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we also have a rather popular chat
There's actually also a mod-only Trashcan room that I almost never use.
what gets moved to the trashcan?
makes sense
Just be glad that mostly the worst that happens here is stuff getting moved to trash
I don't think TNB has ever been frozen by mods
Unrelatedly, apparently this is what it sounds like when a cat runs into a glass door. :P
Here's something I've been wondering... I found this place a couple months ago from an /r/programming thread. How kindly do you guys take to challenges being linked to from reddit / HN or any other aggregators? Is it a positive for the community or does it cause an eternal september of sorts?
(by mostly the worst, I mean we've had a few suspensions (both automatic via flags and manual by mods), but that's pretty rare)
@FourOhFour You mean our challenges being shared on other sites? We don't mind at all. In fact, there are badges for that.
@Mego What's being frozen mean?
There's a bot that tweets some of the challenges, so I don't think it's a bad thing.
@Mego huh, that's cool.
@Yodle It means only mods can send messages. It usually happens when a large number of people continually break chat rules in the room, but it's also done automatically when a room is inactive for too long.
@Yodle Typically happens if a room has been inactive for two weeks (one week for a private room) where nobody (except mods) can post messages.
However, any influx of viewers will probably mean we have to deal with more low-quality, invalid, and/or non-answer answers.
Ahh interesting.
I imagine that is the case
Mos Eisley got frozen a while back for continued bad behavior
I think they got their act together, though
I have another newbie question! Is there a tag for challenges where the program takes one input, checks if it satisfies a criterion and returns a truthy/falsy value as a result? I ask because they are possibly my favourite question styles.
Primenary Strings is the most recent example I think
is sort of like that
I don't know that we have a specific tag for those kind of challenges, but maybe we should
or the like
codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/99781 This sort of thing... should this be
No, I wouldn't call that classification
OK, so it's kinda a different thing
we don't really classify by what inputs or outputs are
I like the idea of having that tag - I'll make a proposal on meta
not saying we can't, but I don't think we have any
decision-problem sorta fits
Q: String Addition (Adding a Maximum of 9+9+9)

ender_scytheThe Challenge You must create a program that does addition using string manipulation, similar to: 999 + 1 ---- 1000 Which means the maximum amount of addition possible is 9+9+9. And your code should handle numbers up to infinity (since the addition is done on strings). Breakdown of 999+1 ...

Q: Do n and n^3 have the same set of digits?

OliverGiven a number n (0 <= n <= 2642245), check if n and n3 have the same set of digits, and output a truthy or falsey value accordingly. For example, let's check the number 100. 1003 is 1000000. The set of digits in 100 is {0, 1}. The set of digits in 1000000 is {0, 1}. Therefore, 100 should gi...

neither of them is descriptive enough though
It's hard to pin down
@Mego I can confirm that TNB has only ever been frozen by SE for inactivity.
@El'endiaStarman Cool. We behave in here :)
I'm quite glad we do. :D
An IRC I was once in once spammed so bad that three snoonet admins came in to check out what was happening
good times
Q: New tag proposal: decision-problem

MegoInspired by a question in chat from a new user, I thought it would be a good idea to have a tag for challenges where the output is a truthy value if the input meets certain criteria, and falsey otherwise. decision-problem would make a good tag name - it's precisely what these types of problems ar...

