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@ASCII-only you can remove the , []
That's for NxN boxes though
@EriktheOutgolfer you can O_o
@EriktheOutgolfer No, you cannot. It doesn't give the same result
@Mr.Xcoder umm time moves on
@Mr.Xcoder It does ^
Ok >_>, I didn't see it is time-related
> time.time
Didn't see
well it's a bit difficult to see especially if time is in there
@Mr.Xcoder >_>
actually I only pressed run...
Didn't even look at the code >_<
wait so you would've ran it locally even if it had rm -rf / in it?
Ok, time for a non-ascii art challenge (sorry charcoal)... Unfortunately I have absolutely no ideas
But I cannot really post challenges today >_>
random charcoal #4, tell me to stop if i'm spamming :P
for some reason this is equivalent to S⸿¶⪫KA¦””...
@EriktheOutgolfer Should we revive JHT a bit?
man, nearley seemed great for my parser at first, but now I'm having some serious problems with it not being greedy
@EriktheOutgolfer oops >_> need to fix that sometime (2 bugs D:) (btw just remove the comma to remove the separator)
@Mayube ... you're doing something wrong then
it's greedy and not greedy at the same time
yeah so it matches the same term 50 different ways
you just have to disallow not greedy if you only want greedy
@Mayube because your grammar is ambiguous
@ASCII-only especially since ⸿ doesn't even belong there
@EriktheOutgolfer huh?
yeah because it has no greedy quantifier
@Mayube uh no
[a-zA-Z ]:+ when given print, will match every possible collection of substrings of print
@Mayube yes which is why you don't use nearley's builtin lexer
@ASCII-only wait is it supposed to do ⸿¶ after Print or something?
umm \r isn't quite the same as ⸿ is it?
@EriktheOutgolfer it is >_> (well, in charcoal at least)
because usually \r is used to clear a line or something while ⸿ just moves the pointer to (0, y) or something
:| yeah i just needed a newline that went to x=0 on the next line though
and \v and \t are definitely not the right whitespace characters for that, not sure about \f
@ASCII-only so if I create my own lexer/use a different lexer, how do I pass the token data into nearley to then parse?
@Mayube pass it as a lexer when constructing the parser
where you have new Nearley(grammar.Rules, grammar.SomethingElse, lexer)
@EriktheOutgolfer O_o
Looks like nearley recommends Moo tokenizer
@Mayube yeah because they were made by the same people :P
vsl has its own tokenizer too
you can use it if you like its api (unlikely :P)
@ASCII-only sorry 111700 is too round to be believable
@ASCII-only o_o what he remembers is o_o
@EriktheOutgolfer and apparently it's 800 stories long :P
you mean building stories?
webrtc is a lost cause
@EriktheOutgolfer yep that's totally what i meant
@Tobi yes it is
also: i know i've asked this multiple times, but: anyone know a good way to do dictionary compression?
or maybe i could ask @dzaima how his dictionary compression works
@ASCII-only Dictionary compression for run-time or for storage?
@officialaimm storage
what do you mean runtime
@ASCII-only the dictionary compression in SOGL is a single character dictionary, so it's horrible for repetitive substrings
@dzaima what >_> how does this even make things shorter
i mean cmix is nice and has a high compression ratio but it's probably 1000x the size of charcoal
@ASCII-only 1) it's done smartly 2) it's made for strings with small character sets not general compression
@dzaima hmm i kinda want to steal this can you give examples
@ASCII-only Well, I was thinking of it as a regular word dictionary (not the data-type), generally they have a huge list of words in storage. But as soon as the program starts, the whole dictionary is loaded as a tree(initially takes time) but the search is quite quicker after that.
also any idea for other charsets to use for compression? e.g. base64? idk how useful that would be though
@officialaimm yeah but as in how do i optimize the compression ratio
> Nnnes
O_o what kind of username is that
@ASCII-only 1) it's made in Processing and even I can't understand the code 2) niooaaoasoioaiaaaoiineeaei -> 16 bytes but could be ~2 bytes less if I wasn't lazy on how I made it
@ASCII-only where do you mean charsets? the representation in a program?
@dzaima no as in the source codepage to convert to base 255
@ASCII-only 4 bytes (one is a quote)
@dzaima lol mine doesn't even work properly
wait :|
@ASCII-only Might this serve as an inspiration on what you are trying to do? codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/133564/…
broken too what
@officialaimm not exactly?
also you pasted twice
@ASCII-only without my help that got compressed to 23 bytes because character dictionaries have length limits
SOGL uses something like base 250, and the decoder interprets it as a multi-base number, divmodding off what's needed. There's some docs on it here but they are somewhat outdated and horrible anyways as that was used for me to remember what to make :p
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MTCosterIntertwined Polyglot polyglot code-golf Write a program which when executed as language A, produces a different program in language B, which in turn produces the name of language A. And the other way round (B to A to B). Rules The produced programs must be unique both from each other, and f...

