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@trichoplax I mean quadragesimal (base 40) numbers.
why did I say anything
my head hurts listening to you guys
Q: Couldn't Iterate The List More in Python 3

Oliver BirdAfter several searching and modifies, I still couldn't figure it out. It stops at the 19th in the list. Below is the error. Please help me resolve it. line 22 in parent_td=[td for td in possible_tds if 'Product' in td.text][0] Index Error: List index out of range from urllib.request import ur...

CMC: Given a String, return a random permutation.
@MetaEd I can't guess the method then
"denity" -> "ityend"
@Mr.Xcoder Pyth, 3 bytes: O.p
@NewMainPosts Wait, someone actually went to Stack Overflow after posting here?!?!?? It's a Christmas miracle.
>>> f=\
... lambda s:choice(list(permutations(s)))
>>> from random import*
>>> from itertools import*
>>> f('denity')
('e', 't', 'n', 'i', 'd', 'y')
@trichoplax Consider the number THE (20×40² + 8×40 + 5) = 32325, fits in two bytes.
Mathematica: Permutations
@Mr.Xcoder Jelly, 1 byte:
For some reason my Cheddar development folder is 40GB .______.
Q: Couldn't Iterate The List More in Python 3

Oliver BirdAfter several searching and modifies, I still couldn't figure it out. It stops at the 19th in the list. This is the error: line 22 in <module> parent_td=[td for td in possible_tds if 'Product' in td.text][0] Index Error: List index out of range from urllib.request import urlopen as u...

It's actually asked in Stack Overflow before he posted it here
Oh really? 0.o
Never mind then, no miracle
@MetaEd Ah I see now. So there's room for 40 symbols, so all the letters and numerals plus a few extra characters for space and punctuation. Neat
@trichoplax Yes. The industry name for it is RAD50.
Which means "radix 50" (50 octal).
@trichoplax I guess you get space, newline, , and . or something like that
The standard quadragesimal numerals include A-Z, 0-9, space, dollar sign, period, and percent sign.
Hi all
may I get feedback for this challenge please? (not oneboxing yet nsp will do it)
First thing, can anyone recommend an android app for me to use to chat here? :)
It's pretty awkward on my phone through the bro
@Lembik wat u doin bro?
Trying to chat here on my phone!
thru wat bro u tryin
1 min ago, by Lembik
It's pretty awkward on my phone through the bro
> bro
oh it's wser? oh
Yes :)
I'm happy with my cops answer
In any case, coding question. In C if you want to write simd code it seems you need different functions for sse, avx etc. How do you detect the -march option so it compiles the right one?
I wonder if it will not be cracked because it's actually hard, or because no one uses PowerShell.
@AdmBorkBork The latter
Does Peter Cordes ever come to chat?
I don't think so...
So... No C coders in?
He's user 155042 on chat:
@EriktheOutgolfer Have some time for Jelly?
@Mr.Xcoder nope rn...busy with sandbox and eating
Probably never came to TNB
@EriktheOutgolfer Ok, change the ping though
sorry! I thought I was pinging you...so that is really why you don't use vegetables instead of replies
but I'm so used to them...at least it makes you rethink about posting messages like
it makes them like:
@Mr.Xcoder Aww. Don't say that. PowerShell is great. :)
and I don't see how a reply with no content would be useful at all
I don't use vegetables?
@Mr.Xcoder actually admborkbork isn't the only person who uses powershell on ppcg
@EriktheOutgolfer I'm so tempted to write a bot that edits messages containing only carets to empty replies (:nnnn)... but I know that that would be mod abuse.
@EriktheOutgolfer That's why I said the latter :)
A000027, natural numbers, right? Can't be too hard, right? Especially when you have (almost) all of ASCII to do it in
A: Restricted mini challenges Cop's Thread

Step HencQuents, A000027 !"#%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ That's right! You get all of ASCII! Wait... there's no $... what's $ again in cQuents? Oh, yeah, the index builtin. Well, tough luck :/ Try it online!

