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I think I'll post my bracket problem later today, I think in around 4-5 hours
how long has it been in there?
3 hours
@ГригорийПерельман prollly best to wait 24h at the minimum
just to set an example
@Riker One novel idea to (kinda) simplify things is to have them output an image 4x the size of the original where the original is in one quadrant and R/G/B versions are in other 3 quadrants.
that's an interesting though, but I think I like the plain channel better
well, one's a transformation problem and is relatively simple; the other is a bit more in depth
I generally only use the sandbox when I need help verifying/thinking of test cases.
@ConorO'Brien which is which
I feel like I'm a pretty good challenge-writer.
@ГригорийПерельман it's best to use it at all times, mostly for dupe checking
@HelkaHomba I don't think it would really change the code much, except adding the image-stitching part
@Riker "You may not assume the image has a particular filename" is an arbitrary restriction for this challenge.
Most of my challenges go through the chat first, which is pretty good at dupe-checking.
@TacoLemon it's mainly because I don't think tha'ts a valid input method and wanted to say that explicitly
@ГригорийПерельман tbh, only Helka is "good" at challenge writing
@ConorO'Brien @DJMcMayhem's pretty darn good also
@TacoLemon that's like assuming the input is stored in a variable IMO
I don't remember which challenges he did
I have mostly good challenges.
That's like saying STDIN is a stored in a variable.
@TacoLemon It can be
The only one I have with a negative score is my second one ever.
in many languages it is, such as julia
ARGV irrc
ARGV is CLI args
ARGV is the commandline arguments.
My point is is that the community generally accepts it being stored in a file (with a particular name), and a challenge not focused on IO shouldn't restrict it.
@Riker Yeah, and that might invalidate some languages. On the other hand the stitched images are nicer to look at (imo)
In Pyth, STDIN is Q
Doesn't Perl have $_ for that?
@TacoLemon I agree
@HelkaHomba hm, I dunno
Hey i need judges for a challenge. you just have to judge how clever the solution is.
This will be later but i need some people
(Sandboxing post rn)
@ConorO'Brien :D I'm alright, mainly prolific :J
@ГригорийПерельман No just bonuses for clever solutions
Actually it is a triathlon
@DownChristopher I really don't think that's a good idea
for the most part, challenges should be objective
Everything you're saying sounds like an "Unclear what you're asking" close vote.
@Riker Awww ty :3
I just made it so you get one point per upvote
which is literally popcon
I haven't written very many recently though
@DownChristopher you're writing either a popcon or codechallenge
@Riker Kinda
depends on scoring, if it's pure vote-based then it's popcon otherwise codechallenge
@DJMcMayhem :( yes this is true
@DJMcMayhem I think I might start sandboxing the brainflak corewar combo, but I need to figure out the name
But the main points are golf
Having judges is definitely not objective, so it would be closed as off-topic.
@Riker We could theoretically have a tag where a predetermined group of skilled users get to choose the winner. But I don't think that would ever pass meta and don't think it should.
@Riker sadly, I don't have much time for SE right now, and most of it is spent on chat anyway haha
@HelkaHomba nice name if it gets made though
I don't think it should but still nice name
yes :P
@Mego Wait what?
I accidentally pressed enter before I was finished but
@DestructibleLemon Braincore War
Thinking about posting this, any qualms?
@ConorO'Brien Capitalize "coverage" in the title (but you probly knew that)
@HelkaHomba [decision-of-the-eldritch-horror][𝔗ℌ𝔈𝔜 ℭ𝔒𝔐𝔈𝔈𝔈𝔈𝔈𝔈𝔍𝔄𝔒𝔇𝔍𝔖€€ˆ]
@HelkaHomba yup, careless mistake
@DestructibleLemon Braincore war as well
I like core-flak
I was having a tripple challenge idea and have a problem
I ran out of ideas
@DJMcMayhem same
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Down ChristopherThe Coding Triathlon I have three challenges set before you and your job is to answer each of them on three different challenges (linked below) and on each part I will have a leader board that will tell the winners of the individual challenges and the overall winner. I will cover three major ite...