I remember getting Z-lined from a fairly large IRC network a while back because a friend and I played room ownership hot potato
The admins were not pleased about that
I think it was coldfront, so in all reality not much was lost
Worst offence I've ever done is nearly loose +v in a channel for spamming while the mod was making an announcement.
Good old days of bots
Oh, and gotten tempbanned for a few malfunnctiong bots
IRC bots are so much fun
IRC is a fun platform for running bots
That sounds like a KOTH challenge actually...
It's an extremely simple protocol
yeah, that's the beauty of it
except each network has it's own implementation of the protocl
Heh, code golf challenge: write a simple IRC client
Good luck with that one CJam!
which order you send auth messages, where the colons go, etc.
it's differnet everywhere
@FourOhFour They're mostly the same. Only a few differences here and there. Now network services are a completely different story.
CJam is so 2015
Now it's Jelly ruling the challenges
Colons go in front of parameters that contain spaces
huh, really?
I'd have liked to know that before I wrote an IRC framework :P
I used to play around with bots on AIM/AOL
Yep, they essentially act as quotes
That explains an awful lot
hence no quotes for PONG etc.
Where in a shell you would do foo bar "baz bip" "abc def", on IRC you would do foo bar :baz bip :abc def
I was a bored teenager, so I decided to learn IRC :P
I still am a bored teenager :D
It might seem like my age is showing, but that was only about 8 years ago
@Mego Which makes it a pain in the ass to parse
I'm straight out of /r/lewronggeneration when it comes to messaging protocols
If everyone I knew could ditch fb messenger in favour of IRC channels that'd be great...
teenager was 4 years ago for me :P
@quartata [arg.strip() for arg in msg[:msg.index(':')].split()]+[arg.strip() for arg in msg[msg.index(':')+1:].split(':')]
@FourOhFour “irc no have emoji” - Typical user
"But in FB messenger when I press the basketball emoji there's a minigame"
In a perfect world everything would be escaped
nevermind that it takes up 15GB of storage and decreases battery life by 60%
That's not even that hard to parse
In a perfect world users would be reasonable and just not put spaces in their messages. What's wrong with underscores anyway?
Alternatively, /s*([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/s*|/s*:(.*)(?!/s*:) should work for a regex assuming I didn't screw anything up
you probably mean \s
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

jacksonecacPay Best Card in Euchre Input: Firstly An array of three cards representing the cards played by each player formatted like [JD][10H][9S] Representing Jack of Diamonds, 10 of Hearts, and Nine of Spades. Secondly A Single Char, String, etc representing the trump suit formatted like S, D, C...

Regex is still a dark art to me
I'm still rusty on lookaheads
@Mego It seem to match :abc def :efg hij as a single thing
Did someone call me? :)
If only someone would invent a language purely composed of regex..........
that's the joke.jpg :P
sed also fit the description
well IIRC (martin can probably correct me) Retina was literally made because sed was a PITA...
@MartinEnder No, but I'll take your help anyway :P How does my regex look? I'm not able to test it right now
What are we actually matching?
Retina was made to be the end of the arguments over whether or not regex was a programming language :P
IRC's argument format
@FourOhFour I'm not actually all that familiar with sed. I just knew it existed, but I don't think a single Retina feature is inspired by sed.
Ah, well there's my knowledge of cg.se lore showing it's scantness
So who's going to do something about the 'is VIM / Notepad / PowerPoint a language' arguments?
@MartinEnder IRC-style arguments. Colons delimit arguments (in the form arg1 :arg2), and can be omitted for leading arguments that don't contain spaces (in which case those arguments are split on spaces). Leading and trailing whitespace should not be included in the matches.
This would also make a great challenge
@FourOhFour Mego pretty much nailed it. I occasionally answered challenges in the language "regex" which usually created debates of whether that's a valid programming language or whether it needs the boilerplate of the host language and stuff, so I ended up writing a language that would let me use regex without any boilerplate.
@Martin Ender BTW I believe you are to blame for me becoming the laughing stock of my Computer Science class for 'trying to program with hexagons' :)
you're welcome :)
@Mego so up to the first : all spaces are delimiters, and afterwards only : are delimiters?
In all seriousness, Hexagony is absolutely my favourite esolang. If I ever get a free week, I'm going to try to write a Subset of Python -> Hexagony transpiler.
good luck o_O
thanks :) (and what Tux said)
I think that it could possibly done, if you just kinda generate linear scripts and wrap them round a massive hexagon
then control flow is ofc. an issue
But that's the fun of it, right?
if it's turing complete then it's theoretically possible, right? :D
of course it is :P
but I never even wrote a BF-to-Hex transpiler, because even though it's conceptually simple, laying out the control flow would be quite a pain, and it would lead to massive (largely unused) hexagons.
@Poke in the same way that a Brainfuck OS is technically possible
@MartinEnder Yes
or you could say it would leave you in ... agony
For a BF OS you need either a BF interpreter in the bootloader or a BF CPU (AFAIK it exists as a Verilog design already)
BF -> Hexagony transpiler design:

- Brute force tons of hexagons

- Is it functionally equivalent to brainfuck code?
-> Return Hexagon

- Else, try next hexagon
This would be awfully inefficient
It's only O(n!!)
@Mego \G\s*([^:\s]+)|:\s*[^:]+(?<=\S) maybe
untested though
@FourOhFour "is it functionally equivalent" is an unsolved problem
actually, it's an unsolvable problem
(in general)
right, my bad :P
@Poke I oughta hex you for that pun.
OK, functionally equivalent based on the test cases the challenge-setter put in the OP :)
you'd still run into problems with long/infinite runtimes
@El'endiaStarman Sixth times a charm (that's not to say you've already attempted five time. I'm just letting you know)
unless you can guarantee that the Hexagony solution will take less than a certain duration
Isn't that the Halting Problem?
I'm starting to see why bogosort just hasn't caught on
@FourOhFour After you solve that you're one step closer to parsing HTML with regex. Wooooooooo!
So the American government went to IBM to come up with an encryption standard, and they came up with EBCDIC.
nice one @Mego
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MegoParse a raw IRC message In the IRC protocol, raw messages look similar to this: command arg1 arg2 :arg3 with spaces :arg4 with spaces :arg5 In a shell environment (e.g. bash), that would be equivalent to: command arg1 arg2 "arg3 with spaces" "arg4 with spaces" arg5 The format specification...

@FourOhFour It's not necessary to post newly-sandboxed challenges (and it's actually discouraged) - we have a feed for that
Don't steal @NewSandboxedPosts's job, please. It only has one, even if it's not very good at it.
sorry, thought it was relevant to the discussion
It is, but the feed will post it shortly :)
fair enough :)
It's a neat challenge idea. Challenges which are actually 'real' problems as such are often much more interesting
@Mego I'm surprised none of us has made a bot that will post new sandbox/main/etc. stuff instantly, since it can take like 20 minutes sometimes.
Do bots hook into the RSS?
or do they scrape SE?
RSS, for sure
either that, or a custom API
@FourOhFour Are people arguing about that? I have strong opinions on whether or not vim is a language
scraping sounds like a terrible idea
vim is a language
It's TC and it has been proven
It seems like there's at least one comment on each Vim answer complaining
but yeah, I know consensus at least on meta is that it is fair game
I post vim answers almost daily, and I haven't seen those
I think perhaps on the older posts it was a more contentious issue
@Calvin'sHobbies They'd still have to read the RSS feed, which wouldn't eliminate the bottleneck. It's the feed that takes forever, not the processes that post new feed entries here.
Vim is Turing-complete, so there's really no argument to be made
the generation of the feed, or the feed parsing?
@NathanMerrill Generation
That "Continuous Monotonic Subsequences" challenge is surprisingly difficult to golf.
The feed takes forever to update. Reading the feed, parsing it, and posting it here is nearly instantaneous.
so, we could write our own RSS feed that parses SE
Yes, but that would be a huge resource drain
or some other mechanism via an API?
I would agree that Vim is absolutely OK. That said, I think Notepad is pushing it a bit. Until someone publishes a TC proof for it...
@Mego I've looked into it, but I'm not sure if vim keystrokes are actually TC, only vim keystrokes + vimscript
And the API has a query limit
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MegoParse a raw IRC message In the IRC protocol, raw messages look similar to this: command arg1 arg2 :arg3 with spaces :arg4 with spaces :arg5 In a shell environment (e.g. bash), that would be equivalent to: command arg1 arg2 "arg3 with spaces" "arg4 with spaces" arg5 The format specification...

