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@Dennis am I allowed to ask/know how old you are?
If not whatever :P
But... Why?
iirc hes' 96
> hes'
Jun 1 at 2:27, by Riker
@Mendeleev I'm a member of the honorable greengroce'rs guild
Is that a real guild?
Anyone on that knows Ruby?
@Qwerp-Derp Maybe
Alrighty then
def gcd(a, b)
  a %= b
  a == 0 ? b : gcd(b, a)

class Fraction
  def initialize(num, den)
    @num = num
    @den = den


  class << self
    private def simplify
      frac_gcd = gcd(@num, @den)

      @num /= frac_gcd
      @den /= frac_gcd

test = Fraction.new(5, 2)
puts test.num
Why doesn't this work? It errors on simplify in initialize.
Oh, I don't know ruby. I just assumed somebody here did.
Eh, my code's already up here, might as well keep it.
...man Ruby looks weird to me
What's the error message?
@Dennis Maybe you could add something to indicate whether a link was referentially transparent, so you could memoize nilads and LCCs.
@Qwerp-Derp Maybe because simplify isn't called on the self? Should you use @simplify?
NVM, I fixed it
What was the problem?
Hello people
I am going to re-write my esolang anyone want to use it when I finish?
What's the esolang?
(really Newline 2.0)
example program would be like:
Is there spec?
Wow, that's a lot of newlines
@Challenger5 A outdated spec:
# + adds
# - subtracts
# / divide
# * multiply
# s sqrt
# % mod
# a set vars to stack
# g sets stack to numbers
# q pushes value of stack to numbers
# i incrament
# d decrament
# r stops subtraction at 0
# w turns back on subtraction past 0
# [ starts loop
# ] ends loop runs until stack is 0
# { starts loop
# } ends loop and loops until loops[ln] is 0
# k incrament loops
# . prints ascii value of stack (starts at a=1)
# , adds ascii value of stack to stri
# > prints stri
# < prints stack
# _ prints ascii stack starting at 48
So this is stack-based?
Stack based with a tape
The spec is not current and is actually just plain wrong in some spots
So +-/*s%id work on the stack?
Well those would pull a number from the numbers array and add it to stack or whatever the others do
It was really bad and derpy
So redoing it
And what's the significance of the newlines?
And isn't di a no-op?
It was the fastest thing I thought of
I don't understand agqrwk.,
Same here
I told you it was old
A: Write a Programming language of Unknown Completeness

ChristopherNewline Disclaimer: It is a bit of a mess and pretty simple. This is the first language I have ever written and the conjecture is the only one I understood. I know another user had a longer answer with the same one but I decided to write this anyway. To write in Newline you must have a lot of t...

That is the challenge I wrote it for. Redoing it
I am going to have the super-annoying-eso-mode a command line flag (making this unstoppable for bowling)
Nah, Unary would still probably beat it.
:/ unary does not count in bowling
Aww... With old bowling rules, or new bowling rules that are basically just puzzles?
@Christopher I'm 33.
I wish the rep box at the top would inform me of downvotes. I feel like I should know when I've been downvoted.
I don't understand either why negative reputation changes don't show.
Neither do I understand why your question has a downvote.
Once again out of Internet content to consume mindlessly :/
Q: Are these braids equal?

Wheat Wizard If you are not familiar with Braid-Theory I recommend that you read this first. This question assumes that you are at least familiar with the concepts at hand and assumes you are well familiar with group-theory Let us define σn to be the braid in which the nth strand (One indexed) from the ...

I assume that the person that downvoted is writing a comment right now. Hopefully I'll know shortly
I have decided to make a koth
@WheatWizard RIP icon?
with semi-complicated physics engine things
@Phoenix Yeah I have to fix it
which I am not really capable of handling
Keep in mind that the more complicated a KoTH is, the fewer answers you'll get.
... probably won't work
@HyperNeutrino nah, its the implementation that is semi-complicated mostly... but I guess the bots would also be complicated if they wanted to predict collisions...
For example, the Scrappers KoTH isn't getting many answers, but Snowball KoTH got quite a few because you could literally do <<?1:0
@DestructibleLemon Ah. So it's the controller that's complex, not the bot side.
bot side would be complex too I think
but at the same time, it incentivises simplicity
because it has fastest code aspects
Reminds me of the spaceship KotH
yeah it is quite a bit like that
With a relatively complicated controller
anyway, the fact that simplicity confers that advantage, means that it will be accessible...
also it uses its own language
which I hope makes it so people aren't driven away by the idea of a python koth
I would prefer Python though lol
But if it doesn't take me too much time I'll probably make a submission regardless
@HyperNeutrino well... the fastest code relies on the fact that I can count cycles
Boo python koths
Java koths superior
Boo language-specific KoTHs
multilanguage koths that take 10000 times more time superior
boo computer-specific KoTHs
real-life death match KoTHs superior
booo; new language koths are better
So, invent new language specifically for koth, force all participants to learn language?
create a new stackexchange for a KoTH
and force all users to guess the password of the only moderator on the se
and have submissions be required to be edits made onto the only post on the se
brb posting idea to Area51
@HyperNeutrino Don't you need to have a KotH in mind first?
>< I was kidding
Can I get some golfing tips for this answer?
A: Are these braids equal?

