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what does 3593 mean
@Oliver Total, network-wide rep count across all sites added together.
o lol
What the hell happened here
Can we get someone to clean this up? @Dennis @El'endiaStarman
@quartata what d'ye want cleaned?
scroll up and you'll see
The hell happened here.
Go back in the transcript about an hour; you'll know it when you see it
@mınxomaτ I have no idea.
Moderator action has been taken, but nobody's cleaned it up yet...
halp i cant find a nname for my new lang
> nname
there you go
121 messages moved to Trash
Not all of that was trashy... but most of it was.
good enough
it wasn't all trashy, but it was all non-essential
@ArtOfCode Why do you nuked an entire page of the transcript?
Thanks a bundle. There's a little bit more I think but that was most of it
@ArtOfCode Thank you <3
I hit my first mortarboard!
@TuxCopter trash
@TuxCopter Because it was cancer in every way imaginable
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ But I'm sure the motorboat was innocent.
@quartata It wasn't growing and it hasn't killed millions. So, not every way imaginable.
Some people do not have a great imagination.
@flawr actually, it wasn't. we were eating lunch together when the jerk stole my fries >:U
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Ok that is indeed a valid reason, I take back everything I said.
@wizzwizz4 It was definitely growing and it almost killed me
6 messages moved to Trash
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Congrats!
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ \o/ \o/ congrats!!!!!
@Downgoat is cheddar 1.0 on npm?
. ./node_modules/.bin/babel src/ -d dist/ --source-maps
    throw err;

Error: Cannot find module 'C:\Program Files\Git\usr\babel-cli\bin\babel.js'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:440:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:388:25)
    at Module.runMain (module.js:575:10)
    at run (bootstrap_node.js:352:7)
    at startup (bootstrap_node.js:144:9)
    at bootstrap_node.js:467:3
 Makefile:34: recipe for target 'build' failed
make: *** [build] Error 1
^^ star pls :3
I think make is borked
@TuxCopter it dont run make
how r u install?
I modified the Makefile to fix some stupid thing happening on my computer
But now it think the cwd is /usr/...
omg I think I made it work \o/
@TuxCopter y u no just do npm i -g cheddar-lang ;_;
@Downgoat crash
oh wait the package is cheddar-lang
»  cheddar --version
\o/ :D
@TuxCopter you can golf to cheddar -v :P
but \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
@Downgoat for some reason /* hi */ send the tokenizer in an infinite loop
that is @ASCII-only fault :P
@ASCII-only ಠ_ಠ
cheddar> while true {}
Syntax Error: Unexpected token at 1:0
1 | while true {}
  | ^
ok time to write docs
@TuxCopter you need parens
also use for
while loops were taken out a while ago
cheddar> while (true) {}
Syntax Error: Unexpected token at 1:0
1 | while (true) {}
  | ^
@Downgoat ಠ_ಠ
cheddar promotes use of =>
e.g. array => function
r u saying u taken out one of the most important thing of imperative programming
i still have fors
but yes >_>
pls stil use ches ;_;
ok will add back next release
how to loop while a condition is true with for ;_;
for(;true;) { code }
cheddar> class Penguin { }
cheddar> Penguin
< Class "Penguin" >
cheddar> new Penguin
Syntax Error: Unexpected token at 1:4
1 | new Penguin
  |     ^
cheddar> new Penguin()
Syntax Error: Unexpected token at 1:4
1 | new Penguin()
  |     ^
cheddar> Penguin()
Runtime Error: `Penguin` is not a function
cheddar> init Penguin
Syntax Error: Unexpected token at 1:5
1 | init Penguin
  |      ^
cheddar> init Penguin()
Syntax Error: Unexpected token at 1:5
1 | init Penguin()
  |      ^
@TuxCopter you gotta use Penguin {}
it is nicer syntax
@Downgoat ewww
how can u sai dis if you have not tri ;_;
how to know teh lenth of a strng
cheddar> "BRUH".length
Runtime Error: String has no property length
cheddar> class Penguin { }
cheddar> let TuxCopter := Penguin { }
cheddar> TuxCopter
< Instance of "Penguin" >
@TuxCopter .len
@Downgoat it looks like you're getting an element out of a struct or something
just because it's different/new does not mean bad >:|
I tried to make a Rational for Infinity Cheddar don't really liked
@TuxCopter @ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ made Rational so all bugs can go to him :P
I tried to make a Rational Cheddar don't really liked
I tried to make Cheddar don't really liked
@Downgoat how to integer division
@TuxCopter idk why Legion did it but you gotta do Rational.of
@TuxCopter floor (a / b)
cast is <target>::<source>
cheddar> Rational.of(Math.PI)
333 / 106
cheddar> Math.PI == 333 / 106
(I know that pi is irrational, just since it's not arbitrary precision it should work)
cheddar> Rational.of(0.05)
1 / 20
irb(main):001:0> Rational 0.05
=> (3602879701896397/72057594037927936)
Cheddar > IRB :D
It's Ruby
IRB is the interactive shell for Ruby
@TuxCopter nice float
@TuxCopter ik
IRB shorter than ruby tho :P
> When you write the literal 0.05 in Python (on an IEEE 754-compliant platform), the actual value represented is 3602879701896397 / 72057594037927936 = 0.05000000000000000277555756156289135105907917022705078125.
cheddar> "%.60f" % 0.05
cheddar> "%f" % 0.05
cheddar> "%x" % 0.05
@TuxCopter Your avatar keeps making me think you're Magenta
i follow C printf spec
lemme check
ohk %d work
@Downgoat Do Cheddar have arbitrary precision floats?
@TuxCopter no because thats mpossible
@TuxCopter to be pedantic, "does Cheddar have arbitrary precision floats"
irb(main):008:0> (BigDecimal("1e100") - BigDecimal("1e50")).to_s
=> "0.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999E100"
@Downgoat Dude, you took out while loops?
@Downgoat but wait I didn't push my stdlib expansion :P
@Downgoat Define 'Impossible'
@quartata Yep ;_;
@quartata im sorry is there a problem? :P
cheddar> 1e10
Syntax Error: Unexpected token at 1:1
1 | 1e10
  |  ^
@Downgoat Yes. While loops are super important, especially since you don't have tail recursion.
cheddar> 10**100
@quartata i have tail recursion
Confirmed it's not arbitrary precision lul
@Downgoat Is it good tail recursion?
tail recursion is tail recursion?
Like, is it just last line or does it actually analyze branches
cheddar> func f() {f()}
cheddar> f()
            throw err;

RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
    at Object.stringify (native)
    at Function.Module._findPath (module.js:144:25)
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:438:25)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:388:25)
    at Module.require (module.js:468:17)
    at require (internal/module.js:20:19)
    at new CheddarExec (C:\Users\Elie\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\cheddar-lang\dist\interpreter\exec.js:1:1221)
babel does TCO and cheddar functions base of JS func call
Nope it's not
@Downgoat u r a liar gaot ches don't have TCO
@Downgoat you really might have wished to release a beta branch so you could have fixed those bugs beforehand
@ConorO'Brien i had a beta branch for eight months......
@Downgoat okay, true. why are all of these bugs just now being found out ? :P
because no one instal cheddar ;_;
@Downgoat lelz babel
@Downgoat but now they have. tis the problem
@Downgoat saem linky
@ConorO'Brien to be fair not having TCO isn't bug
@Downgoat well IDK what TCO is so
@TuxCopter one is ches one is cheddar
u no hav while so tco is important
@ConorO'Brien tail call optimization
@TuxCopter you know what ill add while rn
@Downgoat you should have at least introduced some cheddar interface for handling errors caused by the underlying JS
oh and btw good job beating ruby for rationals
@ConorO'Brien ok fair point
cheddar> Rational.of(0.0005)
1 / 689
cheddar> Rational.of(0.00005)
0 / 1
cheddar> 0.00005
nvm rational iz borked
that would be (1) precision and (2) @ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ's fault IIRC
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ ಠ_ಠ -1 for borked rationals
pls post bug so i can assign ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ to it :P
@Downgoat you should add how to install cheddar on the README
Oh and I forgot to ping @ETHproductions on that answer
You were involved in the argument earlier right
@quartata What argument?
About the showcase
I posted an answer
Oh yeah
Interesting, I get vastly superior GPU performance in my GPGPU test on arch+chrome then Windows+chrome.
Probably the open source AMD driver doing some magic.
An open-source driver? o_O
Yes. I didn't install the proprietary AMD driver.
Installing that on APUs running linux usually fails catastrophically. At least in my experience.
I think I'll make an image challenge using butteraugli for scoring
Did you use Butteraugli yet?
Just as an experiment to see how well it works for this sort of thing
@mınxomaτ No, I've never tried it.
Obviously I'll test it a bit first.
Me neither, and it's not really all that well documented.
I'll figure it out
I am king of pressing buttons
There's already a Go port: github.com/jasonmoo/go-butteraugli
> This library is currently in parity with commit github.com/google/butteraugli/commit/88897aba. Since 88897aba the authors have chosen to roll back roughly 1000 changelines (github.com/google/butteraugli/compare/…). I'm going to wait until the library stabilizes to update this port. Until then this port is out of parity and is producing very different numbers.
Doesn't sound like either is production ready.
Well it built fine.
@ConorO'Brien i have link to website which is main source of cheddar info and that has detail instal info
Let's see...
The developer is quite active at the encode forums btw: encode.ru/threads/2626-New-butteraugli-version
Another interesting google project: encode.ru/threads/…
@Geobits were you ever able to do anything with that XKCD data?
@quartata @Doorknob is elronnd your sock or is he the actual guy who made slash 'em?
Q: Genearte a one-path maze

OliverGiven an integer N (5 <= N <= 50), generate a maze with side length N that follows the following requirements: The maze must be composed of the characters | - and +. It must use the | character as a vertical wall, the - character as a horizontal wall, and if that wall turns, the character + sho...

