@Mr.Xcoder It is actually golfed, in the sense that I simplified the fraction to eliminate terms.
So it isn't just (median)÷(mean).
{l×+/⍵[(⍋⍵)[⌈.5×0 1+l←≢⍵]]÷2×+/⍵}
⍵ argument
+/ sum
2× mutilply by two
÷ divide
⍵[ ] index the argument with
⍋⍵ the indices that would sort the argument
( )[ ] indexed by
≢⍵ the tally of the argument
l← stored in l
0 1+ [0,1] plus that
@Mr.Xcoder ^ normally I wouldn't write code like that.
@HyperNeutrino APL is right-associative, so the × takes everything until the ] as right argument. So too would ÷. Since the "right" argument of ÷ is a value and not an expression, it is shorter to write 2÷⍨0 1+l←≢⍵ than (0 1+l←≢⍵)÷2
@HyperNeutrino Not in APL lingo. An APL function takes data as argument(s) and returns data. An APL operator takes function(s) and/or data as operands and return a function.
∘ is composition operator while , is concatenation function. 0∘, is a new derived function which prepends a zero to its argument. ,∘0 is a new derived function which appends a zero.
⍣ is power (i.e. repetition) operator. 0∘,⍣3 is a new derived function which prepends three zeros to its argument.
@HyperNeutrino This one is better if you do "Read rhymes with lead, and read rhymes with lead, but read doesn't rhyme with lead, and read doesn't rhyme with lead."
Alright I'll make an effort to use more complete phrasing for expressing my thoughts in chat then. I'll also make an effort to increase my character to message ratio, which I believe I can achieve by using longer words for the same meanings and stretching out my thoughts to unnecessarily long and rhetorical phrases. I wonder also if I can hit the message size limit just by typing without copy-pasting text in from external sources. If I remember correctly, the limit is 500, which is...wait hit it
Only if this is a comedic story. Imagine a zombie trapped between Japanese bamboo water fountain and a signboard of a shop moved by wind.
Also in India between tiger and elephant. And walking toward ocean during the tide and away when it's gone.
Also if a zombie hear a louder but shorter soun...
I kinda want to edit for grammar but it's too good as-is
> Bogan (/ˈboʊɡən/) is derogatory Australian and New Zealand slang for a person whose speech, clothing, attitude and behaviour are considered unrefined or unsophisticated.
> Although the term "bogan" is understood across Australia and New Zealand, certain regions have their own slang terms for the same group of people. These terms include:
"Bevan" or "Bev" in Queensland.[26] "Booner" in Canberra.[27][28] "Chigger" (also "chigga" or "chig") in Tasmania. This appears to be a reference to the Hobart suburb of Chigwell.[5] "Scozza" in Geelong, Victoria, Australia.[5]
Take a positive even integer. Generate the range to that number. Split the list into the left and right components which are equal in length. Interleave the left with the reversed right. Flatten and return.