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I like absurdibits. :P (Maybe it should be Geobit's new name?)
I'd drop that first I, but maybe...
@HelkaHomba It could win at the "output the language name" challenge.
@TùxCräftîñg Uh, not for me. o.O
Yep, works here
ah it simply dont liked https
Seems working, it redirects to archive.org/web
Wow, RAM is much more compressible than I thought. I just got 32GB from downloadmoreram.com and it only had to download 4097kB. Very nice 10/10
it use the ggz4 format
Hmm. Actually it's kinda suspicious now that I think about it. If I was getting fresh RAM it should be all zeroes, right? So it should compress much smaller than that. I think they're giving me used memory :/
CMC: create your own board game. :P
How not to deal with an expired SSL Certificate http://st.cm/1CY28vg http://t.co/FehGNvQsF8
(This CMC means chat mega challenge.)
@TùxCräftîñg It recommends using something besides Firefox, so it's not all a bad response.
"I'd want this tech thing the most" - strawpoll.me/11219147
The emulator option is pretty much reality already if you have the internet >_>
Yeah but they're glitchy and unofficial
@HelkaHomba None of them o_o
> glitchy
@HelkaHomba none
@TùxCräftîñg ?
A completely wireless computer would be pretty cool.
emulators arent glitchy
@HelkaHomba Meh. I've had pretty good luck I guess. If that means I can only play 99% of the thousands upon thousands of games, so be it ;)
@TùxCräftîñg Some are, but I agree that for basically anything pre-2000, they work fine.
@HelkaHomba Self-driving cars FTW! Oh, and free wireless internet absolutely everywhere. Maybe not in that order.
I mean, I've had PS1 emulators on my phone work just fine on almost all games.
the only problems i have with emulators are Project64 crashing somtimes and Dolphin eating more ram than Java
and the speakers get mad also
Yeah Dolphin is a beast sometimes, and I still can't get it to run Xenoblade Chronicles smoothly, but that's 2010, not <2000.
> get rid of any bad not letters
My laptop isn't powerful enough to run Melee on Dolphin. :(
i use Dolphin only for Gamecube
@TùxCräftîñg Paper mario on an android n64 emulator was very glitchy for me
> android
@El'endiaStarman btw, have you seen the smashbot DC talk?
@HelkaHomba Use a real computer for that :/
@TùxCräftîñg I've had issues with dolphin on pc too
(or project64, I forget)
Point is, of course, they can be glitchy
@mınxomaτ Watching now.
f-zero gx crash sometimes with project64, and the speakers went mad with mario sunshine on dolphin
@HelkaHomba Sure, they can be. But if even the console/emulator in your poll is limited to "(practically) all the games", I'd say we're already there.
I suppose
My most used emulators are probably NES/SNES on my 3DS though :D
to edit random memory locations and watch mario die because of a red bowser while flying
I mainly like the portability.
My most used emulator is WoW64
@TùxCräftîñg This remind me of playing with my Game Genie :)
@ConorO'Brien Done.
There was noting to pull though.
@TùxCräftîñg Done.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

tuskiomiIlluminati is Illuminati This is a popularity contest inspired by a dedicated scratch programmer who made the program here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/117836320/. What the program does, is it takes in a string, and links the string to the Illuminati. This scratch program is especially popu...

933 rep
Gotta get that thought room someday...
Why is everyone going on about climate change so much recently?
@BetaDecay cause xkcd
Q: Are there any repercussions for stealing Ideas off the sandbox?

tuskiomiI haven't seen it done myself, but are there any examples of people stealing other's challenges off the sandbox to use themselves? what happened to those questions/users?

