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cool life hack: you can use the metal part of your seatbelt to open a beer bottle while driving
@HyperNeutrino how old are you again?
...you do realize why they asked you that question right?
@HyperNeutrino I don't think you're driving or drinking beer, and I didn't think you're supposed to do those at the same time xD
that's the point
I really wish OPs would respond faster
> What if the letter difference brings the letter out of the alphabet? Like ZEN, for example. Z shifted by 1 is... A? ( as a side note, the 05AB1E answer turns Z into A)
> Isn't E -3? (~40 mins ago)
@HyperNeutrino And still didn't respond. That's why I asked something else..
It's a great challenge for Pyth, I think
A: The Letter A without A

udioicaVim, 19 bytes (not competing) :redi@"|Ni!<CR>pJd3w~D Do you demand a shrubbery?

I finally compiled my C++ answer to my own question!
I am compiling my CImg programs with g++ filename.cpp -L/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu -lX11 -o filename -pthread. Pretty wordy, huh?
dammit that's practically what I tried except I had the components in the wrong places ><
I wonder if there's a shorter way
Q: Find pages down to a depth of N on a website

Adrian ZhangIn this challenge, your task is to write a program which takes a URL and a number. It will then follow every link on the URL given down to a certain "depth" (i.e. that many links followed.) For each page it encounters, it will output that page's URL to stdout. I don't have any real URLs for thi...

Who else discovered PPCG by mistake?
@Mr.Xcoder Does HNQ while bored at school count as a mistake?
@StepHen Nope
I can't remember how I discovered PPCG lol
ERMAHGERD so unclear why this challenge
I could tell it was this user before I even checked lol
I found it off HNQ from SO while at work (surprise surprise)
@HyperNeutrino The only kind of challenge posted while I am online
Q: "Hello, World!"

Martin EnderSo... uh... this is a bit embarrassing. But we don't have a plain "Hello, World!" challenge yet (despite having 35 variants tagged with hello-world, and counting). While this is not the most interesting code golf in the common languages, finding the shortest solution in certain esolangs can be a ...

This is how I discovered PPCG ^
wait wat I VTC'd as unclear but it said I closed as off-topic ><
@HyperNeutrino I voted to close as off-topic
I think it's by majority
Because it does not have a winning criterion
Also: Please do not vote to delete yet!
@HyperNeutrino I won;t
Well, I finally made an answer for my own question... in C++
@HyperNeutrino ofc not
@Mr.Xcoder Even if the user just appended This is [tag:code-golf] so shortest code in bytes wins I would still VTC it
339 bytes total
@HyperNeutrino Not just for lacking objective winning criterion :P
Okay thanks :) Just putting that out there to avoid more ninja deletes :P
@HyperNeutrino I would use all of the close reasons, if I could
even "belongs on SO"? lol
@HyperNeutrino No
Well, most of them
and dupe?
and opinion-based?
@HyperNeutrino Yes
@HyperNeutrino Yes
wait dupe of what
I would have found something, because it is underspecified
@Mr.Xcoder Why isn't that a close reason lol
@StepHen There's unclear what you are asking
unclear pretty much the same thing?
yesterday, by Mr. Xcoder
2 hours ago, by Mr. Xcoder
yesterday, by HyperNeutrino
Jun 23 at 12:27, by Erik the Outgolfer
please, "ninja'd" should be restricted to when you actually post the message a split second later than somebody else posting the same message, and then you are the one who is ninja'd
...yes that's what happened
i got ninja'd :P
@totallyhuman * Facepalm *
WTH is this tagged ?
Q: Shifting Caesars Shifts

racer290Description A Caesar Shift is a very simple monoalphabetic cipher where each letter gets replaced by the one after it in the alphabet. Example: Hello world! -> IFMMP XPSME! As you can see, spacing and punctuation remain unattuned. However, to prevent guessing the message, all letters are capi...

@Mr.Xcoder ... because that's what it is?
@Mr.Xcoder less relevant but still could be argued for
@StepHen and are redundant
@Mr.Xcoder has a lot less questions than
Thinking about it… https://t.co/AxBzPQlMwk
@Mr.Xcoder So I'd burninate not
@StepHen Cool
Does anyone know when the mod election happens? I'm tired of Dennis elevening our memes.
@cairdcoinheringaahing If memes are enough to make you want to considering replacing a moderator, you need to seriously reconsider the way you think of this site.
@Mr.Xcoder I meant the tag itself, not it's usage on that question :P since it exists you may as well use it, but it probably shouldn't exist
yes i can finally answer the hello world question in ,,,
@cairdcoinheringaahing dennis did say it was a joint moderation decision
@cairdcoinheringaahing The community would choose Dennis again anyway
@cairdcoinheringaahing I want mod election, but so we can have four active mods :P
Woah! what a reaction. It was a joke!
And I actually agree with @StepHen
A: The Chroma Key to Success

ckjbgamesC++, 339 bytes This uses CImg, and it can take files in other formats, too. The result is displayed in a window. #include<CImg.h> using namespace cimg_library; int main(int g,char** v){CImg<unsigned char> f(v[1]),b(v[2]);for(int c=0;c<f.width();c++){for(int r=0;r<f.height();r++){if((f(c,r)==0)&&...

