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I just realized I can literally divide it into parts >_>
Isn't 1 // num 0
@totallyhuman ????
@ASCII-only and...what about num == 1?
Split it into num chunks
@EriktheOutgolfer wellbalways 0 for integers > 1
Anyways it was probably flawed anyways
So it's now changing :P
Pytek calls that chunking
I'd write a list division example in Charcoal but too hard on mobile
@Cowsquack So kind of like single use functions then?
@LeakyNun MaybeLater
It's wip
@Cowsquack Also +1 to calling it a garden. Alternative: Field.
no, it's not going to be single-use
(if I understand what you mean)
@ATaco and the source language?
@LeakyNun JS
@Cowsquack you mean a veggie patch in a garden
@feersum not sure, I'm in bed now
the cells on the sheet (aka garden) would be veggie patches, I suppose
2.5 k on SO :()
(Without being active for 2 months :D)
is oeis down for everyone or just me?
@LeakyNun Oeis is down completely for me too
OEIS is down - panic
I asked for an account yesterday, I think I broke their servers :)
@LeakyNun this is why you should download the oeis datetime every week :P
Your request for an account has been approved on OeisWiki. :'(
oeis wiki loads very slow, but loads
@ATaco this is what objects are for
10 points if you can work out why that sequence of indexes in particular
oeis wiki works quite well
@ASCII-only I originally used objects, but I thought this looked cleaner until acually writing it
@ATaco probably because you don't discard useless data
I don't discriminate between data
@ATaco well at least it's faster (possibly)
(you wanted me to panic didn't you? :p)
@ASCII-only whatever it is, it works and I love it
hey it's actually up
people don't panic anymore
Anyway, I was supposed to crash 2 hours ago, going to sleep now, gnight
Aaaaaaaa panic
Any further panic will result in kicks :P
@ATaco but the performance increase is more than offset by the excessive use of strings
haha, that's because I logged into my account
@Mego just take any drastic measure so that people don't panic on each other...
@ATaco pls don't use strings as enums
yay oeis is back
@Mr.Xcoder tell me when you contribute anything :-P
@LeakyNun Do know of any sequence with the product of the sum of even digits and the sum of odd digits?
Like 1234 -> sum of odds: 4, sum of evens: 6 -> 24?
@Mr.Xcoder nope
@totallyhuman Way too complicated - better
@totallyhuman Sorry, forgot the /
HTML sucks anyway
@ASCII-only it's designed to work, not work well
And shh I'm sleeping
@ATaco Sure... :P
You sure about that?
Oh, sorry, won't ping anymore
@ASCII-only why the linebreak?
@ASCII-only so basically you made int callable :o
@LeakyNun sorry, on mobile, couldn't see
@LeakyNun well a subclass at least
@totallyhuman why even
Because it's super practical
Well I guess it isn't that much different from Charcoal's Whatever
Also its fake Mathematica expressions
Leaky nun I don't know Jelly at all, could you maybe give a rough explanation of your answer here
@LiefdeWen wait a minute
I seriously don't know why I even tried making Mathematica in Charcoal it's never been used on PPCG lol
@LiefdeWen æ. is the dot product of 2 vectors, is reverse list, J is a special kind of range: [1...len(z)]
and means Rotate x y units to the left.
@LiefdeWen done
@LeakyNun Fancy image there +1
ಠ▃ಠ factorials are too big
After 25!, things get messy
@Dennis Can you please check on who votes on my posts? I feel like I am serially upvoted, because I have a strange rep graph today.
Like, I received 8 upvotes today on 7 different posts :/
@StepHen yes twas i
@StepHen wow that is some incredible precision
@Cowsquack not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but it's just python
@Mr.Xcoder Mods can't check who votes in a given time frame unless they can compare the data shown at two dates.
no sarcasm
We only get data of who's voted total.
@wizzwizz4 Oh... Then how do they check serial upvoting?
@Mr.Xcoder There's a voting ring.
It's quite pretty.
It shows how much I've been abusing the system on Retrocomputing.
Ok, then I'm asking him to (please) do his thing. I received 2 ups in 3 mins and 8 ups on 7 different posts
Cthulhu loves them too
@BusinessCat half my code is for formatting :P all I need for factorials is f$ (except that TIOs broken atm)
@StepHen Tio ain't broken
It might be if we keep computing large factorials
@Mr.Xcoder sorry, cQuents is broken on TIO
@Mr.Xcoder That's less than 10% of your posts. I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't even show up. :-(
I forgot to uncomment something that allows you to skip : at the beginning of your program
Yeah, I found a bunch of bugs too since I got Gaia up -_-
so you have to do :f$ instead of f$
Oh, wait. There's the other voting page that has that data. Never mind.
@wizzwizz4 Ok... I would repcap 50 times if someone upvoted 10% of my posts :D
I also need to make it so that $ is the default input to a function
@Mr.Xcoder The voting ring system is designed for users who upvote each other.
