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@DestructibleLemon yes but seriously don't use triangles you might fill the wrong area
@ASCII-only ???
that's presumptuous of you
I love the internet
@DestructibleLemon what
it makes finding this kind of stuff really easy
no I'm using triangles instead of quads
not splitting quads into triangles
is that what you thought?
@DestructibleLemon ... you said quads
but then I said I would use triangles
yeah that confused me
but yeah for triangles just calculate intersections -> sort -> for i1 to i2, draw from x(line1) to x(line2)
same with the second half
I looked that up
you didn't do a very good job at explaining anyway
>_> yeah well i was super confused for like 90% of the time
Just leaving this problem here if anyone wants to have a go at it: Problem.
I have a feeling there is something about never colliding
Anyways, a chat mini survey: what is your opinion on Youtube; Google; Alphabet Inc. as a whole?
which is probably wrong anyway
@R.Kap good because ai
@DestructibleLemon this is wrong
@ASCII-only Cool.
also because of android :P
Guys I think I broke polyglotting
@R.Kap There you go, new question: codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/138364/26997
@HelkaHomba Well, you didn't have to, but way to go above and beyond the call of duty!
@HelkaHomba done
I'm working on making XStore less horrible.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Oliver NiMake it night! popularity-contest image-processing You just went on vacation to see some scenery in the beautiful night. Unfortunately, your alarm clock malfunctions and when you wake up, it's daytime. Your mother would like to see some photos, but you can only take pictures in the day. You wou...

lol 2 upvotes almost instantly
@ATaco :O
@ATaco what exactly is the XStore?
Q: Make a Spiky Box

Helka HombaGiven two positive integers, W and H, output an ASCII-art box whose border is made of slashes (/ and \) with W "spikes" on the top and bottom edges, and H "spikes" on the left and right edges. The box's interior is filled with spaces. A "spike" is simply two slashes coming together to form an ar...

@DestructibleLemon man thanks a ton for Cubically's name. It's turned into a big thing and I'm glad I wasn't stuck calling it "Rubik's Cube Language" >.<
@MDXF Like google drive but terrible.
@MDXF *28k
The best thing about HTML5 is making the mimetype deceleration optional.
at least other people use your lang
@R.Kap is it 1km :P
@ATaco is a-ta.co down?
@ASCII-only The page loads, as in, no error, but there's no content.
but it's still technically up :P
(Damnit Pavel stop crashing a-ta.co by joining)
Well it works now
@Pavel also it sait it was down so
Alright, it should stop repeatedly crashing now.
It didn't for me before but now it does. I think it's sporadically failing and going back up again.
ey, still signed in.
Does XStore support login yet.
Not yet.
wait what is signin for
also pls support google oauth at least
preferably github as well
I use oAuth, but only steam for now.
@ASCII-only Apparantly it just gives ATaco control over your soul or something, it doesn't affect how you use the site.
Because I understand steam.
I plan to make a screen of your saved keys and such for XStore, to make losing your files harder.
@ATaco :| how is it easier to understand steam oauth? all oauth is the same
@ATaco can't you just not require keys when logged in
I understand steam's library calls, not the oauth half of it.
If I did that, then they'red theoretically be a way to determine what folder someone's using based on their steamid alone (Or some other known variable)
@ATaco how
Key is actually used in encoding and decoding the files, so the key would need to be something, and if it's unique for each steamID, it would somehow have to be derived from it (Or at the very least, generate a new crypto-random key, and save it against the steamid)
It almost looks like I care about security if you ignore the fact that it's main method of encryption is XOR and the key is passed over GET arguments.
It's less security more anonymity I'm going for I suppose.
While I agree writing good encryption is hard, aren't there some libraries you could have used?
@ATaco no
@ATaco i mean the folder keys are stored in the db so people get access to their own folders when logged in
Actually, if I do it right then there's no-way people can access it assuming that they don't break into my server, so all is fine on that front.
@ATaco yep
Alright, key now defaults to a page that only you can access.
