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A length-filter is not a valid protection against SQL injection, and prepared statements really are the only proper defense. This is the only valid answer. SQL without Prepared Statements remind me of "Strategies how to ride a dead horse"Alexander 2 days ago
@Mego it appears to be an explanation of why riding a dead horse is dumb
> 21. "Promoting the dead horse to a supervisory position.(My personal favorite!)
This site looks like one of these not-quite-right clones of existing sites used for movie productions to fill computer screens.
uh nvm
@mınxomaτ ye
@MartinEnder added a test case for that
@Pavel x != n or x! == n
@Pavel Actually, 7 bytes: ;R`!Míu
@Pavel What kind of example do you have in mind where it would be impossible to find a an integer such taht x!=n?
(assuming you meant factorial)
@Pavel vim, one byte: <C-a>
Pyke, ~~7~~ bytes: ~1#SBq
MATL, too many bytes: Try it online!
Mathematica, 39 33: InverseFunction[#!&]@#/._@_->0>1& (there's probably something shorter, but I don't get to use InverseFunction a lot...
slow joke was too slow
@DJMcMayhem In fact, it can be made done with 6 bytes: t:Yp=f
(produces no output (falsy) if impossible)
Unless I'm missing something...
@LuisMendo oh, duh
That's beautiful
makes me think about my country
Hi, I'm building a 3D printer, can you please check over my list of parts (other than printed parts)?
@CheckOutTomato I think you're in the wrong room.
@flawr This is TNB, correct?
What is the 3D printing room?
@CheckOutTomato go to 3dprinting.SE
Dammit ninja'd
Oddly enough, I still prefer 2d printing
Their chatroom is dead. 0/10
have you considered asking on their site, or is that offtopic?
because i don't think this is the right room for your question
Just ordered a mozzarella and tomato salad. Apparently they ran out of mozzarella. How can I tell? Well last I checked, mozzarella wasn't actually just 2cm thick blocks of cheese analogue.
lol, disgusting
@Pavel Brachylog, 2 bytes ~ḟ (took me way too long to figure out how to use this)
@TuxCopter neither of you used the 3D Printing abbreviation? lol
@Fatalize At some point you should make the counterpart: Brachyexp
Oops, forgotten this is a thing
@flawr That sounds like a drug designed to make you vomit.
@TuxCopter lel
Crayon is now officially a working language! \o/
(It's got a long ways to go before it's usable, though...)
:o nice!
@ETHproductions :D
is there a ><> interpreter with debugging except from fishlanguage.com?
@ETHproductions what is it about?
@DuctrTape don't think so, sp3000 might have one though
Installation instructions can be found in the repo, if anyone's interested (I haven't tried them myself though)
@flawr It's a stack-based golfing lang designed for producing ASCII-art
Right now it pretty much only has input and output
@ETHproductions why not publish to npm?
as simple as $ npm publish
There's already a package called crayon I believe
You can do crayon-lang
yeah, I'm considering that
It'd be cumbersome to type that in every time you want to run it though
how about craycray?
or I could golf the name and do cryn
exactly :P
@ETHproductions binary name and npm name dont need to be the same
But if you install with npm install -g they will be, right?
(excuse me if this is a dumb question, this is my first experience with creating non-browser software/publishing something on npm)
@ETHproductions In the package.json you can set the name of the executable
@Downgoat hey, how goes goathub/gitgoat?
I have some time, I can try to install it on an ipad now
also, can I have a github invite link?
@Riker lol, they have invite links? xD
but it's a priv repo so
@Riker that's a permission, not an invite link
never used them before so idk
they need to add your account to the access list
@Downgoat can you do ^^ pls thankee
@TuxCopter If I understand correctly, doing "bin": {"crayon": "./index.js"} will create a command crayon that calls ./index.js?
@Riker ok I can give permission but I haven't committed in long time
will commit when I get cone
@ETHproductions I think
Oh wait... that's already set up
I'm so dumb :P
So I can change the name of the package with no effects on the command
I was gone for an hour and have 5 items in my inbox now.
brb publishing crayon-lang on npm
What could it be?
Oh right I made a CMC before I left.
:D got it @Downgoat
@DJMcMayhem O_o what that do
noot noot
@Poke noot noot?
see above link
@Riker Try it! Enter a number, ESC to normal mode and press ctrl-a
Tumblr is blocked
crayon-lang should be uploaded to npm now.
@Pavel It's a pingu gif
@DJMcMayhem What if I can't vim right now. And how does it compute inverse factorial?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Snowman[Br]eaking Code Golf [Ba]d code-golf Consider the following string: Tin Snips This string contains several atomic symbols on the periodic table. We could rewrite this string to identify several of them: [Ti][N] [Sn][I][P][S] Of course, we could also write it this way: T[In] [S][Ni][P][S]...

@Pavel it doesn't. Your challenge was ambiguous
46 mins ago, by DJMcMayhem
@Pavel x != n or x! == n
That explains everything
Ohhhh, I saw x != n too
Also, to answer your other question, Try it online!
#windowspythondeveloperproblems I have 5 different versions/locations of Python installed
I only have 2 and 3
I could also see having PyPy.
@Riker invite link? Btw app is not optimized for iPad so might look weird
How do you have 5?
@Downgoat he wants access to the private git
he doesn't understand githubness
Probably 0.9, 1.6, 2.7, 3.5, and 3.6.
@Pavel 2.7, 3.6, 3.5, and accidentally two locations for 3.5 (x86)
@ETHproductions how to get?
@DJMcMayhem You should delete three of those
I think you can just do npm install crayon-lang -g
If that doesn't work I've no idea what I did wrong
What's the -g for?