@Cowsquack boo for scientific notation :P
@wizzwizz4 That's okay then. I am quite sure I don't vote for that user too
There is a lifetime voting page, and I think that can be pressured into spitting out more data.
(I mean, I cannot be sure, but...)
@Mr.Xcoder It does mean that it won't show up on the voting ring page though.
@Cowsquack I think half of esolangs use Python just so they don't have to implement their own arbitrary length integers
Overload for string factorial?
And list
@wizzwizz4 Maybe those are different persons?
(why did I choose JS for my esolang)
Good question
Bad choice.
@Cowsquack I originally had JS... then it got so messy without STDOUT that I rewrote it in Python
I took my less time to rewrite the interpreter in Python than it did for me to make changes to the JS interpreter
> interpeter
what is up with me
@Cowsquack -1 doesn't make wall of text
@Mr.Xcoder I don't understand what you mean. If they're different people then the activity isn't suspicious or a problem.
It's just a coincidence.
@wizzwizz4 Yeah, that's what I was saying too, It might have been a coincidence.
@wizzwizz4 coincidence? I think not.gif
@StepHen 0/10 spaces in file name
@totallyhuman be happy I didn't onebox it
@BusinessCat it errors out ;_;
CMC: Output the factorial of every number up until the input. The input will be smaller than 20 and higher than 0. The score of your answer is the sum of the times your program requires to return the factorial for all the numbers in the range (4...20]
Hardcoding is disallowed.
If it times out for any input, your program has infinite score.
The lowest score wins.
@Mr.Xcoder (untimed) import math\nfor i in range(input() + 1):\n print(str(math.factorial(i)))
I'll time them
@Mr.Xcoder don't have python installed and running them all on TIO would be a pain, sowwy
@StepHen error
@StepHen Invalid. Excludes the factorial of the input.
If it's Putin 3
@Mr.Xcoder working version, sorry: Try it online!
I'm not supposed to reveal secrets about the moderator tools in public, but...
There's no way to detect a user that spams using only non-dictionary words.
@StepHen Ok
Oh, and did I forget to mention? It's international spread misinformation day. :-)
@wizzwizz4 good, star the first message and not the second
@StepHen Then, when it gets onto Google search lists...
Spam will become that much easier to kill.
@wizzwizz4 I really hope the opposite is not true
(In theory. In practice, spammers won't even bother.)
@StepHen No - something that's gibberish either gets an instant automatic VLQ flag or gets picked up by Smokey within 5 minutes.
@wizzwizz4 I meant "there's no way to detect a user that spams only using dictionary words"
@StepHen There is a way to detect a user that spams using only dictionary words.
It's called downvotes and confused comments.
And flags if it's complete gibberish. :-)
import operator
import functools

for i in range(1,int(input())+1):
@StepHen not Charcoal although that's still a bonus (also Ruby has them too)
This is another approach ^^
(it doesn't have to include the factorial of 0)
@ASCII-only so why aren't more esolangs in Ruby then? :P
@Mr.Xcoder -1 for restricting to python
@StepHen nobody likes Ruby
@Cowsquack I would give me +1 for that reason
I will say I wish every lang made file IO as easy as it is in Python
File IO in Java makes me want to break something
That's just Java
@ASCII-only OK, file IO in JavaScript makes me want to... nvm
Java is not every language
CMC: calculate 2^1000000 (list all the digits)
^ is exponentiation
@Cowsquack Try it online! but it's truncated on TIO (golfed: #|1:2^(10^6
Python, 8 bytes, 2**10**6
don't have python local here so can't run it locally sorry
@Cowsquack Gaia, 3 bytes: 6ez
Wish this would work: Jelly, 5 bytes: 2*ȷ6
@Cowsquack Unexpected token '^' in expression or statement.
@LeakyNun I know
@StepHen Yeah don't type that into TIO :P
That attempt is horrible
@trichoplax no it'll work fine
wow, I didn't think Python had it in itself
@BusinessCat It's pretty ez when you have builtins for 10^n and 2^n ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@trichoplax TIO has a 128 KB output cap
@Cowsquack python does it in like 4 seconds
@StepHen I was worried more about the time it would take - I don't know what memory and processor the server has
@Mr.Xcoder you don't need the 1
@LeakyNun Thanks
My approach takes 0.0013589859008789062
@Mr.Xcoder on where?
how many times did it run?
@LeakyNun My mac...
@LeakyNun It ran for all n in (4,20]
@DJMcMayhem Can we get Vim-golf unfrozen?
@Mr.Xcoder just once?
@LeakyNun Yeah
I thought it's common sense that you don't time a fast program just once
give it 1000 trials
I give up the CMC
I am too lazy to time.time() now :())
@LeakyNun wait... you're doing a run that's in the milliseconds, and you're not doing it more than 100 times?
@StepHen not me
CMC: output 0
Jelly, 0 bytes:
@totallyhuman Java, 172093840761087309830876198763 bytes: This message is too long.
