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Why not? I love tea
tea is *healthy
Not if you accidentally fill your cup halfway with sugar, which I did earlier today.
Drank it anyway, maybe the first time I successfully got the sugar to dissolve in the tea.
But I don't really want anymore tea today
Wow. Fountain Wish on first level
@Pavel Ninja'd
I saw already ;-;
are there any Java specific comments vs. C#?
Does C# support the C preprocessor?
You are going to need a lot more than a distance of 10 to include Java
That's true
You can start on it by doing foo and making some arbitrary java-like edits.
@Pavel what time zone are you in?
do I go for the SDSM or the GDSM!
Is there a way to find out how many answers use a certain language?
what's the diff between Software Engineering and SO?
One of them is for problems you encounter at your compiler. The other one is for problems you encounter at your whiteboard.
Now I'm changing my password
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DJMcMayhemHappy birthday V! code-golf ascii-art string V is a programming language that I wrote so that I could use and extend vim for code-golf challenges. The very first commit was on March 3rd, 2016, meaning that today V turns one year old! Woo-hoo Let's have a challenge to celebrate V's birthday. ...

TrashCan. The mod only one
Why not just delete the message?
If a message is moved, can the first room's owner see the message edit history?
I'm not sure, let's find out
I did, but I'm pretty sure the people can still view it
Crap. Now I'll ahve to change my password. It's not every day that someone gives away their password on a chat room
It's actually really funny IMO
But you should definitely change it
doing that right now -_-
Do you use the same password anywhere else? If you do change those too.
It was a pretty secure password while it lasted
No, I use different passwords
@NewSandboxedPosts On an unrelated note, I really love this challenge. I want to post it right now, but I guess I can wait
This specific password has never been used anywhere except my computer
OK, changed to a different password. Not as secure but this is my home computer behind a NAT, does not need to be
Let's do "Happy Birthday C" in 2022
OK, basically what happened is I pressed space to deactivate my screensaver and then the screensaver (and the entire gnome-shell) crashed, so I ended up typing it into the Chrome window.
The window manager started back up and then I realized that I did not unlock it yet.
Happened a few times to me too.
good thing this is not IRC so you can delete messages
I use Arch, I have a swapfile, I enabled the resume hook in initramfs, I added resume and resume_offset to kernel parameters, but I can't hibernate into swapfile. Halp.
(I'd use the sandbox but it wouldn't work there)
My question? :P
1 message moved to Trash
For science.
I was curious to see if the "so and so has invited you to the trash" message still shows up for RO's (it does)
And I knew you were on
@betseg I'm pretty sure you can't hibernate into swapfile. You need a partition.
@wat according to Arch Wiki, you can wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Power_management/…
I just have a 16GB swap part
I have 4^4 questions ^.^
where's the SEDE query for amount of rep gained if question upvotes were scaled to +10?
can't find it
@HelkaHomba congrats!
Why is my vim swapfile 289.6 GB in size
> vim swapfile
Ao that's why my disk is being slow
And that's with transparent compression enabled.
@Riker The .<filename>.swp
@HelkaHomba now go post 5 answers so they can both be exponents of 2
@wat uh
because you've used vim
@Riker Answers... shudders
Well, it happened. Calvin posted an answer. The end times are upon us. — Alex A. ♦ Oct 15 '15 at 23:54
now ima delete it and free up 289.6 GB of space
@HelkaHomba lol
Fuck snapshots.
what language to use next for that challenge...
@wat hmm, I removed all hibernate related things, added back, and it works now. I probably made a typo
I see
Is it possible to have an interface take a lambda with variadic args and return an int?
Jan 1 '16 at 22:52, by Doorknob 冰
So it could take something like this: (a, b) -> a + b as well as (a, b, c, d) -> a * b + c * d
I'm not sure if that's within the reaches of Java
@HelkaHomba is it possible for elendia to adapt tnbde for other chatrooms?
Best ask him
it's up to him
@HelkaHomba thanks!
There a synonym for "punctuation"? Specifically, printable ASCII punctuation ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}:"...etc
@HelkaHomba non-alphanumeric non-whitespace characters?
symbol, durr
(talking to myself)
@HelkaHomba [^\s\w]
I have an idea for a quine-like challenge and I'd like some input on it. It's something along the lines of write a program or function that is at least 5 lines of code. Each line must be unique. The function takes an input (assume int 1-5) and should output the code on that line-number. Something along those lines; I see some flaws but it might have potential not sure.
Sounds fine
