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@AdmBorkBork I'd doubt you could because not all the .NET languages support all the same features.
Is random.Next((x = something) * w, ++x * w) the same as random.Next(x = something * w, x + w)?
@WheatWizard Ah okay. Thanks for your help though. Hopefully this interpretation will give me some hints on how to get this done :)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MegoPPCG Handwriting OCR code-challenge test-battery (insert logo here once I make it) Given an image consisting of handwritten text, output the text that is written. The image of the handwritten text will be generated by taking characters from one or more handwriting samples given by PPCG users. ...

I'm still rather suspicious because the OEIS goes out of its way to create a very strange definition of the number.
@WheatWizard where?
I don't like most OEIS descriptions. They're rather unclear and you can only understand them if you already know what the math means :P
@LeakyNun OEIS 236
@HyperNeutrino I think this one is very clear.
It's certainly concise.
> Table of n, a(n) for n=1..0.
Very much so. It makes so much sense just from a first glance. :P
Er, that isn't an actual sequence.
What exactly does n=1..0 mean?
[1, 0]
Also, what would have happened if somebody had posted a zero bytes answer in that challenge when you had to compute the all-zero sequence
@HyperNeutrino .. in my experience means a sequence
(outputting by exit code)
@HyperNeutrino 1..n as in 1,2,3, ... ,n-1,n
@StepHen It means its empty
@WheatWizard no, I mean what does that mean in mathematical terms
does it even mean anything
The empty set
[1,0] = ø
mkay, nice to know, thanks
lol 40% of my questions on math.SE are "Explanation of OEIS:A-something"
whee i'm done with sequences and series in math
@HyperNeutrino "Translate this short math blurb that seems complicated to English"
@HyperNeutrino 100% of my answers on math.SE are explain the OEIS:A-something ;)
@WheatWizard xD :P
@WheatWizard False
A: Finding ideal fluid flow with a boundary

Epsilon Neighborhood WatchOk, I figured it out, so heres an answer for anyone confused like me in the future (probably still me). $F'(z)$ is the derivative with respects to $z$ so the velocity is $\overline{F'(z)} = 2\bar{z}$. This fits our constraint. Essentially when asked to find the fluid flow of a potential with a...

ninja'd >.<
Oh actually 50%, I forgot I answered something before
@HyperNeutrino ha
double ninja'd
@WheatWizard it was your own question too
Yeah I asked the question and then I figured out the answer later.
!!! I found the creator of the sequence on Math.SE???
@WheatWizard but that message is not extranious
Sheesh I need to somehow get that user to answer my question about A000236
I could tweet the guy or email him... lol
@HyperNeutrino creator of which sequence?
But WW's (or ENW's) explanation is already enough for me to understand the sequence :P
Now it's just a matter of not needing to check all prime numbers :P
['apparent_encoding', 'close', 'content', 'is_permanent_redirect', 'is_redirect', 'iter_content', 'iter_lines', 'json', 'links', 'next', 'ok', 'raise_for_status', 'text']
which of those should be implemented in intrnt
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

GryphonStacking Boards code-golf ascii-art Disclaimer: The story told within this question is entirely fictional, and invented solely for the purpose of providing an intro. I have a bunch of boards I need to stack in as small a space as possible. Unfortunately, the boards fall over if I stack t...

@totallyhuman ['content', 'is_redirect', 'is_permanent_redirect', 'json', 'text', 'apparent_encoding']
Isn't there status_code too?
@HyperNeutrino Well, you know that A(n) >= 2^n - 1, and thus can use that as a limit.
not showing up for some reason
hang on
>>> requests.get('https://google.com')
<Response [200]>
>>> dir(_)
['__attrs__', '__bool__', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__enter__', '__eq__', '__exit__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getstate__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__nonzero__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setstate__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_content', '_content_consumed', '_next', 'apparent_encoding', 'close', 'connection', 'content', 
much better
ok so far i have text, json, status_code
['apparent_encoding', 'connection', 'content', 'cookies', 'elapsed', 'encoding', 'headers', 'history', 'is_permanent_redirect', 'is_redirect', 'json', 'links', 'raw', 'reason', 'status_code', 'text', 'url']
idk what some of these even do lol
time to explore
same xD they just sound useful
Q: Efficient Robot Movement

Gryphon Disclaimer: The story told within this question is entirely fictional, and invented solely for the purpose of providing an intro. My boss has gotten a new toy robot, and he wants me to help program it. He wants to be able to enter simple arrow instructions to get it to move. These instru...