(On the beta build, which is still private)
Everyone: TIO will soon have a search functionality, which you can preview at dev.tio.run. Please drop feedback in talk.tryitonline.net.
10/10 it's perfect
@ASCII-only (¬_¬)
@ASCII-only It's asking for the time it takes, and not the distance...
What are popular programming languages besides JS/Java/C/C++/Python
I am trying to fill out the 'skills' section of job app
@Downgoat C#
According to TIOBE, the top 10 are those you mentioned plus C#, Visual Basic .NET, PHP, Perl, and Ruby.
Wonder if there is any list where PLs are rated by demand÷supply of programmers.
Why did Java and C take a nosedive since the beginning of 2016? And what has taken over? It would seem that the area below all graphs (even the not shown ones) should always add up to 100%, no?
> The top programming languages are in a long term decline: both Java and C have all time low scores in the TIOBE index. And almost all of the other top 10 languages are going down as well year to year. So what languages are taking advantage of this? It is all happening down in the charts around position 40. A new set of languages is gaining ground, notably Crystal (#32), Kotlin (#41), Clojure (#42), Hack (#43) and Julia (#46).
Question: what are two extreme ends of computer science. i.e. what could fill in black: X has articles about AI to ____
@Downgoat number crunching?
@R.Kap well you have the speed
@R.Kap so 6 minutes I think?
@Dennis Thanks.
Idk if I can prove it, or if it's even right
@ASCII-only Well, since velocity = distance/time, we can calculate the time it takes by somehow finding the length of one of the curves and then dividing that by the given velocity. I currently have no idea how to get the length, though...
Anybody else want to have a go at this?
@ASCII-only Well, why do you think the answer is 6 minutes?
Why can I understand integral calculus but not cricket? ._.
Crickets are easy. They basically use their hind legs as a pair of tiny musical saws.
Wait, no, those are cicadas. Quite a different insect.
@Downgoat Code golf needs to be one side of that phrase.
@R.Kap spoiler: it's right, I'll try to think of an explanation
It's like intuition just I forgot how I mentally explained it to myself :(
@Downgoat Swift is also quite used. Ruby might also be helpful
I love Ruby
I also love stack-based languages because they obviate the hardest part of programming: naming things.
CMC: Given an integer, increment it by 2 and multiply the deduplicated prime factors. Test cases: 12 -> 14 -> [2, 7] -> [2, 7] -> 14, 14 -> 16 -> [2,2,2,2] -> [2] -> 2. The integer given will be ≥ 0.
@JohnDvorak Tacit programming also allows this.
But tacit is so hard (e.g Jelly)
@Mr.Xcoder Try Dyalog APL or J.
Harder than Jelly? o_O
@Mr.Xcoder No, easier, methinks. ∘.○
Of course you think it's easier, because (I think?) you don't know Jelly and you are subjective, since APL is developed by you.
@Mr.Xcoder E.g. CMC: given two numbers, return the sum of their product and their ratio.
I shall solve it in Jelly?
@Mr.Xcoder Yes please.
Ok, let me open 5 tabs for docs.
@R.Kap ok explanation says imagine boats are vertices of square, since they move parallel to the sides ds/dt=-v
(atoms are hard to type)
@Mr.Xcoder *one, well maybe another for Quicks but you shouldn't need them I think
@ASCII-only I don't think so
@Mr.Xcoder Right. In APL it is ×+÷ and in J it is *+%. "Product Plus Ratio"
Ratio means a/b, right (it's more of an english question)?
@Mr.Xcoder but atom docs are only one page
@Mr.Xcoder Yes.
@Adám Floating-point or Integer division?
@Mr.Xcoder Floating point. In APL and J a number is a number. There is no such thing as an integer (other than under the hood of course).
@Adám 3 bytes in jelly too (exactly the same as APL): ×+÷.
Like JS
@Mr.Xcoder But that takes a two element list as argument, right?
@Adám No, two different command line arguments.
It is a dyadic chain that expects two arguments
It wouldn't work as a list with two elements at all.
@Mr.Xcoder Ah, ok. In APL and J that becomes a new function which can be put in place of any other function.