@ETHproductions golfed npm i -g crayon-Lang
It installs it globally. idk if you actually need it
@Pavel I do actually need all of them (except for the dup)
@Pavel installs globally instead of as a dependency to current folder
What's wrong with 3.6 over 3.5?
@DJMcMayhem Why do you need 3.5 AND 3.6?
3.5 for (and 3.5 x86) for development, 2.7 and 3.6 for golfing :P
@DJMcMayhem Why can't you develop with 3.6?
So, I don't want to start a war or anything, but what is your favorite text editor?
I like Vim btw
@DJMcMayhem I feel your pain. 2.7 32-bit, 2.7 64-bit, 3.5 32-bit, 3.5 64-bit, 3.6 64-bit, pypy2 64-bit, and pypy3 64-bit
@ckjbgames I'm pretty sure everybody in here knows my favorite. ;)
Textedit. It's better than anything else because it's on my computer.
@DJMcMayhem Same :)
@Downgoat already got it it's cool
I am still fine with Emacs, and I am surprised no one has made a golfing language based on it
Plus cygwin versions of 2.7 and 3.5
@ckjbgames challenge accepted
So 9 total versions of Python installed
@DJMcMayhem Entirely in Emacs Lisp
Still less disk space than MSVS
@Mego Do you need all those?
tfw you find a reddit post by doorknob
@Pavel Probably not
'cause it sounds like you should burn your hard drive.
I'm 90% certain that burning my hard drive would summon a daemon
Or, alternatively, install a fresh copy of Gentoo
@Pavel idk, cause customer is using 3.5? (I think, not entirely sure tbh)
I originally had 2.7 and 3.5 32-bit versions installed for personal/dev use (32-bit because that was the default). I installed 64-bit versions for PPCG purposes. I've had the cygwin versions for ages because cygwin is essential. Then came pypy2 and pypy3 for Seriously stuff and more PPCG stuff. Then I installed 3.6 to test it out.
I'm not actually writing (much) Python. I'm writing C/C++ interfaced to Python. Each version has it's own DLL's
@Mego Hah. I missed that earlier. +1
@DJMcMayhem Do you know Emacs Lisp?
@DJMcMayhem I also write some C/C++ with Python, so juggling all the libraries for those 9 different versions is quite the challenge
@ckjbgames not at all
@DJMcMayhem This must be the ultimate challenge, to write an Emacs golfing language in Emacs Lisp.
I've thought about learning/golfing in it just to screw with people who know I'm a vim fanatic, and for the challenge, but never gotten around to it
@Mego Oh really? That's good to know. Do you use boost Python?
@DJMcMayhem I have learned a little bit of Emacs Lisp
codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/111932/56721 "Go to the online JavaScript Conway life simulator. Click import, paste the design text. You should see the design. Then, go to settings and set the generation step to 512, or something around those lines, or you'll have to wait forever to see the clock display updating." help there are no buttons on the site
@DJMcMayhem Nope. I mostly just do simple C/C++ extensions
That's too bad. I wish I had someone to cry to in here when I get confused by boost.
Which is pretty much all the time
I've used other parts of Boost before
So I can kinda sympathize
I see in the starred messages there was a conversation about [this](coding2learn.org/blog/2013/07/29/kids-cant-use-computers)
Screwed up my Markdown
Quick question. This answer was deleted by a moderator. I believe I've fixed the problem and I've flagged it for moderator attention. Is there anything else I should do?
@NonlinearFruit Nope. A mod will take care of it.
Not really. That's some impressive dedication though!
@MartinEnder Why can't I vote to close a question after I voted to close, then it was closed, then reopened? codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/111991/34718
Thanks! I'll chill and see what happens
@mbomb007 To prevent close-reopen wars where a question is repeatedly closed and reopened.
I suppose, but it really is still unclear, as I commented about.
Another topic, it turns out that this exists: "Now in beta: query the Stack Exchange API real-time using SQL. See online-sql-editor.com and select Stack Exchange." - meta.stackexchange.com/users/245360/patrick-hofman
But no one likes SQL, so is it really that significant?
If SE uses SQL, then someone there must like it.
Like the user whose profile I took that from.
@mbomb007 noone likes PHP yet lots of people still use it /s
We should edit every TNB caused bug report into a chain like the "crossed out 44" chain, haha
I second this proposal.
@DJMcMayhem Or maybe just maintain a list somewhere (not on meta though)
It would be perfect for the many memes page if it weren't locked
@DJMcMayhem "we broke it again"
@DJMcMayhem *grumble grumble*
@DJMcMayhem I didn't know we had a 44 chain and I just skipped it what do I do now halp
I'm curious, who tracks the current tail of of crossed out 44?
@Riker :O it is working?
Can't test
Not at comp or ipad
@DJMcMayhem :o your V challenge hit HNQ!
@Riker Yeah, I know. It was at #1 for half the day
:o nice!
@Downgoat how do I install gitgoat/
@Riker do you have xcode
on what
on my mac? yes
Okay open the Xcodeproj in xcode
@DJMcMayhem thrice is pretty freaking good
Wait you need cocapod
okay install cocapods first
I like the alchmemy album
@Downgoat kk
@Riker cocoa pods is non-typoed name
ah kk
@Downgoat xcode command line stuff right
what about them?
that's what you mean by xcode right
You need like Xcode app
Like one you open up and it shows in dock
ah ok
@Downgoat is there any way to install it without a developer apple id :|
It ok that don't cost $$
ah ok
how make one though
ah kk
Should be button there

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