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Question: Is there a min repcap?
@betseg which equals to ^100√(a^bcd)
I mean daily change. :P
@betseg It's definitely possible to get downvoted and not upvoted in a day
Now I wonder what is the most rep somebody has lost in 1 day
Does getting your question closed make you lose rep?
@BusinessCat I think we've discussed this before
I mean, besides the people who are probably downvoting it
can probably look through chat history
@Poke oh then i misunderstood the question
@NickClifford Closed, no
Any post that is deleted reverses the rep from votes on it
Q: Period 2 Reversed Quine

pycoderYour task is to write a program that outputs its own source code in reverse. However, when the reversed code is run, it should output the source code, facing the correct direction. Example Say your program is abc. When run, it should output cba. cba, when run, should output abc. Rules Your pr...

@Mendeleev are you doing anything this Sunday? There's a Math Hour lecture called The Game is Rigged!, so if you're interested in Game Theory, you should check it out. Link ^
@NewMainPosts @Dennis are you posting codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/104528/8478?
@MartinEnder That won't work because of the trailing newline, but this one should. Feel free to post it, I didn't remember it before you brought it up.
@Dennis ah, that's the one I was looking for. you sure you don't want to post it?
Well, if you insist... ;)
I do :P
@MartinEnder OK, done. Thank you!
What are the main components of an Expert Systems in Artificial intelligence?
inference engine/knowledge base?
I don't think this is the place to ask
@ASCII-only what? The bytes are correct. I go them by checking the size of the program on my calculator
@AnimeshAshish I don't think anyone here is an AI expert.
@Phoenix I'm an expert and I might be an AI, does that count?
ignore the fact that my expertise is telephony and procrastination
that sounds like a phony expertise
definitely isn't, give me your phone number and I'll send a HTTP request to an Apache server that'll cause an automated service to call you to tell you your taxi is outside :D
@Phoenix just ping Geobits. Though going meta-ai may break him
@Dennis actually, in this case, I'm not sure how valid it is, since when we're looking at the reverse source, each digit does encode only itself. the reason you get away with it for the normal quine is that both digits are the same and then encode each other.
this isn't much different from 12 in CJam as a regular quine in this case
@MartinEnder Hm, that's a tough one. I understand your point, but I think it complies with Your program should follow all the rules of a proper quine (except for outputting the source code).
I just think the proper quine definition should be adjusted for generalised quines by including the transformation function in the process.
What's this about quines?
whether Dennis's answer to the latest challenge is valid or not
Surely in some languages you could simply do a 1 character quine
I suppose it does say palindromes are discouraged though
our definition of a proper quine sort of makes that impossible
ah okay I see
@MartinEnder I'm not sure if this answer qualifies as interesting, but I'm afraid that this might outrule interesting submissions to other quine-related challenges. The interesting ones are precisely those that don't just take the language's standard quine and apply transformation X.
so a proper quine has to do some sort of encoding, it can't just be data
@Dennis that's true, but don't they usually satisfy the proper quine rule anyway?
@Dennis Kudos for putting the 2nd TIO text backwards by the way, nice touch
@MartinEnder I'm positive there'a a counterexample, but I can't seem to find it.
@Dennis Oh nice job on beating Martin at rep
(?= b)
(Great, chat strips trailing spaces.)
Use a non-breaking space :P
Are you sure that won't break anything?
@Dennis Well it is a non-breaking so yeah!
NBSP are still stripped. Fixed at the cost of 1 byte.
Is H encoding on HQ9+?
4 hours out
18 notifications
To be honest, your recent challenges are quite trivial
@KritixiLithos I agree
@quartata Yes, because I edited my code. :P
@flawr yes
and lol qut is that plane
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin EnderTetris Programming code-challengerestricted-sourcetetris The Task Your program or function should take as input one character from the set IJLOSTZ, which represents one of the seven tetrominos as usual: I J L O S T Z # # # ## ## ### ## # # # ## ## # ## # #...