So you can say f←×+÷ ⋄ A f B or just A(×+÷)B
@Adám CMC: Given a list of positive integers, find the product of odd integers (there will be at least one)
@Adám Got it
@Mr.Xcoder APL: ×/⊢×2|⊢
@ASCII-only have you planned what you are going to do for decimals?
Let me do it in jelly now, it's a bit tricky
@Mr.Xcoder I'm waiting. It's not like I have work to do. Oh…
Ha :P
@Adám Jelly, 4 bytes: ḂÐfP
@Mr.Xcoder The APL solution is pretty straight forward. 2|⊢ is the division remainder of the unmodified argument when divided by 2. ⊢× multiplies the unmodified input by that. ×/ is product.
Mostly because Jelly has a % 2 built-in and Ðf means keep all the elements that satisfy a condition, 1 being truthy. P is product.
@Mr.Xcoder What if you multiply the input by ?
I really hope there will be few challenges today :0
@Adám Multiply a list by %2?
@Mr.Xcoder Yes.
auto-vecorizes, hmm, I'll try
@Adám Nope, doesn't work: ×ḂP
@Mr.Xcoder try x instead
@Adám ×ḂP only works for lists that only contain odd integers, in which case I could simply use P
xḂP works
@Cowsquack Mind to explain why?
I have no idea why that would work
@Adám wait that does not work for me, should the × be a / instead?
all I know is that Jelly's x is similar to APL's / (replicate)
in APL, 1 0 1 1 0/1 2 3 4 5 gives 1 3 4 (do you understand why?)
No, it makes no sense for me :'-(
@Cowsquack Yeah, my bad. I was thinking of sum, and then noticed the CMC was product. I replaced + with × but that of course won't work.
To my CMC above, *F{Phh
In Pyth
@Mr.Xcoder It has to be ×/⊢(/⍨)2|⊢ in APL (with the parens needed because of a stupid quirk I hope we'll resolve soon)
@Mr.Xcoder Replicate, well, replicates each element on the right by the corresponding number on the left.
@Cowsquack yeah look at my original
@Adám Lol, when you posted the last message, Luis Mendo's icon appeared instead of yours. It switched to yours in a few seconds though
Loop 4 times, moving decimal point back
Buggy Chat.SE
@Adám ×/1⌈⊢×2|⊢ appears to be 1 byte shorter
Truncate after that
@Cowsquack It is 3 bytes shorter. But not as general.
@ASCII-only so essentially multiply by 1000?
@ASCII-only I watched videos on ice spec and find te whole thing convoluted. Why have they embedded this into the webrtc spec? I don't want fancy SDP encoding or TURN fall backs, which are in no way peer to peer. I just wish to try and connect to an IP address that I know, like I would in any other langayge. Do I have to deal with all this relays, stun and turn nonsense?
Bye all
@Mr.Xcoder o/
@Mr.Xcoder I was actually unable to access chat.stackexchange for about 2-3 days due to the slowness...meta.stackexchange.com/questions/299324/…
@officialaimm chat.SE is extremely fast for me though
Is it just me or Charcoal answer are overappreciated?
@Mr.Xcoder Why do you think it is overappreciated?
Meh, look at the latest ascii-art challenge
In the end, Charcoal is short because it's made specifically for such things :P
Now I am soo bored that I do in C++
Why does nodeJS not have btoa or atob and also those names are terrible
What are btoa and atob >_>
@Mr.Xcoder base64 encode/decode
>_> Really?
Browser js has 'em, node doesnt
And as I said, the names suck
@ATaco but golfy :p
How about e64 and d64
Golfy, and actually tells you which is which at a glance
@Mr.Xcoder I find the verbose form of charcoal answers very elegant...
base64 to ascii
@officialaimm It is
btoa is the encode function
I think it means "byte to ascii", and visa versa
binary to ascii then
Regardless, bad name, node should still support it at least as a built in module
Does anyone know how to take input from STDIN in C++ (no function), without #include<iostream> and std::cin>>blahblah;? (Preferably), is there a way to do it with stdio.h?
new Buffer("somebytes").toString("base64") doesn't count
Oh, got it. It's gets
Can anyone golf this as a full program:
main(){int k;scanf("%d",&k);printf("%d",k);}
@Mr.Xcoder we're not alchemists :P
@Cowsquack It's worse than chemistry, it's C++
"Can anyone gold this as a full program" :P
@Cowsquack Didn't notice. Thanks
You can't argue on the fact it's worse than chemistry anyway, can't you?
