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You compiled something, we get it.
You made control code smileys
@n4melyh4xor I don't think it will normally overflow, because normally it wouldn't even be programmed to do something at all.
personally, I more enjoy the ^V^ one
I almost crashed my computer... but what was I doing in main.cpp?
You played with the STL
"FUCK" (translated from bash) ^C
Or CPP and the STL
Truly evil
Second time I reduced constants and got the kill command ready beforehand. First time my computer completely freaked out.v
i got the idea for the worst language (to make Hello World in) ever
I have the best esolang idea
there's 2 commands and a acc
Every character is a command, and each command do something obscure that cause something to happen
+ - inc the acc
@TuxCopter You mean Jelly?
O - out the acc as ASCII char
@n4melyh4xor Already exists: esolangs.org/wiki/MiniStringFuck
oh man, they just saw my idea and posted /s
@n4melyh4xor The first rev was the 10 August 2016‎
see? /s /s /s
... We are the 17 December 2016
TIL Structs and pairs have the same performance cost. Through expirementation.
I'd make EvilMiniStringFuck
@TuxCopter Hey that's my language! Yeah, I have masqueraded it as being made in 2000 lol.
make the accumulator huge as hell
like 8 sextillion
or something
LOL you're so harsh!!!
What about a 65536-bit accumulator?
double the number, now we're talking
irb(main):003:0> (2**2**16).to_s.length
=> 19729 # digits
i have good number, very good number. i sell for $30
To add to the evil part, it will be the length of the program (not the content) that will determine the output. In bijective base-65536.
but then you'd have no way to output
(probably you're thinking O if you need to output in a good spot)
@TuxCopter I stole your work. Hey everyone, you can get it for free!
y u do dis
I wish c++ has better static code analysis. This is my prayer.
C++ in itself will never have static code analysis
It's external
@TuxCopter Yeah, I don't think you can copyright a number. Or sell it. At all. Ever. If you could, the set of natural numbers would not be free to use, for example. I hope you didn't actually sell it to someone lol.
It was a joke based on a PPCG meme
console.log(Math.pow(Math.pow(2, 2), 16));
A question with a code and i have good golf, very good golf. i see it for $30
@n4melyh4xor JS don't have arbitrary-precision numbers
This code will simply return inf
It returns 4294967296 for me, not Infinity.
inf or a big random number, but definitively not a 19729-digit number
That's why I chose Python 2 and st0le it ;)
An illegal prime is a prime number that represents information whose possession or distribution is forbidden in some legal jurisdiction. One of the first illegal primes was found in 2001. When interpreted in a particular way, it describes a computer program that bypasses the digital rights management scheme used on DVDs. Distribution of such a program in the United States is illegal under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. An illegal prime is a kind of illegal number. == Background == One of the earliest illegal prime numbers was generated in March 2001 by Phil Carmody. Its binary rep...
Oh, btw, numbers can have copyright problems
An illegal number is a number that represents information which is illegal to possess, utter, propagate, or otherwise transmit in some legal jurisdiction. Any piece of information is representable as a number; consequently, if communicating a specific set of information is illegal in some way, then the number may be illegal as well. == Background == A number may represent some type of classified information or trade secret, legal to possess only by certain authorized persons. An AACS encryption key that came to prominence in May 2007 is an example of a number claimed to be a secret, and w...
That would be better for oneboxing. And you didn't © it at all.
Is knowing C++ from reference books and no tutorial a bad idea?
Nobody will blame you for learning a language the hard way
@TuxCopter I mean I can make real programs
(I'm sorry)
That was actually a little bit weird... like, have you ever seen an illegal ill eagle? Just a bit insulting for Americans. (bald eagle is their mascot, it being ill is definitely a bad thing)
TIL named structs w/ initializers are just as fast as cumbersome pairs
...America is illegal
inb4 banned
anyone want to work on a series of problems called "An Array of Challenges"? :P
male pattern baldness actually compensates for the overheating of the brain caused by beards
Yes, very weird.
@Flp.Tkc, ba dum tss.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC struct{int a;int b;} pair = {10, 20};
Pure C int pair
@TuxCopter so?
struct cow {
    int weight;
    bool has_spots;
    cow(int weight_new, bool has_spots_new) : weight(weight_new), has_spots(has_spots_new) {}
profiled, it's the same speed
int cowSpeed; isn't defined though
Do one for goat too, please?
