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@trichoplax Lots of "ಠ_ಠ" and just nothing worth reading.
@ConorO'Brien how about gay, can gah mean gay?
@flawr ....no?
@flawr yeah, pretty much "damn" for 7 year olds
@DJMcMayhem oi.
@flawr definitely not
@mbomb007 The CMC didn't help with that, but it seems to be dying down.
Do you have something more on topic you'd like to discuss?
it's not noise if everyone's doing it :P
@flawr I've always thought of "gah" as a sigh of exasperation, so to speak.
It's still noise, it's just not annoying anyone at the moment. It may be putting off people who would otherwise join us though (as people have expressed).
I will paint ಠ_ಠ into my avatar
@trichoplax yes yes I know. hence the :P
And mbomb007 finds it annoying, so how about we drop the disapproving faces...?
I know there's more than 1 person who finds it annoying...
CMC: Given positive ints for width and height, print a block of spam that size.
Anyone wanna see an photo of a plane?
@ConorO'Brien Excuse my misreading of punctuation faces :)
e.g. 4x3

@trichoplax haha not a problem. it's like tone, often nebulous :P
@HelkaHomba jm*"spam"E
@HelkaHomba And I thought the previous CMC was noisy :P
@flawr Considering who's speaking...ehhh...
@HelkaHomba MATLAB: @(s)kron(ones(s),'spam')
Takes the size as a vector [x,y]
@El'endiaStarman Not crashing, I promise
user image
Isn't that effing awesome?
@HelkaHomba Àispam<esc>ÀÄ
@flawr That it is. Probably pretty shocking for the people on the plane too (well, at least the pilots).
haha, shocking
@HelkaHomba Minkolang, 18 bytes: "spam"n$Dl0Gn$D$O.
Cinnamon Gum: whatever p~%spam%<literal newline>~ compresses to, on mobile
@ConorO'Brien I know, that was a cheap shot.
Should be about 8 bytes
@quartata Dang it! I thought my 9 was unbeatable. Stupid compression
@quartata I read that as "whatever p~%spam%<literal newline>~" compresses to , on mobile
@HelkaHomba J, 15 bytes: 'spam'$~{.,4*}.
@DJMcMayhem It will probably be 9. Depends on how lucky I am
@HelkaHomba python: lambda n,x:exec("print('spam'*n);"*x)
That means I win in spirit, since I didn't use compression. :P
really my compression is just a lazy way of having 256 chars. only occasionally is it better
ASCII converted to base 256 holds about the same information as CP437 when you think about it
V doesn't use CP437,
It uses Latin 1
@HelkaHomba C#, 79 bytes: a=>b=>new string(' ',b).Replace(" ",new string(' ',a).Replace(" ","spam")+'\n')
@mbomb007 Is this better signal:noise now?
OK, new CMC: Same as helka's, but all "spam" on the inside is removed
Hollow spam?
Also Charcoal will blow us all out of the water on this it's like 7 bytes for each
@trichoplax Define signal ^^
Built in for every imaginable shape from what I have seen of their transcript
In this specific case, things mbomb007 is interested in hearing about
@quartata sample
That's 4x4
@HelkaHomba *+*"spam"jS, Jolf, 11 bytes here
shit, the site didn't remember the work I did on my sandbox post like it normally does ;_;
@DJMcMayhem buggèd
@DJMcMayhem Can't be done without math
spam         pam
spam         pam
spam         pam
@DestructibleWatermelon Yeah, I learnt the hard way not to trust that too - I always paste into another program before leaving the browser now
Oh wait
does height include the top and bottom?
@DestructibleWatermelon Ah, good point. It should be "5h" not "4h"
I mean, usually it remembers most of it, but this time it remembered the title only ;_;
CMC: given an integer N > 2, divide N by the largest prime number < N
@DJMcMayhem Does height include the top and bottom
question: how to do a time literal
@ConorO'Brien that doesn't work for 2
@DJMcMayhem yes, fixed
Then I can't do it without math. If you let me take input as width,height-2 I can
You should add some math. :P
Actually wait
d<backtick>11(?:])<backtick>F<backtick>P~spam~%%spam~ ~spam<newline>%%~spam~![%s,%s] is close but F doesn't work properly in this case
Is it possible to see vote breakdown on reddit?
ddoing the math with regex sucks
Hey guys who have a good idea to have the right place for you and I have to do it again in a while to respond from the airport.
@HelkaHomba ???
This brain made my brain tingle
i knew it, he's a bot!
what is happening...
^ result of first autosuggested words
I mean sentence. It's contagious