I'd love to prove it though
@FourOhFour Notepad is capable of rudimentary find-and-replace, which is enough for our standards (though not for TC-ness)
@FourOhFour Yes, but if you post a notepad answer you will be in a rain of upvotes because Notepad
Whoever it was that posted an answer with Dominoes, I thought that was super cool
isn't the standard task around here to implement a BF interpreter? I could hardly see that being possible with vim keystrokes. I know there's other, more theoretical ways to prove TCness ofc...
It was cool, but unfortunately dominoes doesn't count as a programming language (since it's untestable). Now if someone made a digital domino simulator and wrote programs in that...
@FourOhFour It's definitely possible
Because of vimL
@FourOhFour vim, when used correctly, is pure black magic anyway
@Mego ahhh, if only we had a challenge for that...
I'm great at vim. I know :w and :wq :P
Technically you can go for an even-lower-hanging-fruit and simulate that variant that only does I/O, loops, and twiddles bits
That's all you need. :)
the part about a dominoes compiler is that programs would be reversable
@MartinEnder I don't know if we actually do have a challenge for that, so I don't know if that's sarcasm or not :P
I use vim an awful lot for everything I don't have an IDE for...
Besides, it doesn't really matter whether vim or NP++ is Turing complete because:
A: Do submissions have to be answered with a programming language?

Nathan MerrillAnswering in non-programming languages is allowed The best challenges are written in terms of input and output. We avoid Do X without Y challenges because the Y is usually not defined in terms of input/output. Disallowing non-programming languages is like disallowing arbitrary classes of langu...

NP++ is absolutely TC. It has full regex capabilities.
@Mego I made two, they got exactly one answer each from VisualMelon
Oh, I didn't know that
one was a simulator, the other was a metagolfer
Question: What is the ASCII code of <C-a>?
00 or 01 ok thx
the simulator, but it's Python being beaten by C#, so something's off ;)
is it NUL
@MartinEnder That search has user=me which in your case is correct but i didn't write that challenge
hm, I thought it replaced the me with the number when submitting
@Mego It's 10,000 requests per day for registered apps. That's one request every 8.64 seconds. Play it safe at 1 request per 10s and it's still better than 20min
A: Mapping Ctrl with equal sign

DJMcMayhemUnfortunately, this is not possible. Vim relies upon ASCII representations of keystrokes, so it can only map to keys that produce ASCII results. Here is every ctrl+key that you can map to, and the byte it represents. Ctrl-@ 0x00 NUL Ctrl-A to Ctrl-Z 0x01 to 0x1A...