@Dennis you'd have to slow down considerably for me to catch up again ;) ... you've been consistently gaining ground on me for months (years?)
@MartinEnder I'm sure the next insane Hexagony/Retina/polyglot answer and the well-deserved accompanying bounty are just around the corner. :P
I've been considering tackling some of the 500 bounties on the indefinite bounty list, but they take so much time and effort (for a good reason...)
That reminds me: I have a solution for the TIO quine.
Nowhere to post it though.
CMC: reversed quine (source code is abc, prints cba)
@Dennis oh you do?
FYI I have a solution. (SHA256 3b9fbc45d7894340fd29f823f083886265c4bdd318b63b5d755c9e68c949‌​0045) — Dennis ♦ Apr 27 at 4:08
@LeakyNun ><>, 10 bytes: "84*2+}>o<
@KritixiLithos nice
@MartinEnder mini-challenge?
Oh wait, I can post my solution in that challenge
@KritixiLithos are you sure it's competing?
Why do you ask?
it prints an error, though
when was ><> created?
2009 according to the esolangs wiki
even if it wasn't competing, it could still be posted
Do errors matter?
I think not, since STDERR isn't counted
@Dennis How did you figure it out?
@Phoenix with blood, toil, tears and sweat, I suppose.
Really not that different from other quine variations. There are just a few more transformations you have to apply.
> Conquering Russia should be done steppe by steppe. -fortune
I've got an entire file full of interesting quotes from fortune
I think there is a file full of interesting quotes from fortune by default.
Q: Words with Blocks

carusocomputingGiven a dictionary of 4-letter words that have no repeated characters (from this list of words), you must choose ONE of those words, and output that specific word using the following dictionary of block letters: .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. | ....

Q: Output "Hello, World!" in the clipboard

SIGSEGVMake a program (or a function) that copies the exact text "Hello, World!" to the clipboard, and terminates.

@EriktheOutgolfer there are 65 (at least on Arch)
Files? Yeah, I think it's not only one file.
where do you see the quotes?
it doesn't exist :(
what distro?
it's because it's macOS
@DJMcMayhem Why did you delete your answer
Was fortune preinstalled on your machine?
@KritixiLithos Idk, it kinda annoys me when people answer low quality challenges, and I ended up closing it, so it seemed cheap/hypocritical
Btw, after looking at the 2-period reverse quine challenge, I think V should have a reverse function (you may have mentioned this before)
Yeah, it's definitely something I've been planning on for a while. The main thing holding me back (other than laziness/lack of time) is I'm not sure how it should work across lines.
Oooh, the mnemonic could be æ, e.g. <M-f>, e.g. flip
@KritixiLithos For example, what should Try it online! output?
Something like <M-f>j would be pretty obvious, or <M-f>$, but then another weird point is what about something like <C-v>jjll<M-f>?
I see your point
I think that example should give
Hello W olleH
@DJMcMayhem I agree with that, it reverses everything including the newline
I wonder if this plugin works the way we want
Definitely not. It doesn't even install/run correctly
does this count as Θ(1) time complexity? TIO cuts off the program at 60 seconds, regardless of what the input is, but it will do that for any program that takes longer than 60 seconds.
I assume it does, because the runtime doesn't depend on the input value
that is a very ... how do you say... loophole
note that nothing gets printed because of how TIO treats &s
also, I would only use that method for the Θ(1^N) complexity
Q: Slow growing Quine

IQuick 143Slow growing Quine Make a Quine. Seems easy right? Well this quine must output a quine + one extra character which then outputs itself + another character. This way the quine should in several generations output two copies. Example: Lets supose your code is foobar foobar foobarf foobarfo foo...

A: PPCG is shutting down!