(btw the smaller chat font is kind of irritating me) (oh wait it's the userscript)
@StepHen Congrats on 4k precisely!
@Mr.Xcoder Thanks :P
@StepHen It's cQuents ≥_≤ I wouldn't be able to crack it simply...
hehe you accept the challenge or not?
@Poke I mean it took a while to earn it. I started with a unknown amount of cash
I'll crack the your cQuents challenge if you crack my PowerShell challenge.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Erik the OutgolferSkip like a rabbit! code-golfarray-manipulation Given a list of non-negative integers in any reasonable format, iterate over it, skipping as many elements as every integer you step on says. Here is a worked example: [0, 1, 0, 2, 5, 1, 3, 1, 6, 2] | [] ^ First element, always include it [0,...

@Christopher Sure. Congrats on that (no sarcasm)
@StepHen Does cquents use CLA or Input?
@Christopher Wouldn't you start with -(however much that van cost)
@Mr.Xcoder STDIN input
Maybe now is a bad to be taking about simd of no one low level is in
@StepHen hahah. Insurance :P
insurance: Read robber
@AdmBorkBork I was saying I was kinda dumb on here
Yeah, don't say that. Everyone is awesome.
Which languages allow you to do nanosecond timing? Is it most of them?
@AdmBorkBork :P ty. I think you are awesome too
@Lembik afaik pyth pyke cjam jelly golfscript python c actually 05ab1e brachylog charcoal don't
Ah.. Interesting. C does doesn't it?
@EriktheOutgolfer That just looks like keyboard mash
@Mr.Xcoder nvm Adnan cracked it it was easier than I thought :P
Q: How to create a high resolution timer in Linux to measure program performance?

sj755I'm trying to compare GPU to CPU performance. For the NVIDIA GPU I've been using the cudaEvent_t types to get a very precise timing. For the CPU I've been using the following code: // Timers clock_t start, stop; float elapsedTime = 0; // Capture the start time start = clock(); // Do somethin...

@Lembik If you want to know the runtime in nanoseconds, just run it a million times and divide by 1 000 000. :-)
I just noticed that arcade SE was spelled Arqade
@MetaEd heh so unreliable
@Christopher I misspelled "relinquish" for most of my life.
@MetaEd But I spell it right the SE used a play on words
If the world hands you Arq, make Arqade.
@Christopher a name is spelled how the respective entity spells it tbf...although that doesn't always happen in reality
@MetaEd movie or backup?
@EriktheOutgolfer They spelled it for a play on words not the normal way
@ATaco @ATaco, I know this is a little late, but I haven't been able to get on in a while since I'm so busy at work. The doc page looks pretty good. Maybe think about specifying how your for loop works since I had a bit of trouble figuring that one out. Like the fact that it does (i = a; i <= b; i+=c) instead of the "normal" i < b
I gtg for now bye o/ (ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻
> ATaco ATaco
@ArnoldPalmer no need to ping twice I guess...;)
@EriktheOutgolfer it was reply + ping, easy mistake to make
I wonder if that adds two notifications or something
also two pings
@EriktheOutgolfer ?
Lol, I was trying to crack Braingolf and I got this: !?[:_/]|$
@MetaEd see google results
@EriktheOutgolfer Still lost.
Can I get eyes on this? I want to post it kinda soon (while it's still relevant), if it's decent.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Step HenHello, World! with semi-common characters code-golf hello-world restricted-source As some of you may know, to get a language onto Dennis's wonderful Try It Online!, a Hello, World! program is required. Recently, Dennis pushed up a way to load these programs from the website. Here is a JSON past...