@totallyhuman cQuents, #1:0
I need to implement the shorthand for #|1: real bad
@StepHen No, that's false :P
Q: Primes other than Optimus

AdmBorkBorkChallenge Given an input integer n > 0, output the number of primes (other than n, if n itself is prime) that can be produced by altering one digit in the decimal expansion of n (without changing the number of digits). Examples For example, n = 2. By altering one digit in the decimal expansion...

@LeakyNun x->0? or do I have Java lambdas messed up
> output
@Mr.Xcoder output by any standard method
@totallyhuman Ok then
@totallyhuman JS: _=>0
@Mr.Xcoder "output" == "accepted default output methods" == "function/stdout"
to be a programming lang, you have to be able to "add natural numbers". Does that mean base10, or no?
@totallyhuman Empty program in most languages would work, too, since Exit Code is a valid output for integer output.
Waiting for somebody to think of that
@StepHen no, because of those BF derivs with only binary. yay my lang is feasible
Ok CMC: output 1
Retina, 0 bytes:
@totallyhuman Jelly, 1 byte: 1
@BusinessCat >_>
@totallyhuman Python, 1 byte: r
@StepHen Hmmmm...
@Mr.Xcoder Polyglot with lots of other languages, including PowerShell
@Mr.Xcoder (output by exit code)
Jelly, 1 byte:
CMC : Find a lang that uses exit code 1 for errors, but that cannot output 1 (in any form) in less than 2 bytes.
05AB1E, 1 byte: 1
@Mr.Xcoder In Gaia that outputs 0 :P
@StepHen Does Python's REPL count as "in any form"?
ArnoldC, 1 byte (output via exit code): 1
ArnoldC, 0 bytes (output via exit code): link
@StepHen TrumpScript
@nmjcman101 Oh, good idea. I can't do it myself though, we should ping a mod
@StepHen brb, making esolang where all single-byte programs are infinite loops
Dude it didn't even hit chat XD
@DJMcMayhem Done.
@BusinessCat you can't error trumpscript in 1 byte?
@StepHen 1
Exception: Trump will ensure that 'America is great'
@BusinessCat Find a lang that uses exit code 1 for errors
@BusinessCat output via exit code is allowed, so if anyone one byte program errors, it outputs 1 via exit code
@BusinessCat see the exit code at the end of the debug tab
Everything in trumpscript errors
Wait, no one has created a challenge called "Optimal Primes" yet?
@StepHen Exit code: 1
@StepHen Sandbox it first.
@totallyhuman yes I know, therefore it outputs 1, therefore it is not a valid answer
@wizzwizz4 I don't even know what the contents would be yet :P
@StepHen you're not making sense
To me at least
@totallyhuman I want a language that uses 1 as its exit error code, but physically cannot output 1 with any 1 byte program
a valid answer would be, as Adam said:
8 mins ago, by AdmBorkBork
@StepHen brb, making esolang where all single-byte programs are infinite loops
Oh, 1 byters can't error
@BusinessCat yeah, I said it badly though, sorry
I thought you wanted a language where erroring was the shortest way to output 1
@BusinessCat oh lol
I want a lang that can't output 1 with only 1 byte, but that uses 1 as the exit code for errors
ohh that makes more sense
Isn't it great when you get a language on TIO and then find tons of bugs in it
Does anyone know of any sets of languages that have transpilers that can form a cycle? e.g. A -> B -> A or A -> B -> C -> A
@Mego python <-> apl?
@LeakyNun I'm not finding any resources for APL -> Python or Python -> APL
iirc it's still in development
Basically I want to do what people do with human languages by running them through several translators, but with programming languages
;-; my computer's denying me my shell
;-; i'll use vim for a solid hour if you give me my shell back
Jul 26 at 12:59, by Adám
We are adding libraries to execute Python from within APL and APL from within Python. What should we call these tools?
@LeakyNun Executing A inside of B isn't the same thing as what I'm looking for. I want a set of languages for which there are tools to translate code between them.
@LeakyNun A) That tool doesn't work very well (I've tried it). B) I don't know of any JVM bytecode -> Python transpilers (or any transpilers for JVM bytecode).
never mind
I think I read there was an LLVM to C translator, but it was deleted from the project a while back, so you'd have to dig a bit.
@Mego BrainF**k <-> Unary, but I don't think that's what you're looking for.
JavaScript ↔ SOGL :p
@StepHen Unary?
The one byte program in unary should transform to an empty brainfuck program
which isn't an error
@Mego Can Visual Studio do some translations between .NET languages?
@Riley Not really, since they're different representations of the same language
@AdmBorkBork I'd imagine so, but I have no idea how to go about doing that.
Yeah, I'm not sure, either; I've never used the suite.
@ppperry yup that should work
@AdmBorkBork you're supposed to be able to with CLR - I spent so much wasted time in C++.NET messing with CLR when I was first learning coding in a public school setting. Dunno how to though.

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