user357540Krittaya Sayta Block quoteenter link description here

Delete pls? ^
@DJMcMayhem Its spam. We should flag it not delete it
It was flag-deleted
I'm on the fence whether it's spam
@Mego Doesn't look like it
@DJMcMayhem It got deleted manually, which validated the flags and caused the redaction as if it was deleted by red flags.
Heh? That doesn't make any sense
Welcome to SE
@DJMcMayhem It was marked as spam/abusive by at least one person, and then manually deleted, so the system treated it as if it had been flag-deleted so it hid the post. (@Mego I think, can you verify?)
I flagged it if thats what you want verification about
@HyperNeutrino That's exactly what I said :)
Alright. :P I guess I didn't really understand your original statement then :P Whoops
May the Fourth be with you!
:D Happy Star Wars Day!
Or as my star wars concert band music says, "Stars Wars" :P
@HyperNeutrino We have a day for randomly starring messages? I'm in!
How do I make an Area51 proposal?
Click on a topic and then there should be a link somewhere to create a proposal
any guesses why this code prints PongPing instead of PingPong
it's a fun one
Because Java.
well yes
Uh, does the thread get run super-fast?
because pong is called before ping?
Because synchronized
Oh, I see. I can't Java :P
@BusinessCat the synchronized should make it print PingPong
Wait, if I remove synchronized it prints the same thing
in this case it would
spoiler: The program isn't multithreaded
it's calling run instead of start
so the second thread never starts
sad day
I was never good at multithreading
well you're in luck, then :D
just one thread with a lock
the synchronized main gets a lock on the class
then running the code that the thread would execute reacquires that lock
since that's allowed from the same thread
and now you I know
Thanks for playing this round of "Why Java? Why?"
brb, googling "cadet program"
I also created an Area51 proposal recently
I can give you some info if you want, I'm a cadet.
I love the followers graph
Thanks SE, good to know this proposal has continuously had 1 follower for at least 90 seconds :P
Yes. :P Anyway, class is starting soon, gtg now. Cya!
@IQuick143 It was perfectly clear, but then you removed the example and added EDIT: Your code may put a value inside the outputing code. Now it is significantly less clear. — DJMcMayhem 3 mins ago
Would it be innapropriate for me to roll back these edits and VTR?
I suggest a rollback but I think you may want to wait for OP to do something.
If they do.
TIL ∖ is it's own char, and not just \
the first is U+2216 "set minus"
also, apparently "÷" is an 'obelus'
*its :)
And that's interesting, I knew none of the above. Interesting :)
mac unicode hex input is fun to play with
hit option, then type the 4 digit hex code for a unicode char
@ATaco maybe make it an image rather than text?
that might help, as it's the emoji pushing on the text
Well crap, I have a water pipe leakage in my house.
that's better than... other potential leakage
I don't know which pipe it is. It's hopefully an IN pipe but it could be an OUT pipe... but it's a fairly thin pipe and I'm pretty sure it's the hardwater IN pipe.
If it's a thin pipe it's most likely IN
Okay, thanks.
Since OUT often has more than just water
And other-than-water things might cause the pipe to get blocked if it's that thin.
About 1 centimetre across. :P
Anyone interested in this?
"CMC" (not really): How many times has someone (on SE) impersonated you or changed/made their username to be very similar to yours or contain an aspect of your name?
ooh I can do that one easily
Braingolf, 1 byte: 0
outputs 0
No I was just asking for answers not for a program to output it.
That's why it's not really a CMC.
@HyperNeutrino That's simultaneously extremely narrow and vaguely-defined. SE has a global audience, so a site about a specific subset of one country is DOA.
@Mego Alright. I'll roll it back to general.
As a side note on that, however, the cadet program is very different in different countries.
@HyperNeutrino 1
Do you remember the name?
Dec 10 '16 at 1:35, by MayhemgoatDJ
Oh lol.
Ugh, I've been racking my brain over the Slowly growing quine for an hour now.
ñéÑ~"qpx17hyl$pó$ is soooo close, but it doesn't work and the basic idea can't work. :(
Haha yeah that's a tricky challenge.
I've had one person use my exact name to see who would be pinged when they entered chat but Dennis 11'd that back to the old username before it could update :P
I'm fine with people being Neutrinos, but they have to read the Neutrino Code of Conduct first.
> 1. Do not interact with others.
So I'm violating that.
Your name is Hyper Neutrino but your avatar is the chemical diagram for benzene... I'm confused.
I intend to cause confusion.
Well, an outdated diagram for benzene
Yes. :P
Well, the Neutrino Code of Conduct has not been written yet. To become a Neutrino, you must read it and pledge by it. I cannot write it, because I am the original Neutrino, so that would be biased. The Code of Conduct must be written by a Neutrino.
I smell a catch-22 here
Double-Bound Conditions?
Q: double the white spaces in a string

Simongiven a string with white spaces, I need to double each white space but the restrictions are: can't allocate more than O(1) space (only fixed number of variables) changes must be made on the original string can't write to the same cell of the string more than once For example input: < space >Hi<...