Q: Swap the Sequence

Wheat WizardYour task is to write some code that outputs an OEIS sequence, and contains the name of the sequence in the code (A______). Easy enough right? Well here's the catch, your code must also output a second separate sequence when the name of the sequence in the code is changed to the name of the sec...

liek what is reason? o0
reason for existence?
Also o.0 the I Am Typing userscript was saying "Business Cat and Business Cat are typing" :o
>>> google = requests.get('https://google.com')
>>> google.reason
to the documentation!
@totallyhuman reason is the text version of the response code
So if status_code is 404, reason is Not Found
that'll be a built-in i guess
what's the difference between apparent_encoding and encoding
and don't say apparent_ :P
How about ![http.cat] builtin
@totallyhuman 9 characters
@HyperNeutrino ಠ_ಠ
Hey, my link does nothing when I click on it.
@totallyhuman apparent_encoding is what Python thinks the encoding is. encoding is what the response says the encoding is.
@feersum yes that's why i was wondering what it's supposed to be
It's supposed to be http.cat.
...who cares what python thinks :P
apparent_encoding uses the chardet library to try to detect the encoding of the response, because sometimes the response lies.
oh wow that's a lot of cats
>>> google.headers
{'Content-Encoding': 'gzip', 'X-XSS-Protection': '1; mode=block', 'P3P': 'CP="This is not a P3P policy! See google.com/support/accounts/answer/151657?hl=en for more info."', 'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked', 'Set-Cookie': 'NID=109=SYWMrFDIXrb38ds9Cy5wPNX8bicLOhHCGLWK6lRe1JxEU_-Qh5R0_SqcpUOZFGGEYPPAOkEjSSnjOUC1U4dr8te_X-_pe8xaBsseod2dM2TFWPmo9CoA8MX5vQ02xyRl; expires=Thu, 01-Feb-2018 16:22:58 GMT; path=/; domain=.google.com; HttpOnly', 'X-Frame-Options': 'SAMEORIGIN', 'Alt-Svc': 'quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="39,38,37,36,35"', 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=IS
that's... a lot of info
@WheatWizard does it have to contain the full, exact name, as is on OEIS?
@AdmBorkBork Well, I want the first capture group, so $matches[1] would work. This is the answer in question
@WheatWizard or can I just change a number somewhere, without the leading zeroes
Has to be the full name
@WheatWizard ok, can it be in the format 000001A, since A doesn't change?
why did I make my OEIS builtin golfy
because golfing is the point of your language?
@totallyhuman well not really
I found a picture of @Mego IRL:
my OEISs are O####A<input>)
user image
and that is the 25000th starred message :D
@DJMcMayhem quick make the image smaller in 3 minutes so you can have a smaller onebox
@totallyhuman Wait really? :O
@StepHen nawh it's fine
how do you tell?
> show all 25000
I feel like I should have prepared a speech or something
Proof for future log gazers:
"We've made it to the moon 25000, now onto mars 75000!"
Quick, nobody ever star anything again!
freezes and deletes room
@StepHen That's not really proof, given f12 is at thing
@Phoenix shhh
@DJMcMayhem ._.
we are currently at 71.1 stars, it's time to reach 75 000
The Bridge has 50521.
Look at our stars guys:
i called dibs though ;-;
@totallyhuman So, about you trying to get the 25k'th starred message... xD
@StepHen It's over 9000! (*10 million)
while y'all continue to talk about stars, anybody know what requests.Response.history is supposed to be?
i don't get the docs
@Cowsquack How do you know?
Oh wait, I see
@DJMcMayhem how do you know?
how many stars do you get a day again?
@StepHen 20 i think
everybody go star 20 old messages (don't)
@ConorO'Brien I think you've got the right flow. You can use iwr instead of Invoke-WebRequest, drop the -URI, and use ? instead of Where
aha i found what history is
someone should ban me from making languages lol. even if I don't make any more I've already made more than I should've :P
Have you actually finished any of them?
@DJMcMayhem Just because I live in Texas doesn't mean I'm going to brandish a firearm :P
finish is a relative term
finnish OTOH is not
@BusinessCat As finished as Python.
@BusinessCat Not any of the legit attempts
@HyperNeutrino have any of them actually turned into something useful yet?
Not really...
The ones I've made: Binario [Java] (Useless), PostL [Java] (Useless), Anyfix [Python] (Really hard to use; just Jelly with less builtins and less golfability), Ceres [Python] (WIP), SmallF--k/EnglishF--k [Python] (Brainf--k therefore impossible to use :P)
OK, can I get some help here with the OEIS stuff?
A# in cQuents is input * #
how can I use that to my advantage?
``|`res`|Push the text version of the status code encountered on connecting to `res`
``|`res`|Push the amount of time elapsed between sending the request and the arrival of the response for `res` in seconds
``|`res`|Push the headers of `res` as a dict
``|`res`|Push the encoding of `res`'s text
can i get characters please?
@totallyhuman it's golfed, empty string does all of the above
@AdmBorkBork thanks! 23 bytes saved :D
@StepHen ಠ_ಠ
Lol, I have more bronze badges than Erik does :)
@Mr.Xcoder prolly all "Nice Question"
@StepHen Prolly, yeah
@ConorO'Brien Are there other classes? Could you do a $_.class-like'user*' instead?
i'm 7 rep away from code-golf silver
@totallyhuman What?! Bravo!
@totallyhuman you mean 7 score?
@AdmBorkBork I know there are other user classes, but I can check if I can use a more restricted like statement
@totallyhuman I need 44 more
score, rep, upvotes; potato, potato
@totallyhuman 1 score == 1 upvote == 10 rep, big difference :P
I need 361 more for gold ;_;
I post a ton of cQuents answers that no one upvotes, so I need another big Taxi answer to get badges any time soon
i need to make good challenges though
all of mine are kinda meh
@totallyhuman challenges don't affect tag badges
i still want to make more though
Q: Reverse ASCII character map

