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but apparently they can't do it ಠ_ಠ yet they can detect serial voting
@MDXF Example?
Probably because when the old account was nuked, the votes were completely deleted without a trace
@MDXF you haven't answered the question "will input ever be empty"
@totallyhuman Your answer is now invalid too :P
@HyperNeutrino I know close votes? still have your old id
99% of the time, there's no need to hold on to voting data after an account is nuked. You're the exception.
@totallyhuman Yes I did
Ah yes, and deletion
Should I have?
I'm blind
@Mego There's also a way to delete high-rep users without losing votes (like ais I think), and while I'm not a high-rep user, I still think they maybe should've preserved votes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@totallyhuman @Cowsquack I updated it
@MDXF I am kind of disappointed by the new revisions
I fixed them
I think every answer relied on input not being empty
@HyperNeutrino Wait what happened with ais523?
2/5ths of my score is still for one answers
@Mego He left SE
@Mego He left. He despised Se and didn't want it to affect hos love for code-golf.
@Mego He despised SE
wow ninja'd hard
Aww, that's a shame. I liked him.
Everyone liked him
but he hated us :(((
@Mr.Xcoder You can undelete your answer
@MDXF Not us, the system more so
@MDXF Why?!
Jun 28 at 15:14, by ais523
but my hatred of Stack Exchange was leaking into my love of code golf; I thought my love for code golf would make Stack Exchange more palatable, but it happened the other way round
But we all miss him and he was a great contributor to the community :(
@Mego and surrounding chat
@MDXF Oh ccooooool
@Mr.Xcoder I changed it so that you can assume never getting empty input
because just about every answer relied on it
@MDXF And the thing with uwuwuwuwuwu?
Should uwuwuwuwuwu be truthy or falsy?
Added that testcase too
Man I wish people had given feedback in the sandbox instead of just five votes
@MDXF Now I need to delete my answer again...
@Mr.Xcoder nwnwnwnwn -> falsy
@Mr.Xcoder why in the world would that be truthy?
@Mr.Xcoder Darn. I actually meant it to be this way though :/ not gonna change it this time
@StepHen Because Note that n and w together are not cartwheeling letters, and neither are w and b.
@MDXF I suggest that you have your post stay in the sandbox for much more than a day
People usually say 24 hours and this is the first time it's been a problem
24 hours is usually on the low side - I only suggest that for challenges that you really are sure are good, but just want to make sure nobody else sees anything you don't.
"I've been thinking about this and working on it for a week" -> 24 hours is probably ok. "I just came up with this idea and immediately sandboxed it" -> longer is probably better.
Yeah the ones I sandboxed this week were all the first
@Mego There's a proposal to preserve that data.
However, it is just DROPped from the table at present.
@wizzwizz4 Maybe SE can stop lying about recording feedback from unregistered users at the same time :P
@Mego No, they do record that feedback...
I lost 28 :(
I found some at some point.
I can't remember where.
It definitely exists though.
@wizzwizz4 This. It's tracked, but the message implies that the imaginary vote will get transformed into a real vote after registering and getting enough rep, which is false.
Can anyone help me fix it: lambda n:n[0]==n[-1]*all(i for i in[all(x==n[b]and x in"nuwpbm"for x in n[b::2])for b in[0,1]])
@Mego That, I think, was an intended feature at some point.
Never mind.
@totallyhuman I came up with this: lambda s:s[0]==s[-1]and any(any({*s[::2]}=={u[x]}and{*s[1::2]}=={u[x<1]}for x in[1,0])for u in['nu','mw','bp']), which is 4 bytes shorter than yours, but I noticed it is very similar. Would you allow me to post it? Posted.
Umm that'll fail for empty input
That's what I had a revision back
@totallyhuman It doesn't need to be handled anymore
> You may assume that input is never empty.
In that case, you pretty much have the same code as my older answer
@totallyhuman Do you want to revert?
all the python answers are less than 10 bytes within each other
@totallyhuman Do you want me to redelete it?
I'm reverting but that is up to you
@totallyhuman I will keep it, but I'll edit in as soon as I seek another approach
when you beat jelly by 10 bytes :P
And then Dennis comes along :P
4 upvotes to code gif silver ;-; it's taking so long
*golf >_>
Why not... You know... Go answer something?
I'm waiting for something :P
@totallyhuman Answer the challenge I posted five minutes before the nun challenge :P
That one, I cannot do on mobile lol
@totallyhuman Fixed
Done it well in 92 bytes. Haha :)
Has Leaky Nun answered the cartwheeling nun challenge?
@HyperNeutrino Nope
@HyperNeutrino ?
lol he should sometime xD
Q: Is this string a letter doing a cartwheel?