Does anyone know where I can find a Whitespace (programming language) list of letters to push (the entire alphabet)? Thanks to codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/97486/52210 I know the letters C, I, K, R, and T; but is there somewhere an entire list of the alphabet (or an ELI5-explanation of how these are build up based on the value so I can try to figure it out myself)?
I just got an upvote on an answer within like 3 seconds of posting it
@Mayube that means OP was online :P
My rep is palindrome: 7227.
What's up guys
and/or gals
Q: Bubble the brackets!

ArthurThere are a few questions on this site about balancing brackets, and checking whether brackets are balanced. I propose it's now time to use those balanced brackets for something! In mathematics and programming, brackets are like bubbles, isolating everything inside form everything outside so tha...

@NewMainPosts This one looks fun!
@Mayube / is used twice here...
@EriktheOutgolfer one of your Golfs had an "error" in it that I found but I don't have enough rep to add comments. Let me find it
huh? what golf?
and what does it do wrong?
TIL that Python loops can have else
If you input the straight line piece it displays "Ø" still
And not "l" or "|"
do you input like this?
[[0, 0, 0, 0],
 [0, 0, 0, 0],
 [1, 1, 1, 1],
 [0, 0, 0, 0]]
or generally a 2d list of digits?
4x4 in size
Nope, Inputted like
[[1, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 0]]
hmmm, let me check that
I used your TIO link to experiment
you seem to be right
And it doesn't work on the sideways "|" either
Sorry Erik, I know I just added a few bytes ;)
@Jordan nothing to be sorry about you just found my solution was invalid :p
wait that's weird
What's weird
I think you added 1 byte to my solution lol
of course Jelly just needs 1 more byte to add in 16 different inputs ;)
well, the 15 hardcodes I but it should probably be “Б instead
yep that fixes the problem
thanks for bringing my attention to that
No problem! I saw it yesterday around this time but couldn't comment lol
you could've pinged me
btw that actually saved 7 bytes
I was helpful! I looked for a way to PM you, didn't know you can ping. Thanks for teaching me that!
well if you have >=20 rep you can ping here
Only mods can PM users
Ah alright @Okx
and they only pm if there is a problem with their behavior or something
yeah it's only for extreme circumstances
Is there any reason that Chrome is taking my img tag with a class, and making it a div with that class, with the img inside it?
@WheatWizard What ? does in Lost? "Pops off the top of the stack and jumps if not zero" jumps where?
@DeadPossum In the direction the ip was moving
Its stolen directly from ><> like most of the operations
I don't know fish :D
just skips the next character, right?
! is the unconditional version
@Mayube Yeah
>1?23 will result in 3? (asssuming ip starts at leftmost and moves right)
I was about to write that same example ;)
Thanks :D
Is "Befunge" on Tio 98 or 93?
Both are on TIO I think
ah okay
you can click on the name and go to the repo to see which version it is
@Cowsquack Learning a lot today, thanks
The one called just "Befunge" is 93, the others are called Befunge-98
Thanks! @BusinessCat
y'know what's always neat? Doodling around with numbers, finding a sequence, going to OEIS and seeing that it's already discovered.
Q: Smallest unseen, but no sharing digits!

AdmBorkBorkChallenge Here at PPCG, we sure do like our sequences, so here's a fun another one. Let's define a(n) as being the smallest non-negative integer X such that a(k) is not X with 0 < k < n, and a(n-1) and X do not share any decimal digits. a(0) = 0 Given an input n > 0, output such a(n). For exa...

Very appropriate timing, NMP.
Does anyone have experience with befunge?
particularly the98 version
@WheatWizard if you find anyone let me know
I've been trying to get into it
Profile says 880 votes cast. Click that, goes to page that says 1000 votes cast. SE please
@WheatWizard perhaps this can help: quadium.net/funge/spec98.html, I have found it a useful reference for the commands and how befunge-98 behaves
I know the befunge commands.
I just am having some issues and was hoping for another pair of eyes
@StepHen Has it been raised on MSE?
@Cowsquack hey that's cool, thanks!
I was just looking at that same source before you posted it lol
I found a website that might have plagiarized it but formats it a lot better (IMO)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

jimmy23013Running second maximum of a list Given a list of integers, your task is to output the second largest value in the first k elements, for each k. You can output an arbitrary value for the first element, or simply omit this value, as there isn't a second maximum for a list of 1 element. You may as...