@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ What?
Well Butteraugil is pretty easy to use. On some of the images it throws an error though: Different number of channels: 4 vs 3
I'm guessing it's about the alpha or something
It uses it's own color space and the converter isn't that sophisticated. There's info about that in both encode threads above.
Oh woops :P
@El'endiaStarman Hey, I'm really interested in what you did with TNBDE. I'd like to do something somewhat similar myself, but I'm not sure where exactly to start. How did you download the whole transcript?
Oh no, the pings have come, what have I borked
@quartata guy who works on slash em extended found ppcg somehow
@DJMcMayhem Check transcriptAnalyzer_database there is a parser class I believe
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ github.com/cheddar-lang/Cheddar/issues/91
@quartata From where?
Why the heck does GitHub Pages cache 404s...
No. I blame GitHub.
nvmd, found it
And they still didn't fix the ghost orga issue.
ghost orga?
@TuxCopter Do you see that "GitRest" orga at my profile: github.com/turbo ?
Huh it 404
I can't leave an orga that doesn't exist. Yet it's still announced by the API and confuses the hell out of various services.
You reported the issue to GH?
@DJMcMayhem the repository
Almost a year ago. They are "looking into it".
4 mins ago, by DJMcMayhem
nvmd, found it
Along with many other issues that have since been fixed.
It's what I used to parse the stuff into laff
@DJMcMayhem Oops
Now I just have to figure out how to configure django
@quartata SGINTW today? :P
@DJMcMayhem No need.
Just take the parser class
The rest is unnecessary
Just updated Pyke's showcase with stuff about time
enjoy it while you can
@Downgoat what did you do
@KazWolfe ?
@quartata DG got a chat flag against him for some reason
... seriously
Probably the SH*T SH*T SH*T SH*T SH*T SH*T
yeah the s- message was flagged
Also hey @KazWolfe, long time no see.
@TuxCopter Hey, someone got flagged for posting something. I'll post it too. Always a great idea.
me name oilver v
Something seems to be sitting on your keyboard.
@Dennis Wow, that's some quick stars
@TuxCopter maybe because he's right?
Maybe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
eh, over on AUGR, a single dot gets 12 stars in a minute :P
Nov 12 '15 at 22:26, by Doorknob
okay seriously stop abusing stars
@KazWolfe .
5 more stars and it will be at 100 :O
@Downgoat can you add integration to other language's modules?
@KazWolfe Over here, you have to subtract eleven.
@arda ._.
Oh dear...
ok seriously stop abusing stars
@TuxCopter NO
y u do dis ;_;
ok I'm liking this room
my rickroll smiley got pushed out :(
I should hang out here more
@arda it's a trap
@arda Say goodbye to your productivity :P
@arda Still 60% nicer than The Bridge!
@DJMcMayhem ಠ_ಠ
@KazWolfe you came here because of a flag -_-
@TuxCopter what's a productivity?
@muddyfish no, i was here for the fish puns too.
@KazWolfe you goat it
I didn't commit in like 20 days. Productivity is a lie.
@KazWolfe wait there are fish puns here?
Goat damn it.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC yup. Rn there is npm integration but working on Python
2 days ago, by DJMcMayhem
@Geobits I think you have an addiction to puns. you should sea kelp immediately
@Adnan every stackchat room is a trap
@Dennis I see you're using Cheddar's builtin math functions.
something smell fishy in this room :P
> Desired Behavior

Work correctly ._.
That's the desired behavior of every issue ._.
@TuxCopter yes
That's what I tell my compsci professor
@KazWolfe ;_; y u sai dis
TNB's starboard: @Downgoat.
Anyone know where I can find the official C backend to the random library in Python3? I found this‌​, but it's for python2, and I'm not sure that it's either official or the same in Python3
@Downgoat is chedar ches the sam as gaot ches
:O chedar is cow ches
@Downgoat TIL u r cow
Downgoat is a cow? THIS ROOM IS A LIE
@KazWolfe do you get cake made out of goat cheese?
I don't want to google it
brb photoshopping
I am expert infographist
@Downgoat @Downcow
how isn't it falling?
@muddyfish majik
@muddyfish G is set to 9.8m/s^2
@TuxCopter But are you a regular photoshop?
But because of float rounding issue it's only 0.01m/s

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