Goal: print the word "Red" using all the letters in the word "Green" that are not in the word "Red."
Reserved words do not apply, and do not count towards spelling "green" or spelling "red." You can only use the letters g, r and n in non-reserved words. You cannot use the number "0" anywhere in t...
Interpreting the challenge too literally
That is, if the challenge says "write a function that, given a number n, returns the n-th prime", posting something equivalent to:
function f($n) {
return "the $n-th prime";
int add(int a,int b)
int sum,carry;
if (b == 0)
return a;
sum = a ^ b; // add without carrying
carry = (a & b) << 1; // carry, but don’t add
return add(sum,carry); // recurse
@Geobits no i mean like previouslly it was normal salary like 80K but now in 2016 after react/nodejs/babel/webpack mess it has shot up to 200K beacuse no one bother to learn
Knowing react is probably one of the least important things for most react jobs. Being able to deal with all the petty bullshit that comes with developing in a team of wildly varying skill levels, and all the office politic crap, is usually more likely to get you hired.
They give that a blanket name of "fit" to make it sound normal ;)
@StevenH. A serious request: Make up new words of the same length for various dichotomies so they align better in code. e.g. left/right true/false yes/no in/out
It'd also be cool if there was a language where the length of words for numbers (or at least positive integers) was directly proportional to their digit length
....so, I just opened up the page for SO's primary and the first nomination I saw was at 245 total score. I thought to myself, "wow, that's a lot". Turns out, that was the lowest score of all of the nominations...
@El'endiaStarman I can't fathom wanting to be a SO moderator. At least on code-golf you become famous, where on SO, the site is so huge, I feel like I rarely see them
@Calvin'sHobbies i dont think its that, more so that users which aren't very-active in the PPCG community look at candidate score which is highly dependent on rep
High rep (in general) correlates to number of posts. More posts is more visibility, and more actual reputation. It's fairly natural for elected mods to have more rep than average.
I'm trying to write a code for Validating a Date in python I have two question
1_ why I can't use this form 01/05/2015, it keep give me an error
2_ how I can't stop the user use the negative numbers.
def main():
ask the user for a date as a string in the form mm/dd/yyyy
date = input("Please...