@MetaEd search for "arq" on google
@StepHen I don't really understand the challenge
Does anyone have a CMC?
@Mr.Xcoder It's restricted source hello world
@StepHen Oh.
CMC: Given a list of integers, increment each integer by its index in the list and return the modified list. 1- and 0-indexing are both acceptable.
@StepHen -1 you disallow print()
@HyperNeutrino jelly, 2 bytes: +J
Jelly should be two bytes
lol ninja'd
grr >.<
@Mr.Xcoder that's the point
@EriktheOutgolfer Thanks.
05ab1e, 2 bytes: ā+
You could have at least made a spoiler >_<
@Mr.Xcoder sorry not jht here
@HyperNeutrino CJam, 7 bytes: {_,,.+} or {ee::+}
@EriktheOutgolfer I know...
Python: lambda l:map(sum,enumerate(l))
@Mr.Xcoder it's made for esolangs, not usual languages, you're given a character set and you have to make something from it
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ should
@HyperNeutrino Pyth, 5 bytes: .e+bk
god that ugly enumerate again
@HyperNeutrino Would be ụΣ¦ in Gaia but I forgot to push what I worked on last night :P
rip :P
heh don't worry there's no non-competing anymore
you can just push it and use it
But it's not pushed yet, so I can't use it
(it's on my computer at home and I'm at work now)
@EriktheOutgolfer How about automatic repeat-request.
Pyth, 1 more byte compared to the other; sMC(QU
Ewww that's almost as long as CJam
@BusinessCat .e+bk is better
2 bytes golfier
Other jelly solution: ĖS€ (+1 byte)
@EriktheOutgolfer No I mean ARQ = automatic repeat-request.
If I have to choose, I'm going with a transport protocol every time.
@MetaEd oh I thought you meant that you couldn't get me repeatedly lol
@MartinEnder congrats on 50 gold badges, because that is a lot
@EriktheOutgolfer Classic case of incompatible protocols.
CMC: Given a list, add the length of the list to each element (2 bytes in Jelly)
[1,2,3,4] -> [5,6,7,8]
of course 2 bytes in jelly
and 3 bytes in pyth
@EriktheOutgolfer Too obvious in Jelly
and 2 bytes in 05ab1e
lol way too obvious in Jelly
Probably around 30 in PowerShell.
lambda l:map(len(l).__add__,l) (untested)
Probably ~50 in swift
CMC: You have 2 keys on the keyboard to send us a message to save you. What 2 keys do you use? (includes enter)
3 bytes in actually
@Christopher 1 and enter
@Christopher ^ and enter
actually maybe that
but who actually has a ^ key?
Carrot reply strikes again
I have a 6 key and a shift key lol
@HyperNeutrino keystrokes count too right?
oh wait I'm toast
@EriktheOutgolfer Why those?
I get 1 and enter.
@Christopher because ^ is carrot and enter is send
@EriktheOutgolfer But why carrot
If I had 3, I'd pick 0, 1, and enter
Also I edited CMC to include enter
so that I ping everybody around to save me since I have caret reply
except they'll just be confused
@EriktheOutgolfer Or we have no idea what you are doing and flag you and you get a 1 week suspension
@Christopher If I had three, I'd have . - and enter
@AdmBorkBork Brainf
@Christopher anything and enter, because #unary
@Christopher like you will understand with 11111111111111 stuff
@EriktheOutgolfer I would
@Christopher No, Morse code
That too.
@Christopher and what if you're sleeping or something?
@AdmBorkBork that is just lame
@EriktheOutgolfer Sleep?
Your face is lame.
@AdmBorkBork umm morse code is 3 keys
However, if you just had 1 and enter, you might get kicked before anyone understood you.
@AdmBorkBork :_(
Right, hence why I said "If I had three"
@EriktheOutgolfer I added enter to the default
@Christopher ;-)
@Christopher so we get enter for free?
Realized you needed that
Yay. 1 and 0
Oh, then definitely dot and dash
Besides, to make morse code make sense, you need a space.
GAHH cerret reply
@Christopher then I'd choose . -
morse code signifies something serious is going on
I'd take ; and #, people would know what I was saying and it's more consistent (but slower) than morse
I would use and <enter>
well, I'd ping everybody with - - - . . . - - -
That is true. That would be very obviously a help signal.
@EriktheOutgolfer OSO?
@MetaEd lol
maybe I confused them
TBH everyone knows what brainf*ck looks like
@EriktheOutgolfer SOS is ...---...
@EriktheOutgolfer ...---...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AdmBorkBorkMatrix-Vector of an Array (Meta: This is pretty rough just to get some thoughts down.) Given an array of integers of at least two elements, output the Matrix-Vector (defined below) of the array. To compute the Matrix-Vector, first rotate through the size-n input array to create a matrix of siz...

