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oh metadata is stored in "tEXt" chunks
wow iTXt supports UTF-8 text, png is awesome
@Maltysen Opening multiple accounts for the 15GB free Google Drive space seems easier. (Not that I advise doing that either.)
@Maltysen the dude on PPCG who made it
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ o_O
some guy who claimed to have made the PNG format answered a challenge here
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ that was jpeg iirc
the challenge was "make an image format"
@Downgoat hm, i thought it was PNG
oh, looks like image magik instead
A: Dither a Grayscale Image

Glenn Randers-PehrsonGraphicsMagick/ImageMagick Ordered Dither: convert B2DBy.jpg -gamma .6 -ordered-dither [all] 4x4 ordered4x4g6.pbm Before complaining about my using an "established algorithm" please read the ChangeLog for GraphicsMagick and ImageMagick for April 2003 where you'll see that I implemented the al...

Opinions on my new YT channel header?
jk, it looks pretty cool
maybe replace the white part with transparecny?
@HelkaHomba It looks good but the font could be changed
(maybe slightly less extereme gradient too)
otherwise it looks cool
@Maltysen Hmm. Would that work on YouTube?
oh good point, idk
@LuisMendo have you considered inverting the gray code explicitly instead of looking it up in the full table? there are some formulae here oeis.org/A006068
@Maltysen Elk Homba
@Downgoat The font is just lines I drew to get them pixel perfect :P I agree that the gradient and font are a bit jarring though. Thanks for the input :)
@MartinEnder And there's another problem... >.>
plus the B looks like an 8
@HelkaHomba maybe remove the black?
@HelkaHomba your voice...
...it is...
Not many of your fans know about your presence on PPCG...
how do i edit hex in vim again?
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC I have not many fans to begin with :/
@Maltysen -b?
130 final offer
@quartata no it was xxd
That isn't an editor just a dumper
@quartata no, but you can use it in vim
its weird but vim.se peoples say it works
Keep in mind that -b will ensure that vim doesn't add any newlines or mangle binary
@Maltysen Better?
@HelkaHomba nice!
Thanks! I'm still uncertain but it's better than my old one.
@HelkaHomba maybe add like a 0.8 opacity to the text
it's the typical too-fancy overdesigned youtube banner
a clean one would look nice
Woohoo! 15K! \o/
Oh look it's crazydythou
@DJMcMayhem \o/ \o/ \o/ congrats!!!!
@ASCII-only :/
My rep is also an even number.
There was a time when I had double DJ's rep; now he has double mine. An excellent illustration of my laziness
anyways congratulations
Haha, thanks
Next step: get into the first page of users sorted by rep
Gotta get that swag.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC I agree. Too busy. Better now?
I'm trying out Storj's "rent your hard drive" thing.
I mean, I'm not expecting to make any money (I'll probably stop this experiment in a few days).
Based on my hard drive's (lack of) utilization, I say that there's probably a lot more space on the Storj network than there are people who want to use it.
Right now it's using 0B of the 150GB I allotted it.
@PhiNotPi I thought that was a Swedish company name but then I realized it's just a startup mangling a real word.
Interesting idea though
But what's to stop people from formatting their drives, deleting strangers' data?
@HelkaHomba nothing really. Data is supposedly stored in triplicate, and I think people get paid performance-wise.
And consumer upload speeds are sadly super slow. With things like $1.99/mo/100GB on Google Drive you'd need very low rates to make that worthwhile
@HelkaHomba But the file is chunked
I'm assuming that means parallel download on your side
Ah, maybe
So is anyone on?
I'm sort of on
More or less.
@orlp I was googling how to compile a Cython module with static linking and found you asking that on SO 5 years ago
I'd appreciate some feedback on my challenge idea. So far, I only got an upvote and a downvote.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DennisHyper about quines code-challenge quine code-generation source-layout busy-beaver Inspired by Hyperprogramming: N+N, N×N, N^N all in one. Definitions Hyperquines Define a n,m–hyperquine as a quine-like full program or function P that satisfies all rules that apply to proper quines and, in a...