MD XFChallenge inspiration was this that I saw somewhere: The word "nun" is just the letter n doing a cartwheel Your challenge is to take a string and determine if it is the first letter doing a cartwheel. Rules A string is a letter doing a cartwheel if: The first letter is the same as the l...

@HyperNeutrino oh
@LeakyNun That lacks a Pyth answer, if you are bored and want to solve it
@Dennis how on earth does æḟ preserve powers of y but not æċ?
My first attempt in Jelly which completely failed and is way too long :P
@HyperNeutrino I wouldn't even try
@NoahCristino ಠ_ಠ did you just google fountain pen and choose most expensive one
Oh here's an (egotistic) esolang idea - the MD XF esolang, where the only error is Segmentation fault :D
Exactly :P
@MDXF I now love the way your challenge fits the set syntax in Python... It just seems amazing now
BTW I added an explanation
MD XF esolang syntax: MD XF F M X M D X X M MD XF
I'm working on XF 2, a two-dimensional tape-based lang
@MDXF Another one that goes to the languages-I-hate list on your profile?
Maybe :P
Probably above Decimal though ಠ_ಠ
It would have been cool if the downvoter would've retracted the vote...
I'd be cool if the serial voter got removed ಠ_ಠ
@MDXF True dat
@MDXF wat there's a serial voter ಠ_ಠ
@HyperNeutrino I repcapped
They voted 40 of my answers
(I'm on a PC that can actually display 'ಠ_ಠ' so I'm happy)
@Mr.Xcoder :(
RE the serial upvoter, someone could be going for
@MDXF I'm going to make an MD XF unofficial esolang... it'll be coded in Java, not C, sorry D:
You actually are? lol
ya it'll be a bit of fun
i have no idea what it will do
I created the MD XF lang interpreter
@Okx just make it transpile to BF, that's what the cool kids do
all it does rn is print Segmentation fault\n to STDERR
@StepHen no
not a trivial brainfck substitution though
I do not want any trivial Brainf**k substitution to be named after me :P
@MDXF Fine, call it MF XD
Woo, 2000 votes cast
@AdmBorkBork so it was you voting on all my posts, to get that count? ಠ_ಠ (jk :P)
@MDXF What's your name based off of?
@AdmBorkBork too bad isn't renewable
@MDXF Haha, no. >.>
and the only four characters not in my full name
I didn't know that when I came up with the name though
@StepHen Yeah, pretty sure I'd have that twice by now.
@AdmBorkBork * 3 times
Possibly, though I'm about 50-50 voting on questions vs answers.
I'm going for the Deputy silver badge
How do you guys vote so much, I'm not even halfway to electorate
and I'm getting all of them by flagging one obnoxious user's comments ಠ_ಠ
@WheatWizard How do you vote so little? :p
@AdmBorkBork electorate is 600 votes, with 25% on questions
Ah, yes, then. 3x
@Okx wanna just fork the MD XF lang repo?
@MDXF it can't be that hard to just error Segmentation Fault\n
@StepHen That's not all the langs do :P that's just the only error
woah, all the python submissions got outgolfed hard on the cartwheel challenge
Dang, how about this user ... all they've done for the past six years is vote up on things.
@Downgoat Yes I did
@Cowsquack I still question one's validity, testing it rn
I was showing how a cool fountain pen looks xD
@AdmBorkBork doesn't even have electorate :P
@AdmBorkBork Holy crap
That's really funny
that the third voter has zero earned rep
@MDXF if you go to his SO account he's hidden his PPCG account too
@StepHen He's hidden everything I think
Yeah, but they don't even have enough rep to downvote something
Yet every single day they've cast about a dozen votes
Hmm I wonder if they're just someone's sock
they've got 30k+ network rep
Oh true
Yeah that's not a sock :P
probably have a sock to answer on PPCG and not associate it with their professional account
they just don't switch over just to upvote
or maybe one of Jon Skeet's bots
What he has his PPCG profile hidden but not Code Review ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ
I now have 86 bytes
@MDXF well of course, CR is professional, PPCG is not
@MDXF I have CR hidden but not PPCG
@StepHen ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ
@StepHen citation needed
@Mr.Xcoder I have a CR that exists to give Mego rep
@wizzwizz4 0/10 use
How do you do meta tags??
@MDXF Does your language need to be turing complete?
@Okx Not all of them
I'm writing a bunch myself (over time) and not all of them will be
i mean the MD XF one
Yes I know what you mean
I mean I'm going to be writing a lot of languages titled XF <description>
Like XF One will be a good the number one golfing language, XF 2T is a two-dimensional tape-based lang, etc
^^ Citation, click on it to make it bigger (downsized it for onebox)
We're a little different from other sites
Just a little
@StepHen you JS console'd in the "nonprofessional" bit
Oh ಠ_ಠ
@Cowsquack ... never
1 message moved to Trash
for codereview
in the tour, why in the world is the python answer accepted instead of the very much shorter J answer?
The family is threatened when its individual members feud and pursue only their personal interests

