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nvm, apparently you just need the first argument, [1:x] not [:x]
Since 0.4, you do. This isn't actually syntax; 1:x is a range as usual, and s[1:x] fetches the elements at those indices.
Anyone know about userscripting with Tampermonkey? I'm having issues with tampermonkey.net/documentation.php#GM_addValueChangeListener
makes sense though
Which says "this functionality can be used by scripts of different browser tabs to communicate with each other" but as far as I can tell the values are not shared between scripts/tabs in the first place
@Dennis also, how do you splice strings in jelly?
@Dennis actually python kinda does that too starting with python3, __getitem__ gets a slice() object
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ That's a good thing though. You can do stuff like s[1,5,9] or s[1:end÷2].
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ There's dyadinc head an tail (h and t with dot above) and at-index (i with dot below). I'd give you examples, but it's a bit painful from my phone...
@Dennis Wait, so Pytek isn't the only one that does this? :(
@quartata what is the technical name for the tf2 console language?
Ohh, it needs to be the same script :D
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Feature request: TIO link
CMC: Given a string S, output 3 bools in any order: (a) whether S starts with the letter A, (b) whether S contains an A, (c) whether S ends in A.
lambda s:['A'in x for x in s[0],s,s[-1]]
wait, the direct expression is shorter: lambda s:[s[0]=='A','A'in s,s[-1]=='A']
J, 28 bytes: ('A'={.),('A'&e.),('A'={:)
@flawr also, why does wikipedia have the 2pi in its definition?
> it's not the size of our hearts that matters, it's how many cows we can lasso with one spaghetti. Then you can feel like a true Texan
@Dennis ?
I didn't end up with a jelly answer if that's what you mean
oh for julia
will do
@Dennis done
The anthem of poland is named "Poland Is Not Yet Lost". (emphasis mine)
> oh whoops, I dropped Poland in the baltic sea and can't find it anymore
@Maltysen poland has been invaded so many times by so many people.
mongolia, napoleon, nazi germany, hitler
aren't the last two equal?
technically hitler was a dude, and he didn't invade poland at all (he didn't "invade" it, though idk if he enterered it or not)
but yes
> I would like to know what can I do to become rich.
@flawr I love that post. Specially the last chart with the coloured letters. I keep coming to it again and again :-)
> enterered
anyone know BF well in here?
^ not for the BF thing
i see nothing pertaining to me
@DmitryKudriavtsev what's the ping for?
you misspelled entered and I pointed it out.
tfw you find an esolang page from 2014 with "updates coming soon" -.-
2014? That's pretty recent for a "coming soon". I've seen some from 2005 at least :)
true enough :P
@ConorO'Brien portal 2 has said "trading items coming soon!" since about 2012.
tfw you find Perl on esolangs.
-559038737 to hex?
It'd be better to ask a computer than a human.
Even something like this works: google.com/…
3735928559 to hex?
Yes, that's a screenshot of a creepy search for me. What of it?
the images are different in the thumbnail and actual image.
@DmitryKudriavtsev No
<insert link to shouldiblamecaching here>
also, why is it creepy?
not like I'm trying to stalk you
you are googling his name, and I think it was partly a joke
I dunno. Googling random strangers seems a bit creepy, that's all.
Partly ;)
I mean, it only took me the last minute or so to figure out what middle school you go to. It's weird knowing people are looking you up.
(possibly went to)
Yeah, I figured it might have been last year :P
that was actually 4 years ago
See? Creepy, no?
that was supposed to be anonymous wtf
there's a stark contrast between looking up an avatar of someone using their internet pseudonym and looking into their past.
Well, I do agree. It was meant to drive home a point, but maybe too far.
Well, if you use your real name instead of a pseudonym, you're kinda asking for it. People are curious.
I haven't updated my Google public entry in 3 years
There's a reason I'm just Dennis. (And no, my last name isn't Mitchell.)
@Dennis that's true. then again, I really don't have anything to hide so... have at it?
@Dennis it isn't? lol