'Sequence' oeis.org/A058446
@Jordan no this is the original
@Jordan this guy is like Conor and TuxCrafting, just he's not on PPCG :P
@ASCII-only Should be!
@Okx but it is a sequence
@Okx it is a sequence
At least it's better than the constant sequences
but when there's only one term
@Okx ok you try finding another one
yeah it's A(0)
i'll call it a sequence if someone can add a term :P
also I'm not sure if there's only 1 term or it's just that oeis found 1 term
@Okx ...
@EriktheOutgolfer only found one
@ASCII-only hmmm... the location on the gh organisation says "The Island of Misfit Toys", and I know one PPCG member with that same location
I'll try finding another one tomorrow maybe
@Cowsquack O_o
@Cowsquack pls link
hint: see the top users of PPCG of all time
@Cowsquack gh organisation? What is that?
github organisation
oh lol
@Cowsquack Must both be Rudolph enthusiasts ;)
@trichoplax I know why it is - the first number is only ups and downs and the second number includes close, reopen, and delete votes, but it's just counter intuitive
@ASCII-only well if oeis can't find it not sure if you can find it ;)
Counterintuitive can be a bug worth raising...
@Cowsquack oh hmm
@DestructibleLemon Could you help me understand turtlèd?
@Cowsquack which org
@Cowsquack you do?
wait you say that...oh
so this
is his github or something?
Has Digital Trauma never been in TNB?
Welp thats 2 times I've "helped" today, I think I've hit my quota
@EriktheOutgolfer It won't autocomplete when I try to ping him
he hasn't been last 7 days though
@MDXF that means he hasn't been here for a while that's all
That's how pinging works
esolangs is back up!
@EriktheOutgolfer he never mentioned befunge even though he wrote up that wonderful file :(
@Jordan or it's someone else
maybe he's undercover or something...or ^
@ConorO'Brien Oh yesss
I can't login tho
@StepHen Yeah I guess that someone else could have written it and CatsEye just published it
Make sure it's https
Anyway here's some new esolangs
@totallyhuman codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/122615/31957 you never fixed this
> There are 5,837 registered users, but most of them are spambots.
what happened to positron?
Cat's Eye is run by the guy who actually designed Befunge
@MDXF oh, cool, thanks
Did it work?
> There seems to be a problem with your login session; this action has been canceled as a precaution against session hijacking. Go back to the previous page, reload that page and then try again.
@StepHen just figured that out lol
@EriktheOutgolfer why were you ignoring me in JHT? Did I say some non-sense?
well I didn't have suggestions
and you haven't really said something there (can't determine if you're working on it or something)
the OEIS challenge is backing up back to 98
@HyperNeutrino which one?
Q: One OEIS after another

caird coinheringaahingThis is an answer chaining question that uses sequences from OEIS, and the length of the previous submission. This answer chaining question will work in the following way: I will post the first answer. All other solutions must stem from that. The next user (let's call them userA) will find the...

@HyperNeutrino that's not that far, I thought you were making it seem like a big deal :P why?
I was just looking at Area 51, and there's a Memes SE proposal
My favorite challenge on the site
oh I see
@EriktheOutgolfer I have kinda given up on golfing those 18 bytes
@StepHen oh wait I thought that was over a week ago; nvm.
Hey it gets rid of the absurd math one that's meant to come next! \o/
@DanTheMan the eighth upvoted challenge on this site is a meme
this one's not that hard either
@StepHen well the one I put as Next Sequence was intentionally not hard
Q: Covfefify a string

Destructible LemonIn this challenge, you must take a string matching the regex ^[a-zA-Z]+$ or whatever is reasonable (you don't have to consider uppercase or lowercase letters if you want) (you may assume the string is long enough, and has the right structure for all the operations), and output another string, pro...

