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Are you on vacation or something?
I live on a boat in Corsica
I've never been to Corsica but it seems like a cool place
(No joke)
@TuxCopter ...but I thought you lived in France?
Corsica is part of France
Corsica is a French territory
Oh. Derrrrrrrrrrr
I always think of it as a part of Italy
It waspart of Italy in the past though
I know, that + its position is why I get confused sometimes
@TuxCopter Avez-vous une source pour cela?
Yes, Wikipedia
Wow, no wonder your internet is terrible. You're on a freakin' boat
@TuxCopter Êtes-vous Français?
@quartata yes it is
What is it like living on a boat? Do you get seasick at all?
i'll be on in a moment
@TuxCopter Est-ce que mon français un morceau de merde, ou est-il bon?
I am habitued now, and I am in the port pratically all the time
@AlexA. Eh bien, je ne suis pas un expert en français ...
I know, but the boat still wobbles surely
@TheBitByte You look like you come from 1500's
@TheBitByte Moi aussi
@TuxCopter diacritics are so 17th century
@TuxCopter Merci pour le compliment. Comme je l'ai dit, je suis loin d'être un expert dans la langue française. Je ne serais pas surpris si ce que vous lisez en ce moment n'a pas de sens pour vous.
It's very good French IMO
C'est merde
No ಠ_ಠ
Just like everything in this mortal coil
And “C'est merde”don't meananything
(My space bar is still boked ;_;)
(My kerboard is still borked ;_;)
@TuxCopter Dis-moi la vérité. Ne vous contentez pas me rendre heureux et excité pendant un moment, puis être triste pour le reste de la journée.
No, relly, yor french is good
fckin keyboard
Now gtg playing TF2
Yeah, your French actually does seem very good. You know a hell of a lot more of it than I do.
Where or how did you learn it?
@TuxCopter Tu me fais plus triste maintenant. Dites-moi la vérité, s'il vous plaît. :D
Your french is really good
@AlexA. tux is french IIRC
@Downgoat I was talking to bit byte
@TuxCopter Bon maintenant il n'y a pas besoin d'annoncer cela dans une salle pleine de gens hahaha
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ What a lovely and seemingly random ping. Is there context, or at least content, that goes with it?
@AlexA. The, The Bit Byte.
@TheBitByte wat
@Geobits This ping seems so far up in the chat log, though?
@TuxCopter Passons maintenant
@TheBitByte Contrary to popular belief, I take breaks now and then.
@AlexA. oh >_> i had him ignored
@Geobits Such as not being on for 400+ consecutive days? @Downgoat I'm looking at you...
@quartata quesiton: this one map has a media/something.bik file, does that go in media?
@AlexA. I hadn't. Sounds complicated.
Podcast voice chat link sent
@Downgoat Yeah.
Take your time, tests start in 50 min
@mınxomaτ camera?
Just disable the camera
@TuxCopter Honnêtement, cependant, aucune idée que vous étiez français. Votre anglais est merveilleux, je fus surpris que vous êtes un Français.
@Dennis Shouldn't be too bad, I would think. There should be plenty of examples around for various applications that use oauth.
brb getting piece of tape
@mınxomaτ unfortunately, its asking for permission for both voice and video at once
@mınxomaτ Tests of what?
> merveilleux
I see dead bits! \o/
dead bits?
@Maltysen That's fine. After logging in, click the camera icon to mute the cam
It's like The Sixth Sense
@mınxomaτ ah
> Chatiquette: Envisager la création d'un forum de discussion séparée si un sujet semble être dominant ou la prévention de la discussion efficace des autres, des sujets plus pertinents.
@Dennis Oh... Sorry. Let me adjust my pants...
@TheBitByte No, I quote that because IMO my English isbadddd
gtg playing TF2
> mute the cam
@Dennis There's a StackExchange library that makes it really easy
@AlexA. Authentication doesn't seem to be the primary use case.
@TuxCopter No, it's fine, honestly.
@Dennis For what? OAuth?
@mınxomaτ Where? I don't have an email.
@trichoplax What does the... turtle say?
@mınxomaτ Where?
You know, the "auth" part means "authentication"...
27 mins ago, by TheBitByte
@quartata Chatiquette: Consider creating a separate chatroom if a topic appears to be dominating or preventing effective discussion of other, more relevant topics.
translate: Chatiquette: Envisager la création d'un forum de discussion séparée si un sujet semble être dominant ou la prévention de la discussion efficace des autres, des sujets plus pertinents.
(from French) Chatiquette: Consider the creation of a discussion forum if a topic seems to be dominant or effective discussion of other prevention, more relevant topics.
@AlexA. Bing pls
@AlexA. No, it means authorization. Access to your friends lists and stuff.
@Dennis Are you sure?
That's not bad for bing
@AlexA. from Google translate french* :p
@El'endiaStarman Not that I know of
@AlexA. Wikipedia agrees.
Yeah apparently so.
Well, SE uses OpenID rather than OAuth anyway
> An open protocol to allow secure authorization in a simple and standard method from web, mobile and desktop applications.
See, sometimes I think I know things
And it turns out I don't
This is one such case
When does TNB notify you when you are mentioned? El'endia did and I wasn't notified
@mınxomaτ I have audacity and a mic working, what else do I need?
@AlexA. Doesn't mean it can't be used for authentication. But for now, I just want to implement one easy way to manage your permanent links. After releasing v2, I can always add more.
@PhiNotPi Nothing, that's it.
@PhiNotPi So a binary Markov chain?
@trichoplax Google Traduction? Très bon, en fait.
@LuisMendo yes
@Dennis I just figured I'd mention using SE credentials for accounts because I think the vast majority of the current users are coming from SE.
And it would be convenient to log in automatically when logged into SE
@PhiNotPi That's interesting. There's a lot of literatue on Markov chains
@mınxomaτ okay, so parents are not that unreceptive. dad is concerned about you being a scam
any evidence I can give to convince him?
Trust the moose
He can talk to me. But in a few minutes
@Maltysen "If Trump can become a president, then I can make a podcast!" /s
@mınxomaτ he's actually still at work, and mom is leaving it up to him
@TheBitByte Yes that was Google - I know it's not a great translation but it's much better than I could do myself and it seems to get the point across :)
@trichoplax Show me the do-it-myself version?
@TheBitByte The DIY version would be in Welsh ;)
@mınxomaτ can I send him the link can he can talk to you at work?
@trichoplax Welsh: Because Other Languages Have Too Many Vowels™
@trichoplax Iaith gorau. Yes, that was Google.
@Maltysen That... doesn't seem like such a good idea
@ASCII-only Why? Of the users on PPCG, I'd trust minxomat more than many.
@Maltysen Yes. Please wait a few minutes
@AlexA. I meant voice chat at work
@TheBitByte Diolch yn fawr. Dydw i ddim yn siarad llawer of Gymraeg. Dim ond Saesneg a Python
@mınxomaτ What is this? Honestly, what is all this podcast talk?
@mınxomaτ ok
@trichoplax Are you British, mate? Do you read penny-dreadfuls?
@DrMcMoylex You can make a trailing newline appear in the code block by using <pre> instead of 4 space.
<pre> is so much better
you can bold and italicize and all that
@Fatalize I wish there was a markdown plugin for Atom.
I can't post here from desktop for some reason
there is
"**TESTING**" would be automatically turned to html code
@TheBitByte oh not that
@TheBitByte I am. I from Wales originally but I only know enough Welsh to ask for directions. My first language is English
There haven't been many comments on this sandboxed challenge. Does anyone want to take a look?
@Maltysen No, it would be perfect for writing paragraphs within code editors, without switching to the HTML preview mode.
@trichoplax Wales, but not Welsh. Makes sense.
@TheBitByte in case you haven't heard about it already, we're making a PPCG podcast
@PhiNotPi And I wish to participate. All I need is a prepared script, and a few minutes.
> script
Q: Using arrays and list boxes

