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@ConorO'Brien Assigned priority level: LOW. Media module has numerous other bugs with greater severity.
revised bug report: comment out media until bugs are fixed
Rejected. Users with older versions still rely on the media module for message handling.
what, world explorer 8? who uses that anymore
Our analysis shows a large number of users are on version 55 or older.
bah. you'll have to cut support for them eventually. those versions can't stay around forever!
On the contrary. Many system admins have announced they plan to keep supporting them for many years to come. Not as common in the US, but we're a global company.
electric noodle
but yes
@Geobits have it your way. I'll stop using the software!!!11!1!
That would be a violation of the EULA. This will be your final warning in this matter.
Does anyone know if gmail does anything to fuck up attachments like changing newlines, etc.?
We need something like letsencrypt for code signing.
@feersum Not that I've seen. I know they scan them, but I'd be worried if they modified them in any way.
Hm. Someone's trying to send me binary data by gmail and it keeps getting corrupted.
Do we have a tag for dealing with lists?
Weird. dropbox, drive, etc?
@HelkaHomba Not that I know of, and a quick search didn't seem to find anything.
there's array-manipulation but ehh
Yeah, that's probably the closest.
What do you consider the difference to be between array-manipulation and lists?
We ought to have a lists tag like string and numbers
@feersum send it in zip? Or if all else fails, base 64?
@HelkaHomba there is.
I know, look up :p
Oh, you already saw that. facepalm
I don't know how many challenges it would apply to, but there is a difference between a list and an array...
@DJMcMayhem That was what was being sent.
A linked list challenge is not going to want to be in [array-manipulation]
Oh. In that case you're screwed
CMC: Paste the output of locate -b '.docx' when run on your system.
$ locate -b '.docx'
/build/mono-oWqW1z/mono- HOL .NET C#.docx
/build/mono-oWqW1z/mono- HOL .NET VB.docx
/build/mono-oWqW1z/mono- HOL JavaScript.docx
/home/lm978/Downloads/CSharp Language Specification.docx
Call it LISP for LISt Processing
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ locate -b '.docx' is waaaaay faster.
@StevenH. AHH THE (((L)((I)))(S))(((P) HAS COME
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ 'sudo' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
@DJMcMayhem IDK, cygwin?
Nah. Git bash FTW
@Geobits /home/geobits/Downloads/pokechecklist.docx ಠ_ಠ
Not sure why that earns disapproval...
It's interesting how radically my OS has shifted. Not even a year ago I was 100% Linux and nothing else, and now I almost never use Linux at all.
@betseg ;_; y u do dis to poor gaot
Name change idea: Geobits → Pokébits
Name change idea: Geobits → Geogoat
i can even make an avatar if you change it
Name change idea: Geobits → LegionBits979
@Downgoat No thanks. I don't like changing both name and avatar. People start whining about being confused then.
CMC: Star random messages until you get 11'd
Better yet, I can 10.5 you if people start doing it ;)
#lang racket
(for ([i (list 10 8 17 16)])
(+ i (char->integer #\α)))))
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ why, i dont get this, you're asking people to spam and its not even joke or funny.
@Downgoat It's to... erm... weed out the gullible
Q: Output the largest number with the fewest digits

Helka HombaGiven a nonempty list of positive decimal integers, output the largest number with the fewest digits. The input list will not be in any particular order and may contain repeated values. Examples: [1] -> 1 [9] -> 9 [1729] -> 1729 [1, 1] -> 1 [34, 3] -> 3 [38, 39] -> 39 [409, 12, 13] -> 13 [11, ...