Does anyone have an idea for more testcases here: meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/9829/24877 ?
CMC: Find my single deleted question on PPCG
my internet connection isnt cooperative >_<
14 mins ago, by flawr
Does anyone have an idea for more testcases here: http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/9829/24877 ?
i tried a speedtest.net but the page dont have loaded yet
i opened the tab 10mn ago
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ Can I play?
@Dennis Yup.
he's a mod
he can find the deleted question easily ._.
It's a trick question anyway.
Why is that?
Because reasons. :P (I don't think I'm allowed to divulge anything I can see in a profile if others can't, unless I get an OK from @ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ.)
@DJMcMayhem Why is that not a real challenge?
@Dennis Idk, cause I haven't gotten around to it?
Do you think it should be?
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ I probably could, in fact. Gimme a little bit.
@DJMcMayhem I like it, but I guess I'm biased because there's a 3-byte Jelly solution. :P
Wow. You should teach it to me so I can post the challenge in the middle of the night and FGITW it. :P
20mn: speedtest.net is at 80% of loading
Possible title: StringgnirtSStringgnirtSStringgnirtS
omgyes speedtest is loaded
black screen
i need to reload it :/
@DJMcMayhem As long as you don't apply the transformation to your explanation, it's all good.
Zero and Nine aren't in the top 10K words
@Dennis HahaahaHHahaahaH
but every other digit is
my internet connection is officially dead
@NathanMerrill Can't say I'm surprised. For a long time, zero wasn't even considered a number. I guess 9 is just rounded up.
I get zero more as well (people often say "none")
but 9?
6,7,8 are all in the top 10K, but not 9?
automatic censoring of words that are not in the top 10k
> thing to please do: don't say word if word not easy word
haha my message timeouted
1b/s approved
also: "understandings"
@Dennis There is also a 3-byte 2sable answer, so I'm guessing this is going to become some kind of cowboy duel.
If it gets posted of course
Maybe I need to make it harder
57 in my naïve python attempt
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ Well, doesn't seem to be in TNBDE. I guess either the feed bot's message was edited or your question was deleted first, so the feed bot's message has messed up content.
@Adnan I'm usually hovering main like a vulture, but until TIO v2 is released, you should have a head start.
Speaking of TIO, thanks again! :)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TheBitByteYes, Yeah, Maybe, Zlich code-golf If the input is one of these words, with a separator of your choosing: yes, yeah, yea, okay, ok, indeed (Note: uppercase and lowercase doesn't matter) Output a truthy value. no, nada, blank, naught, zero, zilch, nought, void,n othing Output a falsely val...