Arjun ChandrasekarI have a text file with 40 records sorted in ascending order(population increase from 1950 to 1990). And i need to store the values in an array and display the increase in population each year using c#

@Maltysen Sent you a new link for your dad.
Are you supposed to have a script for a podcast
Pfft. Scripts. What is this, Python?
TheBitByte = robot confirmed
@AlexA. Q_Q
@AlexA. No it's JS and JS is the best
That is patently false
@ASCII-only script = like a movie script, not a code script -____-
@AlexA. ;_;
@ASCII-only Hahahahahaha. Hahahahahaha. Ha. Haha.
@mınxomaτ, I still haven't received any links to anything.
@TheBitByte Yeah I know but I don't think you're supposed to be given a script for a podcast
Because you aren't on the email
@Geobits ;_____________; whyyyy
@Doorknob I skyped it to you
@Doorknob Whoops. Fwd, just a sec
@ASCII-only Okay, give me a list of topics, I'll make a script and a ready podcast.
@LuisMendo The first sentence in Example: I'd explicitly say that this is a fictional language.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ That would be great if I had Skype installed. :P
@ASCII-only Why what? You said something funny, so I laughed :P
@TheBitByte TTS is not podcasting
@Doorknob Sent
@mınxomaτ Who said anything about TTS??
@mınxomaτ Got it, thanks
@quartata i dont think its using the mapcycle.txt
@mınxomaτ @Maltysen @Doorknob @anyoneiveforgotten Perhaps we could move the discussion here?