Oh yay I hit 10k network rep
that challenge is so dumb -.-
I second that motion
Be careful not to get kicked :P
@MDXF congrats! you can now see blue circles
@HyperNeutrino uh... what?
That's challenge is weird because CJam beats Jelly!
If you are such experts on memes then, you should support the proposal
in chat?
@MDXF you got 10k chat rep
When ever something is flagged anywhere on the network you see a blue circle in chat
here, I'll show you /s
@StepHen we really don't need that type of comment in this chatroom
A blue circle in the top-left corner of your avatar while you are in a chatroom indicates a flag, with the number of flags in the circle.
you can also see deleted rooms
@WheatWizard ಠ_ಠ
thank you
1 min ago, by MD XF
Be careful not to get kicked :P
Also the message with the flag will have a blue rounded rectangle next to you.
@MDXF I did read your message >.>
What can I do with that?
@ConorO'Brien Yeah it was just relevant lol
validate them?
Oh sweet
You can vote on the flag
Only if you have over 10k network!
next time someone drops an f-bomb, I'll bring my sock in to flag it, then use my powers to delete it >:D
as in if there's a flag, you can go see if it should be flagged, and if so, you can add a flag to it and if it's serious it might get 6-flagged soon enough xD
why doesn't rep on sites with the lower priveledge levels count for five times as much on chat?
@MDXF no you cannot do any hammer actions.
You are not a moderator. You are simply one of many 10k network users :P
Also just saying fuck is not really flag worthy
I hate it when something cool happens but you signed a NDS :P
@MDXF validating a flag is simply flagging it too
@WheatWizard flagged <joke>
are you freaking kidding me
ಠ_ಠ someone actually flagged it
are you kidding me
wat what
spamming flags? ಠ_ಠ
@2EZ4RTZ Stop.
Flags are NOT JOKES
@ConorO'Brien you on mobile?
I didn't flag!
Oh so getting wasn't a typo
flags are anon too (but seriously, why did that get flagged)
Apr 20 at 18:42, by Thomas Ward
seriously don't abuse the flags
How did you know it was flagged?
@HyperNeutrino site mods can see who flagged
Because there are a lot of 10k users here right now.
@2EZ4RTZ we were discussing this like 30 seconds ago
@MDXF I just woke up and am in pain from braces, perhaps that's why
@EriktheOutgolfer oh cool
First star abuse, now flag abuse
@MDXF oh lol
@ConorO'Brien braces are fun /s
@ConorO'Brien Oh rip. I had braces for 4 years
at least stars don't have any negative consequences for others when abused...
@StepHen s/fun/boring/
@Mr.Xcoder flag abuse is old too I think?
MD XF, Conor, Erik, Mr. Xcoder, Wheat Wizard, and I can all see flags.
@MDXF riiiiiip
How long d'you have them?
plus more people
@Mr.Xcoder the forward slash goes at the end of the substitution
only a year, hopefully
How can MD see it?
He isn't 10k
10k network rep
Uhm... Is everything ok in here?
@2EZ4RTZ 10k network rep. SO + PPCG
@DJMcMayhem no
@DJMcMayhem yeah
@2EZ4RTZ watch
@EriktheOutgolfer In this chat room, there hasn't been any flag abuse ever since I started posting on PPCG (5 months or so)
@DJMcMayhem Something was spam-flagged by someone and we don't know who it was.
@DJMcMayhem yeah, we just had some clever person abusing a flag
@MDXF watch what?
@Cowsquack Better?
Oh I tried to send four messages in a row so it would show my network rep
but it wouldn't let me
@HyperNeutrino ros can't see who flagged either
@DJMcMayhem swear it wasn't me even if I made the joke
@HyperNeutrino Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about that
@MDXF I had mine like 2 and a half years or so
ik, just site mods.
@MDXF oh ik how to check it
Someone joking about flag abuse, followed by a flag appearing, doesn't necessarily mean the two are connected
@trichoplax it was on a message about flags
@ConorO'Brien Wear your retainer after you get them off. My brother didn't and his teeth all shifted. I wear my retainer every couple of nights
Mhm. We're not assuming it's a person (it was just a kneejerk reaction, but we don't know who).
3 mins ago, by Wheat Wizard
Also just saying fuck is not really flag worthy
@Jordan good to know
inb4 flagged again
(got one flag which was quickly redacted)
lol I was thinking the same thing @StepHen
@Jordan I was really scared that when I got my wisdom teeth out my teeth would shift so I've been wearing my retainer every night
Can we get back on-topic? Discussing flags is remarcably boring
@HyperNeutrino you can't retract chat flags I think?
We're discussing braces tho
Why are we discussing braces >.< This chat room's description should be changed to "General discussion".
If you suspect flag abuse, you can raise a mod flag on main and the PPCG mods can look into it (linking to the relevant chat message). Other than that, discussing it here is just allowing it to create noise. Let's move on, shall we?
@StepHen You got a retainer when your wisdom teeth were removed?
@Mr.Xcoder sure, how about grammar? c != k
@EriktheOutgolfer Well it disappeared right away..
@WheatWizard no, I had braces beforehand
@StepHen what if c = k = 0
@Mr.Xcoder "on-topic" means that it doesn't hide more on-topic discussion
@StepHen s/grammar/spelling/
@trichoplax The flag in question doesn't seem like a huge deal anyway, seeing as how it got retracted in 3 seconds flat. We should really just move on and flag something if it gets to be a bigger deal
and flags are definitely more on-topic than braces
@StepHen I have to get my wisdom teeth out. Was supposed to do it this summer but I put it off. My top ones are in fine, just my bottom ones are partially erupted (stuck under a bone). Do you think I can just get the bottom ones removed? lol
@HyperNeutrino c/k == c^k == c! == k!

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