I'm stuck between popularity-contest or code-golf. I like code-golf challenges the most but if I'm forcing the program to be at least 5 lines of code it seems weird also making it a code-golf challenge haha
Make it golf. Keeping it open as a pop-con would be way harder
@AlbertRenshaw I'm not sure if this challenge is complex enough to be , but if it is then go for that
Make it a popcon, there haven't been many of those in a while.
I haven't seen a single decent code-bowling challenge in ages
I don't think I've seen one on my time here
That's my first time hearing of code-bowling. I also wish there were more code-trolling posts
Also, has an objective winning criterion. It's the number of votes.
@AlbertRenshaw That tag was retired
is a contest for the longest code instead of the shortest
@AlbertRenshaw Code bowling would be great, but it's very hard to make it non-gameable
Okay I'll make it code-golf-pop-con. Your score is number of bytes minus number of upvotes, lowest score winws
just kidding ;P
@wat pop-cons that could just as easily be code-golf are usually closed. I'd be ok with more general pop-cons but a lot of people aren't
You know this actually would be an interesting question for code bowling because of the each line must be unique stipulation. But I'm wondering if someone writes a function to simply read their own file, for example, then they could pretty much add infinite lines of code and return any line number
@AlbertRenshaw that's cheating
I need to read up on the rules and loopholes and other things for this site 😅
@HelkaHomba codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/104017/… This would have made a cool code-bowling challenge
Okay I think this could be a good code-bowling challenge; does anyone see any potential issues with it or possible loop holes I should exclude for some reason?
@AlbertRenshaw I can't find any problems with people gaming the system (yet)
TIL that 75% of IKEA catalog "photos" are actually renders
I'll let it simmer for about 20 minutes if I can't think of any objections I'll write up a post for it, sounds fun! Thanks guys
@AlbertRenshaw I'd bet it's easy in some languages to make arbitrarily long quines (not on separate lines necessarily, but this may be a concern)
I would say the "each line must be unique" ruling could help prevent that but maybe not.. not sure. I wonder if I should further define what "unique" means too. One complex line and then the same complex line with a leading or trailing space might not be considered unique.
for example. Line 1: standard quine program, line 2 //commented out identical quine, line 3, ///commented out idential quine (with 3 backslashes), line 4 with 4 back slashes, etc etc etc. The initial quine program could just add the # of backslashes based on input and the additional lines do nothing since they are commented out and are all unique since they add a back-slash each time
Obviously with code-bowling I'd imagine comments dont count towards byte count anyways, but that was just for the sake of example
I'm not too familiar with code-bowling scoring. Could someone not just declare their variables as very long names? Is there a meta post or something showing how that game is scored?
Okay I think I can address your comment @HelkaHomba, I can put a byte-cap on each line. So you can have as many lines as you want but no line can be more than X bytes.
A line must not contain the same characters as another line of code. So something like:
@AlbertRenshaw They could do that, and that behavior is hard to define, thus hard to ban, thus code-bowling is hard to write questions for
is not acceptable, as the first line contains all the characters from the other the other line
Something like this is acceptable, however:
@Qwerp-Derp that's a great solution!
But what about something like:
That's still not a "catch-all" though, as someone could just do a Caesar cipher or something like that
(I dont know how to type line breaks in here without sending multiple messages)
@AlbertRenshaw shift neter
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
case 1:{print(case 1:+quine)}
case 2:{print(case 2:+quine)}
case 3:{print(case 3:+quine)}
I can see that these lines are not really "unique" but it's hard to define a rule to systematically determine what "unique" means since its semi-subjective
(ಥ﹏ಥ) I'll think about this challenge more later, I like the concept, it may have to be popularity-contest though since there are just too many ways to game it as code-bowling. Goodnight everyone!
@AlbertRenshaw Please don't use these unicode faces here.
@mınxomaτ why not
One is fine, just don't make it a habit.
Linux users, could you help me with testing something?
@KritixiLithos sure
Yeah (fully updated Ubuntu 16.04).
What do you want to test (if not destructive enough)?
args=($(pwd) $@)
set -- ${args[*]}
echo $@
In a file (with a .sh extension)
And then call it like sh file.sh --blah=`pwd` blah
What do you get?
Oh of course TIO
So basically no errors. Hmmm
lol I made a really sloppy reduce which takes variadic-arg functions:
def reduce(function, values):
    arg_count = function.func_code.co_argcount
    final_values = values