Everyone has something to hide; it's easy to underestimate what personal information could in theory be exploited
Neither do I. I just value my privacy.
I'm sure I have left enough breadcrumbs everywhere to fully trace where I live
I should start cleaning up my online presence
well that's the problem with the internet
nothing stays gone
once it's there, it's really just there forever
> reddit page links to steam profile with name of city and full name
*theoretically forever
Personal information in the hands of stalkers or fraudsters is a dangerous thing.
Well not forever... just until thermonuclear war
hopefully I don't do anything too controversial
Trump didn't get that memo.
@ConorO'Brien There can be human laws to avoid such things. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_to_be_forgotten
@Dennis If you exchange "teenager" for "man in his fifties" >_>
Different age group, same problems.
@Geobits Trump is 70
@DmitryKudriavtsev Yeah. I meant he was still doing embarrassing stuff even in his 50s that he wouldn't want anyone to see, not that he's in his 50s now.
That said, a despicable human being can make a good president, and a nice one a bad one. There are many reasons not to vote for Trump, but that "locker room talk" is hardly one of them.
It's just another item to add to the list.
Complete lack of knowledge about how the government works is a bigger issue imo.
OK, apparently I fixed the Google+ info leak
Not even the lack of knowledge, because that could be fixed. The lack of curiosity, or willingness to learn.
yeah those are great
I have one
no, not that
look at the link
is that you? :o
I didn't ask the question, I answered it
yes, that's me
I remember doing it
that's crazy .-.
it's almost as bad as HNQ votes
@flawr Hey, I recognize that room!
@Dennis Except that millions of boys and girls will see that even the US president can get away with that kind of talk (and, allegedly, actions to back it up) and think that it's not a big deal.
@ConorO'Brien Random JS fact of the day: Firefox 52 (Nightly) currently has 94% ES7 support
@ETHproductions :O huzzah!
Including **, finally!
@HelkaHomba hmm, reminds me of Plato's Republic.
@ETHproductions Will ES8 basically be Python?
@HelkaHomba ...with braces
why not just compile emscripten in emscripten and then use C++ on the web?
@HelkaHomba Actually they stopped calling it ES<version> and started calling it ES<year>
@ETHproductions wat
So ES17?
@ETHproductions ES2016.11.8 -- destruction of the world :P
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC ES2017
@ConorO'Brien I've seen older WIP Esolangs pages than that
Also, they're only introducing 7 or 8 features a year because the feature maturation process is so slow
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ yeah well
totally unrelated but my birthday is next thursday
Oh cool. What's your first pet's name? :P
and your mother's maiden name
@HelkaHomba I don't know any politician that would make a good role model...
a birthday is not really confidential information
@Dennis JFK!
JFK? Really?
@ConorO'Brien not funny especially with that spew of my personal info just now
@Dennis What about Bernie?
@DmitryKudriavtsev I didn't divulge any of your personal information.
I know
You didn't do it
it happened though
@El'endiaStarman One lesson: Don't louse around when you're old.
I wish I could use Python on the web without a 547 KB burden
@El'endiaStarman No clue. I didn't really care for the US election until the primaries were over.
That's 5x the entire compiled package :/
@Dennis he was chill, a bit idealistic but cool in general
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC That's about 8 times less than my page's load size before I optimized it
@Dennis Yeah, and I know no one can be constantly monitoring themselves, thinking "what if I run for president one day?". But ideally leaders should represent the best of us.
@Dennis and young people liked him
For an old man. Pretty nice achievement.
what is the rep cap?
Any feedback on this, especially wrt to the potential dupe target?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DennisCount without 3 Sandbox question Is this a duplicate of The game of Sevens! Who said what?? Background When I was in elementary school, we used to play a game in math class that goes as follows. All kids sit in a big circle and take turns counting, starting from 1. However, the fol...