Did you ever get that working
@Dennis +1 for potato
Gee, I hope that not the real reason. :P
Also +1 for a hard quine challenge (and also a hard (maybe unusual?) challenge with short solutions)
I'd imagine language is gonna be a major factor in this
Isn't it always?
In turing tarpits e.g. BF I'd imagine it may be possible to have an infinite-order chain
Personally, I can't even think of a valid solution, but I hope others can.
Aw crap! I was thinking about Doorknob's borked terminal when I chose potato, but I just remembered that there's that meme...
I need a better plant.
I'd suggest rhubarb or rutabaga
@Dennis In BF it shouldn't be much harder in BF than a normal quine, you'd just need to modify the structure a bit quite a lot
Went with bananas. I like bananas.
It's probably way easier in languages that ignore/fail silently on errors
@Dennis How bourgeois :P
@Geobits Stop making me google words. :P
@PhiNotPi Woah. More details?
@Dennis If you don't want to google them, you could always bing them >_>
No, thank you.
@El'endiaStarman Basically, if you take two ultra-pure metal samples and touch them together, they simply bind together.
@PhiNotPi Ultra-pure?
By that, I mean no surface oxide layer, like you had said.
I've heard that before, but never seen it done.
@Geobits Look it up, there are more videos (and some videos of larger-scale cold welding)
@PhiNotPi Yeah, I've heard of that. I want more details on this one gif.
@El'endiaStarman literally got it from reddit: reddit.com/r/chemicalreactiongifs/comments/50z5x1/… (link to research paper in comments)
they are two gold nanowires
Ah, makin that bling.
That tiny tiny bling
I just realized a challenge I was writing wasn't that feasible, but I had fun writing the intro
> The Vividest Tax of Bureaucracy (the VTB), a powerful, fictional country, is electing a new leader soon, who, among other things, will choose new income tax brackets. As a programmer for the JST (Just Send Taxes service), you need to be able to quickly make sure sure the proposed brackets are donstitutional because the new leader may make constant revisions and caresses to the numbers.
you can probably post the intro by itself and still have it be a well-received question
With great reputation comes great... nevermind, just do it :P
@HelkaHomba TIL tax is a country
@PhiNotPi That's really cool.
@Dennis Holy crap, that seems really hard.
@ASCII-only waits for someone to notice the letter shift
Without a doubt, my hardest challenge so far.
@HelkaHomba Oh jeez -_-
+1 for that ;)
@HelkaHomba donstitutional teehee :P
> sure sure
You can never be sure enough.
I saw donstitutional the first time through, but didn't pay it any mind. It makes more sense in light of the other changes though.
...I don't get it.
Conald Trump
This is the answer you need.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Hello there!
@LearnHowToBeTransparent: Isn't deleting messages like the polar opposite of transparency? (By the way, don't delete legitimate messages.)
^ it can get you suspended
i thought it is off-topic
@Downgoat s/will/may/
@Downgoat Gitbook is really frustrating... I'm just going to make the Logicode docs from scratch.
Can anyone help with, like, general documentation? I just need a few HTML pages.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Maybe do that thinking before posting messages? :)
@Qwerp-Derp D: but Gitbook is good, ReadTheDocs is good as well
@Qwerp-Derp :( I'd love to help you but I'm a bit busy rn (can I get back to you in like 15-30 minutes)
@Qwerp-Derp 0/10 HTML
RST is uck though
At least use Jekyll
@El'endiaStarman yeah. i posted then i remembered that it's offtopic. i'll be careful next time.
@ASCII-only 0/10 your opinions... :(
We have polar opposite opinions on like, everything
@LearnHowToBeTransparent So long as you don't keep doing it over and over again, you're welcome here. :)
@ASCII-only Besides, I cannot be bothered to use Jekyll (and I'm not bothered to look at the docs either)
@Qwerp-Derp Well, if you want to keep manually writing all of it in HTML (if that's what you're doing) instead of Markdown that's fine
Yeah, I guess
I was thinking of making a KotH challenge, but I don't know how to make a controller, especially a language agnostic one
@DestructibleWatermelon Somebody has a KotH framework. @NathanMerrill, I think?
I don't know. :/
also what language? I only know python
I think his is in Java but can interface with other languages.
well, I think subprocess.popen is the kind of thing I want, but it is confusing to me
do you know how to golf a*?
@LearnHowToBeTransparent elaborate?
i mean A star pathfinder
I don't even know how to code a*...
Oh, the A* algorithm?
I've done A* before, but golfing it isn't really going to be any different than golfing anything else.
I only know A* because of XKCD.
I only found xkcd using A*.
@Geobits Feq... do you have any progress on the Logicode quine?
@LearnHowToBeTransparent If you want to figure out how to golf it, you'd be better off learning to golf in general. There are several pathfinding challenges here, but I don't know one off the top of my head that uses A*. Golfing is a general technique though. You can apply it to any code.
@Qwerp-Derp Nope!
(how) can I make sure that a process opened with subprocess.popen doesn't open/modify any files etc.?
I'm not entirely sure that's possible, but I've only used it a couple times.
I wish someone could attempt the Logicode quine challenge.
Don't feel bad. Most of those perpetual bounties are just that: perpetual.
Yours has at least some chance of being claimed.
Though it doesn't look easy by any stretch of the word.
@Geobits rofl
so, anyway, I'm making a KotH
It is going to be a 1 dimensional chess variant
Poor knights.
Ok knights, you can move two that way, and, uh... one back?
@feersum And most of the pieces
Bishops can't move, the queen acts as a rook, and pawns can't capture
@ASCII-only @ConorO'Brien @EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ @Quill @quartata @anyoneElseInterested I've setup a beta channel for cheddar builds, which you can install with npm i -g cheddar-lang-beta. This will add a cheddar-beta command running the beta version of cheddar. Classes are quite a big addition with many possible bugs. Any help beta testing and finding bugs is appreciated :3
@Downgoat Cheddar is written in JS, right?
@Qwerp-Derp Yes, hence why it's on npm
Does anyone here have the time to make some HTML pages?
Sorry for the constant promotion, I just need help (desperately).
@Qwerp-Derp maybe?
@Maltysen OK...
Do you have time to make some docs for Logicode?
you should use sphinx
it makes html pages automatically
well i cant do it now, playing league
How do you use RTD
@DJMcMayhem In case you're interested:
A: Divisibility test