oh it does, but not in the URL
Actually upon further investigation, it's only .NET Regex that is TC
.NET regex isn't
at least I'm pretty sure that it's not
unless there's a bug somewhere in the implementation that I still haven't found, it's impossible to send the regex engine into an infinite loop on any given input
@MartinEnder It does in the search box but not the url
@Calvin'sHobbies yeah :/
@MartinEnder i was going to mention this
Hmm yeah, it's an NFA. I (and that user from Programmers.SE) stand corrected
But NP++ is still TC because of macros
no it's a lot more powerful than an NFA
(basic theoretical regex is an NFA)
Basic theoretical regex is a DFA
DFA and NFA are equivalent
NFA = non-deterministic DFA
yes, but they're equally powerful
@Mego it's not actually an infinite loop. it's just taking "forever"
It's SO mod election now
Apparently I'm too tired to read correctly
backreferences are what make most flavours irregular, and then .NET has balancing groups and Perl/PCRE/Ruby has recursion to make them even more powerful.
Alright, I gotta get on with some work. Thanks for the meta post, Mego
I think in .NET you can solve any problem in PSPACE
Welcome :)
or P maybe
Oh crap SO is having elections?
@Mego Please, I'm sick of those.
@Calvin'sHobbies :P Same here man
Hey, at least this one actually has candidates I like
Has anyone edited word documents via c# before?
@confusedandamused Unfortunately
@Mego Sadly I'm on that path currently...Any suggestions? I just have three columns that I'm trying to populate and then saving it as a pdf, but there could be multiple rows
Columns? Rows? You sure you mean Word, and not Excel?
Why not skip the middleman and go straight to PDF?
@Mego Yeah Word Document - I have three "Columns" ID <TAB> NAME <TAB> AMOUNT
@TimmyD Not sure if it's easier to edit the document as a word document or as a PDF
It would be easier to parse the document, populate a data structure, make the changes, then export it as a PDF
^ exactly that.
And Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word will get you the parsing
That's what I was afraid of lol
Previously I've done this with bookmark placeholders and it worked well
Is there a script that returns all answers in a language?
Oh FFS. User gets an email bounceback that literally says "The email address you entered doesn't exist. Please check it and try again." The destination email has a clear typo (like, john.simth instead of john.smith). User creates a ticket "I don't know what's going wrong but I need this fixed NOW!" Ticket gets escalated to me. I respond back "Did you try it again?" User replies into the ticket "Thanks, it's working now!"
This is why I have a little lapel button pinned in my cube that says "Hit any user to continue."
Pics or it didn't happen
not sure what I did, but I can no longer delete or access a folder
either in explorer or command line
I always get the message "Access is Denied"
Well. That seems conclusive enough for me.
@NathanMerrill Use takeown and icacls to get permissions back.
takeown gives access denied
under administrator command line
Windows? Is it a subfolder of a subfolder of a ...?
nah, it was a simple directory. I did a rm -r on it, and there were a couple of files I needed to confirm deletion on. However, after all of that, I can no longer open nor access the folder
Sounds like a program is locking a file.
Have you tried hitting a user?
hmm. Maybe I'll reboot
@ASCII-only Done. Sorry for the delay.
Q: Function and Code

nedla2004 Is it allowed to have an answer which has some code outside of a function? For example, in Python, if you were to get the sum of two square roots, would this be allowed: import math R=math.sqrt def f(x,y): return R(x)+R(y) or would it have to be this: def f(x,y): import math R=math.sqrt ...

I know operator-and-assignment is a shortcut in many languages (like, a=a+5 vs a+=5) ... does that also include mod-equal? a%=5 for a=a%5
Cool. I didn't know if PowerShell was special in that regard, and it's surprisingly difficult to search for.
AFAIK operator and assignement is supported for every operators except ++, -- and comparison operators in most sane languages
Tfw everyone's got sub 100 bytes on a challenge, and you're happy to get yours under 200.
Dang C#
Hey, PowerShell is barely under 100 bytes, tyvm.
haha yeah, that's why I had to say sub 100 and not sub 60s :P
@TimmyD CMC: Implement PowerShell in under 100 bytes
also mine doesn't work for all values n as oliver listed, not sure exactly where it stops but 2 million works
Batch, 10 bytes: powershell
@wat ಠ_ಠ
Q: New code golf format: function contents

watThis would work like this: A function scaffold is specified containing a variable name You do not need to declare a function or print a value, just use a return statement. Example: Ruby: def palindromize_string(s) <code> end Then only the part of the code symbolized by <code> would be...