That would mean your own answer is invalid, no? So would many other answers; neither your original revision nor the current test cases mention seconds. — Dennis ♦ 6 hours ago
@Dennis ^ What a mess the OP is causing
IMHO, the statement "Each new string can be displayed either by replacing the former string or in a new line" made this challenge not fun. — Setop Jan 3 at 0:53
@All ^ In your opinion, would it have been better to enforce string replacement (clear screen between strings), or simply a newline between consecutive strings?
since the strings are the same length, I don't think it makes a big difference (you can just print the string with a trailing CR instead of LF to achieve the desired effect... or with 5 backspaces)
I'm thinking of a similar challenge with dynamically changing text (a sort of moving string). Do I require static snapshots (indexed by an input number), or truly dynamic text?
Dynamic looks better, but limits the languages / interpreters usable
if the string transformation is interesting in its own right, I'd probably go with just that. if the dynamic part is the interesting stuff, keep it.
CMC: Double each character in a string: Foobar=>FFoooobbaarr
q2e* or q_.+ or q_.\ (CJam)
CJam, 4 bytes: q2e*
Ninja'd =/
@Phoenix sed 7 bytes: s/./&&/
@JanDvorak you probably meant $&$& or $0$0
(assuming this is Retina)
I did
Jelly, 2 bytes: x2
Alice, 9 bytes:


[email protected]
@MartinEnder That sounds very reasonable. Thanks!
the second one of those Alice answers actually doubles bytes, not characters. use I and O instead of i and o for characters.
@Phoenix Surprisingly short in brain-flak: {(({}<>))<>}<>{({}<>)<>}<>
@MartinEnder explanation, please?
@Phoenix MATL, 4 bytes: tv1e
Duplicate, concatenate vertically into a 2-row char matrix, linearize into a row (in column-major order: reading down, then across)
the first one is really just i.Zo@ in Ordinal mode which is: input, duplicate, interleave both copies, output, terminate.
the second one is a loop in Cardinal mode (because the IP wraps around) and does: input byte, terminate if EOF, duplicate, output both copies, repeat.
actually, the second one can be shortened to i.h%.oo
(terminating with division by zero)
Maybe I should post to main.
Ehhh, it's pretty trivial
So are a lot of things ok main.
as long as you take the time to properly specify it (bytes or characters, what range of bytes/characters can appear in the input, can the input be empty, can it be infinite, ...) I don't see a problem with posting it on main
Java 54 bytes: String a(String a){return a.replaceAll("(.)","$1$1");}
/me whistles
does Java not have $0?
@MartinEnder hmm... that gives the same output
yes and you can drop the parentheses then
so i can
i know group 0 is usually the full match
but i hadn't considered it like that
saves 2 bytes
Brainfuck, 6 bytes: ,[..,]
what does CMC actually stand for?
chat mini challenge
Hmm, how to double each item in a stack...
peek then pop to another stack then pop all back?
@DJMcMayhem Try it online! Also 5 bytes. Could be 4 if ä was yp instead of yP. Maybe a good thing for <M-y>?
@HelkaHomba for that I need multiple stacks
@Mayube Use recursion:
def double(stack): # pseudocode
  if stack.empty():
  top = stack.pop()
@HelkaHomba but then it's just gunna keep doubling the same character
@nmjcman101 I'd be more likely to alias that to ylP not a bad idea though
@Mayube No. It pops the top off the stack and recursively doubles the rest of the stack, then replaces the top twice
@DJMcMayhem I only thought because <M-Y> is the 'opposite' of <M-D> so <M-y> would be 'opposite' <M-d>
@HelkaHomba where would it store each "top" while it recurses though? Can't put it back into the stack :P
In the top variable, in the stackframe of the function call. Magic of recursion
@DJMcMayhem {({}<>)<>}<>{(({}<>))<>}<> is the same length, but about 1/3 fewer cycles.
Not that that matters.
@HelkaHomba doesn't help that I'm using a very primitive stack-based language, which doesn't have variables outside of the stack, or function definitions
Vim 12 bytes: Gqcvypl@cq@c
Am I doing it right?
how do i vimgolf
assumes command mode i guess
@nmjcman101 Ah, but it would still take an argument?
@Riley nice
I think
@Phoenix s/\$/\\/g
But & is equivalent to \0 and shorter
So :s/./&&/g
@DJMcMayhem Well originally I just assumed yes, but I can see where y{motion}p is sort of not useful unless it's just a letter
Q: Is this a function?