SO Proposal: Require users to have 50 rep before they can post
that will get rid of a lot of the BS
> [GitHub] You've been removed from the Cheddar organization
yesterday, by El'endia Starman
Stop starring stuff that isn't interesting and/or important.
@Downgoat how will they get rep without posting
@quartata tbat's the joke :P
actually assoc bonus?
A shovel
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ D: why?
@daHugLenny I think Brazilian should be capitalized in your user profile. (I wouldn't say anything but it says "I'm brazilian, if you see any grammar errors or something like that, please warn me." :3 )
@HelkaHomba Also comma splice...
@HelkaHomba Done. :)
@HelkaHomba Now that I've created a three-byte solution, Dennis will find a two-byte solution. I guarantee it.
@Downgoat You are not going in the right direction. You are upside-down and pointing left
Wow. It's been a while since I had to delete my answer due to stupidity :/
@Geobits Italics make you dim. Your o is already fading.
@Sp3000 codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/93399/26997 in case you didn't see
@HelkaHomba o_O Are you zoomed out or something? Mine looks fine.
That's how it looks to me too, actually. I didn't notice it before though.
Interestingly, nothing stops an ex-president from running for the House of Representatives, being elected, rising to become the Speaker of the House, then after both the President and VP passed away, owing to [looks at current candidates] a murder-suicide perhaps, returning to his old job for a single term — Malvolio yesterday
I saw that earlier. I'm inclined to disagree.
Not that it's technically disallowed...
But I can't see a freshly elected ex-pres getting to Speaker within 10-20 years. House politics are ruthless as all hell, and most presidents don't make friends there while in office to begin with.
Hah, point.
And all that for another four years of a draining, thankless job? I can't see why anyone would.
It wouldn't even be a full four years at that.
Well, I guess it could be pretty close, as long as the "accident" happens quickly :P
But imagine if Teddy Roosevelt managed to pull something like that off to get another term
Would look mighty shady either way though.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Oh goodness.
Das funny
TIFU is pretty great
...wow, one of the comment threads got real NSFW real quick.
Sooooooo NSFW
@Geobits just got to that thread, ._.
@El'endiaStarman Holy shit....
At first I didn't believe you. o_o
Fortunately, all the other ones are SFW. :P
Well sure. That one makes up for it :D
the dog's name is sparky, lel
what is the scariest danger noodle?
@orlp the squeezy danger noodle? (i.e. boa constrictor)
marine invertebrate danger noodle
that's not a nope rope that's a regular rope
I'll nope that rope just as fast as a regular nope rope.
@Maltysen squishy!
@orlp noisy german danger noodle
@El'endiaStarman holy shit i did not see that o_O
1 hour later…
hello, I have a question: how to write java program to swaps the vowels “a” and “i” only using .replace function?
Is there some third character you know won't be in the input?
I'm not sure HW does not specify:P
I was thinking that but idk
The .replace method only takes the two characters as arguments right?
AFAIK yeah.
I suggest finding some character value out of ASCII range to use as a temporary.
I think I can use regex :/
maybe some capture gruop trickery
I could back & forward lookahead for the i and surrond as in that and vica-versa
There's a difference between .replace and .replaceAll
I don't know if it is possible to do capturing groups with .replaceAll
Anyways, I need sleep. 'night!
@PhiNotPi .o/ g'night!
>_> CS teacher says good use of double is currency
pls NEVER use double for money
well actually I'm fine with that because floating point problems will probably get me more money
@Geobits o_O
;_; dat is not frandly snek
@HelkaHomba i would laugh but no upvotes have shown that I might be going in wrong direction ;_;
@Downgoat What kind of CS teacher is that
@Downgoat It's a really bad idea
also, remember that macrochallenge I made?
20 hours ago, by Destructible Watermelon
Chat macro challenge:
Programming language with these qualities:

two non-intersecting command subsets (A, and B)

A and B are both TC

Any subset of A is not TC, same for B

Any set that contains: All but one of set A or B, one command of the other set, is TC
I realised that it is really easy; take any two single instruction TC langs and win
@DestructibleWatermelon Single instruction can't be TC
subleq, please...
also bitbitjump/bytebytejump
now you know!
Q: Does YouTube send every video to every subscription inbox?

Helka HombaThis may be old news but according to this video by The Game Theorists, YouTube does not push every video a channel makes to all of that channel's subscriber inboxes. Rather, a subscriber only sees videos from channels they commonly interact with, because that's better marketing. When I first he...