HyperNeutrinoPython 2, 295 293 bytes def s(a): for i in range(len(a)-2): if a[i]==a[i+2]and a[i]==a[i + 1]+1:a[i]-=1;a[i+1]+=1;a[i+2]-=1;return a for i in range(len(a)-1): if a[i]>a[i+1]+1:a[i],a[i+1]=a[i+1],a[i];return a return a def r(a): y=s([x for x in a]) while y!=a:a,y=y,s(y) return y print r...

I feel like it's way too long :P
No such thing ;P
No there's no such thing as too short here but there is such thing as too long ;P
Nope, there's just too little effort.
I'm at 2018 rep
I just need to lose one somehow
Just wait a year and do nothing
problem is I still have answers that might get upvoted
@HyperNeutrino I'll try and see if I can shave some bytes off of it
@notjagan Not advocating for frivolous downvoting, but that would reduce your rep by 1
does downvoting remove one reputation?
if you downvote an answer, yes
does anyone have an answer they would be fine with me temporarily downvoting?
I just want to get a screenshot with 2017
A: Are these braids equal?

HyperNeutrinoPython 2, 353 bytes def s(a,r=range): for i in r(len(a)-2): if a[i]==a[i+2]and a[i]==a[i+1]+1:a[i]-=1;a[i+1]+=1;a[i+2]-=1;return a for i in r(len(a)-1): if a[i]==-a[i+1]:return a[:i]+a[i+2:] for i in r(len(a)-1): if a[i]>a[i+1]+1:a[i],a[i+1]=a[i+1],a[i];return a return a def r(a): y=s(...

I will sacrifice 2 temporary reputation and 1 temporary score so you can get a screenshot ><
thank you for your sacrifice, it will not be in vain
alright got it
*upvotes one of your posts*
in return for your willingness to sacrifice 2 temp rep I rewarded your answer an upvote
yay thanks :D
theoretically you could obliterate someone if they had twice their rep as number of posts and they had less rep than half of your rep minus 125 by downvoting their every answer
high orbit downvote cannon
@HyperNeutrino They would need to average a very low number of votes per answer or you would run out of answers
@HyperNeutrino y!=a can be y-a (doing chat now to prevent excess moderator flags if thats ok)
that's alright. Thanks
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".code.tio", line 13, in <module>
    print r(input()) == r(input())
  File ".code.tio", line 11, in r
    while y-a:a,y=y,s(y)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'list' and 'list'
Unfortunately, no. They're lists.
also r(input()) == r(input())?
@HyperNeutrino Ah I thought they were ints. my bad
lol rip I keep forgetting spaces
double the bytecount is 666 :D
@HyperNeutrino How sure are you your algorithm works? I've not been able to trick it but I am not convinced it can't be tricked.
@Phoenix yeah but then you don't get discouraged by being at a disadvantage from not knowing the lang
I'm not sure. I've tried it with all the test cases and unless I misread it, it works for everything. But I'm pretty sure it works.
I keep on getting ninja'd on suggestions lol
also you get to simplify things in the language to make it easier to use
I'll try to make a proof later. Anyway, my WiFi disconnects soon so I'll suddenly disappear from here briefly. Thanks for the golfing help :D
also it lets you make assembly like language things
see corewar and simplified core war
I'm actually a big fan of custom-language KOTHs.
yeah see!
speaking of which, I need help with the spec of my custom language
@DestructibleLemon is this for the KOTH you were working on earlier?
btw there is a koth chatroom