@DJMcMayhem You me and martin should have a challenge-challenge. We each get 2 hours to write a challenge from scratch (no sandboxed ideas) and post them exactly when time's up. No edits after posting. The one that eventually gets the most upvotes (and not not closed) wins.
@HelkaHomba Challenges have to follow a theme to make sure no one gets a head-start
This week on IronPPCG...
And please open the competition to more people, if it happens?
can we have one person as the joke because they can't compare?
That'd be me
I called it
Actually me
Look at my challenges
@NewSandboxedPosts dupe of all three
yeah no chris wins
@ГригорийПерельман Sure. Don't see why anyone couldn't participate
16 secs ago, by Destructible Lemon
I called it
it's funny and depressing that there are many people scrambling for last
That sucks
I'd actually try to win... I just wouldn't
that's less funny and more depressing >_>
@HelkaHomba Hahahaha, that's hilarious. It's kind of a good idea, but it would be way too easy to copy an idea you've already been thinking about
Does this look like the avatar of victory?
I want to voice my opinion on this discussion but I don't want to be mean.
@ГригорийПерельман just say "no offence"
I don't know about everyone else, but generally challenges formulate in my head for a long time before posting
@DJMcMayhem how about honor code? i.e. new idea?
Or "Bless your heart "
@DJMcMayhem @ГригорийПерельман is right that it should have a theme to somewhat avoid this issue.
its the tried and true way of avoiding offence /s
Oh yeah, a theme would do it
Who decides the theme tho...
should we mention in the posts that its part of this theme?
@Riker Wait how... There are only 2 challanges
Are we talking theme like "operations on lists" or like "dogs"?
more the former, probably
idk how dogs would work, just saying
We could compile a list and determine one pseudo-randomly with a fixed seed
It's easier to rewrite a challenge you're already thinking of to incorporate a flavor-type theme
@HelkaHomba If your goal is to include the statistical top challengers, you'd have to make sure to also include doorknob, Joe Z, and zgarb too
than it is to incorporate a computational theme into a challenge
Should we make a seperate room?
Maybe also TimmyD and Stewie Griffin
@DownChristopher assuming you're finding a third challenge
"linked below"
Hey it is in the sandbox
Also wat?
How dupe if non exist
I mean
you're making it right
when you make it it will be a dupe
thats mean
Guys I have so much skill that challenges I have not made are dupes
(This is just a little idea I had)
@ГригорийПерельман Maybe. Or a meta post to keep things organized. I might do that but probably not today
@ConorO'Brien Multiple submissions allowed?
> Write a mini SQL version
Who submitted that?
It seems to be a challenge, not a theme :P
A simple way to gather themes is to list off existing tags like source-layout, ascii-art, strings, regex, image-processing, etc.
I like that idea.
Another idea: gather a list of tags (excluding ones like tips, code-golf, python, etc.) and pick 2 randomly.
You have to write a challenge that fits both
that sounds good
Is there a plaintext list of tags anywhere?
Note that lots of people competing in this challenge-challenge may only increase the number of bad challenges we have... :p
just helka, conor, ГригорийПерельман, and DJ please
all of them consistent produce good challenges
and too many challengewriters spoil the site
I guess I'll compile a list of tags myself
I'll try to remove duplicates and such
Question: is *a->b: (*a)->b or *(a->b)?
There should probably be more than 2 hours given, timezones and such
@Downgoat * is splat right
There are eight pages of tags
@ГригорийПерельман page 1 has the most common. Perhaps enough
But the ones further down the line have tags that are not necesarily less intresting, just harder to write challenges for.
e.g. polyglot is on the bottom of page 2
just got a reddit gold somehow :/
@LegionMammal978 lel nice
and 7 new comments in my inbox
not sure which one it was on
The gilding message should have a link to your gilded comment
We really do need a source that lists everything we've decided on for this.
@HelkaHomba @ConorO'Brien @DJMcMayhem ^
ping anyone else you think this applies to
(And @Riker please kill my earlier message containing the list of tagsdue to taking up the entire screen)
I gtg I have homework to do
see ya!
friendly ping: @ГригорийПерельман how is app installation going :P >_<
I don't have an iPhone anymore
I borked it
@Riker is ipad still in hawaii
@Downgoat Will gitgoat for Android ever be a thing?
@Downgoat no it's across the room but I'm leaving in like 2 min sorry
@LegionMammal978 prolly not
@LegionMammal978 likely, android seems to have 10/10 quality UI APIs so probably will port but I don't even have android phone so problem
so maybe in like 8 months
@Riker ok, pls install when you return (if you lost invitation I can send you a new invite email too)
@Downgoat Android is FOSS and x86 compatible so you can easily VM it, the android studio includes a full fledged emulator
@Mendeleev do I need windows
@Downgoat works on mac, actually you can even install it into e.g. virtualbox and it would still run fine
It's just a linux based OS
Please help
I'm trying to make music and I can't figure out how to use this program, please listen to my attempt and help me
The problem with Android development is that the hardware is so different. The BlackBerry Passport runs android and has square screen
@Mendeleev Aren't some ARM and not x86?
@ГригорийПерельман Most are ARM, yes. The apps should work the same either way, there's versions of android for ARM, MIPS, and x86
@Mendeleev once you figure out how to use program please make goat remixes :D
@Downgoat What are goat remixes?
@Downgoat lmao
please don't copyright strike me
Alright, about to post htis:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Conor O'Brien2016 Time Capsule String: Coverage code-challenge restricted-source Consider the 74 characters from the 2016 time capsule string (note the leading space): !!!!!#$$%&())))*+...1449:=@@@AHILOQQQTTZ\\^`````````eefmpxy{||||~~~~~~~~~ Your task is to write as many programs as possible (in the sam...