The result of ---...--- in chat markdown: ...
@Christopher that's oso
ok so I'd send ...---...
no time for spaces
I would still get -.
Sent some brainf code
Or just use the S and O keys
@HyperNeutrino brilliant!
Really just do ;#
Except then you can't send anything else xD
@StepHen ಠ_ಠ
@EriktheOutgolfer V7?
@StepHen oh, thanks :)
Is that like when you don't care enough to build a V8?
@EriktheOutgolfer I am curious to see your Pyth solution to add length to each element
@Mr.Xcoder ok here it is (untested)
@Christopher ♦ and ╩
@MartinEnder Congrats for all those badges!
@wizzwizz4 RTL override?
@MartinEnder 1/11th of the way to Jon Skeet I guess
@EriktheOutgolfer Nope, doesn't work
@wizzwizz4 that looks like misencoded actually
@Christopher I don't think so.
@EriktheOutgolfer This works: +RlQ
@wizzwizz4 That is what I see
@EriktheOutgolfer What about it is misencoded?
Literally that is what RTL override looks with my font
@HyperNeutrino Right, but as Erik said, Morse code signifies something serious is going on
I had it 4 bytes and I was really curious to see 3 bytes :)
@wizzwizz4 isn't in its codepage
@EriktheOutgolfer Ah.
@AdmBorkBork Yeah. That's true.
@wizzwizz4 those are on your keyboard?
@EriktheOutgolfer With +Rl, [1, 2, 3, 4] -> [1.0, 3.0, 4.584962500721156, 6.0]
@StepHen Of course they are. How else do you think I activate the mod powers when somebody's spamming?
Lol ^^
@wizzwizz4 like this? +[.]
@Christopher Don't flag.
(Pre-emptive warning, I didn't actually think you would.)
@Christopher I don't understand. That prints out ordinal numbers.
@Mr.Xcoder I was adding logarithms of base 2 it seems...
@EriktheOutgolfer Yep
@wizzwizz4 It would print forever. get it?
@Christopher No, it wouldn't.
@Christopher that's 0x01 spam
There's integer wraparound, remember?
I was angry because I got outgolfed and couldn't figure it out
Wait, never mind.
@wizzwizz4 It depends on your interpreter
@HyperNeutrino I thought it said +[.+]. It instead says +[.].
@wizzwizz4 Oh hm.
Why not just create a language in which an empty program does what the puzzle calls for. 0 bytes.
Does RTL override still work?

Well lets test
@MetaEd MetaGolfScript ಠ_ಠ
@MetaEd That's MetaGolfScript
and that's a loophole :P
MetaGolfScript. I'll have to look that one up.
Oh dang
aaaaaaaaaaa megadennis is on starboard
Please don't test in here.
@MetaEd Careful. There are an infinite number of them.
@TauNeutrino Hello
A: Loopholes that are forbidden by default

jimmy23013Using MetaGolfScript MetaGolfScript is a family of programming languages. For example, the empty program in MetaGolfScript-209180605381204854470575573749277224 prints "Hello, World!". It is similar to using extra command line arguments, where they should also count as characters. And using the ...

For testers:


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
Yay! I can type quickly.
lol ooops
Please stop
@wizzwizz4 Apparently.
@Christopher Sandbox. Now.
please stop
:39067513 Yes, you will get in trouble.
45 secs ago, by wizzwizz4


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
@wizzwizz4 The irony.
Ooh the VLQ queue just got a few things
err it's all just short posts that got autoflagged wrongly >.<
@HyperNeutrino I think the queues are on RSS feeds like the bots, because they update sporadically too
@StepHen Probably.
@StepHen Not feeds. cron jobs.
Have I said too much? :-/
CMC: Given n, output the nth digit in Champernowne's constant (123456789101112131415...).
@StepHen Jelly, 5 bytes: ịD€Ẏ$
Q: Risk Battle: Going Down

fireflame241Given two lists of dice rolls for a battle in Risk, your program or function must output how many troops each player loses. Background You do not have to read this, for it is merely background. Skip to "Task" subheading to continue unabated. In the game of Risk, one player can attack another...

@EriktheOutgolfer ha I can beat Jelly in a very specific area: cQuents, 3 bytes: ":$
n=>{var c="",i=0;for(;c.length<n;)c+=i++;return c[n]}
CJam: ri_),s=
@StepHen PowerShell, 25 bytes -- param($n)-join(1..$n)[$n]
This looks addictive. runs screaming away
@MetaEd One of us.
Wait, 27 bytes. Need to --$n the index. Stupid PowerShell.
It actually works, yay!!

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