MD XFIn Map inputted ASCII characters, I asked you to .. map inputted ASCII characters. This time, you will do the opposite, by immediately mapping all ASCII characters, and then mapping spaces over them. This program will have practical uses, such as seeing what characters you have left in a restric...

Q: Is this string a letter cartwheeling?

MD XFChallenge inspiration was this that I saw somewhere: The word "nun" is just the letter n doing a cartwheel Your challenge is to take a string and determine if it is the first letter doing a cartwheel. Rules A string is a letter doing a cartwheel if: The first letter is the same as the l...

@AdmBorkBork saved another 5 bytes with -like"user-c*"!
@MDXF Take it easy, 2 challenges in 5 mins?!
@ConorO'Brien sweet
@Mr.Xcoder he doesn't care about Socratic I guess
@ConorO'Brien You can get rid of the parens and use "codegolf.stackexchange.com/u/$args" to save a few more
thanks again!
That works because $args is an array and stringifying an array puts spaces between elements, but with only one element you get just that.
ohh cool
I think that's about it without changing approaches, but I'm not sure any other approach will be shorter.
PSA: pls put your test cases in a better format (comma/space delimited) at the bottom, especially if you have a lot of them
Yeah, it's very useful if you're going to range right away -- 1.."$args" vs 1..$args[0] saves a byte
maybe scraping the html directly would be shorter
how can I map multiples of 4 and 7 to 0 and 1
with + - * / %
as golfy as possible
@ConorO'Brien Yeah, possibly.
@StepHen n/5 if it's integer division
@StepHen Are they integers?
@wizzwizz4 yes
Please review rewrite. I want to vote reopen question, until author changed it codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/137054/…
@StepHen Oh, wait. I thought exponentiation was in there. My way won't work.
@StepHen what about 4*7
@wizzwizz4 oh exponent is there too
I need to map multiples of 4 to 0, and multiples of 7 to 1
the tag should really be renamed to or something similar. It's misused way too much.
or just add it to and make printable ASCIi what people use it for
@StepHen (-1)^(a%b) is your friend.
@wizzwizz4 that the golfiest possible?
@ConorO'Brien oohh yes
@StepHen You can map values -1 and 1 to 0 and 1 with f(x)=>((x+1)/2)
@Mr.Xcoder Well when I wasn't active on PPCG I still got lots of challenge ideas. I had written them all down on a sticky note and now I'm posting them. I've still got about 15 ideas up my sleeve >:D
Then you can multiply them.
@ConorO'Brien Only sometimes.
oh right :(
Some engines will collapse with 0**0.
Umm I'm getting serial voted
I think this won't work
@wizzwizz4 works with most sane languages adhering to floating point standard
@StepHen That's a shame.
or I'm thinking it wrong
Multiples of 28.
Someone is upvoting literally all of my answers
yeah that's what I was thinking
@MDXF I'm not a PPCG mod.
However, I do know that it will be reversed soon.
I know I'm just sorta ... complaining 'cause I hate having to inevitably lose 200 rep
It will very likely get reversed
If it doesn't I'll ping Dennis
There was no need for someone to upvote my ;# transpiler for no reason >.<
@MDXF The reversing is negation. The rep capping will fix itself next recalc, meaning you get back legitimate reputation the reversion accidentally took.
any way i can shorten for i in['nu','mw','bp']?
Ah ok
If this user keeps up I'm gonna get the gold badge o_o
Oh actually no I don't have enough answers for that
never mind guys nothing's happening
:39184598 yeah that was a good idea (deleting that comment)
all is well in the universe
3 hours ago, by wizzwizz4
There's no way to detect a user that spams using only non-dictionary words.
I posted it earlier, and that's too long ago to delete. :-p
@wizzwizz4 oh no, whatever will we do when the spammers find out
@wizzwizz4 Also got starred :/
@StepHen If only there was something like Smoke Detector.
@MDXF #contextiskey
Or even the Community automated flags.
Ugh now I'm not getting rep from my challenges
@wizzwizz4 Um no you're a moderator lol
@ConorO'Brien actually I'm dumb, it only need to work for 4 and 7, not multiples
can't you delete like anything at any time?
so your integer division worked, thanks :)
@HyperNeutrino That would be mod abuse.
Unless it was important to delete, but then I shouldn't have posted it in the first place.
@HyperNeutrino didn't all your votes get reversed when your account was nuked?
@MDXF only from the last 60 days
otherwise Dennis would have lost like 5k rep xD
(not literally)
Ohh ok. I was confused as to how I'd only lost 70 rep from you getting deleted :P
@HyperNeutrino Wait... what?
Your account was deleted!?
Yeah he created his SO account when he was under 13 IIRC
@wizzwizz4 once upon a time a couple months ago
@StepHen awesome!
@ConorO'Brien and... it actually didn't because I'm an idiot
I'm really an idiot
@MDXF If the account was technically his parents', it shouldn't matter.
oh wait I can fix it
It was mine though lol
So long as the personal data that SO had belonged to adults.
@HyperNeutrino if you are underage when you create an account it is illegal for them to provide you an account, at least under US laws
@HyperNeutrino I know it's no use now, but you could've removed all of your personal information from it, changed the OpenID registered to your parents', then the OpenID would be the only thing to be nuked.
@StepHen But doesn't the OpenID count as the account, as the thing that stores the personal data?
@HyperNeutrino Did the questions and answers remain?
@ConorO'Brien and I'm triply an idiot, I forgot what I thought of that fixed it
@ConorO'Brien it works
good to know >.>
@wizzwizz4 Yes, but I had to get them reattributed
@wizzwizz4 Actually, the reason they thought I was underaged (even though I was almost 15 at the time) was because I hastily nuked my PII
@HyperNeutrino Oh, good. So they're reattributed and everything's fine now?
I was an SO contributor from a <13 age.
I didn't have an account when I first started doing so, though.
Almost entirely because of the 13 age limit.
Q: Be My Navigator