I'm writing a Brainfuck Interpreter in ReRegex.
Progress is good.
> with the total length of the programs being a tie-breaker.
Does this mean that usage of more or less characters wins in a tie?
Also, is input allowed?
greater, editted
@ConorO'Brien What about flags?
isn't that a default--no input for challenges without input?
@MistahFiggins I should think not, what do you think?
I agree, just wanted to make sure it was specified
or you can have the input also count towards the characters
hm, no
So I'm running into integer overflow with normal Python integers
I don't understand how, but eval(str(depth)+"*2") is giving a reasonable result, whereas depth*2 is overflowing for no reason whatsoever
@StevenHewitt integers don't overflow, but floats do. What type is depth?
Definitely an integer
def predict_one_intermediate(tree, datum, label, depth=1): ... return predict_one_intermediate(tree[0][tree[1](datum)], datum, label, depth*2+tree[1](datum))
Wrapping it in eval seems to work though so I guess I'm fine
Q: Find the permutation before

ThundaSpecifications Your program must take in an integer n, then take in n more strings (containing only alphanumeric characters) in your preferred method (seperated by whitespace, file input, hash table etc.). You must then find the permutation before the inputted strings when sorted in lexicographi...

Q: 2016 Time Capsule String: Coverage

Conor O'BrienConsider the 74 characters from the 2016 time capsule string (note the leading space): !!!!!#$$%&())))*+...1449:=@@@AHILOQQQTTZ\\^`````````eefmpxy{||||~~~~~~~~~ Your task is to write as many programs as possible (in the same language) using these characters. The output of each program must be...

I have now written Brainfuck in ReRegex.
I don't understand the question.
Just wait, fixing it up a bit.
Send teh codez
O ok
So its turing complete? or did we know that?
It's almost retina, so I think we knew that.
what is reregex
can it answer the @NewMainPosts question?
#import math
#import cond

#Setup initial conditions

#If the current memory is blank, unblank it.
^([\d ]*)\n([\d ]*)\n\n/$1\n$2\n127\n/

#If the program's terminated, dump it to output.
^[\d ]*\n[\d ]*\n\d*\n[\[\]+\-.r<>]*\n\n.*\n([\d ]*)$/$1/

EZPZ, requires the latest version of ReRegex.
Pfffft your avatar @TacoLemon. Nice Photoshop(/MSPaint) job
Also, io is decimal bytes separated by spaces, because converting decimal to ascii would double the progrsm
Opinions on the PPCG Challenge Writing Contest? Idea. @MartinEnder @ConorO'Brien @Doorknob @AdmBorkBork @DJMcMayhem
@HelkaHomba I'm in the room lol but thanks for the ping
@ConorO'Brien without a /, all it can really do is output plaintext
@TacoLemon it's still possible, I think
just not very interesting
@ConorO'Brien Sorry. Thought I saw you in list of users to invite
@HelkaHomba Sounds neato, but if it's any time soon I'm super busy and probably won't be able to participate.
@Doorknob Might as well sign up, so when we do start, we know to ping you.
We can put you later in the order, if you want.
@HelkaHomba ^^^
@Doorknob good luck with whatever you're doing!
Well, it's good to know ReRegex is TC.
@TacoLemon feature-request: -f flag to take input from a file.
Java -jar ReRegex.jar code.rr < file.txt
Just pipe to STDIN
this is a more up to date version of the BrainFuck script.
@ГригорийПерельман Check this out u.dk0.us/Attempt1.mp3
Updated version of my earlier "composition"

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