DennisBrain-Flak, 72 bytes ({}<>){({}[()])<>({}<>)<>({}())<>({}[()]<>){(<()>)}{}<>}<>{}([[]](111)<{}>) Takes dividend and divisor as input, in that order. Try it online!

The stack-clean requirement for the bounty is brutal though. No easy way to extend it...
@DJMcMayhem congrats on 15k!
an anomaly:
A: Divisibility test

brianush1TCC, 1 byte (Non-competing) v Input is 2 numbers seperated by a space Try it online!

a one byte builtin without many upvotes O.O
Mainly because it's cheating.
@Dennis Nice! What's the general algorithm it uses? Does it use modulo in anyway?
Yes, it computes the modulo, then derives the divisibility by peeking at the height of the stack.
So how long is just the modulus part?
@quartata heh
I tend to ask popular questions
@DJMcMayhem 60 bytes, but it's not stack-clean.
I think you could change the end from {}([[]]()<{}>) to {}{}([[]]())
Oh wait, nvmd
@quartata on stackoverflow I have 9x the famous question badge
@Dennis oh, I see. What does it pop?
@ASCII-only Are you on?
I have a bug...
@Qwerp-Derp Yeah
This doesn't eval properly... cond a&b->do whatever/do whatever
@DJMcMayhem For calculating n%d, it pops n/d items, which have to be 0 or the algorithm won't work.
If you have builtins in the param of the cond, it breaks
which is weird
@Qwerp-Derp Does out a&b work
Well, I'm always happy to see someone new using my language
Oh wait hang on...
I forgot that ands were really weird
@Qwerp-Derp ?
I thought it would work the way I wanted, but it didn't
CMC: What do you call the # symbol? Hash or pound?
@BetaDecay Octothorpe
@BetaDecay number sign
Hash and pound, depends on usage. Octothorpe if I'm being an ass :P
Oh, that too sometimes.
@ASCII-only Well that's just long-winded :D
We should have a custom highlighter for some of our languages.

