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@totallyhuman more context required
38 mins ago, by Wheat Wizard
@totallyhuman T(n+1, k) = T(n, k-1) + T(n, k) + T(n, k+1) + T(n-1, k)
so T is a function with two arguments, n and k
Do you increment the argument or..?
Oh I see, no you pass x+1 as the argument
<insert look of disappointment>
It's not as different from programming as you might expect
that's saying that the result of computing T with one added to the "original" value of n is the same value as the result of (T with one subtracted from "original" k) plus (T with "original" values) plus (T with k+1) plus (T with n-1)
Lambda Calculus is really interesting.
@totallyhuman Not sure if this is related to the confusion, but that = is equality, not assignment
Well, it is assignment (sort of), just like in Haskell (immutable)
@HyperNeutrino I'm pretty sure that's heresy.
@HyperNeutrino That's not on me. I answered the question over four hours before it got migrated.
@Zacharý Is T a data structure rather than a function?
@trichoplax I was discussing = only. T is still a multivariate function.
@Dennis You still have rep though :) You have gotten 35 non-association reputation. 35 * 20 = 700 therefore you should take a 700 C shower to wash away the heresy.
Plus the 100 association bonus.
@Dennis It still got more Code Review votes than the answer posted after the migration :P
Anyway, what's wrong with Code Review...??
Nothing, it's a joke because they care about readability. :P
And PPCG ... is code golf.
nah I think it is because they are jerks D:<
Just because it may not finish before the lifespan of the universe, doesn't mean it's not competative
@ATaco typo on your starbait
@HyperNeutrino Just got 200 °C more rep. :/
Heya, user165474
(HyperNeutrino, it wouldn't render on the transcript)
@DestructibleLemon For giving free solicited advice to strangers on the internet...?
no for being meen
It's because my chat user was not reassociated with my main user after a partial copy-over.
I can't recall the specific circumstances but I think that was the reason
@Dennis I feel like people are upvoting you because of that joke :I Easy solution: check how many people in this room just created a new CR account.
@DestructibleLemon They were nice to me when I was learning python but that was a few years ago