200 per day, with some exceptions.
ok thanks.
what are they?
Accepts and bounties mainly
assoc bonus?
That too
I think that's another exception, but never tested it
btw can you only earn that once?
Earn what once?
per site
per site, ok.
So if I get the association bonus on codegolf, then, say, stack overflow
I get another +100 rep?
On the site you joined. Not on all sites.
I'm asking this.
Yeah, once you qualify for the assoc bonus, you get +100 on each site you are a member of (or join in the future).
And that's it.
I get an association bonus on all sites, giving me +100 rep everywhere. I then qualify for the bonus on another site (not counting the assoc bonus rep). Do I get another +100 on all sites?
Nope, just one
ok thanks :(
Yay I fixed the bot thing for my Atomas question!
Otherwise I'd have me a ton more rep :)
Please have a look if you're interested
Q: A game of atomic proportions

Qwerp-DerpYour task make a bot that plays Atomas, with the highest score. How the game works: The gameboard starts with a ring of 6 "atoms", with numbers ranging from 1 to 3. You can "play" an atom between two atoms, or on another atom, depending on the atom itself. You can either have a normal atom, or...

@DmitryKudriavtsev You only ever get +100 per site. Otherwise people could join all the sites and have like 10000 rep on each without doing anything.
no, you would still need to get 200 rep on each one to qualify
Well, without doing much.
@Dennis I don't really think of that as a dupe. There's a big difference between "find the next number without 3 or mod 3" and "play this whole weird game (with reversals) and list everything".
hey, it took me 6 months to get 200 rep here
@Geobits OK, thanks.
@DmitryKudriavtsev I have 13 sites that I have over 200 on. Giving me 1300 more rep on every site for that would be crazy.
And I would have 1600 on a site that I just signed up for. That's almost enough for mod tools on a beta site.
The point of the bonus isn't "ooh, free rep". It's so that once you know the SE system, you can comment/vote/participate easier on other sites you join by bypassing the "newbie" privilege levels.
That 50 for comments is especially useful.
I just wish it was 125 instead, so I could downvote :(
Been there.
i wish you got rep for comment votes
Bad idea. Useful comments wind up deleted.
My highest voted comments are usually jokes, so as much as it wouldn't hurt me, it's probably better off this way.
still keep the rep.
@Dennis And useless comments wind up with hundreds of votes.
That too.
@quartata -100 for perjury
my most useless comments always get hundreds of votes, be it on amazon, reddit, or stack exchange
@Downgoat Nah, the definition of perjury contains "in court" ;)
@DmitryKudriavtsev Yeah, that's the main reason comments shouldn't give rep :D
@Geobits ;_; idk word then
I'm aware of that. :)
Q: Count without 3

DennisBackground When I was in elementary school, we used to play a game in math class that goes as follows. All kids sit in a big circle and take turns counting, starting from 1. However, the following numbers must be skipped while counting: Numbers that are multiples of 3. Numbers that have a 3...

Perjury means "false testimony" in general
Really? The top few definitions I found all pertained directly to court or "official proceedings".
Perjury requires an oath.
@Geobits I mean an oath can be considered an official proceeding depending on how pedantic you wanna be
He said "I'll sign an oath...", but never did. It can't be perjury either way until after the oath is taken.
Also requires intent
@DmitryKudriavtsev :O taht was you on amazon??
you were answerer
still funny +1
243 of 271 found this helpful O_O
@trichoplax There's a followup now :/
Q: Can one bake a cake with a cooked egg instead of a raw one?

Federico PoloniThis recent question about a person who wanted to bake a cake but only had a cooked egg left suggested me an even stupider one: is it possible to bake a cake with a cooked egg instead of a raw one? After all, the egg is going to end up cooked inside the cake anyway. I imagine that it's going to ...

