The kernel frequently force-kills processes when it runs out of RAM. In most operating systems it would happen only in emergencies, but Android instructs that your application should be force-killable without data loss whenever it's not onscreen.
@AlexA. Never seen that before, but I got 1400 on my first try with my basic language knowledge (I haven't actually learned anything but Haxe/AS3 and Javascript, and a little Java). I think I may be addicted too....
Singular they is the use in English of the pronoun they, or its inflected or derivative forms, such as them, their, or themselves, as a "pronoun that is neutral between masculine and feminine", to refer to a single person or an antecedent that is grammatically singular. It typically occurs with an antecedent of indeterminate gender, as in sentences such as:
"Everyone returned to their seats."
"Somebody left their umbrella in the office. Would they please collect it?"
"The patient should be told at the outset how much they will be required to pay."
"But a journalist should not be forced to reveal...
In the badges section, exactly zero people have gotten the "Tenacious" badge (Zero score accepted answers: more than 5 and 20% of total) or the "Unsung Hero" badge (Zero score accepted answers: more than 10 and 25% of total).
JS optimization tip: if you're doing a lot of data calculation and drawing a <canvas> graph in real time, drop the graph to improve calculation speed by over 10x!
@ETHproductions Yeah. Pi is used by people the world over, and tau is used by mathematicians, pedants, and YouTube personalities who want to feel superior.
I reccomend typora. It's essentially a WYSIWYG markdown editor. No toolbar. Just type. Cursor over italic text -> the '*'s are shown. Supports MathJax and GFM. Includes some awesome looking themes.
@TuxCopter literally catches 99.9% of syntax + compile errors. One keyboard shortcut to reformat code. Install external tools to lint code, lint results viewed inline e.g. as a red squiggly, if you wish.
Given N (2 <= N), print N lines of the letter fibonacci series like this (i.e. N = 5)
First, start with a and b:
Next, add the two lines.
Keep adding the last two lines.
Keep going...
Almost there...
And we're done.
Remmeber, th...
I honestly have no clue about topology. I did take a topology class once, but that was just the introductory stuff and I never was really that interested in it.
@flawr I didn't really choose topology. A professor from my MSc suggested working with him (for the thesis) on a loosely defined topic (here's a definition, let's see what you can come up with), and I happened to find a few topological properties. My PhD thesis built on those and was 100% topology.
@flawr It's an optimization technique that is only applicable to spaces with certain metric properties. Among other things, I came up with a generalization to non-metrizable topological spaces.
This is my first code golf exercise for you:
Your input is two integers n and k. You can assume n => 1 and k >= 1
You have to output all numbers from 1 to n and replace every element that is a multiple of k or that contains k with "Shaggy".
you can take the input in any convenient form and outpu...
Processing was the first programming language I learnt (which is based on Java). The second one is Java. Java is my second-best language (even though my knowledge in it is limited). That is why I prefer Java to everything else. I'm even creating an esolang based on Java called JGolf
@ASCII-only well most java code can be written without interafces, they just save you a lot of code. You'd basically be redefining a bunch of methods in classes that have the same functionality with slight variations.
@ASCII-only well most java code can be written without interafces, they just save you a lot of code. You'd basically be redefining a bunch of methods in classes that have the same functionality with slight variations.
Seems like a bunch of people who had the automatically generated avatars now have them in a different color? See for example marinus who was green and is now purple.
@AlexA. Well, they're supposed to be Globally Recognized Avatars. I'm not sure how or why, but the default identicons changed radically a few months ago (first only in some resolution, then in all of them), making the unrecognizable.