Yes. Not false but irrelevant. Making gold is alchemy, not chemistry.
@JohnDvorak We study gold in chemistry :P
A Python soltution is 66 bytes, taking 2 integers from STDIN is 60 50 bytes in C++ >_>
@HyperNeutrino have a look at this: ambrsoft.com/TrigoCalc/Circles2/Circles2Tangent_.htm
Great find ^
@Mr.Xcoder write a method instead of a full program
@ATaco I know a function would be much shorter. C++ sucks when it comes to strings, so i'm not even giving it a try anymore
try it in C if you dare :p
@ATaco I don't know C at all, but should be better than C++
Now all the solutions I write will be a post of my Swift solution which is a post of my Pyth solution :)) (which BTW would be a tiny bit shorter with string formatting, but I'm lazy)
@Mr.Xcoder APL: +/⍎¨⍞∩⎕D
I expected APL to be shorter with that challenge
@Mr.Xcoder can string contain spaces?
help: I need to graph something using desmos, and I want to do the opposite of derivation
how do I do that in desmos
@Cowsquack Yes.
Lemme guess, solving it in sed?
actually bash
it's the same for me :P
@Mr.Xcoder Why? You have three distinct parts: Extract digits, Convert them to numbers, Sum them. We extract digits using the intersection with all digits ∩⎕D, Convert them to numbers by executing each ⍎¨ and finally sum them by inserting plusses between them +/.
@Adám I don't know. APL is really golfy and I though at least one of the operations is 1 byte (when all are 2 or 3)
@Tobi well personally I'd find a wrapper library that makes the API nice and simple
@ATaco because browser specific
@Cowsquack Nice +1
abuses the fact that uninitialised variables in bc default at 0
@Cowsquack btw multiply by 10k yeah
@DestructibleLemon yes
@Mr.Xcoder yes they are
I knew it Ω_Ω
in my program, I move the decimal place 5 places to the right before starting the unary conversion to multiply the number by 100k
@Mr.Xcoder well C++ is no different from all the other non-ASCII-art languages
@Adám In fact, Jelly isn't that golfy either (I think it can be golfed by 1-2 bytes though), 6 bytes: ØDfV€S
@Cowsquack yeah that works, you probably need the extra digit of precision
but it takes much longer and you easily end up with very huge pattern spaces
@Mr.Xcoder isn't it worse with Jelly :P
@Cowsquack yeah but it is code golf after all
@ASCII-only I haven't really seen overvoted Jelly answers, because you must be extremely clever to solve non-trivial challenges using it.
@Mr.Xcoder no you don't, it's just longer for non trivial questions
@Mr.Xcoder also those aren't the overvoted ones lol
@ASCII-only I know
This isn't overvoted, although it's really clever.
(sorry for the multi-ping)
@Mr.Xcoder all jelly answers are really clever
@ASCII-only You have to be tenacious to arrange all those chains together.
@Mr.Xcoder because jelly has competitors
@Mr.Xcoder not exactly, I think the biggest obstacle really is understanding jelly
Solve this in jelly, and you have my upvote
@ASCII-only Not true at all, IMHO
@Mr.Xcoder :| on mobile? :(
Oh sorry xD
It wouldn't be easy anyway
Not too hard
Not too hard, but still not easy
I'm terrible at Jelly though so maybe it would take like 30 mins to try random things until one works
Ok, be right back in a few minutes
@Mr.Xcoder Let's see. ØD is ⎕D and S must be +/. I know is ¨ so I guess V€ is ⍎¨, which leaves f to extract digits. Close?
@Adám Full explanation (up to you to decide how close you were): ØD - digits, f remove all the elements in X (input) that are not in Y (digits), V€ - convert each to an integer. S - sum.
