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@HyperNeutrino really? why does a=b=1 work then
For functions, it acts as a keyword argument. Otherwise, it's invalid syntax
@StepHen That's a special case
I don't exactly know how it works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@HyperNeutrino b=1, then a=(b=1) and b=1 == 1
can't you do a,b == 1
oh it must've been because I was using undefined variables then
@NoahCristino no
It has to unpack the right side then
what language?
so a,b=1,2 works for a=1;b=2 (no golfing advantage)
@NoahCristino python
@NoahCristino plus you have == instead of =
I thought that
is valid
@HyperNeutrino it's doesn't work in as a condition, wonder why
@NoahCristino a=b=1
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable
or a,b=1,2
for a,b=1
@NoahCristino because a,b,...,c,d = ? will unpack the right side
I just got here
@HyperNeutrino a,b = 1 gets the first two items from 1, but 1 isn't an iterable
idk what your talking about
@StepHen yes
Not just the first two. If you do a,b=1,2,3 it will also give errors
@NoahCristino a = [1,2] makes a list
then b,c = a would get the list and put 1 in b and 2 in c
> Note that in Python, unlike C, assignment cannot occur inside expressions. C programmers may grumble about this, but it avoids a common class of problems encountered in C programs: typing = in an expression when == was intended.
golfers against simplicity unite
I know tons of languages
I mix things up
@StepHen I have never once encountered this problem I call BS
@Downgoat is your code perfect? :P
@Downgoat I encountered it all the time when I was learning. However, if I hadn't learned Visual Basic first, I probably wouldn't have. In Visual Basic, = is both assignment and comparison.
you can do
@totallyhuman I am on PPCG so you know the answer:P
@NoahCristino yup that's what I just said :P
@NoahCristino (1,2) is an iterable, a,b = (1,2) unpacks the iterable
Could somebody join and leave The BBS to test the CSS?
imo assignment in loop conditions is an invaluable feature that should be sacrificed because new programmer didn't read docs
@Downgoat I remember looking at a classmate's Java code and he was having a bug
His bug was because his condition was if (val = true)
Huh. The animation is gone in TNB.
@HyperNeutrino that's what the meta post is about, right?
Have any significant changes happened to TNB in the past bit?
@StepHen yes :P
@StepHen I can also cause bugs by typing 11 instead of 1 but that doesn't mean we disallow all two digit numbers
that's not the point
@Downgoat I'm not saying don't allow it, I'm saying don't teach programmers to be stupid
@Downgoat why you would ever include == true in any condition is beyond me
@MDXF It ended up a bit too much like brainfuck... any suggestions? gist.github.com/okx-code/da1b356b7c2aa2125195c3183b4233cd
@totallyhuman it's not his point it's my point :P
At least in Java
> Segmention Fault
@HyperNeutrino jeez
gtg now o/
i think everybody over 10k gets golfing super powers
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

CzarMattCardinal Code code-golf You're in charge of making a compass, of sorts, where your source code shall be the "needle". You report cardinal directions based on the orientation that your code was ran. Supported directions are N, E, S, W, for North, East, South, and West respectively. Rotating yo...

@totallyhuman no, you need super golfing powers to get 10k
Unless your name is Helka Homba
brb changing my name
Anyone using a non-Windows OS?
No but I have a VM
hahahahahaHhahA windows
Well if anyone's using non-Windows, pls check this out and add info
A: What happened to the Chat SE joining/leaving animation?

wizzwizz4People seem to encounter this issue using: Firefox 54.0.1 on Windows x86_64 in The Nineteenth Byte. Chrome 59.0.3071.115 on Windows x86_64 in The Nineteenth Byte. Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.18737 on Windows x86_64 in The Nineteenth Byte. People seem to not encounter this issue using: Chro...

