@ASCII-only Well, I was thinking of it as a regular word dictionary (not the data-type), generally they have a huge list of words in storage. But as soon as the program starts, the whole dictionary is loaded as a tree(initially takes time) but the search is quite quicker after that.
@ASCII-only 1) it's made in Processing and even I can't understand the code 2) niooaaoasoioaiaaaoiineeaei -> 16 bytes but could be ~2 bytes less if I wasn't lazy on how I made it
@ASCII-only without my help that got compressed to 23 bytes because character dictionaries have length limits
SOGL uses something like base 250, and the decoder interprets it as a multi-base number, divmodding off what's needed. There's some docs on it here but they are somewhat outdated and horrible anyways as that was used for me to remember what to make :p
Intertwined Polyglot
polyglot code-golf
Write a program which when executed as language A, produces a different program in language B, which in turn produces the name of language A. And the other way round (B to A to B).
The produced programs must be unique both from each other, and f...
Does anyone know where I can find a Whitespace (programming language) list of letters to push (the entire alphabet)? Thanks to codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/97486/52210 I know the letters C, I, K, R, and T; but is there somewhere an entire list of the alphabet (or an ELI5-explanation of how these are build up based on the value so I can try to figure it out myself)?
There are a few questions on this site about balancing brackets, and checking whether brackets are balanced. I propose it's now time to use those balanced brackets for something!
In mathematics and programming, brackets are like bubbles, isolating everything inside form everything outside so tha...
Here at PPCG, we sure do like our sequences, so here's a fun another one.
Let's define a(n) as being the smallest non-negative integer X such that a(k) is not X with 0 < k < n, and a(n-1) and X do not share any decimal digits. a(0) = 0
Given an input n > 0, output such a(n).
For exa...
Running second maximum of a list
Given a list of integers, your task is to output the second largest value in the first k elements, for each k.
You can output an arbitrary value for the first element, or simply omit this value, as there isn't a second maximum for a list of 1 element. You may as...
@trichoplax I know why it is - the first number is only ups and downs and the second number includes close, reopen, and delete votes, but it's just counter intuitive
> There seems to be a problem with your login session; this action has been canceled as a precaution against session hijacking. Go back to the previous page, reload that page and then try again.
This is an answer chaining question that uses sequences from OEIS, and the length of the previous submission.
This answer chaining question will work in the following way:
I will post the first answer. All other solutions must stem from that.
The next user (let's call them userA) will find the...
In this challenge, you must take a string matching the regex ^[a-zA-Z]+$ or whatever is reasonable (you don't have to consider uppercase or lowercase letters if you want) (you may assume the string is long enough, and has the right structure for all the operations), and output another string, pro...
as in if there's a flag, you can go see if it should be flagged, and if so, you can add a flag to it and if it's serious it might get 6-flagged soon enough xD
If you suspect flag abuse, you can raise a mod flag on main and the PPCG mods can look into it (linking to the relevant chat message). Other than that, discussing it here is just allowing it to create noise. Let's move on, shall we?
@trichoplax The flag in question doesn't seem like a huge deal anyway, seeing as how it got retracted in 3 seconds flat. We should really just move on and flag something if it gets to be a bigger deal
@StepHen I have to get my wisdom teeth out. Was supposed to do it this summer but I put it off. My top ones are in fine, just my bottom ones are partially erupted (stuck under a bone). Do you think I can just get the bottom ones removed? lol