@HelkaHomba i was about to ask that then I read down. >_>
I am a beautiful person.
Result of autosuggest
<_< or is it @DJMcMayhem trying to use suggestion
The first to write you an opportunity. Please contact me for my family is going on with your family, friends. The other side, but the best.
@DJMcMayhem I have 6 bytes of J :P
We need a bot that works like this
a primitive markov chain bot?
> Hey guys are going well as a result of a sudden I have to be the best way for me and I have to be the best way for me and I have to be the best way...
oo I made one of those once
@HelkaHomba Auto suggest has a nervous breakdown
> The first one is the most part I am not a big fan and the money to buy the best way to go back and I am not a big fan and the money to buy the best way to go back and...
> the same time. The only thing that I have a great day. I'm not sure if you are not the intended recipient, you can also be used to be a good time to time.
@HelkaHomba for a minute there I was wondering if you had a concussion. :P
A they for dance of well being of the day is this is
> the same time I try to get a new one is the best thing ever is when you have to be a good idea
and then [is a lot of time to get a chance to win a free agent in charge of the day]*infinity
@DJMcMayhem yours likes mixing idioms :p
I wonder if this is the sort of thing you'd get if you tried to run WFC with English text as a source. :P
@DestructibleWatermelon Basically but much lazier
it would use words instead of letters
@El'endiaStarman that's fascinating
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ orlp posted it in here a couple days ago. I've kept it open in a tab ever since.
also instead of probability, it uses determinism
@El'endiaStarman hm, cool
I think the idea can be immensely useful in other areas.
I wonder if it can be used to write new algorithms
@PhiNotPi i have 22 kb of usage! yay?
@DJMcMayhem TF2?
@quartata sorry, can't right now
hey, what's the ideal string interpolation syntax?
(in your opinion, if that wasn't obvious)
if that's the case, how do you handle "value:$variable.something"?
@NathanMerrill "value:#{whatever} where # can really be anything and { .. } is just any pair of delimiter
so you prefer braces?
why have the #?
Braces are pretty common in strings.
#{ is an uncommon combo
because { ... } are rather common
@Downgoat hackernoon.com/…
@DJMcMayhem well i mean it's not the libraries are at fault
I know, it's just funny.
Browser JavaScript is such a shit and difficult language to code in you pretty much have to use a million libraries to get anything done
NodeJS's stdlib seems pretty sparse too
Most of the things I've installed have a lot of dependencies
it's pretty full-featured compared to other languages
but it is pretty difficult to use due to all the callbacks
Why would you retrieve React from NPM then use browserify
That sounds stupid and I just realized I'm noticing errors in a rant on JS
which implies I know JS
Oh, for Babel. Wow is that dumb.
you can use browser-side babel but it is slow
@Syxer It took me seeing your Reddit post to realize that you're VTC :P
Also I hope you JS people aren't writing your frontends with functional programming. That is definitely the wrong tool
@Downgoat I know. Ideally you shouldn't need Babel in the first place
@Downgoat D: no i rarely use libraries, apart from my own
@quartata true, but with babel you can use strict-typing JS plugin which there is no proposal for even
@ASCII-only I mean for production sites
-I hear you. You should try the Python community then.
-Ever heard of Python 3?
At least there are only two versions of Python is all I have to say
Anyways that was quality have a star
@quartata s/two/fifteen
A: When was this language released?

Sp300015 years, Python Versions: 0.9.1, 2.0.0, 2.2.0, 2.2.2, 2.5.0, 2.5.1, 3.0.0, 3.1.0, 3.1.3, 3.2.1, 3.3.0, 3.3.3, 3.4.0, 3.5.0 and 3.6.0a4. Versions not linked can be found on the downloads page. The release date of 0.9.1 can be found here. Unfortunately I had to skip a large bunch of years due to...

Two major versions that matter at least
and __future__ makes it much easier
I think the main problem with ES5 and ES6 is that they lack something like that
But since you can't extend JS with native code...

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