    while len(final_values) >= arg_count:
        temp_value = eval("function(" + ",".join([str(x) for x in final_values[:arg_count]]) + ")")
        final_values = [temp_value] + final_values[arg_count:]

    return final_values

print(reduce(lambda a, b, c: a + b * c, [1, 2, 4, 5, 9]))
I'm hoping to get rid of the eval, but I don't know how
Any tips?
function(*final_values[:arg_count]) ?
Depending on what you want to do, that ",".join looks very suspicious
@Sp3000 Huh, how does that work?
I'm assuming what you want to do is pass the values of final_values[:arg_count] as arguments to function
* is a splat operator that unpacks an iterable
So f(*[1,2,3]) == f(1,2,3)
So is it the same * in *args?
If you mean like def f(something, *args, **kwargs), the *args there captures any extra arguments
So it's related
Whoa, that's cool
Doing the reduce function in Python is so much easier than in Java :)
But it's so much slower :(
@Mego Noted. Probably won't be able to start up again until later this week anyway. Good luck with your in-laws
Do answers in <>< need to count the -v flag when input is needed?
when will the so survey 2017 results come :/
> The Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2017 is now closed! We'll be publishing the results and releasing the public data file in mid-March
Q: Letter, Number, Symbol, Space, Repeat

Helka HombaThere are 97 ASCII characters that people encounter on a regular basis. They fall into four categories: Letters (52 total) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Numbers or Digits (10 total) 0123456789 Symbols & Punctuation (32 total) !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ Whitesp...

@HelkaHomba now you have 3rd fermat prime questions
257 is the third fermat prime
Now you have (Characters in Jelly's encoding) questions.
There is a comment that I do not know what to do with...
Is this my coffee? — Aaron yesterday
On one side it's based just on a name coincidence, on the other side it's already got 5 stars. Would it be wrong to flag this comment as non-constructive?
Remember when the kid that went from point F to point G on the Turkish mathematics book was removed because it reminds the name of Fethullah Gülen? Now an AKP metropolitan mayor claims that TRAPPIST-1's portrayal is engraved on the Grand Mosque's pulpit.
I don't have any context for any of this. I don't know if that's the same for most of the room
did you know TRAPPIST-1 is engraved on a Turkish mosque 700 years ago?
No, this is news to me
@betseg pretty sure it's not
@EriktheOutgolfer One non-constructive flag will have no effect on the comment. The comment will only be removed if more people flag it or if a moderator agrees with the flag. If you feel a comment is non-constructive feel free to flag it as such.
@aditsu ik i posted because i found it funny
@trichoplax Thanks.
I think a bot is after me
Lesson learned: Do NOT propose to a chatbot
Fun fact: new System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionStateContainer("",null,null,0,0<1,0,0,0<1).LC‌​ID=0; throws a CultureNotFoundException in C#
@KritixiLithos oops the TIO link was wrong ;-;
tio.run/nexus/… , still no error, but no output either
That is weird
3 hours later…
@MistahFiggins I am a little confused as to how changing the delimiter works in Del|m|t. I thought this code would change the delimiter to ` Z ` and exit but it loops forever
Q: Blink the webcam light!

haykamThis challenge is inspired by Blink the CAPS LOCK by zeppelin. Most webcams feature a small integrated LED light, indicating if the webcam is in use, as controlled by a hardware mechanism to prevent spying. Your task is to blink it: Turn it on; Wait for 0.5 (±0.1) seconds; Turn it off again...

@NewMainPosts lol I taped my webcam
@NewMainPosts I don't have a webcam light, and I've taped my webcam.
> TFW when you wake up and see 51 items in your inbox: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/111310/…
I like how the original C# has mostly not been modified, just worked around.
Presently, the latest answer only has a distance of 165 from the original.
@WheatWizard Hmm... It exits for me, I think
Yeah, exits for me, too.
Hmmm, something is weird
Q: I copied my password to the clipboard! Can you delete it?