Ah. The "obvious" solution to the egg being already cooked. Genius
That red font startled me.
"with a hand mixer and a sufficient amount of violence everything is possible" - I think I've just found my new motto. — flith 17 hours ago
user name fits
Was about to say the first comment is again brilliant. There's a pattern emerging...
Great analogy in the answer though
> Cooking the egg first all by itself, then adding to a cake would be like drying some crazy glue, then grinding up that hardened crust and putting the resulting powder between two things you want to stick together.
why does everyone here have something against codereview.SE?
Boiled eggs in shortcake?!?
@DmitryKudriavtsev Because it's full of demons. Nobody likes demons.
@DmitryKudriavtsev It's more a friendly rivalry. I came here from Code Review
I actually only ever asked 2 questions on Code Review, then I ended up spending far more time here...
Oh, and I also answered a few questions about topics I knew nothing about, which was fun
@trichoplax I thought that kind of thing was more popular on SO :P
On SO I only have 1 question and 1 answer.
The people there are much better than me at answering questions they know nothing about, so I can't compete
@NathanMerrill I'll see your jingles and raise you a marbelous instrument:
I swear that's already been posted here :P
Must've missed that one.
I'm fairly sure there was more than one.
Oh, yep. Bald Bantha in May as well. Huh.
I saw two results in search and didn't look at the first one since I assumed it was mine just now >_>
Yep, those are the only two I get with TNBDE.
You people need to stop posting interesting stuff when I'm not here to see it.
Someone needs to volunteer to create the TNB Daily Digest
Theoretically, that's what the highlights are for.
Huh. What is this voodoo that doesn't seem very helpful?
I've never heard of this. How does it decide what to choose?
@Doorknob Woah, I never knew of this.
@trichoplax Stars, I think.
It seems to grab the messages around starred messages and pings.
CMC: Find the longest reply chain in TNB you can. i.e. every message in it, except for the earliest, must be in direct reply to an earlier message.
I have a feeling El'endia might have the upper hand here :P
@HelkaHomba I've done that already. :D
Well, actually, technically my query only did it for some number of weeks.
The recursive query I constructed isn't very efficient.
How long was it?
Did you give it a start date, or kill it just before your motherboard melted?
Actually, it's only set up for a single day (2016-09-26 here): ppcg.starmaninnovations.com/tnbde/#yNItRdhFNw
@HelkaHomba There were two separate reply chains, both of length 9: starting here and here.
That can be solved by having a crossed out 4 is still 4 reply chain meme
Think how long we could make it if we disallowed non-direct-ping messages!
It'd be cool to map out the reply graph of all messages ever
@HelkaHomba Aye, and I think @quartata should already have the data needed for that.
@HelkaHomba Reply graph? What would it look like?
I was doing a query
but there are people that are replying to themselves
which is messing it up
@El'endiaStarman I did at one point, but it's quite outdated now.
@ASCII-only Messages that aren't replies are root nodes. Messages that are replies point to the message node they replied to,
@Geobits Yeah. In theory, I could do the work myself by reading from the database (using Python) and building up the tree(s) as I go.
I'm sure you can find chains of decent length just by looking at your own replies
@HelkaHomba toot nodes? :P
@El'endiaStarman Just an idle idea. Don't waste your time @quarta
@HelkaHomba But that's like a few hundred thousand messages, the graph will be huge
Yeah. You'd need some snazzy big-data way of showing it off
Also graph = image?
I'm thinking an image of a graph
@ASCII-only To be specific, the TNBDE currently has 228144 direct replies out of 1035387 messages total.
@HelkaHomba Yeah the image is going to be hundreds of megabytes thoug probably
@HelkaHomba With just message IDs as text? or actual message content?
replies are not a tree, FYI
@El'endiaStarman Would it be possible for you to do a DB dump?
as you can edit to reply to yourself, or future messages
@NathanMerrill right but that's rare
all it takes is one cycle, and its no longer a tree :P
@NathanMerrill There are 33 self-replies and 87 future replies.
@ASCII-only Maybe. I'll have to look into that tomorrow though, since I really oughta get to bed now. 6 am shift tomorrow... >_<
How many length-2 cycles? As in replying to a message replying to the first :P
@Geobits 71, apparently. Huh.
@mod pls unfreeze blog room?
So most of the future replies are to messages that reply to them.
@ASCII-only Done.
@El'endiaStarman Thanks!
I'm up to a reply chain of length 16 so far
So it would be a digraph with cycles
Bonus points if the visualization shows the progression of the reply chain over time
Wait, I just tried looking for length-3 cycles, and I got 33. So I guess that the 71 length-2 cycles include the 33 length-1 cycles.
Q: Binary Countdown Length

