Chat Mega Challenge: There are currently 28530 starred messages. I will award a +100 bounty to the user who posts the 30000'th starred message, so long as it has 3+ stars
please do not take this as an invitation to post a high amount of noise that's funny in hopes of getting starred; keep discussion as off-topicon-topic as we always are :P
@user nothing in particular, it's like when caird said they'd flag lyxal if lyxal made the "___ isn't joking, ___ is ___" joke, it's just an entirely humorous "threat"
as in if lyxal makes the "wezl isn't joking" joke i will steal his kneecaps, which isn't intended to make sense :P
> Post Reopened by Jonathan Allan, Delfad0r, Arnauld, Robin Ryder, Dominic van Essen occured 2 hours ago Post Closed as "Needs details or clarity" by Jonathan Allan, caird coinheringaahing, Etheryte, Redwolf Programs, ZaMoC occured 6 hours ago
@user Not sure; chatbots can log every message as they are posted, and deletion is a separate event according to the bot, so they don;t have the follow the "remove this from the record" rule
you can't really delete something someone has seen from their mind, so i think it's not a problem (and also not really detectable) if a chatbot outputs incoming messages to console or something like that, but if you reveal the contents of a deleted message from the bot's record's that should be a violation of policy, and i will certainly disallow it based on my own discretion
merging A into B retags all questions with A as B (does not have any records in the edit history and doesn't bump), and then optionally i can make A a synonym of B
which, if a tag needs to be burned, shouldn't happen because otherwise it's permanently a synonym, so if it has no questions, merging is pretty useless