^ If the answer is no I'm going to lose a little heart in the internet
So according to Google Help, yes
> You can change your notification settings to let you know every time a channel publishes content or turn them off completely.
@ASCII-only But that says "highlights", not "every public video"
event.keyCode: 1. Works in all major browsers. 2. Deprecated. event.key: 1. Works in everything but Safari. 2. Still in draft. event.code 1. Final(ish) draft. 2. Only works in Firefox.
> and see any new videos in your Subscriptions feed.
^ The real reason I hate JavaScript.
IDK, brb
@ASCII-only Ah, curious. Thanks
@HelkaHomba In the settings for me: Occasionally notify me of new videos and activity from my subscriptions
Plus all notifications for a subscribed channel is off by default
@ASCII-only Yeah I see that too. I guess I'm asking about what's naturally in the sub box, not emails or mobile notifications. But thanks for pointing this feature out :)
Though I guess "You can change your notification settings to let you know every time a channel publishes content or turn them off completely. " is clear..ish
I want to make a programming language but I have no ideas ._.
I kind of feel like I've seen a challenge like this before, but I can't find it... Is this a duplicate? If not, is it an interesting challenge?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Weeing If FirstBuild a prime tree A prime tree is a tree structure that shows the prime factors of a number. In this challenge the smallest possible number must be to the left, going down from the top. As an example, the number 24 will look like this. 24 / \ % Is it OK to have two or more / \ a...

@StewieGriffin +1 nice PPCG username
in Esoteric Programming Languages, Sep 5 at 4:07, by DLosc
Do we have a language that's optimized for challenges? Because if not, we should make one.
@DLosc Hmm
I think someone started making that one...
@DLosc Any ideas?
hmmmm I am intrigued...
@DestructibleWatermelon Link?
@ASCII-only IDK I got linked to it some time
in Esoteric Programming Languages, Sep 5 at 4:46, by DLosc
Found it: https://github.com/ETHproductions/Crayon
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Weeing If FirstBuild a prime tree A prime tree is a tree structure that shows the prime factors of a number. In this challenge the smallest possible number must be to the left, going down from the top. As an example, the number 24 will look like this. 24 / \ % Is it OK to have two or more / \ a...

in Esoteric Programming Languages, yesterday, by DLosc
@MartinEnder @Sp3000 I have some vague ideas going. Hacked together a small proof-of-concept in Python. The main drag is going to be adding syntax for regular programming-language stuff like math, loops, etc. It's easiest to piggyback off of Python's abilities, but it won't be very golfy, plus I hear golfing libraries are frowned upon.
@DLosc D: piggybacking
I think I might make a thing like that anyway
The main reason I'm not pursuing the idea with more gusto is that I feel like 70% of it will be reinventing the same operations that have to be in any golfing language: arithmetic, string operations, control flow, etc. I've already done all that once with Pip and I'm not terribly interested in doing it all over again.
@DLosc If you want I could do that, once the ascii bit is done the arithmetic shouldn't be too hard
@ASCII-only This is going to sound impatient but
When are you done with the updates?
@Qwerp-Derp Input won't take long, but I'm still debugging return, I can give you write access to the c9 if you want
ideas are happening yay
@Qwerp-Derp Just login here with your GH and click the request access button
IDK if you guys know about these ads but
I don't understand what's wrong with "this guy"
I just can't even
@Dennis Could you please pull Brachylog?
@Fatalize Done.
@Dennis Have you pulled the latest version of Logicode?
@Dennis thanks
@Qwerp-Derp If somebody asked me to, yes.
I only pull on request.
Could you pull Logicode, then?
Sure. Give me a few minutes.
@Dennis #pullrequest for Pip, too, please, when you can.
@ASCII-only Requested access.
what to call my language that has a turtle ascii art thing in it
Call it trichoplax
Crush (coolest turtle ever)
I'll have to think about this
time to start doing the interpreter thing now!
@Qwerp-Derp Done.
@DLosc Done.
@Dennis Thanks! :D
Oh yeah, the Aussie turtle
I've got a chat challenge!
So there's an infinite string like so: 12345678901234567890... with 1234567890 repeating on and on
You can insert operators into those strings
So you can do 12+3 for 15
and 12*3 for 36
You insert syntax like so:
You have a string of +-*/
Which is used like this:
+ -> 1+2 = 3
** -> 1*2*3 = 6
++* -> 1+2+3*4 = 1+2+12 = 15
(order of operations is used here)
You can also use ~ to include multiple numbers
So ~~ = 123
And ~+ -> 12+3 = 15
this seems like the kind of thing that could be posted on the main site
~~* -> 123*4 = 492
You must also include brackets
So (~+)*-> (12+3)*4 = 60
@Downgoat betsegoat
@DestructibleWatermelon True
But I want your opinion on this challenge
Is it good?
seems good but what is the actual challenge?
sandbox it!
~/ is best bcoz the result is the next number
I posted challenge to sandbox
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Qwerp-DerpRepetition In a language called Repetition (something I just made up), there consists an infinite string of 12345678901234567890..., with 1234567890 repeating forever. The following syntax is available to output numbers: +-*/: This inserts the operator into the string of repeating digits. E...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Qwerp-DerpRepetition In a language called Repetition (something I just made up), there consists an infinite string of 12345678901234567890..., with 1234567890 repeating forever. The following syntax is available to output numbers: +-*/: This inserts the operator into the string of repeating digits. E...

