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For median / average
@Adám Your guess was about right, Actually ties Jelly (unless Mego can golf it)
@Mr.Xcoder I don't think so
To whoever made the CMC: what should the output be for [0]?
Or really anything where sum(L) = 0
@Mego You don't need to handle that case.
@Mego I guess we can assume that the mean will never be 0.
@Adám How long is it in APL?
I'm working on golfing it.
I thought I did s/median/middle/ in the docs a while ago, but I guess not
@Mr.Xcoder APL, 33 bytes: {l×+/⍵[(⍋⍵)[⌈.5×0 1+l←≢⍵]]÷2×+/⍵} (no built-ins for median or mean)
@Adám :o wow, looks fancy
@Mr.Xcoder It is actually golfed, in the sense that I simplified the fraction to eliminate terms.
So it isn't just (median)÷(mean).
{l×+/⍵[(⍋⍵)[⌈.5×0 1+l←≢⍵]]÷2×+/⍵}
                               ⍵  argument
                             +/   sum
                           2×     mutilply by two
                          ÷       divide
     ⍵[                  ]        index the argument with
        ⍋⍵                        the indices that would sort the argument
       (  )[            ]         indexed by
                      ≢⍵          the tally of the argument
                    l←            stored in l
                0 1+              [0,1] plus that
@Mr.Xcoder ^ normally I wouldn't write code like that.
You can't divide by 2 to halve?
@TuxCopter Same length .5× vs 2÷⍨
@Adám wow that's a solid explanation
@Mr.Xcoder Well, if you're ever interested in learning APL, I'll be happy to teach in the APL room.
@Adám Sure thing, but I think I am learning too many languages rn (5 already)
I'm currently not really learning any languages... rip. I mean I am still a JHT student but I haven't been active there for a while lol
anyone up for some jht?
@HyperNeutrino So, APL?
did someone mention languages?
@LeakyNun lol
@HyperNeutrino Too tired >_> Maybe tomorrow
@Adám maybe. it looks interesting :D
@Adám Uh what is the purpose of the ?
@Mr.Xcoder sure, I prolly have time tmr
@TuxCopter In this case, swapping argument of ÷
@TuxCopter I'm guessing it's like the "last two links $" quick in Jelly but I'm not sure (if I get this right I will be happy)
oh well turns out I'm wrong lol
Oh right
So why not ÷2? (I don't have any idea about APL lol)
Oh wait the 0
Jelly's quicks,atoms ≈ APL's operators,functions ≈ J's verbs,adverbs
Ah I see.
Wait but I thought operators were pretty much just functions lol
@HyperNeutrino APL is right-associative, so the × takes everything until the ] as right argument. So too would ÷. Since the "right" argument of ÷ is a value and not an expression, it is shorter to write 2÷⍨0 1+l←≢⍵ than (0 1+l←≢⍵)÷2
@HyperNeutrino Not in APL lingo. An APL function takes data as argument(s) and returns data. An APL operator takes function(s) and/or data as operands and return a function.
oh interesting!
@HyperNeutrino So, e.g. / is reduction operator while + is addition function. +/ is a new, derived function (sum).
but you can put any function in the place of +.
ah I see. That makes sense coming from Jelly :D
is composition operator while , is concatenation function. 0∘, is a new derived function which prepends a zero to its argument. ,∘0 is a new derived function which appends a zero.
is power (i.e. repetition) operator. 0∘,⍣3 is a new derived function which prepends three zeros to its argument.
that is really cool :D
,∘0⍣3 would append three zeros?
@HyperNeutrino Yup.
yay \o/
@HyperNeutrino tryapl.org/…
Wow live APL lesson
@Mr.Xcoder Sure. That's what I'm here for.
@Adám :-)
But maybe we should head over in the APL room, not to clutter TNB too much.
Yeah good idea
Poll: Sleep or chat?