Megoinspired by Count down from infinity Given a non-negative integer N, output the number of repetitions of the following steps it takes to reach 0: Convert N to binary (4812390 -> 10010010110111001100110) Flip each bit (10010010110111001100110 -> 01101101001000110011001) Trim leading zeroes (011...

@ASCII-only Link to said room?
ok, I found the longest reply chain
length of 19

 PPCG Blog

Discussion about the PPCG Blog: medium.com/code-golf
@NathanMerrill But we can always increase it by replying to the last message ;)
what's a good way to share it?
post link to last message
ah, good idea
Mar 27 at 23:06, by Easterly Irk
@ChrisJester-Young Alex will do that long before you do. :P
mostly Elendia talking to CJY about his website :P
@Maltysen Remember when you wrote that Python code for specializing templates for Seriously?
I have a challenge idea:
Output the nth prime when each character in your code is repeated n times in place
It's the 9th inning of the 7th game of the world series and the teams are tied at 6 :O
Q: Primes with a twist

Qwerp-DerpNote: this is heavily inspired by this question. Task: Your task is to generate the nth prime, when each character of your program is repeated n times in place. Let's say your program is: Derp Every character in there is repeated once, so it should output 2. When every character is duplica...

@Dennis Your solution is extraordinarily clever, as always
@HelkaHomba :O
indians caught up?
Yep. Now extra innings but delayed due to rain.
Let's hope Cleveland wins. The Cubs winning the World Series is surely a sign of the apocalypse.
The Cubs just being in the World Series is scary enough
I had the misfortune of being a Cubs fan as a kid.
What's wrong with the cubs?
On the plus side, it prepared me for the harsh reality that is life.
It's hard enough to stay a fan as an adult when you just never win. Try it as a kid :P
It's like being a Browns or Lions fan.
8-6! \o/
The Cubs just won the World Series
I didn't expect that to happen in my lifetime
@DrMcMoylex :o what's that username
@DrMcMoylex -712? :p
+1 for DrMcMoylex. :D — DrMcMoylex 2 days ago
Q: Square-unspiral the string!

OliverGiven a string, first square it as follows: First, write the string. abcde Next, write the string rotated one left. abcde bcdea Keep doing this until you have written len(string) lines. abcde bcdea cdeab deabc eabcd Now, read from the string like this: ----+ +--+| |+>|| |+-+| +---+ W...

I feel like my randomness method is not being to random. I've got a boolean array like bool[] stuff = { false, false, false, false }; and then call System.Random rnd = new System.Random();
int r = rnd.Next(0, 4);
stuff [r] = !stuff[r];
at a fixed interval
but it looks like its going in order. Is that a propper random?
Q: What degree is this palindrome?

OliverConsider the string abcbabcba. The unpalindromized string is abcba, which is also a palindrome. But if you unpalindromize it once more, you get abc, which is not a palindrome. So, call abcbabcba is an palindrome of degree 2, since there were two palindromes. Your task is to determine the palindr...

@AshwinGupta Why not something like for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {stuff[i] = (bool)rnd.Next(0, 2);}
The way your doing it there a good chance some elements of stuff won't be touched at all and remain false
Well, it depends on how much you're repeating the thing
Java's PRNG is terrible
LCGs fail just about every test there is for PRNGs. The only test it's guaranteed to pass is "yep, that's a number"
@quartata Forked by accident?
2 hours later…
hi all..I have a stats challenge idea
which might be a first :)
Wat iz
the challenge is simply to fit a generalised gamma distribution to some data

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