 PPCG Podcast

For discussion about the PPCG Podcast
@flawr Thanks! Good point. Done
Watch out. Last time I made a separate room it got invaded by the whole network ;)
@mınxomaτ Heard I have to ask you, so uh, I want to help out with this podcast?
@TheBitByte My desktop stopped letting me post so I hadn't got around to answering your second question but it seems to be working again now. No I've never read a penny dreadful...
@trichoplax It was just a little check to see if you're actually from the UK or not, as "penny-dreadful" seems to be a slang they use. :D
@TheBitByte Most people in Wales don't speak Welsh, for historical reasons
cough beta-decay cough
@TheBitByte I think your UK slang may be a little out of date - I had to look it up on Wikipedia :P
Beta speaks more Welsh than me...
@trichoplax Maybe because you're Welsh, not English? :P
@TheBitByte I've lived in England for a while, and never heard anyone mention them here either
Maybe because I don't come from the 19th century
WHOOOOOOA, DAMN! That is one SICK burn!
I have family in the 19th century, but I don't speak to them
Geometric proof that the angles of a polygon sum 360 degrees
Gah. Testing recording equipment reminds me of how much I hate listening to my own voice... :/
Hm I thought it would show a static preview. Is it considered hash to link an animated gif?
It's showing a gif for me?
It is giving a preview
@DrMcMoylex It's the worst
@LuisMendo I just thought it would be great to make a snippet that calculates the entropy given some code.
Listening to one's own voice, that is
Not yours in particular
@LuisMendo It's only 37KB so it's probably OK. Posting data heavy gifs is the main problem (as some people pay by the byte)
@flawr Good idea. I can easily do that in MATL, but not sure that accepts Unicode. Octave's support for Unicode is officially accidental
Oh HNQ, endless source of amusement.
Q: My cat sat on my laptop, now the right side of my keyboard types the wrong characters

user660920My cat sat on my laptop and now if I type either L or P, it inputs 3 or * instead. The rest of my keyboard still works correctly. The problem is bad enough that I had to use the touch screen of my computer to type this in. How can I restore the correct working behaviour of my keyboard?

@LuisMendo Oh I thought of a JavaScript snipped that you can include in the post!
@LuisMendo it looks to me like an arbitrarily long increasing-entropy chain is not harder to achieve than a significant finite one, so the challenge will come down to the tiebreak
@flawr That would be better. But I know even less JavaScript than Python
@LuisMendo maybe it would be nicer just to require an infinite chain?
it goes with the theming of the second law
@xnor Isn't that too difficult? I'm not even sure an infinite chain is possible
@LuisMendo take a look at my last comment
i think it should work
Considering each one has to be working code, I'd say that's impossible, and expect a working answer within an hour of posting
@Dennis Err, the site you mod, this one, is more amusing. And usually fills HNQ.
@LuisMendo I'm sure it is possible. Consider e.g. a > aab > aaabb > aaaabbb >.... the entropy of those strings is monotonously ascending and converging to 1
@mınxomaτ he's gonna talk to you in ~15 minutes he's busy atm
basically, my idea is that if you have any high-entropy string, adding more and more copies of copies will cause the entropy to tend asymptotically towards its entropy
@quartata there are some errors:
Unknown command "r_decal_cullsize"
Unknown command "startupmenu"
crap server not working
@Maltysen good
@flawr It is possible to generate the chain. But quine-like (as required)?
> Butt quine
;_; i want to kill downgoats yserver isnot working
@LuisMendo Let's make a new langauge before you submit the post:)
sure, a generalized quine can perform any operation on the source
@AlexA. Heh. Still better than your Spanish :-P
I'm sure this should not be too difficult.
@xnor Interesting... Source?
@TuxCopter ಠ________ಠ ;________;
@xnor Can you give an example of such chain of strings?
u no like being nuked by a soldier? :P
@LuisMendo flawr gave an example
@Downgoat ping me when the server's back up
@LuisMendo Mi español es muy mal :(
@AlexA. But improving :-)
Those errors are normal by the way.
i think anything of form sttttttttt where s and t are strings where t has higher entropy than s should work, possible with no overlapping characters to be safe
@xnor I see. What I fail to see is if a quine can do that. But then, my intuition with quines is close to zero

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