@MDXF yes
@Downgoat ^^
i still have animation
totallyhuman just floated in
i'm using windows rn though
i didn't ;-;
..turned off the PPCG graduation script and okx glided in with the regular animation
that might be it
I don't have it on
@MDXF Oh, sweet ... do we get to add this as another in the list of bugs that PPCG has discovered?
okx floated in
@Mr.Xcoder APL (non-competing?), score 0: ×\⍳
i just float in when i turned the grad script off
Is this a question? It seems to be to me but I'm not sure
@MDXF hmm.. well disabling if fixed it for me
it's the grad script and se are probably not going to care
my conclusion
@Okx I don't have it on and nobody floats in for me
@Okx os/browser/version?
super weird
same as pretty much everyone else chrome windows
windows is still a joke btw
I believe it's working fine for me (Chrome, Windows)
only some of the time though, floating in is a lot less consistent than floating out
i'm using... edge (gah) on windows rn
Oh wait I got and confused
It is most certainly underhanded
@HyperNeutrino ? Why?
@totallyhuman and you're still alive???
@Mr.Xcoder it's golfier?
@MDXF on the edge
aw yiss I'm top HNQ
no onebox: click here
Oh yeah, sorry
I'm also ~75th on HNQ
looks like we failed in our mission to not star messages >_>
ah well
maybe we can stop starring at 50k
@Okx don't, stop, me now... I'm having a good time, having a good time,
Guys look at my SO rep curve
it's hilarious
what did you lose rep for?
I bounty every exceptional answer that helps me 'cause I don't care about my SO rep
I know there was this guy on SO who gave a 500 rep bounty to every single question he asked and his rep went up and down etc
@MDXF lucky you, you have enough to do that
@StepHen Want some? :P link a really good answer in C (or in a non-language) and I'll see lol
@MDXF you got all your rep from a question :P
but I don't spend any time on SO so that's mostly why
Nah only 1.5k :P
Once I have a year of college under my belt I'll be better off
visited 283 days, 5 consecutive about 150 of those, and the 5 consecutive, are accidental
wut my SO rep is 3.5k my PPCG rep is 5.3k :o
I was informed that my college laptop will come with Mathematica
guess I better start learning it so I can get a head start
built in all the things
@totallyhuman more like, make Calc classes easy
well as long as mathematica shows you how it gets to the result
i'm really yearning for wolfram alpha pro because it has step by step solutions
@totallyhuman what I mean it I get a license and it installed on my laptop and everything
@StepHen no like when you put in a problem it shows you step by step how it got to a solution
@totallyhuman I know what you mean, I'll get the desktop version, which I believe is better than Wolfram Alpha Pro
I think
Uh symbolab is for working
Not Wolfram
@ASCII-only is symbolab a white/brown/black dog which is good with Greek letters?
i yet again request for a js wizard to put a validity checker here
@Downgoat Cerberus / Labrador hybrid
@Downgoat yes essentially
@ASCII-only :O
@totallyhuman on mobile RN can't do it for another hour
I just chopped an onion for the first time in my life
don't cry
I don't get how people are affected so much by onions?????
@HyperNeutrino people =/= neutrino...
It affects people differently, and it depends on the onion.
that's a fiddle though
now you just have to make it do stack stuff :P
a snippet would be better
you know how to do right?
@AdmBorkBork I think it was the kind that causes torture less
@Downgoat lol that's true
Generally speaking, round white onions are the "strongest", while a yellow or red onion, especially one that's more "squished" is going to be weaker
@totallyhuman validity checker for what
Programming Puzzles and Food Talk
@Downgoat there's a link in that message :P
I think it was a somewhat squished yellow onion :P
@totallyhuman Validity meaning no illegal characters in the first code block?
By the way, there's nothing in the moderator agreement prohibiting moderators from being bots. I was mistaken.
@trichoplax yeah
@totallyhuman so you want to validate if valid link?
@totallyhuman The code for Red vs Blue - Pixel Team Battlebots already has code that reads the first code block from every answer into a variable. The next step (checking if any of a list of illegal characters appears) should be trivial, if someone wants to do that.
@MDXF I must be blind for not noticing that p != q lol. thanks
@StepHen Why did you vote to leave this open? I'm not trying to harass you our anything, I'm just curious.
@feersum I can confirm, this works as is.
@HyperNeutrino Wasn't you, I edited literally every answer
ecks dee (lol)
I had an error in the spec
For some reason I thought that p was b rotated 180 degrees
oh it was the question spec lol
so I'm not blind \o/
Like I said. I had to edit every answer
i was wondering why it was edited then i realized you edited every single answer
@totallyhuman Does nobody read the edit messages :P
@MDXF deleted
@HyperNeutrino :D
@MDXF no edit message for me
Highly downvoted, trash, closed posts are no use to the site
@totallyhuman Whoops
> added 1 character to the body
yes very informative
yes very .... oops sorry
lol s'ok
i mean the fact that you went and edited every single answer and the tio link...
i would've just stuck a comment on all of 'em lol
Meh. I didn't wanna annoy everybody and leave a comment saying "i dun goofed now you have to waste ur time pls and thank u :D"
41 mins ago, by totallyhuman
@MDXF on the edge
TIL None is singular.
nobody got my joke ;-;
@wizzwizz4 wat
"none of them are"
that sounds right
@totallyhuman I got it, I just wasn't in the room at the time :P
@totallyhuman "not one of them is happy"
None == no'ne
>>> type(None)() == type(None)()
<<< True
@HyperNeutrino That's because None is a singleton.
Oh I thought you were talking about Python None being singular as in a singleton
Singular and singleton are similar words, providing more credibility to the singularity of none.
@HyperNeutrino No. But it's a good argument.
I fixed MaybeLater demanding a semicolon after everything but not erroring if one isn't provided.
@WheatWizard I saw New challenges of the type previously posted under this tag are not welcome. and it didn't say anything about old so I left it
Which part of that upsets you?
@totallyhuman ha I have more meta silvers than you
@totallyhuman whoa, user oneboxing is a thing?
@MDXF flairs
Sandbox if you want to experiment.
@HyperNeutrino These are slightly different to the flairs.
@HyperNeutrino Flairs are a different thing. Not sure if they work in here too
The flairs are only one image.
@wizzwizz4 I just didn't want to leave an ugly onebox behind
The flairs work in here. They're just images.
oh hm. nvm then
@StepHen That was a good idea. Besides, I was speaking generally to remind people.
> Some links will be automatically inlined if posted on a single line by themselves, such as:
> Stack Exchange questions, answers, and users
@StepHen I see. The meta does say that old questions of the type should be closed as well. But I'm not going to tell you how to vote.
@WheatWizard oh, didn't know that, it's not in the tag wiki that I saw when I hovered, thanks
I thought as much but I wasn't sure
Or don't, that works too
@MDXF why waste our time on that, except to get badges? we'll miss any challenges from new users who don't know what's going on - best bet would be to ask SE to automate it
No we won't miss new challenges, there's still the Newest Questions page
And it'll only take an hour or two if we get twenty or so people on it
@MDXF removing the same text from hundreds of posts screams automation
That's true
how would we ask SE to automate it?
How they replaced http with https
maybe relevant answer from Jeff Atwood about automating away ~half a million greetings
Hopefully no one will create a language called Salutations! in which all the keywords are greetings. It would make for an interesting "Hello world" application... ;) — TrueWill Sep 10 '11 at 19:46
Who wants to make this?
Oh, now I do, lol
but I'm already in the middle of like four langs
So that's what's breaking my Lolcode-related questions :( — toniedzwiedz Aug 8 '12 at 15:20
Q: Remove noncompeting status from all submissions

