use binary to map it to any interval of the real numbers
and from there just to the real numbers in general
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

EasyasPiPrint a BigNum Your task is to take an arbitrary precision unsigned integer, separated into 7-bit parts (a.k.a. base 128), and output it in base 10. Rules: All calculations must use a maximum of 16 bits. So you can't just do something like this in Python: lambda a:str(sum(a[i]<<i*7for i in range(...

according to New Posts, Neil has posted a Charcoal answer to Peter is a pick eater like 5 times
Pulling a Leaky Nun, eh?
Hyper, how?
what do you mean
How can yoou cloose a question by yourself
Dammit sticky o key
I'm a moderator...
Most actions I take on CGCC are immediately binding
But you only count as 3
not 5
since when
again, my actions are binding, they don't "count as 5", they effectively count as infinite more or less
unlimited power
and it's not just that; three people can delete a post (under certain conditions) by voting, but if I delete it, it's not like just throwing three votes at it, because then other people can't vote to undelete it after I've deleted it
since you have infinite, it won't hurt if you share some with me right?
your mortal form cannot handle such power
just a little bit
@hyper-neutrino It's okay if my mortal form is damaged as long as I get to wield even a portion of that power for just a few seconds
*undeletes many memes and unleashes their even greater power on the unsuspecting CGCC*
another thing is, for example, you can only VTC and VTRO a post once each, but I don't have such limitations
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

l4m2Given two reals \$a\$ and \$b\$, output some reals \$r_i\$, such that \$\sum r_i=a\$ and \$\prod\left(r_i+1\right)=b\$. You can assume that it's possible. You can also assume that your float type have infinite precision. Test cases: 2,3 => 2 or etc. 2,4 => 1,1 or 1/2,(sqrt(57)+9)/12,(9-sqrt(57))/...

@NewSandboxedPosts IMHO not interesting enough to warrant a new challenge; at least, I'd downvote it because even if it significantly changes the requirements it took literally next to no effort to make this.
@NewSandboxedPosts Dupe no? Integers are reals, therefore one of these would be a dupe of the other
1 hour later…
CMC: Given the name of a Minecraft item (ignoring Education Edition only items, including items to be included in 1.17/1.18), output two distinct values to determine whether that item is one of the 24 gold-related items that can be used to get the Oh Shiny advancement or not
I have a repo of item names if y'all need it
There's also block names in a different list in the same folder
Useful if you're making a datapack of some sort (or CMCs :p)
I get the feeling that a regex based solution would be the shortest tbh
Can I assume there's no minecraft: prefix?
I could 22
Oh wait no
You're counting 1.17/1.18
In that case I think there's 25, right?
JS, 51: x=>!x.match`^.*gold(?!_n)|bel|light_w|glis|gil|clo`
Returns opposite false for golden items and true for non-golden ones
(golden as in one of those 2[45])
Golf a byte by replacing light_w with .*ht_w
Actually .*t_w even works
Hey wait
I forgot ^'s precedence
The .* can be removed altogether
g_m saves a byte over glis
JS, 42: x=>!x.match`g[io]ld(?!_n)|bel|t_w|g_m|clo`
Mmm y'all sure had fun with your stars last night
I...I'm stupid
I forgot to specify the ID of the answer to fetch in NP/SP
Wait no, it's just the wrong ID
So Sandbox Posts would take over a minute to post
I saw that :p
Unfortunately because I used my sandbox post as a test, SP missed this
Oh nice, NP/SP's process ID is exactly 4000 at the moment :p
You've never lived until you've had a glass kettle. Watching water boil in a transparent container is interesting as all heck.
If SE allowed me to upload 6 minute videos I'd show you a slowmo video of it boiling at the end
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Redwolf ProgramsReturn shortest integer-is-one-of function metagolf Given a number of integers as input, your task is to write a function in JS, which returns a function that checks if an inputted integer is any of those. For example, f([1, 2, 4]) would return a function which would return true if given 1, 2, or...

I'm back! Any guesses where I was?
I'll reply warmer/colder :p
transcending to the next plane
Well Texas is technically more correct, so colder :p
What does user do in SQL? It comes up as blue in the SEDE editor
I've wondered that too, along with view
Also since the guessing's stagnated I got my first covid vaccine :p
@RedwolfPrograms Also close
@RedwolfPrograms You're younger than me IIRC, that's crazy O.o
They started allowing people 12-15 to get them about a week ago here
i'm still on my region's waiting list since they just allowed the rest of us to pre-register
Unfortunately I think there's just less demand here, which is why it's so easy :/
We're at 50% with the first vaccine, but it's slowed down a ton
Returns the percentage (0% means you either just got it, or you've never posted a challenge)
it says 74% though i have 72/100 on it
Imagine being eligible for a covid vacation
But then again, imagine being in a country where covid is actually relevant
Made by Australian gang
I mean tbh if I was a government I'd resist sending a bunch of vaccines to australia, y'all don't need them nearly as much :p

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