Code Review Discussion

Jun 12 at 16:59, 14 minutes total – 59 messages, 8 users, 17 stars

Bookmarked 1 min ago by HyperNeutrino

Your shower is significantly above the ignition temperature of natural gas. Have fun!
Jun 12 at 17:11, by Mego
@MDXF Don't give upvotes for stupid jokes
9240 seems an unreasonable temperature
actually I think SO is a bit more mean than CR anyway
Now that we've both graduated I assumed we'd get along with CR and be more collaborative. I'm thinking of posting my next KotH controller on CR
Personally I think SO might be the SE site with the least sense of community/belonging (if I may say so that that is present on our site), probably because it's too big and has way too many users and new users and they don't typically do fun things like us :P
@trichoplax We're also salty that we were a much stronger beta site yet they graduated way sooner. Also they have a design already >.<
0 Degree shower for me!
@ATaco actually no shower
the optimal rep is 101 or something
Jun 12 at 17:18, by Mego
@ETHproductions The falling pieces of ice would be unpleasant
Except since you haven't joined the community, your reputation is undefined, and undefined * 20 is NaN.
101 Degrees? That would burn my skin off!
No you have to multiply by 20 first.
But it's not counting the association bonus.
So let's say it counted the initial 1 rep, then it would be 20 degrees.
No can do, I don't have 2020 vision
Which is quite normal for a shower.
tbh its not really washing away heresy at that point, it's just the starter rep
NaN < Infinity == false so that means that you're taking a shower with at least infinite temperature.
NaN > Infinity == false your logic works both ways Mr. Lawman
NaN= infinity?
NaN == Infinity?
NaN === infinity is also false, almost as if it isn't a number
NaN == Infinity?
Has anybody started work on the language that indexed oeis ?
Not that I know of.
NaN != Infinity && !(NaN > Infinity || NaN < Infinity || NaN == Infinity) because NaN is not a number.
(hm I wonder why that is)
> because NaN is not a number
@trichoplax But, but...
> typeof NaN
< "number"
Gosh darn my plans have been foiled
What about typeof infinity?
NaN == NaN is false
> typeof infinity
< "undefined"
I did not expect that
The builtin is "Infinity" not "infinity"
Ah, capitalization.
typeof Infinity
JavaScript == type-hell
Also number.
Why is NaN == NaN false..?
NaN != NaN
41 secs ago, by Zacharý
JavaScript == type-hell
Meanwhile type(float('inf'))
NaN is not equal to anything.
@ATaco because NaN is not a constant
new Object(1)==new Object(1)
my rep number consists of a square number of square numbers concatenated together
NaN is a constant according to Javascript.
One way of checking if a value is NaN is by checking if x != x.
@ATaco Could be a literal.
164 has two ways of being parsed into two square numbers
Let's say it ... JS is screwed up. [] + [].
Oh we've proved that already
CMC: Given a number, determine how many ways it can be partitioned into subsequences where at least one of them is a square number.
That could totally make for a main challenge
@HyperNeutrino I think it should be all of them are square numbers
Hm I should do that.
Whats Array(16).join("String" - 1), does this help: Array(16).join("String" - 1) + " BATMAN!"
otherwise for example:
@DestructibleLemon That works too. Other CMC: Same as above except it must be all are square numbers
16888888 gets a really high number because of partitioning the 8s in arbitrary ways
@DestructibleLemon Why is this still a melon?
@DestructibleLemon That's not necessarily a problem :P
it just doesn't seem right
You should avoid 44444444 then...
Jelly, 10 bytes: ŒṖḌƲo/€ċ1
For the second CMC, 9 bytes: ŒṖḌƲȦ€ċ1
Now I await Dennis coming and outgolfing me by 99%.
That would be...
Down to 0.1 bytes??
0.1 bytes?
Yes. That is definitely possible.
That's less than a bit...
I mean it is a bit weird, but it's not too outrageous.
>.> Can we all just agree to stop making puns
great I'm using a library computer so now when I type "co" into the URL bar, it autocompletes to codereview not codegolf >.<
@HyperNeutrino It feels bad on the other side...
Did I miss the puns?
wait nvm I was wrong
I don't think I missed that... partition includes the original list, unmodified.
Oh the pun was in italics and I still missed it... Time to sleep methinks
yep I was being incorrect
@trichoplax >.< well what time is it locally
Or would you say ... time.sleep?
@HyperNeutrino Half past Thursday
@trichoplax wait wut
Half an hour into Thursday. That was probably ambiguous
So like 00h30 local?
plus 8 minutes now
ah I see
00h30's nothing, I frequently stay awake until past 02h00 :P (lol I'm just strange k and I get up late too)
UTC plus an annoying summer hour
Guess we could say Dennis is a DENNISEN of PPCG rather than CR?
That does not make sense to me.
That's my puns for you.
@HyperNeutrino denizen
You just made a pun on a word whose dictionary definition starts with "formal humorous"
I have not seen that word before. That may be why I cannot understand the pun.
I've never heard of such a thing
Can I get some more feedback on this?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

HyperNeutrinoToggle the box ascii-art code-golf Given a string that is potentially boxed in, toggle the box. This becomes clearer in the test cases and explanation. Input / Output Input Format The input will be either a single string separated by CR, LF, or CRLF, or a list of strings. The input format is ...

Denizen - a resident or inhabitant of a particular place.
:o El'Endia Starman was last seen yesterday on PPCG according to the profile apparently :o
This is pretty cool. Doesn't check for forced draws or stalemates, but it's still pretty cool.
bad gateway ;_;
also I had a new idea for nodea that makes it mostly a different game, and I need some play testers pls?


For a boardgame in development, by me, the lemon. rules are be...
I'd rather NODE Accept that offer.
how do I unstar things in my room
I pinned something and now I can't get it off the starboard
I don't know, as in I have NOiDEA
@HyperNeutrino I think you should remove the whitespace trimming. That's another challenge.
is that mod only privilege?
RO+ only.
Go to the message on the starboard, go to the dropdown menu, and click "cancel stars"
@Adám That might be a good idea. You think it adds too much to the original idea?
@HyperNeutrino Yeah. Just detecting the presence and toggling the box is more than enough.
Okay. I'll make that edit; I agree with you.
Another idea is to find ALL boxes in the text and remove them all (filling with whitespace).

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