MD XFAs per Let's allow newer languages/versions for older challenges, we no longer need to mark answers that utilize languages created after the challenge as noncompeting. However, there are still 917 + 207 = 1124 answers with that word in the body or header. I think they should be removed as they a...

Q: Is it OK to post restricted challenges where only some people may participate?

Simon ForsbergRecently a Friendly Challenge was posted on Code Review Meta where PPCG challenged Code Review. The post on Code Review Meta says: I am planning on hosting a King of the Hill challenge Programming Puzzles and Code Golf VS. Code Review. This challenge got me thinking: Is it okay to post a c...

Hmm... Working for me.
See ya later folks. None of you will see me leave :P
2 more hours until I can waste use all tomorrow's votes on the answers to my challenge...
@MDXF My electorate % progress gets killed every time I post a challenge
@Zizouz212 I did see you leave.
@StepHen I quit trying because the ratio of answers to questions on this site is like 20:1
We have a winner!
@Zizouz212 ...of?
Being attentive? I don't know...
@ProgramFOX @StepHen @EriktheOutgolfer we should reconsider the deletion this submission submission, since we allow also for many more non-programming-language-submissions like html+css, svg, image magick
Multi line markdown doesn't exist here
@MDXF random question: why is your username MD XF does it mean something or did you just like fall asleep on keyboard when creating SE account
Is the exception to our rules on programming languages because this is a challenge?
@flawr tikz is Turing complete by the way,
@trichoplax We allow non languages on everything
@WheatWizard I must have missed the meta post
@WheatWizard well tikz is a package of latex, so I do not think it does make a lot of sense to use it without the context of latex, which obviously is turing complete
@trichoplax I don't know whether there are exceptions, but I think this deletion is not justified, even more so considering there are a bunch of other submissions that happily get upvoted but could be deleted with the same reasoning.
@WheatWizard could you provide a link to that?
Yeah I'm trying to find it rn
Q: Do submissions have to be answered with a programming language?