@cairdcoinheringaahing Anyway, mod election doesn't remove mods, you have to remove them before you reelect more
Ugly answer
Rip ok. sorry for the overreaction lol xD but yeah, I agree with Step Hen too
@cairdcoinheringaahing Mod elections happen when a moderator steps down or the mods ask for an additional moderator. You won't get rid of me this easily.
@Dennis Thanks! Gonna need to pick you brain a little bit on the TryItOnquine sandbox challenge. Specifically, where in the repo the link generation is located.
> TryItOnquine
what, is this a TIO for Quines?
CMC: given a positive integer, n (> 0) and radius r, output the coordinates for n points equally distributed among a circumference of a circle with radius r
> TryItOnquine sandbox challenge
while i don't care for new mods, i still want the memes page back ;-;
float coords?
so what's happening with this then
@StepHen whoops im dumb
@cairdcoinheringaahing StackOverflow gets more mods all the time. They have like 30 mods. We have 4 xD
@Downgoat Isn't a circle defined as the union of points at an equal distance to another point?
@HyperNeutrino Kinda. Go check it out.
uhm rip mods cannot have been suspended in the past year, so even if I wanted to try to nominate myself for fun it wouldn't work rip
@HyperNeutrino that's unfair. We are more important than the original SE site!
@Downgoat Any n points, or does the first have to be at 0°?
oh c'mon it wasn't even cuz I was doing anything bad on SE lol
@AdmBorkBork That would be the saveState function. github.com/TryItOnline/tryitonline/blob/master/usr/share/…
@cairdcoinheringaahing thanks for the badge xD I got "Caucus" for visiting that page lol
@Dennis what has happened to Alex A.? You mods talk to each other right?
hey gamers
@cairdcoinheringaahing They are just generally inactive
@Adám first can be anywhere but have to be equal distributed
@Mr.Xcoder They are as of when is Alex A. two people
@Dennis Perfect, thanks.
@Mr.Xcoder yeah but just said for clarity
i can't believe i just answered a question in c++
@StepHen I don't want to assume gender, and they are is used in this case
@Mr.Xcoder mods aren't supposed to be ruling over us, but they are supposed to show up every so often. He hasn't been here since June.
@Mr.Xcoder This is his github: github.com/ararslan
Q: your Uncle help Drunk needs

geokavelDrunk Uncle (sorry M.E. and AUS for region lock) is a fictional character from Saturday Night Live. He often confuses words for others that sound like them. For this challenge you need to convert normal speech into drunkspeak. Algorithm Translating to drunkspeak requires swapping the order of w...

@cairdcoinheringaahing They should not be a mod, then
question: this: Math.sqrt(127*127*n + 0*0*(1-n)) is the exact same as Math.sqrt(127*127*n) right? I am not going crazy right
@Downgoat yes
A: "Hello, World!"

totallyhuman,,,, 14 bytes "Hello, World! I finally added unclosed strings to ,,,. Took me long enough.

@Downgoat yes
it is also same with Math.sqrt(n)*127
ok thanks
@Downgoat lambda n,r:[(r*sin(360/n*k),r*cos(360/n*k))for k in range(n)];from math import*
@Downgoat APL: ⎕ׯ12○(○2×⍳÷⊢)⎕
@Downgoat The same with 127*n**.5
trying to do root mean square color mixing
@Mr.Xcoder while I agree that gender equality is a good thing and that people shouldn't assume genders, his github profile shows that he is a guy. So it should be He
@totallyhuman ,,, is stack-based, right?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I didn't surf through his profile TIL.
@dzaima yes
Let's not get into this discussion. Either is fine, if you know the person's gender, good for you, if not, you can use "they" even if it's "grammatically correct". Discussion over.
@cairdcoinheringaahing He's not as active as he used to be. If he wanted you to know the details, he would have told you. ;)
@Adám Can you please type that APL back arrow, similar to a unified <-? I need the unicode char and I don't have it on my keyboard
@totallyhuman I'd suggest having unclosed strings need the ending quote not the starting one - pushing and using a string could be way more useful than pushing a string at the end of the program and being able to do nothing much with it
@Mr.Xcoder ←
@Adám Thanks a lot
@Dennis but he's alright right?
> Your connection is not private