i found a 26-bytes solution in straw
@Dennis Hahaha, no problem :)
Does anyone have any suggestios for interesting testcases for meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/…
Hello guys!
!syug olleH
Do it for this.
CMC: Take a string, reverse it and print it
straw: <">
I think it's a dupe of a challenge, I don't know which.
@TùxCräftîñg 05AB1E: R
@TùxCräftîñg Matlab: @flip
@TùxCräftîñg English language, 8 bytes: gnirts a
but it's a standard loophole
Do standard loopholes matter in CMCs?
@Dennis Why not, it was a stupid question anyway, I'll allow it :p
(I personally can't even find it myself it's so old)
@Dennis Huh, I made 2
28 mins ago, by Dennis
It's a trick question anyway.
SE knows more about me than I know about myself :/
I only remembered the first one
@Dennis It 404s for me. If mods and possibly 10k+ are who can see it, why post it?
I don't remember how many I have. I know I have at least one
38 mins ago, by ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ
CMC: Find my single deleted question on PPCG
Oh that's right, I have two
CMC: Shortest C compiler
CMC: Find a sandbox challenge without comments yet and honestly critique it.
@TùxCräftîñg Does TinyC count? Or are there any shorter compilers?
I also have 23 deleted answers >_<
@TheBitByte I actually have a copy of that on the school servers, as it requires no installation :p
@TùxCräftîñg Is there a minimal subset on how much to implement?
what the lolz is this black magic O_o
Uhh, I give up.
@TùxCräftîñg 7zip command line, 52 bytes (not counting directory names and assuming that the resulting archive is called a.7z): 7z a -t7z -m0=lzma -mx=9 -mfb=64 -md=32m -ms=on a.7z dirname (60 bytes with the placeholder of "dirname", 52 bytes without the placeholder)
@Dennis I hit the rep cap like 10 hours ago, and I'm going for socratic, so I'm not particularly driven to post a challenge today. >_> I'll probably post it in a couple hours
(i.e. tomorrow)
vim question: how to do a thing to indicate if a line is >80 chars?
@HelkaHomba I sympathize with these people somewhat. I'm not a hardcore Linux or command line guy, but when Windows took away my start menu, I started hitting Windows key and typing in the program I want to use. Subsequently every single icon on my desktop except for the Recycle Bin got removed, because I never use them. If I could have my start menu back, I would never use it anyway. So while I'm not hardcore, I understand why people feel like commands are superior to point and click GUIs.
@TùxCräftîñg :h 'cc'
Question: How does one start a vim process without the intro text showing up?
It seems most people deal with the unwanted intro text by diverting it to TNB
(from the process arguments, that is)
Most useless command:
$ vim +q
~                              VIM - Vi IMproved
~                               version 7.4.1689
~                           by Bram Moolenaar et al.
~           Modified by [email protected]
~                 Vim is open source and freely distributable
~                        Help poor children in Uganda!
~                type  :help iccf<Enter>       for information
~                type  :q<Enter>               to exit
~                type  :help<Enter>  or  <F1>  for on-line help
@trichoplax Nope, still shows up
Was sarcasm... I have no idea why people keep posting the VIM intro screen into TNB :P
Q: Validate a stem-and-leaf plot

Ben NA stem and leaf plot displays a bunch of numerical values in groups, which are determined by all but the last digit. For example, suppose we have this set of data: 0, 2, 12, 13, 13, 15, 16, 20, 29, 43, 49, 101 We could produce this stem and leaf plot: 0|02 1|23356 2|09 3| 4|39 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| ...