Luis MendoFollowing the best security practices, I keep a plain text file with my passwords on my hard drive. In fact, I just copied and pasted one of them to access my PPCG account. In a lucid moment, I decide that the password should better not remain in the clipboard after its use. Since this happens t...

@MistahFiggins yeah i was getting that too that's what i thought was weird
Ok, so the stack is apparently [62, 88, 95, 7, 7
Why, I have no clue
Someone here knows how to load a transparent image with Pyglet?
@MistahFiggins So its a bug?
@Pavel Not sure if you saw this:
This outputs perfectly fine on the official J Android app — Blocks 9 mins ago
Well alright then
So does that make the answer valid?
I guess if there's an interpreter that produces the correct output, then it counts
Q: Clarification on answer deletion

Niet the Dark AbsolAnswer in question (I made a funny) So I realise it's a joke answer that I made. I can understand if that might raise some eyebrows and maybe garner a downvote or two. But nothing could have prepared me for this: This doesn't fit the rules. (no explanation as to why, what rules, anything....

Is it possible for a language to be turing complete in bounded storage, or can it at most be a push-down automaton?
A push-down automaton has infinite memory, since you can put any number of elements on the stack
So with bounded memory the most you can be is a finite-state automaton.
that is to say, not turing complete.
The order for computational complexity is TC > Push down > FSM > combinational logic
There's a few more in there
Like what?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NonlinearFruitBoard Game Breaking - The Front Nine W.I.P. Eventually I will make a post here for each of the challenges. This post is for discussing them as a series. If you have an idea for a good board game breaker, please share! Introduction Board Game Breaking is a series of challenges that harness comp...

@WheatWizard is combinational logic the same thing as combinatory logic? If so, I think combinatory logic is TC
Turing machine
PTIME Turing Machine
Nested stack
Thread automaton
restricted Tree stack automaton
Embedded pushdown
Nondeterministic pushdown
Deterministic pushdown
Visibly pushdown
Counter-free (with aperiodic finite monoid)
Acyclic finite
For automata, ^
Positive range concatenation
Linear context-free rewriting systems
Deterministic context-free
Visibly pushdown
For grammars ^
@WheatWizard pretty sure, but I don't know what. Changing the delimiter changes what's on the stack
@MistahFiggins Ok If you would like help fixing this I would be interested however I really don't like Java.
Alright. I don't think I'll need help, but thanks for offering
@ConorO'Brien No they are different
that 'aint confusing >_>
Technically, because computers have limited memory, every computer is a finite-state automata.
@ETHproductions: another cubix feature request: comparison operator. Takes top two values (A and B) on the stack (doesn't remove them though) and pushes -1 if a<b, 0 if a==b and 1 if a>b
@ChristopherPeart No
I didn't say that
k so you have a infinite amount of tape for your turing machine??
Idk anyone who has that
No one does that
Turing machines are an abstraction. None actually exist.
No one has a turing machine.
Just like how a line in math can be infinitely thin. Or how topological objects can self intersect.
You know
Sometimes i feel really stupid
I'm selling a printer on Norway's "Craigslist". I got the reply:
This will be good
"Hi. Do you steel have this printer? I wont buy this printer from you."
Actually made me laugh
@ChristopherPeart Me too :)
Why even reply at all?
@Pavel Because you can
If my last message was starred it would be pretty great for anyone not here
@Pavel you know python?
I need some help :P my code is not working and i don't understand the error
Not my best language
should we flag answers that are non-competing for other reasons than a too new of an interpreter? Namely this one: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/111377/7209
It is super simple code
Put it here
I'm pretty good at python
@JanDvorak I think we should not (i am new here) since it allows new languages to answer old questions
# sentence-err.py
# Defines the entry point for the application
# Created by Brynden "Gigabyte Giant" Bielefeld on 01/25/2015
import re     # Regular Expression Library
import sys    # System Library
import random # Random Number Generator Library

def getLineList(file):
    retData = []

    for ln in open(file, "r"):
        if ln != "":
            retData.append(ln.replace("\n", ""))

    return retData

def pickRandom(data):
    return data[random.randrange(len(data))]