 King Of The Hill Challenge Development

Room to develop new and discuss existing King Of The Hill chal...
@HyperNeutrino 10 bytes shorter
I'm not entirely sure why I am RO in that room but whatever
because you also had the idea for the room
@notjagan nice, thanks
@HyperNeutrino deleting my comments about exit codes
@HyperNeutrino @dzaima Do you think the Minecraft crafting challenge is good to post? I've just woken up and was thinking about it
@cairdcoinheringaahing Can I see it in its current state again?
How do I find $\sum^n_{k=0}n(n-1)(n+1)$ without using the formula for the sum of cubes?
@Qwerp-Derp use Mathematics.SE?
looks good to me
dzaima said something a while back about the scoring system being a little borken
@notjagan nice, thanks
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah I might have chosen to do bytes / recipes**2
I accept 'bork' as a thing people say to mean something has a bug, but 'borken' sounds wrong.
@Phoenix its broken broken
it's borked I think
Yes thank you
@notjagan c==a[i+2]and c==n+1 -> c==a[i+2]==n+1
@cairdcoinheringaahing Please fix borken to borked
oh nice catch, I just replaced stuff in the code without looking for real shortening
wait chaining equals works?
yeah chaining all comparisons work
It feels like it shouldn't
if c==-n:return a[:i]+a[i+2:] -> return a[:i]+a[i+2:]if c==-n, and you can place it next to the for loop, removing the indented line
it's actually really useful for golfing if you have loose bounds on different variables
Since as soon as one == is evaluated, you get a boolean, and then you're comparing booleans to things.
well not quite
@Phoenix too late. Chat edited is borken
the == operator, much like is, collects all of its arguments before evaluating
and then checks to see if all conditions between adjacent expressions are satisfied
if c==-n -> if-n==c
and also behaves with short-circuiting
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah, that's one problem. I would recommend bytes/recipes**2
And this doesn't work:
>>> (5==5)==5
That's the behaviour I would expect.
well yes; parens take priority over ==
@Qwerp-Derp like this?
but == has chaining, so it doesn't evaluate separately
FYI: Do not go on this page on Firefox
@HyperNeutrino That's what I was thinking, until I realised it didn't work for some strange reason
Is there a way to implement your own chained operator?
@HyperNeutrino Python doesn't allow inline ifs without elses
that's because that's ternary syntax ><
@cairdcoinheringaahing is it chrome-safe
also if it's FF-unsafe then why would you post it here
@cairdcoinheringaahing What happens on FF?
@Phoenix if you create a new class and define its __eq__ function then yeah I guess
@HyperNeutrino Seems to be
but then you can't check equivalence through ==
@HyperNeutrino its not FF-unsafe. It just looks really really weird
it would execute that __eq__ function
oh ok good
@notjagan No what I mean is can I define an operator % or something so that it chains.
in general you can't define operators in Python
you can override __mod__
Does python even support operator overloading?
You know that weird box when it doesn't recognize the character? The page is full of those
it does for pre-existing operators on non-builtin types
I think you can define __rmod__ too
you can
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's not browser related, that's fond related
If you install Noto Sans Kannada it will work fine.
@cairdcoinheringaahing not for me. that's a client-side font thing
ninja'd >< lol
you can define __ror__ for your own function class and then pipe things through functions :D
@Phoenix I prefer Comic Sans
Comic Sans does not support Kannadan characters
@cairdcoinheringaahing opls that's like saying I like eye death
I wonder what Comic Serif would look like.
numpy does some pretty interesting stuff with operator overloading; for example some_array == value will return a boolean array of True where the condition is satisfied and False elsewhere
@Phoenix I think that exists
@HyperNeutrino So what would an example of piping look like?
@Phoenix 2 | add(2) | mul(4) | lineout
it's essentially print(mul(4, add(2, 2)))
That's actually quite cool looking.
It looks kinda like Pytek's function chaining.
stolen from inspired by the pypi pipe package that came with my version of linux
How do you do the strike through in chat?
It's either --- or ~~~
<s> doesn't </s> work
A: Interleave numbers from 1 to n, with the same numbers reversed

user70008Python 3 + pipe, 129 bytes This solution uses the pipe module off pip (written by Julien Palard). from pipe import* a=range(1,int(input())+1) a|reverse|izip(a)|select(lambda a:"%s%s"%a)|aggregate(lambda a,b:"%s%s"% (a,b))|stdout This approach didn't really work out, but I figured I'd post i...

Chat is rendering ~ incredibly stupidly for me
It's a straight line
@Phoenix is it borken?
weird fonts? my terminal displays tildes as slightly different dashes
My text editer is borken. It thinks borken is a real word o_O
that account belongs to my friend Chloe except she never actually used this account she just wanted to get enough rep to chat on our french TNB room lol. she doesn't know programming lol, so that's what one of my other friends wrote, except the answer failed to get her enough rep lol
>>> p = type("pipeable_function", tuple(), {"__or__": lambda self, other: self.func(other)})()
>>> p.func = int
>>> p | "35"
@HyperNeutrino being teenager I have to say: <wink><wink> Chloe, huh? Good for you.
hm can't get a multiline `
anyway that's a quick example of piping things
@cairdcoinheringaahing >< why are you like this
she lives in Texas now
Also can we get this deleted? It's invalid.
I gave a reason. 'Nuf said
yes but I wouldn't say that and I'm a teenager
@HyperNeutrino yeah but you know her. I wouldn't say that about one of my friends
but not all teenagers are the same
no I'm saying that's not a reason lol :P
I just realized that that is probably the first time I've ever said a girl is my friend. That's sad. :(
Sounds like a font issue.
there you go
@notjagan just a generic Girl? Ok...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'Girl' is not defined
This entire conversation chain is stupid.
fear me.
agreed, let's move on
lambda: This is.... stupid
@ATaco I tried that but it says ValueError: self.hasNoFriends
which, believe it or not, is valid Python

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