 Esolangs IDE Room

Room for discussion of an Esolangs IDE
I'm glad that none of you call it a pound sign exclusively... That's what £ was invented for
Well, uh... # was used for pounds before it was used for anything else IIRC.
It was?
Uh, you're not supposed to ask me that as a followup. Now I feel the need to find a source :P
Haha sorry
This looks decent enough I guess (from Wikipedia):
> The symbol is described as the "number" character in an 1853 treatise on book-keeping. Examples of it being used to indicate pounds exist at least as far back as 1850, and its double meaning is described in a book-keeping text from 1880.
here in the intro (an abbreviation for pounds avoirdupois), it means pounds as in weight
Huh, you learn something new every day
IMO, it's a hash when used for computer-related things, number when followed by a number, pound when following a weight (or talking about the button on a phone), and octothorpe exclusively when arguing about what it's called.
Also hashtag on social media
It also makes a handy tic tac toe board if the font's big enough >_>
Except it's slanted :P
Oh, and it's a nice stand-in for sharp if you hate dealing with unicode ;)
@BetaDecay Well, yeah. Still works though :P
Oh yeah, it also means sharp in C#
Oh, do they use # instead of the real sharp symbol?
@Geobits its slanted the wrong way for sharp
@Geobits Yeah
@Maltysen I know. That's why it's only a stand-in. It's very commonly used that way, though. At least in all the guitar tabs I've seen lol.
Yeah, and use b for a flat
I've yet to find a good ASCII stand-in for the natural sign though :/
If I saw that I'd think someone's cat jumped on the keyboard while they were transcribing.
WhatayrjfMOWjdidtalking about?
In other news: lz5 2.0-beta is out.
@BetaDecay But if it would be between hash and sharp, I would say sharp.
with subprocess.Popen, output is in bytearrays, not strings
does input have to be in byte arrays?
halp I don't want bugs
for a board game KotH, should I have output as the piece/place of piece being moved, and the place it is moved to, or the resulting board?
hmmm, I guess the first one would be easier for me to make...
piece and destination
easier to make, easier to parse for a solution
@DestructibleWatermelon just use the bytearray constructor for input and .decode() for output
how exactly does the bytearray constructor work?
also, are you sure that I can't input a string?
bytearray(my_text, "encoding")
just want to make sure that won't just insert bugs though, a string isn't the normal input?
In my variant there are 4 / 8 pieces. I say 4 or 8 because you can 'reverse' a piece, by changing the direction of its moves
also, how exactly should I have output for the setup? a string describing the pieces, or a series of numbers and booleans denoting the placement of the piece, and reversal?
also, is there a simpler/better way to get a loop like this?
while not game_finished:
    if not game_finished:
it looks pretty WET, and ugly
wait, I found a fix to the WETness
turn is used as an index, and has the possible values one and zero, like booleans. is it bad form to use turn=not turn, given that it converts to boolean (which are still 1 and 0, but seems weird to use bools)?
@DestructibleWatermelon itertools.takewhile(lambda player: player.play() or game_finished, itertools.cycle([player1, player2]))
that should work i think
@ASCII-only Did he mean the ampersand, &?
@Sherlock9 He meant he forgot & was bitwise (I think?)
Ah, ok
@Mego I may be being particularly dense here, but how do I use the seriously module in Python in the TIO style. argparse?
@ASCII-only Wait what?
Should we include conds in vars?
@Qwerp-Derp what did you mean when you said the way and works was weird
@Sherlock9 I'm not sure what you mean?
@Qwerp-Derp IDK, you can just assign to the same var in a cond
@ASCII-only I thought it was just comparing two numbers like this:
a=111, b=100
You want to, in a Python program, run a Seriously program? from seriously import Seriously; srs = Seriously(); res = srs.eval('your code here') # a list representing the stack
And a&b would compare it like so:
(in my mind)
a&b => (a is not 0) and (b is not 0) => 1
But I forgot that Logicode's & was bit-wise
@ASCII-only Well, speaking of Logicode, @zyabin101 is like, not doing anything about the Notepad++ highlighter
@ASCII-only Nope, it's just a hash there. The tag bit is what follows after the hash. Hash + tag = hashtag.
@Mego IDK, Wikipedia said it's called a hashtag IIRC
Maybe it's because I play the piano, but I call # "sharp"
Depending on the context, sometimes I call it "snek comment character"
@Sherlock9 If you're just trying to run Seriously code from the command line, seriously -c 'code' will do. If you're trying to run it with PyPy, use pypy3 -m seriously -c 'code'.
I call it sharp too and i have nothing to do with music
Also because of C#
(the programming language, not the note)
@Mego Oh neat. And with input?
Q: Generate groups for in-class work