xnorGiven a list of (key, value) pairs, determine whether it represents a function, meaning that each key maps to a consistent value. In other words, whenever two entries have equal keys, they must also have equal values. Repeated entries are OK. For example: # Not a function: 3 maps to both 1 an...

@Poke :s is shorter, and the first G is unneeded, but other than that, looks good to me
also yeah idk why i didn't default to find and replace
@NewMainPosts This spec is beautifully succinct
@Phoenix Japt, 2 bytes:
(a little late, sorry)
@MartinEnder I just got to reading the Alice doc's, and I must say, what a wonderful language :D
@ConorO'Brien awww, thank you :)
if you have any question or otherwise want to talk about, there's a chatroom for it
Q: Triangle and/or Square?

nfn neilExplanation of the challenge Given an input, return what shapes it could be. There are only a couple options. Square Triangle Square A square is in the following format: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX So, in this example, the input would be: 16 And the output would be: 1 or "Square" Triang...

Q: Replace twos with threes

Wheat WizardGiven a positive integer n write some code to take its prime factorization and replace all of its factors of 2 with 3. For example 12 = 2 * 2 * 3 -> 3 * 3 * 3 = 27 This is code-golf so the goal is to minimize the byte count of your answer. Test cases 1 -> 1 2 -> 3 3 -> 3 4 -> 9 5 -> 5 6 -> ...

@LuisMendo Indeed. I'd close it, but I feel slightly weird about close-hammering the same post twice.
Q: Evaluate Index of Multidimensional Coordinates

Mark JohnsonA collection of N dimensional coordinates are provided. An example is below: {2,3,4} This can be thought of as a 3 dimensional array with 2x's, 3y's and 4z's; there may be any number of dimensions. In the example, there are 24 total nodes. Each node can be indexed using {x,y,z}. To access the ...

Anyone know of a lenguage to bf translator?
@NewMainPosts unclear or just me?
@Christopher it's like 5 lines of python
not hard
@Riker Gee thanks. I can't find one
I don't understand how it works to translate so making one is a bit hard
@Christopher Try it online!
btw, the input is the length, not the actual file
@Adnan yay! thanks
@Christopher bin(programlength), leftpadded with 0s to a multiple of 3
and then every set of 3 bits is replaced with one of BF's 8 commands
CMC: given lenguage length, output BF
@ConorO'Brien 23 bytes 8BDg3%0s×ìS"+-><.,[]"èJ
way to shamelessly steal a program >_>
Can one person let me know one way or another if this challenge would be a dupe? Sandbox link:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Stephen SCan I Sp|Lit this wo|Rd? This is a variation of my other challenge. I am mostly posting this to see if it would be a dupe or not, so please let me know. Same "split" rules as the previous challenge (or I can change it to a serif font, because why not), but you are given a permutation and output...

@Adnan What about the other way around?
bf to lenguage?
TIL that brainfuck is based on P''
P′′ is a primitive computer programming language created by Corrado Böhm in 1964 to describe a family of Turing machines. == Definition == P ′ ′ {\displaystyle {\mathcal {P}}^{\prime \prime }} (hereafter written P′′) is formally defined as a set of words on the four-instruction alphabet {R, λ, (, )}, as follows: === Syntax === R and λ are words in P′′. If p and q are words in P′′, then pq is a word in P′′. If q is a word in P′′, then (q)...
@StephenS needs to be massively clarified
I have no clue what you mean
can you restate the applicable rules?

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