@NewSandboxedPosts eleven plz
@MartinEnder I have a question your comment about operators. As I see it ~ would not be a valid submission, as it isn't a function and it isn't a full program either. Is that correct?
I only found this meta post about builtin functions, but not about built in operators. (Which does not have a really clear consensus, considering the feersums edit and AlexA.s follow up.)
Q: Print all integers

FatalizeWrite a program or function which will provably print all integers exactly once given infinite time and memory. Possible outputs could be: 0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, 4, -4, … 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, 10, 11, … This is not a valid output, as this would n...

Things done in my interpreter so far: moving around, adding new cells when going out of bounds, and turning
@flawr In my opinion it's fine. Operators are just a different notation for functions (although in most languages they aren't first-class objects even though functions are). Like I said, defining operators is actually common practice in other languages, so I don't see why the rules for counting built-in operators should be different from counting built-in functions.
@MartinEnder So you'd say ~ is a valid submission?
(This behaves like the ! in C-style languages)
with my code so far, this is hello world:
'Hr'er'lr'lr'or',r' r'Wr'or'rr'lr'dr'!
also I forgot to put something for input in the spec .~.
@flawr and I guess it threads automatically over lists?
Yes it does!
what do for input...
oh, I should probably add a thing for moving over a certain amount...
@flawr might be worth reviving the discussion on that meta post, but I think it's fine
oh, thats what I could do for input!
ideas working!
also I probably need to make this code much better...
its awful
gotta go fast and make this interpreter so I can answer a question thats currently sandboxing!
with some more stuff and the obvious removal of writing a space on a space
@l sets the char var to l, , prints char var
yo @TùxCräftîñg
monrngi golfers
how did i do this stupid...
@Syxer Another ShadyAsFuck answer=)
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ ....I'm sorry you then did.
@TùxCräftîñg monrngi part of golfers
@flawr yaaaas
Is anyone here familiar with De Moivre's formula?
@Syxer Yeah
If I have, say, π/3 as my theta, can I bring out the 1/3 and cube root the entire cis?
@Syxer Yeah
@ASCII-only Sweeet
But whether you should, IDK
@Qwerp-Derp hi
@ASCII-only It simplifies to 1 if I do.
@ASCII-only Crap our thing is borked
Ummm... should I ask SO?
@Syxer The problem is the last step - you're taking the wrong cube root
@Qwerp-Derp Sure, but I don't imagine it would be easy condensing the problem to fit in a question
Hmm, yeah
@Sp3000 What should I be cube rooting?
Argh I don't know how this is going to be solved then
@Syxer The 1, but it's one of the two complex cube roots
@Syxer Yeah no this is wrong
@ASCII-only ?
@Syxer brb finding diagram
I wish every office application had git built in.
@mınxomaτ I don't think Office documents work well with git
Q: English to Alien translator

Basically Alan TuringBriefing Aliens have settled on earth and strangely enough, their alphabet is the exact same as ours. Their language is also very similar to ours with some very distinct and easy to compute differences. Challenge Take a string and output the alien's language equivalent. The translation works a...