@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ this is just a guess but what about au VimEnter * normal i<esc>
CMC: Print the string "CMC", without using the letters "C,M,C" or any numbers from 0-9 in your code.
@TheBitByte rot1: DND
Not a sub, but it should help someone.
@zyabin101 Fine. You win.
@zyabin101 rot1 is not a language
CMC: Given any arbitrary UTF8 input, produce an output consisting of code that prints it. However, the output code must not contain any of the letters in the input string, nor should it contain any numbers from 0-9.
1 min ago, by zyabin101
Not a sub, but it should help someone.
@TheBitByte ^
@zyabin101 See, you win in my book for having a creative answer.
@DJMcMayhem Awesome!
my internet connection will be really slow for 1 week :/
@TùxCräftîñg Download more RAM. Sometimes it helps.
nope, this will not help
Google Ultron uses NASA technology, and it's really fast.
If all else fails, you still have the trusty Adobe Reader.
@TùxCräftîñg Ask the ISP.
@zyabin101 Image signal processor?
@TheBitByte Internet services provider.
@zyabin101 Instruction set processor?
Interactive session protocol?
Good day, sir!
@DJMcMayhem As I said, from the process arguments
@TheBitByte i;main(){i='G'-'F';putchar('D'-i);putchar('N'-i);putchar('D'-i);}
@betseg A bit on the long side, but awesome!
@betseg main(i){i='G'-'F';putchar('D'-i);putchar('N'-i);putchar('D'-i);}
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ ye tru
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ You know the drill: J, Jelly, or 051ABE win. And almost only those.
@TheBitByte Print["Why not Mathematica?"];
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ Wait, this actually prints "CMC"?
@TheBitByte Print["No."];
#define P putchar(␊main(i){i='G'-'F';P'D'-i);P'N'-i);P'D'-i);}
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ You're gonna have to count #!/usr/local/bin/Mathematica -script or whatever it is, haha.
@TheBitByte Uh why
how much time did u spent for ␊
> or any numbers from 0-9 in your code
@TheBitByte why are all of your challenges silly restricted source challenges with arbitrary requirements?
CMC: updoot my posts
@betseg wat is updoot
@Downgoat The opposite of a downdoot
@Downgoat Okay, get ready for a history lesson.....
@Downgoat you, upside down.
@Downgoat It's a meme word for upvote
thank mr skeletal
@TheBitByte please provide me with a response
@TheBitByte You know that can be worked around by moving Mathematica to root dir right?
@RohanJhunjhunwala print('a response')
@ASCII-only I was joking......
ok, back to the ignoring pile you go
@TheBitByte ;_;
best css snippet ever
also, golfed
Does CSS autocomplete?
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ Haha, whoops
:before{content:"goat == *:before{content:"goat";}
Maybe use -c?
@RohanJhunjhunwala Even with the word please, that comment comes across as quite aggressive, at least to me
@betseg :before{content:"nopenopenope == *:before{content:"nopenopenope";}
@trichoplax Oh, I am sorry
Just thought I'd let you know as I suspected that wasn't your intention
It was not
I do apologize.
Mainly because it was only 1 minute after the initial question
@RohanJhunjhunwala when making request always append :3 for saftey
user image
in case you cant test it, the resut of the css snippet
@trichoplax I understand, I should have presented the request better
No harm done - just wanted to let you know so it doesn't cause any problems later :)
@betseg the nineteenth goat?
@DJMcMayhem goatgoatThe Nineteenth Byte
@betseg goatgoatyeah
goatgoatI see.
wait i can improve that
"goatgoatThe Nineteenth Bytegoat goat" now
Please make a pull request to the userscript with that unique feature
@betseg What's that in the top right?
@TheBitByte red-green-blue-purple thing?
@betseg Yes.
@RohanJhunjhunwala i dont know js unfortunately :(
@TheBitByte conky
@RohanJhunjhunwala pls no
Wow I am so used to the "wide GitHub" script that visiting GitHub without it looks so weird...
Please yes. I want all css elements to be surrounded by the string literal "goat"
Last I checked goat wasn't a meme, but I guess not on SE...
Then again, SE isn't the meme place, that's 4chan. Or reddit. Or reddit stealing from 4chan.
@RohanJhunjhunwala Okay, I'll do it when I'm home, but in a separate userscript
@ASCII-only I was kidding...
I should have used <sarcasm> tags
@betseg Got any screenshots?
@RohanJhunjhunwala Nowadays this is just shortened to "/s", at least that's the case on reddit.
6 mins ago, by betseg
user image
@betseg I meant main, not chat.
I want to compare the current theme vs that userscript.
@betseg Without the goat thing, please. :D
Also I really hate that ppcg logo.
@betseg I like this theme. I just want the old logo back that's all.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ wat
That's a really dumb idea.
@betseg goat css
> A system with a truly negative temperature on the Kelvin scale is hotter than any system with a positive temperature. If a negative-temperature system and a positive-temperature system come in contact, heat will flow from the negative- to the positive-temperature system.
integer overflow
@zyabin101 OK seriously, why is it that the second I made a chatbot every one else on the planet decided to make one
And why are they all so similar
(except only one actually would work for a knowledge base bigger than a few messages :P)
@ETHproductions I'm also done with this new bot based on yours, it's fairly different but should be pretty interesting
@Dennis huh.
(mind == blown) == true
@RohanJhunjhunwala mind*blown
@quartata Nice, can't wait to see it :)
I should have it up in ten minutes, I just need to fix a dumb mistake
(btw, that's twice today I've randomly gotten on PPCG and seen that you pinged me two minutes ago :P)
@ETHproductions Training ETHBot/Laffy in the Moonbase

 The Moonbase

Racoon heaven/glorified clubhouse. Home of the Laff-O-Tron, a ...

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