Nathan MerrillWe've got various answers strewn across meta that tell different stories: On the standard loopholes, we disallow answers that aren't programming languages. This appears to be the most definitive answer of the lot. It has a vote count of 16/-8. However, on a question that asks "Should answers ...

@ProgramFOX @StepHen @EriktheOutgolfer consider this ^
oh it is so late again, cu guys.
@ppperry Thanks - I just managed to track that down and came here to post it
@flawr when I deleted it the code was Ctrl C Ctrl V
I dunno what that counts as but I didn't get it
@flawr Now that I know about the meta consensus, I've cast the final vote to undelete
It looks a lot better now, I would have voted to undelete if it wasn't already
@HyperNeutrino my "language" is really weird. This is the debug output for this program when run with input "Step Hen"
@Downgoat I thought it up randomly, then ten months later I realized that it was the only four letters not in my full name
@MDXF let's all guess your middle name
@StepHen Three middle names
Aaron Ryan Klingler are the names I'm willing to share with ... anyone
I haven't even told my employer the other middle two
@MDXF You have two middle names that combined are like 6 letters?
@StepHen No, where do you get that from?
@MDXF that fact that I'm an idiot
and you can use letters multiple times in a name
Yeah :P
OK, I have a screwed up language that, when used non-trivially, creates very hard to predict output. How can I use it?
Q: Will Mario fall into the Shrinking Satellite?

darrylyeoSuper Mario Galaxy features two rhombicuboctahedron-shaped* planets tiled with platforms that shrink as Mario runs across. Should Mario fall into a triangular hole or a gap left by a tile he previously touched, he will be consumed by the black hole at the core. (Watch: Hurry-Scurry Galaxy, Sea Sl...

@StepHen As the topic of a tough challenge?
@trichoplax hm. I could also change the language to not allow presetting the tape... that might make it not possible to hardcode stuff
@trichoplax and then make it a challenge, once hard coding is removed
What's the problem with hardcoding?
@trichoplax if you do anything except hardcoding, the output is very unexpected/hard to predict
I mean hardcoding the output of the language into the source
Like, Hello, World! vs something that generates that
So if your challenge requires taking input, then hardcoding won't help?
@trichoplax correct
any symbol representing unicode?
in unicode
@ASCII-only question mark, or in unicode, the black diamond question mark, or a box
What have you done with the real ASCII-only??
@StepHen +1 good idea tyvm
@trichoplax sorry it is for the greater good of golfy ascii art
@ASCII-only Fair enough :P
@StepHen :| is there an actual black diamond character
@ASCII-only yes
> U+FFFD � REPLACEMENT CHARACTER used to replace an unknown, unrecognized or unrepresentable character
@StepHen It's lost on me...
@trichoplax I know, but just change the input a little and see the output difference
@StepHen Ah. I see
So it's like Malbolge?
@trichoplax I still don't even know how to use it
@trichoplax I guess, but not quite so complicated, and it's not mandatory to do wonky stuff, although I'm considering removing the ability to hardcode
@trichoplax Thanks for this convo - it's helped me solidify my thoughts
@StepHen I'm glad it helped, although I can't pretend to understand what's going on :)
@trichoplax I'll get back to you once I remove the ability to hardcode Hello, World! and then figure out how to do it for real :P
@StepHen I'll take a 6 month holiday :P
TIL PHP is case insensitive for functions but case sensitive for variables
I don't know why you esolang writers do things like this
Q: Find the Interwoven Source Codes (Cops)

ArcturusThis is the cops' thread. For the robbers' thread, go here. Introduction For this Cops/Robbers challenge, the cops will write output-producing programs and interweave them together. It is the robber's job to pick apart the cops' programs to produce the desired outputs. Cop rules The cops may ...

@ppperry yes, that is perfect
thank you so much
now I have to figure out how my language works
unfortunately, old cops-and-robbers questions don't get much attention
@ppperry if I put 10 different answers on it maybe someone will care about my lang :P
unless it's too crappy convoluted to understand
and then you get a free safe answer
actually, once I remove hardcoding, anything that maps output -> program would be next to impossible to crack

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