@mınxomaτ brb, making LibreOffice Git
@ASCII-only I know, but they should.
Basically the one pointing up is (√3)/2-i/2, ((√3)/2-i/2)³ = 1
The one pointing down is -(√3)/2-i/2, (-(√3)/2-i/2)³ = 1² = 1
The one pointing right is 1, 1³ = 1³ = 1
@Syxer ^
You can't tell which root it is if you've already simplified the cube to 1, so looks like the only way is evaluating the original expression yourself
@mınxomaτ Most people don't need that so the documents pretty much always compressed
> You can also use the Git attributes functionality to effectively diff binary files. You do this by telling Git how to convert your binary data to a text format that can be compared via the normal diff.
> First, you’ll use this technique to solve one of the most annoying problems known to humanity: version-controlling Microsoft Word documents. Everyone knows that Word is the most horrific editor around, but oddly, everyone still uses it. If you want to version-control Word documents, you can stick them in a Git repository and commit every once in a while; but what good does that do? If you run git diff normally, you only see something like this:
@mınxomaτ TIL
new hello world program: "Hello, World! in my new lang
Duplicate of Pyth
You know my challenge right
Should I do both a code-golf and a meta-golf as two separate challenges or one big challenge?
@Qwerp-Derp As two seperate challenges.
@mınxomaτ Can't you just create an addin?
I can't be bothered.
@zyabin101 Semantics are different
@El'endiaStarman meh, it's okay
didn't want to see that, but it didn't have any real lasting sense of horror
yay i have this book XoX
@Qwerp-Derp the link to the GH of pyramid is dead
Its deleted
Couldnt continue it
And besides I like LC more anyway
I prefer to work on one thing at a time
@TùxCräftîñg do you still have that install of Rocks'n'Diamonds?
Good, because I'm publishing an archive of my level.
@ErikTheGolfer I can't ping you in here.
@zyabin101 Now you can.
If you won't spam in here, I might add you as writer in my thought room.
@zyabin101 I hate spam, that's why I might flag your two messages on the other room for mod attention, although I'm not sure if there is an 'obsolete' flag in chat. Also, I tend to edit messages, not post new ones, if the edit is on the same context.
@TùxCräftîñg here is my level archive: github.com/schas002/Rocks-n-Diamonds/blob/master/…
@zyabin101 So you're saying that we can spam in your room?
Nope, you can't.
@Fatalize zyabin is picky sometimes, and, because it's his own room, he can be as picky as he wants.
@PhiNotPi Well, this has 27 stars till now, I think the quote should really be back.
most of my turtle ascii art language is done, but a bit is still left
Marky's brain is going weird :/
who's Marky?
Marky Markov.
The hateful one.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ElPedroThe House of Santa Claus Note: This is the first challenge that I have attempted to set so obviously into the Sandbox first. Comments appreciated on whether it is a good challenge and if any more clarification is required. Thanks in advance. Background There is a old childrens puzzle where the...

@zyabin101 He doesn't hate you :/
But programmatically ignoring me is hating me?
@zyabin101 What?
:O A new-ish user actually using the sandbox
@zyabin101 No, I'm telling you he doesn't do that...
Mar 4 at 14:22, by Is Begot
def handle_message(self, contents, event, client):
    if event.user.id == 183551:
A message from March proving that Marky hates me.
Yes. I'm saying that is not currently in there. I'm not sure how much more clear I can make it.
Oh, so it's a bot from Geobits that use Markov chains and PPCG messages to send random stuff?
No, it doesn't really use Markov chains. I just liked the name for a bot.
So what does it do? Print random messages from PPCG?
It's my attempt to play around with tensorflow. It's an RNN.
He's in Beep Boop Maggot and The Block at the moment if you want to play around with it.
He's in training mode at the moment, so it's not a "finished" product right now.
Too bad I can't see the source code...
I didn't write "the source code". It's publicly available in the tensorflow package. The only modifications I made were changing the training materials and feeding it into SE-Chatbot (also freely available).
in Beep Boop Maggot, 26 secs ago, by Marky Markov
@Fatalize oh, you're not a little bit, cartman.
Bonus: both of those are python, which I don't really know well, so it's terribly hacked-together.
@Fatalize Oh. Yeah.... he likes watching South Park. Did I not mention that?
Its answer to 2 + 2 : "yeah."
0/10 worst bot ever
Well, I probably wouldn't answer such a dumb question either :P

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