@Mr.Xcoder chat
i am surprised
sleep !< chat :D
I thought that wouldn't happen
Lol 50-50
chat now > sleep
Lol Hopefully mom can't vote :-)
Nevertheless, the votes have decided :-)
mhm sleep > chat
That being said, bye! (And see ya tomorrow, at JHT!)
how am I supposed to look at the 6 letters "Peirce" and pronounce "purse"
huh what language is this
It's the name of an American logician
that is really weird lol
@LeakyNun Because cough and hiccough don't rhyme, but pony and bologna do.
and read rhymes with lead and read with lead but not read with read nor lead with lead
English is hard
it can be understood through tough thorough thoughts though.
@HyperNeutrino This one is better if you do "Read rhymes with lead, and read rhymes with lead, but read doesn't rhyme with lead, and read doesn't rhyme with lead."
I like the version "read rhymes with lead, but read also rhymes with lead"
The though is quite redundant, isn't it? And yeah, can't sleep
yes but then you'd only have 4
What a tragedy
CMC: Given an integer N and a list L, return L[N::N]. [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], 3 -> [4,7] (Shh, Leaky!)
lambda l,n:l[n::n]
@Mr.Xcoder Jelly, 2 bytes.
Yeah, well, I tried avoinind Python (looking for Jelly)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Shh
PowerShell, a lot
(array slicing is not a strong suit)
Hehe array slicing in Powershell
@Mr.Xcoder Is this for Hyper?
@cairdcoinheringaahing not specifically
But we already solved it
wait how is 2 bytes possible rip
@HyperNeutrino try L[::N] first
And look at the result lol
oh got 2
can somebody here check a site for me?
does this say 'cannot read property x of undefined'?
@orlp not here.
oh now it works for me too
@HyperNeutrino modular + deque* (I think I misspelled that)
@Mr.Xcoder I don't understand what :: means.
mhm (dequeue) yup
@Adám python. Get every nth argument starting from n
@Adám every nth element of a list
Like [1,2,3,4,5,6][::2] = [1,3,5] and [1,2,3,4,5,6][1::2] = [2,4,6]
@Mr.Xcoder :( 2Deorstv is no longer on TIO
@cairdcoinheringaahing I saw. Please fix it fast, it'll a very nice langauage once you'll complete it.
rip why D:
@HyperNeutrino because it was very buggy
o rip :(
And lacked built-ins
@HyperNeutrino Because I asked
Put it this way. ;# had more functionality :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing don't exaggerate
I could solve a couple of CMCs easily
Come on, use proper sentences, even internet grammer is better than just "!"
Although, I suppose that's what happens when you develop a language with copy paste and TIO :P
@HyperNeutrino seriously stop it. The odd ascii face by itself is fine, but youve typed 6 characters in 4 messages.
Alright I'll make an effort to use more complete phrasing for expressing my thoughts in chat then. I'll also make an effort to increase my character to message ratio, which I believe I can achieve by using longer words for the same meanings and stretching out my thoughts to unnecessarily long and rhetorical phrases. I wonder also if I can hit the message size limit just by typing without copy-pasting text in from external sources. If I remember correctly, the limit is 500, which is...wait hit it
that is really short huh
I wonder how many messages of mine contain :P and only :P
@HyperNeutrino Yeah Yeah, I can take a hint :P Just wanted to tell you that it gets quite annoying at times though.
@HyperNeutrino Regular chat search can't do that, but TNBDE might be able to. Ask @El'endiaStarman
@HyperNeutrino Well I'm on page 7 out of 25 and have found 37 so far, so a lot :P
ah okay. :P
gtg o/
Is it possible to make a finite-length regex that takes infinite time to match a finite string?
@HyperNeutrino I gave up at 61 messages and 15 pages. This is what computers are for.
And on that defeat, I must take my leave. Toodles y'all!
A: If all zombies followed the loudest sound around, could they all end up in the same place?

SZCZERZO KŁYOnly if this is a comedic story. Imagine a zombie trapped between Japanese bamboo water fountain and a signboard of a shop moved by wind. Also in India between tiger and elephant. And walking toward ocean during the tide and away when it's gone. Also if a zombie hear a louder but shorter soun...