With an attribute down
`struct goat {
char whatever;
float sYourGoat;
struct goat {
        int weight;
        bool down;
        bool knows_es6;
        goat(int weight_new, bool down_new, bool knows_es6) : weight(weight_new), down(true), knows_es6(true) {}
Obviously, all goats know es6. And are down.
wow es6 sucks yo
didn't you hear? /s
I'll star everything starred by someone else
just because it looks pretty
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Aren't upgoats goats? TIL lol?
cheddar> @test actually is @test
cheddar> 1 actually is 1
:D got symbols to be true-symbols
> actually is
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC You clearly haven't met Joegoat...
he is dumbest goat on barn
he don't even know python
where is barn
who's the smartest goat on barn then?
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC 0/10 very creepy asking for my address
@n4melyh4xor It's definitively not Downgoat /s
@n4melyh4xor It's the red one which is facing down with -1 on torso
always trust penguin
@TuxCopter Is there problem?
@Downgoat obviously the one on the ECMA panel
@Downgoat Is this really the equality operator?
it is absolute equality operator
similar to *foo == *bar
compares whether two are the same object
@ErikGolferエリックゴルファー ^ from wikipedia page Shuttle Carrier Aircraft
foovar = foobarv2
@Downgoat Why not ===
@betseg -1 for discriminating agaist Downspaceshuttle
@TuxCopter ew
Because someone may want to call a variable actually
also it's nicer with is and what is
or is
@TuxCopter only person who will do that is @Mego :P
Yes but without this Seriously descendants will never be chez-based
ok how about is a seriously equal to b
Not verbose enough
is a totally seriously equal to b
ok how about:
 public static void main is string a args seriously equal to b
I'm not sure what Java devs were thinking
public static integer function main takes argument args which is a string array
$ finger
This total verbosity make me think of one of my old lang
@n4melyh4xor $ unzip
@betseg if Python and Java had a baby :P
java - it's too verbose
@betseg $ touch
you know what's verbose?
> perhaps the most [in]famous of which is Notepad
@TuxCopter D:
They stole name Unicorn!
now THAT'S verbose
Language of choice: Unary. do I win
@n4melyh4xor Become intelligent to solve P=NP and output the result in my terminal without destroying the earth
@TuxCopter you first
Mind having some BF variants? esolangs.org/wiki/VerboseFuck
^^ Eyeless ಠ_ಠ
Please, write the lyrics to the song 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall.
y bring this song to PPCG
@n4melyh4xor go to hell
About 3.14.
@ErikGolferエリックゴルファー ~1
I voted to close it, but it got reopened :(
wow rude
haha, very funny
I accidentally clicked on it
@betseg ರ________________________ರ
u r vry evil
@betseg 0/10 too evil
@betseg that's a tune
But I'll admit, NGGYU is a nice language to golf in, I'll probably learn it soon
@KritixiLithos Quite frankly, I have no idea why you'd think this is a duplicate of the cat challenge.
There is currently no text in this page."
NGGYU is better than Jelly lol I just saw the source.
what is so good in that Jelly of yours huh
it's mostly werid characters
Jelly is not mine, it's Dennis'
phrase /s /s
@Dennis To be really honest, I hated the song and let my impulsive young mind take control over me by voting to close it for no real reason. I'll be more careful next time
I hate that piece of $#!7 song too I guess?
Just reading the PPAP lyrics got it stuck inside my head
> I have a pen, I have an island, Uh, [redacted]
test case be like
Slow songs like PPAP don't stuck in my head, but NNGYU is stuck since I posted the link :(
And i didn't even open YouTube
It got stuck in my head about 3 months ago >:(
I might be immune because I don't know the song. Still, if you just dislike a challenge, downvote it; don't vote to close. I personally wouldn't downvote for the wrong choice of song though.
Please, never learn the song.
^ It's for your mental health
Don't even search for it
^ You have been warned, we will lose our very own Dennis.
Reverse psychology, he will want to listen to the song
@n4melyh4xor Huh?
@betseg Right, D:
@betseg Can confirm, getting increasingly tempted to google it.
@Flp.Tkc Plz no
there it is dennis
@Flp.Tkc NO
(And now I don't even have to.)
inb4 whole channel #BANHIM
@Flp.Tkc Delete it before I flag it, please
@Flp.Tkc Flagged as spam.
@KritixiLithos If you flag that, I'll get my trout.

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