Greg MartinIn a smallish class, some lectures are set aside for working in groups. The instructors don't want people to group themselves together with the same people every time; instead, they create the groups beforehand, trying to make sure that all students work with one another as equally as possible. Y...

@Sherlock9 echo something | ... or cat file | ... or ... < file or ... <<< something
(where the ... is whatever invocation you want)
Alternatively, input line-by-line with just the regular invocation, using CTRL-D to signal end of input (EOF).
hmmm, how should I take setup input though?
Watching The Lord of the Rings at school.
what should I call my KotH challenge?
TIL Windows 10 comes with it's own screen recording tool.
@DestructibleWatermelon i have more than twice your upvoted in years thing lel
seriously, I don't know what to call the challenge
Does anyone here ever get an annoyed feeling when you've got a family friend that's around the same age as you, and an adult comes over and says "Hey, you guys should introduce yourselves and play together!"?
It's just like
So frustrating
it has fifteen squares, so maybe Fifteen? ¯\_(ō~ō)_/¯
@DestructibleWatermelon Fifteen what?
Is it the 1D chess game?
what omission, I don't see any omission
@Qwerp-Derp yes
1d chess seems a bit drab and already used
Linechess? Seems too generic...
I like lein, it seems like it could be pronounced line, or lane, which is pretty much what the board is.
@MartinEnder Oh, I didn't think there would be an easy inversion formula. Good idea!
What about ___?
@Qwerp-Derp i open my pc, it opens in tty, i start w3m and do stuff
w3m? tty?
@DestructibleWatermelon Maybe sqrt(Chess)? (with an actual square root symbol?)
maybe √- garfield chess
@Qwerp-Derp tty is this (no desktop just cli)
W3m is this (cli Browser)
So you do stuff on yer laptop instead of socialising?
When mum says play together i do tty stuff and he gets bored and goes, then i open gui
@Qwerp-Derp not laptop btw
ah fine
@betseg hah
also what should happen if a bot makes an invalid move?
@DJMcMayhem are the examples on the bflak wiki generally meant to be stack safe?
Q: MatLab or C Language programming code for Financial transactions

MackA system is needed that keeps track of a series of financial transactions in order to compute an updated account balance. Create a flow chart that describes an algorithm by which the user inputs a starting value followed by a series of dollar amounts, either positive or negative, updating the tot...

It actually is a programming puzzle kind of
except by someone who has little familiarity with the site
1 hour later…
@Dennis @Lynn updated tutorial to include integer literals; please do check you think it looks OK.

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