It is only a matter of time before mankind, achieves that goal, unless civilization should relapse

It is a problem that will inevitably remain without solution until the process of the unification of languages has passed through time, provided that the hereditary factor loses its effect on subsequent generations through the passage of sufficient time

Later, new means of production were added to the process
@NoahCristino Wat?!
^ that's english lorem ipsum lol
@NoahCristino ?
@DJMcMayhem Sorry
@Cowsquack lmao
@NoahCristino no it's not, lorem ipsum has punctuation
not my site @StepHen
and there are multiple different kinds @StepHen
I'll give you some lorem ipsum.
You on your iOS device, open a text box, and just tap one of the three suggested words for a while.
Not just iOS, it's Android too
It's definitely in Android texting, it's guessed right a few times too
@MistahFiggins Hello!
@wizzwizz4 you're creepy for watching people join and leave
yes, leave and go
@Okx The data's there.
Where did the leaving/coming animation go?
still there
Huh I haven't noticed it for about a week
here i'll show you
I wasn't looking
you should ping
Yep you just popped in there, no animation
Did anyone else see an animation?
@totallyhuman wow
Here @totallyhuman watch
The animation is away for me too. Everyone just appears in the top left.
or maybe... It's safari's fault?
Nope, I'm on Chrome
also happens on Chromium
'cause you know the two are so different
@MDXF I'm on Safari
> Note: This topic refers to the legacy Exchange servers as the legacy Exchange servers.
Thanks, Microsoft. A+ copy editing.
In all my time as a 10k network user so far, almost all of the flags I've seen just disappeared into nowhere xD
Q: What happened to the Chat SE joining/leaving animation?

MD XFIn StackExchange chat, there used to be an animation when a user joined or left a chatroom. In the little group of favicons below the chatroom name: When a user joined, their favicon would float from the top towards that list. When they left, it would float from that list to the bottom left. ...