@TuxCopter why are your eyes boxes
because your font is börked
what font do i need
DejaVu work
@TuxCopter also, nice surprised o
@Yodle Umm, I don't think that your algorithm works? Unless foreach(var d in I) somehow selects unique values?
@TuxCopter i have dejavu
@wat Ö
@wat wat OS? :)
@TuxCopter very surprised.
then ಠ_ಠ
@TimmyD Oh wait a sec...I didn't think about that lol
@wat Ü
@TuxCopter hilarious.
@TuxCopter very happy letter?
@TimmyD Welp, I found a fix for it, but it puts me above 200 again :s
Is there a C version of template strings?
The famous CPP ABUSE ELEVEN!!!111!!!!
Or sprintf
@Yodle Dang. :-/
I need to write a program that takes filea's path as command-line input (space-deliminated list) and outputs it to fileb, where the content of fileb is template with all of a certain string replaced with the items of filea.
There are over 20000 lines of template, and well over nine thousand (OVER NINE THOUSAND) items in filea.
What?! 9000??? There's no way that can be right... CAN IT?
@Poke It's right all right. I'm not doing this manually. How can I do it... non-manually...?
I suppose I could use a printf-style string for... something... but how can I load the items of filea into fileb?
Or into the printf...
Would it be hard to have the template inside the script itself?
@TimmyD No, it wouldn't.
Or use a language higher than C?
C supports HEREDOC syntax, right?
@TimmyD I could, so long as it compiled to an executable was callable from the command line and could take command line arguments and perform file I/O and was fast.
And it's a programming language that I know / that I could learn in ~10m / that somebody else can write the code for for me.
All these hidden requirements :p
I'll write all of my requirements out then:
1. Is callable from the command line with the syntax: fixedstring variablestring
aren't you just doing a multi-file find/replace?
@NathanMerrill Yes, I am.
I use intelliJ for that
But template is constant.
And it needs to be fast.
great! click on your directory, control-shift-r
@wat Faster than sed. Also, I have Windows :-(
@wizzwizz4 wsl sed?
2. Runs on Windows.
I think I got it as short as possible, but I'm probably missing something.
@wat ? What is "wsl sed"?
Windows Scripting Language?
do you have windows 10?
@wat Yes. :-(
Windows Subsystem for Linux
Windows Subsystem for Linux - basically reverse Wine
Except it's not "Windows Subsystem for Linux" because Linux is a kernel... Why have I just lost 200 reputation?
@wizzwizz4 I'm not sure I understand the purpose of filea. Does it have a bunch of find/replaces to do?
@NathanMerrill filea is a 0x20-delimited list, with a variable file path.
I need to write the first item of filea into the first slot of the template, the second item into the second slot, etc.
And do it very quickly.
ah, that makes a lot more sense
@wizzwizz4 It can run Linux userspace applications - even graphical apps with the help of an X server compiled for Windows
@wat So... it emulates Linux, but you have to provide GNU yourself?
Awesome! Now maybe people will learn the distinction.
@wizzwizz4 no, Microsoft provides a minimal Ubuntu userspace image
They collaborated with Canonical
Why... why am I not surprised.
I have lost faith in Microsoft.
You can install Arch on it with @mınxomaτ's amazing program ALWSL
also, I just compiled GNU coreutils for my Kindle Paperwhite.
@wat But @mınxomaτ is becoming evil... so that program might not exist for long.
@wizzwizz4 since when is he/she evil
@wat :-O :-D
It doesn't do emulation at all. It's binary call translation, meaning the Windows kernel supports the linux ABI. Think of it as GNU/NT instead of GNU/Linux
4 hours ago, by Geobits
Everyone mark down this day. Your children will one day ask: Where were you the day mınxomaτ turned evil?
@mınxomaτ I never said it was emulation
@mınxomaτ Yay! :-) I have gained slightly more faith in Microsoft Windows. So your program just changes the image that it runs?
@wat wiz did
Is there a simple way to insert a string list into a word document?
I grabbed the document per line, inserted some, now I'm trying to save it
@NathanMerrill Do you have any ideas?
no shit man x.x
verrrryyyyy carefulllyyyyyyy
@confusedandamused What format is the text in?
@wizzwizz4 seems like a fairly straight forward python script. Open file A, read contents into array
then iterate through each file: read contents, iterate through template in the file, and write back to file
@NathanMerrill Wait ~2s for memory to be dynamically allocated a few hundred thousand times...
you only open file A once
@NathanMerrill Yes, but it's big.

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