I kinda want to edit for grammar but it's too good as-is
> You can use the performance_schema database, which is installed with MySQL to query your MySQL performance_schema database.
Is it me, or does this sentence not make a whole lot of sense.
it reads like bad spam
@HyperNeutrino ... you can use multiline messages
@mınxomaτ It's not just you haha
@HyperNeutrino multline msgs have no char limit, but the second line must contain something
it can't just be blank
choco install MySQL
Installing MySQL... complete
Creating databases...
    performance_schema... 100%
Filler text...printed
Installation finished
^ What I think that describes
I thought so, too. The quote is from the Apache Drill docs.
What O_o
It describes the JDBC driver for MySQL in Drill.
1 hour later…
Woah so early and it's already so quiet
whistles in australian
@ATaco halp how to whistle in australian
You just whistle Men at Work's Land down Under.
there are now 3 people
@ATaco haha lol
@ATaco Yes :|
@ATaco It's not a very whistleable melody, not counting the few notes at the start
Doot do do doot doo~
Whistling doesn't translate to text very well ._.
how many aussies do we have here rn; just ascii and taco?
I'd write out the score but I don't know it :P
There's one part of the lyrics that I don't get, "You'd better run, you'd better take cover"
What exactly are they running/taking cover from?
From the storm.
"Can you hear, can you hear the thundah!"
"You betta run, you betta take covah!"
Ah, I see.
Clearly my Australian isn't very good.
I didn't really catch that.
That's fine, it's a fairly foreign language.
@Pavel read the lyrics then :P
I have to put effort into avoiding my local slang, some of which would be considered too offensive for this chat :P
Other than the word "c--t" I can't think of anything offensive that Austalians stereotypically say.
That's not Australian
That's universal
It's not considered offensive here, legally.
5 year olds can say with as much conviction as they like, it's standard language.
Jun 1 at 22:25, by ATaco
"Oi mate, gizza ciggy?"
Ah yes, the local call of the bogan.
@ATaco wait what you have local slang?
I'm not sure where Victorian Slang ends and Australian Slang starts.
> Bogan (/ˈboʊɡən/) is derogatory Australian and New Zealand slang for a person whose speech, clothing, attitude and behaviour are considered unrefined or unsophisticated.
Yeah, that seems about right.
yay I made a program in APL
> Although the term "bogan" is understood across Australia and New Zealand, certain regions have their own slang terms for the same group of people. These terms include:

"Bevan" or "Bev" in Queensland.[26]
"Booner" in Canberra.[27][28]
"Chigger" (also "chigga" or "chig") in Tasmania. This appears to be a reference to the Hobart suburb of Chigwell.[5]
"Scozza" in Geelong, Victoria, Australia.[5]
CMC: Given a positive even integer, return the range of that number, sliced into two equal pieces, and interleaved, reversed. Example:
8 -> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -> [1 2 3 4] [5 6 7 8] -> [1 8] [2 7] [3 6] [4 5] -> 1 8 2 7 3 6 4 5
@HyperNeutrino Will the input always be even?
> Given a positive even integer
I don't
I halve it and then reverse the second, zipping by interleaving
@HyperNeutrino what. pls use correct explanation
interleave first with reverse of second
Take a positive even integer. Generate the range to that number. Split the list into the left and right components which are equal in length. Interleave the left with the reversed right. Flatten and return.
@HyperNeutrino JS: n=>Array(n).fill().map((_,i)=>i%2?n-i/2+.5:i/2+1)
@HyperNeutrino RProgN2, 17 bytes, Most literal solution. ]]2÷1+Ri\2÷1R\)Tf
ah ok
Just generates the range between n/2+1 -> n and 1 -> n/2, inverts the first, pairs, transposes, flattens.
ah ok
Jelly, 13 bytes: RsLH$$µḢżṪU$F
Jelly, 10 bytes: HRż⁸rH‘$¤F
Yep, don't think I can beat that with RProgN2.

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