There was only one flag on The Bridge that stayed :P
@HyperNeutrino Jon Skeet's fingers.
Each one can handle its own flag.
Oh. My antivirus just decided that a program on my computer is malicious.
Better safe than -
How did you type that dash if you didn't know you were going to crash O_o
@HyperNeutrino That's cause chat flags are horribly designed.
@MDXF Are inconsistent Falsy values allowed?
Actually, chat moderation in general is terrible.
@Mr.Xcoder that was rather out of the blue
What are you referring to?
@MDXF your challenge.
Define 'inconsistent falsy values'
For example, it would be really useful if 1) You could suspend a user from one room, and 2) ROs had a minimal suspending ability (for the rooms they own)
@MDXF Like always 1 for truthy and 0 and False are falsy.
Oh yeah inconsistent values are OK as long as they're always falsy
@MDXF Super
actually, that might be a good question for Meta
And chat flags should be slowly rolled out. For example 1) Mods/ROs 2) 10K users who frequent or are in that room 3) 10k users from the parent site 4) network wide
That would probably be hard to implement though
@Okx Part of my chat interface is a system to post the current working message with an appended " -" if my main process is suspended, then to make a crash dump.
ah i see
makes sense
Or at least it would be, if I were a bot.
I'm not, because that would be against the moderator agreement.
Mods can't have bots??
@MDXF Can you see my Pyth solution and check if it is valid with that test suite I provided?
why has this question become a continuous series of out-golfs
Or mods can't be bots
@Mr.Xcoder looks good
(can't vote rn but if I could, +1)
jeez my solution looks sad compared to all of these
@MDXF Ok, thanks. I wasn't sure at first
@MDXF You can come back in a couple of hours or tomorrow.
@MDXF your language is coming together real nice
Oh hey apparently it's just TNB that has the floating in-and-out error
Yay :D
> Do you want to leave Trash?
yes pls
@totallyhuman Drat, drat and double drat. I thought we'd got rid of you for good! :-)
Prepare for some Meta SE people to come in here...
CHANGELOG: totallyhuman posted an answer, I outgolfed him, both the answers were invalid, totallyhuman fixed his, I deleted mine. Another answer longer than both was posted in the meanwhile. I came up with a good approach, outgolfed both. Then another answer appeared that outgolfed us, I outgolfed that answer. In the end, vaultah appeared and outgolfed all of us.
@Mr.Xcoder nice, but s/use/us/
but the regex langs are totally wrecking that challenge
yeah 'cause regex is witchcraft
@HyperNeutrino Fixed.
@HyperNeutrino why do you leave out the ending / ಠ_ಠ
@Cowsquack lol idk
WRONG regex is wizardry
@MDXF ninja'd :P
Apparently I am "Heur.AdvML.C."
Now we are waiting for Dennis to outgolf us all, again!
Does that mean "Machine Learning, written in C, that advertises too much in chat"?
Oh, I love this community so much!
o0 how'd you get that
i'm looking at an answer of mine from 2 days ago
and i'm wondering why in the heck did I not automate it
@Mr.Xcoder o/
i had a fancy table
and it's 5 rows long
Wow there are apparently 4 messages per millisecond to Chat SE
A: Is it an Ordered Word?

totallyhumanPython 2, 164 148 132 77 bytes -16 bytes thanks to Rod's suggestion elsewhere. A frickin' -55 bytes thanks to Arnold Palmer. n=[min(int((ord(i)-58)/3.13),9)for i in input()] print sorted(n)in[n,n[::-1]] Try it online! Input must be uppercase. Outputs True or False based on its orderedness....

it's 5 rows long and i did it manually /o_o
Yep, this one I was talking about too
@totallyhuman <s>164</s> 77 Lol
yeah Arnold palmer's suggestion was really cool
@Mr.Xcoder You beat me by 2 bytes on the cartwheel challenge :(
also i discovered a nice way of doing multiple inputs for code that takes it from STDIN
in python
code = r"""

    while True:
        exec code
except EOFError:
@Mr.Xcoder On your Python answer, use n==n[::-1] instead of n[0]==n[-1].
How does one filter out closed questions?
@WheatWizard closed:no
that's only in search though
oh right
@totallyhuman or try: while(i=input()) (I think)
a=b doesn't return the result
Invalid Syntax

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