Attackers might be trying to steal your information from shapecatcher.com (for example, passwords, messages or credit cards).
ah there
it's on the http protocol apparently :/
@Dennis even so, a mod shouldn't have a month long break from their site
@totallyhuman Thanks
@HyperNeutrino No birds were harmed in the making of this chat message.
not all starred messages are starbait
I really want to star that "Starbait" message
@cairdcoinheringaahing You don't know what situation a person may be in so I don't think you're in the place to generalise what mods should/shouldn't do.
@cairdcoinheringaahing I almost did too
must resist urge... to star...
give in to the temptation :3
@cairdcoinheringaahing Can't star deleted messages :/
wait which one were you talking about
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's not your decision to make. Mods are simple human beings, and if and when one of us needs a prolonged break to deal with other stuff, it's up to that moderator, the remaining moderators, and their superiors in the SE food chain to decide how to deal with that.
I starred it too, anyway
@dzaima you bring up a good point
@HyperNeutrino @Dennis sorry, not my place to judge
i could technically implement both
@Dennis Really? I thought at least ten of you mods were Jon Skeet's bots...
string at start doesn't need opening, string at end doesn't need closing
@Dennis Especially since, at least on PPCG, it seems to me at least that the moderation that currently gets done is more than sufficient.
@totallyhuman SOGL implements ~both but with having the starting and ending quotes be different
@totallyhuman But... But... How could you possibly parse that?
And why in the world isn't the best user (highest-rep user) on a site an implicit mod?
@DJMcMayhem tokenizer
What would ..."..."... be? two strings or one?
@HyperNeutrino this?
@Mr.Xcoder Because the highest rep user is not necessarily the best user...?
@Mr.Xcoder Doesn't want to be?
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes xD
@DJMcMayhem oh... hmm
For that matter, what string would aaa"bbb be? A's or B's?
right yeah
I mean, why isn't that implicit on SE? They wouldn't have to deal with Mod stuff, but would have mod powers...
Heck, even if you only implement opening, you'll still be ambiguous. aaa"bbb"c
@cairdcoinheringaahing they are doing it for fun, not for job. they owe simply nothing
Is that "aaa"-bbb-"c" or aaa-"bbb"-c?
easy, just implement AI that can judge based on context :P
but yes that's not gonna work
Besides, high rep users are very close to moderators. They have many of the things that moderators can do, and ultimately, you need someone trusted and verified by the community to be able to make the final decisions that ultimately overpower anyone else's decisions.
Gaia also has both, but with different opening/closing, and even with that the string parsing has caused me headaches to write
different opening and closing makes sense
Your language is stack-based, right?
i did like the fact that i could type that with ASCII though :P
@BusinessCat yup
CMC (more of a hearing CMC): Determine which language Sean Paul uses in this song, at around 1:25
@totallyhuman I know: make it so that every char in strings need to be escaped, that way you don't need opening or closing quotes, so "Hello, World" becomes \H\e\l\l\o\ \W\o\r\l\d
For stack-based I would allow omitting the start quote over the end quote. It's much more likely that you would have a string at the start and do some work with it than just a string literal at the end
@totallyhuman an extra small macro isn't that hard to use
@totallyhuman What's wrong with " and '?
@StepHen now that's just unbalanced :P
@totallyhuman OK, ` and '
SOGL has "...” for regular strings
still `kinda' weird
Look at Pyth, for example. It uses " and if there is only the starting ", it automatically adds another one at the very end
But Pyth is prefix, so a postfix language should automatically add at the beginning
@Mr.Xcoder English
ok so here's what i garnered and will do
@BusinessCat Yeah, probably
@Mr.Xcoder "just turn on subtitles"
use separate opening and closing (most likely the ones jelly uses or «») and allow for both unopened and unclosed
@DJMcMayhem Hard to believe that (I know it's English, but what "an English")...
Speaking of headaches, I'm currently having one trying to make an "all partitions of a list" operator
@DJMcMayhem ಠ_ಠ
@totallyhuman and plus i won't have to deal with escaping quotes
Why not, you might still want those fancy quotes in a string
ugh i do not want to deal with rewriting my string regex
CMC: Given a String, interchange the beginnings and the endings of the words (a word is a run of letters, separated by spaces). You won't receive any punctuation
Part of my string parser isn't even regex :P
abc abc cba -> cba cba abc
Java is fun -> aavJ si nuf
(The words will be at least 2 letters long)
Because (using regular quotes here because it's easier to type) \" is a literal quote character, \\" is a backslash at the end of a string, and \\\" is a backslash followed by a quote. I saw no sensible way I could deal with that through regex
avaJ si nuf
lambda s:' '.join(i[-1]+i[1:-1]+i[0]for i in s.split())
@HyperNeutrino Fixed
thanks. and I failed too xD
@Mr.Xcoder SOGL, 10 bytes: θ{K;JΚΚ@+t
Q: Professor Propsters' Garden fence

racer290Although I'm fairly new to PPCG, I had this nice idea for a cops-and-robbers game. Although it may take some time to read the suggestion, please take some time to improve the challenge as I have zero experience with this! Thank you. Description: Professor Propster is a strange guy. Ideed, he's ...

@NewMetaPosts move to sandbox
@Mr.Xcoder Vim, 29 bytes: :s/\v<(.)(.{-})(.>)/\3\2\1/g<cr>
@me 14 bytes: jdm++edPtd@d0c (waaay to long)
@totallyhuman it was in the sandbox; it has been moved out
@dzaima but why
following the steps of the ant KoTH would be my guess
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

rosslhHow high can you count? code-challenge Challenge In 500 bytes (or fewer) write a program that outputs a list of the English word forms of as many consecutive integers greater than zero as you can. For example, score 6: one two three four five six Example submission (hopefully you can do be...

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