def pickNRandom(n, data):
Wow onebox why dont ya
@JanDvorak Yes, it violates the rules, NAA
Error/command to run
C:\Users\chris\Documents\GitHub\Sentence-err\src>python sentence-err.py C:\Users\chris\Documents\GitHub\Sentence-err\data
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "sentence-err.py", line 127, in <module>
    main(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)
  File "sentence-err.py", line 113, in main
    "conjuctions" : getLineList(DATA_PATHS["conjunctions"])
KeyError: 'conjunctions'
Flagged, thanks
Yeah that was not even an answer to the question
Didn't solve le problem
On SO the mods take NAA as "not an answer to any question".
I take it as not an answer to the question
And it is working for me
@JanDvorak Here it means "not an answer to this question"
@WheatWizard can you look at my code? It only errors when i added conjuctions
Yeah I'm looking at it now
You misspelled conjunctions in your dictionary
Thats why you are getting a keyerror
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NonlinearFruitBGB #1 - Number Rings Goal: Take an int, output the probability of creating that int with 3d6 & +-*/. Introduction Check here Background Number Rings (or Sector 18) is a board game where up to 4 players take turns rolling a set of 3 six-sided dice. Then then using +-*/ to combine all three...

You also misspelled it in DATA but thats not causing any errors yet
Yeah i fixed it up
Lesson learned: If you spell it wrong once ya better always spell it wrong or you will have one heck of a time
@WheatWizard you have a github? If you do is the username WheatWizard
@MistahFiggins I think I found the problem
or a problem
@WheatWizard Yeah?
You do while(!stack.isEmpty() && push(pop()) >= 0){
Then you pop
the stack becomes empty in the buggy example and then it attempts to pop from an empty stack
Perhaps thats not the problem
"The salty pancake trot quicker the pancake." sentence-errr made that sentence
I don't think so. If the stack is empty, the !stack.isEmpty() should be false, so a new character isn''t added
Oh ok yeah I see that now
You do pop from an empty stack a couple lines later but I see that pop is meant to handle empty stacks so that shouldn't be the problem
Is it supposed to change the delimeter immediately?
Ok I think I know what is happening then
When the delimiter is changed it goes back to the begining of the code instead of resuming where it left off
the first token becomes `H D L O Z Z Q ` which has a ASCII value of 871. 871%32 = 7
so thats how the seven ends up there
IDK if this is considered intended behavior but I am pretty sure it is what is happening
Correction the first token is H D L O which has an ASCII value of 391. 391%32 = 7
The next token is `Z Q \` which also has a residue of 7
@MistahFiggins Is this what is supposed to happen
No, it shouldn't go back to the beginning
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NonlinearFruitBGB #2 - Can't Stop! Goal: Take 3 ints, output the probability 2 of 4d6 will sum to one of the ints. Introduction Check here Background Can't Stop is a board game. There are columns for the numbers 2 through 12, each having a number of rungs that must be climbed into to win the column. On ...

> TFW you see that you've gained +3 rep and you're more disappointed by the one downvote somewhere than you are satisfied by the one upvote
@Pavel Why would anybody even consider letting this happen
Any chance it's CGI'd?
You know, people doubt things on the internet. They say they aren't real. I believe the internet. It's more fun to believe that someone's car, was at some point, paved over.
Any chance that's not asphalt at all? I can see that the "road" is abruptly cut in the middle.
Well road paving is (literally) it's own science.
New asphalt is usually poured in patches during road repairs.
My theory is that the owner of the car was repeatedly asked to move it, and when he didn't for a long time the engineers got salty and just paved over the car instead of calling the towing company.
I like the theory
But hot asphalt is a liquid, this resembles a rug-like appearance.
Stop ruining it >.<
I think it's CGI. I want that blend file, nao.
maybe there just isn't a car in there
Actually, it would just be a car+road-shaped blob superimposed on an HDR photo.
I could see someone making that out of Styrofoam and placing it there.
They could have worked harder on that, IMO
Why's there a wet patch on the left? It's not rain because the roads are dry.
Just doesn't look nice.
@JanDvorak Shadow, not wet patch?
That's definitely a reflection.
I'd suspect that wet patch is a shadow, too detailed for a wet patch.
It's too bright for a shadow
I don't think so. Maybe check your screen contrast settings?
I wish it was higher res
It looks like a shadow to me

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