QuelklefOh no, I am lost on the way to finding the great treasures of Marakov! And all I have are these useless instructions that look like S10R10D30... I have no idea what they mean! Can you help me? Challenge Given directions consisting of N E S W U D L R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0, output how far I will be...

@MDXF Answer the questions on Main, please
I just edited typos and glaring mistakes. I wasn't a very good programmer back then.
@ConorO'Brien I kept forgetting the bit was only called if the input was 1
@wizzwizz4 yup. Deleted posts weren't transferred ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but I didn't lose anything :P I even probably got a few sympathy votes >.<
@HyperNeutrino all you did was put everybody on PPCG's rep graph down :P
yup :( :P
I didn't lose anything, but the whole network did :P
@Mr.Xcoder I think that testcase should result in false
@Cowsquack Why?!
but Idk, I'm waiting for the OP's response
because u and w are not a cartwheeling pair
@HyperNeutrino if you're still interested in that cipher I did I put the programs on CR
@HyperNeutrino Sympathy votes are completely against the whole point of voting.
@wizzwizz4 Yeah. I hope I didn't, but I capped like the second day I came back so idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ then again I did cap like 3 times last week
@StepHen yay nice
@Cowsquack Pair? Wait, have I misunderstood?
2 mins ago, by Cows quack
but Idk, I'm waiting for the OP's response
Any way I can shorten for i in['nu','mw','bp']
for i in'nu mw bp'.split()
no I think that's longer
for i in'nu','mw','bp'
@HyperNeutrino that breaks when I try something like that, but I always try it in conditions so I dunno
if s in "test","test1"
@HyperNeutrino You lost all your posts
doesn't work iirc
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ a,b seems to form a tuple in most cases. It works for me (Python 3.4.3)
when they get votes you don't get the rep
That depends on context
@MDXF false
It doesn't work a lot of times
Oh really??
SE just changed every action with the owner 42649 to the owner 68942
@HyperNeutrino then why did we lose rep
@HyperNeutrino so votes aren't actions?
then how come all your edits and posts show up as user42649 or whatever it is?
votes apparently can't be reattributed
I bugged SE about it asking them to put all the votes back into the system

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