Yeah, on-topic explanation +1.
@Mr.Xcoder Yeah! I was spot on.
Solving the ascii-art challenge in Jelly :'-{
@Mr.Xcoder Why the complicated explanation for f? "elements from X that are also in Y" or just "X's intersection with Y" or "X∩Y"
@Adám That's the definition Dennis provided in the Atoms page.
@Mr.Xcoder :| i thought you asked me to do that
quite ungoly for his standards.
@ASCII-only Nope
I don't wanna give you free rep the pleasure to FGITW in Jelly (and I don't know how much it will take you / me to solve it, so...
Erik solved it in 21 in Osabie, which means he's moving to Jelly now... NOOO
orientating around a 1000 line file with line lengths of ~2000 chars isn't easy.. especially if the info required for one line analyzing is in 10 different separated places and isn't at the same indentations ever
@dzaima ???
use sed, it solves all your problems
@ASCII-only doing the fallout challenge and looking trough the log files of SOGL :p
@dzaima :| log file?
Lol, Jelly is a killer:
@ASCII-only well not file but console output but same contents - stack contents on each frame
@dzaima oh is sogl stack based
@ASCII-only yeah, anything else is way too difficult for me :p
@Mr.Xcoder what?
@dzaima >_> ok
@EriktheOutgolfer Joke, ignore that
well 05ab1e has nice canvas mode while jelly has nothing
charcoal isn't stack based because for some reason we made it basically a golfy scripting language
@EriktheOutgolfer Look at what I had above, a total useless mess
yeah you forgot the / lol
@Mr.Xcoder yes >_> what were you trying to do
@ASCII-only Nothing, that was after I gave up and messed it up
not related: i wonder when's the last time someone used else in charcoal
did it turn into a hidden feature lol
@EriktheOutgolfer ?
@Mr.Xcoder yeah
I don't really think anybody used the e-something in charcoal lol
IIRC most people use just if wait does anyone even use if lol
@EriktheOutgolfer e-something?
well along with the if goes the ewut? is that really useful in charcoal?
FACT: if you have if in a Python program, it's 99.99% golfable
@EriktheOutgolfer idk >_> iirc it was useful in like one of the hackmd examples
here, double helix
btw if anyone posts a charcoal answer for that it would be much appreciated
I want to create another golfing ASCII-art language (because SOGL is very very horrible) but 1) I'm too lazy 2) there isn't a language that suits my needs for its creation so 3) I'm creating another language in which to create it :p
create a golfing language specialised for
@dzaima :| what???
@Cowsquack i've thought about that
several times
I've already started on one such language, but stopped because I needed to finish Carrot
if you don't mind helping design the language i'd be happy to start writing Pixcoal the language
its interpreter is in Processing
@Cowsquack oh no carrot isn't going to be open beta
@Cowsquack 0/10
@ASCII-only what?
@ASCII-only what language have you chosen for the task?
open beta = never finished
@Cowsquack python because charcoal is in python :P
jk processing is okay, i'd rather it be processingjs because stack snippet though
"finish" here meant finish the rewrite, after which I will slowly add more features
personally I hate processing.js, Java is much better
but it should be relatively easy to port it
@Cowsquack i would probably have said "finish with"
@Cowsquack how :| they're nearly the same
@ASCII-only except java gives errors when there are errors
@dzaima and JS doesn't?
Bye all
@ASCII-only JS gives errors only when they are directly in front of doing something while java tries it's best to predict it ahead of time (and that's much more efficient than anything in JS as java is strictly typed)
:O with the current version of charcoal this is only 28 bytes
@dzaima how are you sure it's much more efficient
am i going to repcap from one answer >_>
@ASCII-only I've programmed in both and SOGL (made in Processing) has had way less horrible bugs than anything I've made in JS
@dzaima do you use the PDE when writing Processing programs?
@dzaima well probably only because you're writing js like a script kiddie
@Cowsquack yeah
because really for an interpreter the api is one function
and you can check argument types on that one function and that would be all you need

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