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@quartata is that a chat bot?
Oh, that.
Yeah, that's a chunk from ETH's.
oh, cool
which I suppose I might as well get to playing with since there's a bug in this and SP's build server is down
Ah lovely what Beautify can do
Would enumerate all valid brain-flak programs be an interesting challenge?
it might be
We already have the same for brainfuck, but the syntax is very different
I'd sandbox it
Actually, you could just simplify it down to enumerate all balanced strings of the brackets '(){}[]<>'
which is the same thing, but more general
> What are the common units of measure for processing speed of a CPU (i.e., how fast a computer is)?
ಠ_ಠ High clock speed =/= fast computer
It kinda does though
wow today's xkcd is scary
Obviously it's not that simple since there are other factors (number of cores, architecture, cache size, AMD vs intel) but higher clock speed is always faster
even when a while loop makes sense, use a goto
@DJMcMayhem high clock speed if faster than low clock speed but clock speed does not mean how fast your computer is
Fair, but there is no unit of "computer speed" or even any way to know what that would look like. Clock speed is the closest unit we have
disclaimer: Video contains some language
Proposal for Computer Speed Measure: Most goat directions correctly identified in 1s.
@Downgoat like "oh my computer is 4 kilogoathertz"?
omg this will be so good
Pronounced: "kih-lo-go-thertz"
@Downgoat pls pin @mods /s
CMC: Write a program to test find a computer's is goathertz
that actually would work on main i think
@Downgoat first you have to standardize an algorithm
good point. Use imagemagik to generate a set of ~100K goat images. randomly flipped upsidedown. each image 600x800px. Images are from google images
@Maltysen gigoatherdz?
> In a byte, is the least significant bit at the beginning/left or the end/right of the byte?
Q: Can I wear a shield and fight with a two-handed weapon?

Premier BromanovIn my group, we've been working with the understanding that you can wear a shield and fight with a two-handed weapon, the assumption being that you only get the +2 AC if you're actively wielding the shield with 1 hand. We're treating "wielding" a shield as different from "wearing" a shield. When ...

am i supposed to assume big endian wat
yes, you can
@ConorO'Brien you upvoted teh comment?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ yseh
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Conor O'BrienDraw a Bumpy String code-golf ascii-art string (Inspired by this challenge.) Let's say we have a string ABBCBA. We can say that there is a rise between A and B, for B follows A; we can say that there is a run between B and B, for nothing changes; and finally we can say there is a fall between ...

@NewSandboxedPosts @TimmyD you inspired me
@Downgoat guess, but do it randomly each time the program is run
@ConorO'Brien I would have expected the output to rise when it rises, fall when it falls and stay the same when it stays the same. For example: ABBCBA:
 oo o
o    o
Actually, I think that's a dupe of something helka did.
yeah :P
out of curiosity, what would EXAMINATION yield?
pls halp wat is bit location
in a big-endian byte. what is bit location of MSB
@ConorO'Brien this v
 o o o o o
o o o o o o
and ABCDEFG would be:
@Downgoat MSB is first in big-endian
yeah but is bit number 0 or 7
CMC/poll: what meta functional grouping seems useful to you? E.g., J has a "fork" functional grouping: fork(f,g,h) = (x,y) -> g(f(x,y),h(x,y)). Another one could be meta(f, g) = (x, y) -> f(g(x), g(y))
@Downgoat Both endiannesses have normal bit orders: 01234567
@ConorO'Brien Related:
Q: "Stair-ify" a string

DJMcMayhemYou must write a program or function that creates a "stair-ified" string. Here is how you "stair-ify" a string: For each character in the string: If the character is an upper or lowercase vowel, not including 'y', output it then move the rest of the string up a column. If the character is a sp...

Q: Zigzagify a String

Helka HombaWrite a program (or function) that takes in a non-empty string of any printable ASCII characters. Print (or return) a zigzagging chain of the characters in the string with every neighboring pair of characters linked by: / if the first character occurs before the second character in normal ASCI...

> The least significant bit is at the end or right of the byte (just like in a base-10 number). The location is bit 0.
but not a dupe, like a previously thought
What does this even mean then
@Downgoat idk
where is it from
my CS HW
your CS teacher is weird
can't say anything I've given her my PPCG profile link
\o/ good question badge!
@Downgoat Wait wat brb
ಠ     ಠ
 \   /
@DJMcMayhem ;_; if i didn't get good question badge does that mean my challenge is bad question?
@SE y u do dis ;_;
@Downgoat e.g. the LSB of 11111110 is the 0 at the end, the LSB of 1001 is the second 1 at the end. The "location is bit 0" is probably just using a convention that numbers a bit based on which power of 2 it corresponds to.
@Sp3000 oic
thanks for the help!
ahh, at 13100 rep. a nice, clean number
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ The Targe is a buckler not a shield
We have lab titles elevens thought I'd share it here :P
noun: buckler; plural noun: bucklers

a small, round shield held by a handle or worn on the forearm.
pls elect me mod so I can practice for lab quiz
@Downgoat doesn't that depend on endianess?
@Maltysen ik SP just explained it to me
@Maltysen No endianness affects byte order not bit order
> A buckler (French bouclier 'shield', from Old French bocle, boucle 'boss') is a small shield
seems to be the same for me
i think the purpose still applies
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ ninja'd
the question really meant "is it feasible to wear this and take off/on" it looks like not "can i fight with this"
@ASCII-only wait WAT
Bucklers are small enough to be worn on the forearm and still use a two handed weapon
@ASCII-only o yah true
can someone just give me the answer :P
@Downgoat if its in normal human reading order, than waht you said is true
> In a byte, is the least significant bit at the beginning/left or the end/right of the byte? Which bit number is it?
A "small shield" is much larger
its the digit with the least value
same as in decimal
Big-endian int (int is 4 bytes) ABCD, little-endian: DCBA
basically in little-endian the bytes are backward
halp in C++ do i declare a string and make every instance of a class to point to it, or is it equally performant to have the string in member initializer
well, it all points to the fact that pointers suck >_<
@ConorO'Brien I'm in Australia so I have to use the Heretic Comma
@ASCII-only wat
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Don't ask me, my teachers are always like D: you have a comma before your 'and'
@ConorO'Brien I voted heretic comma just to bug you.
@DJMcMayhem ಠ_ಠ
@ASCII-only tell them the internet says otherwise
I use oxford, but I'm not dogmatic about it like some people. :P
@Downgoat I didn't need a visual shudders
Sometimes it creates ambiguity
but i'd argue not having it has more ambiguity
My stance is that any sentence where your comma style can create or remove ambiguity is a poorly written sentence that should be re-written.
shit oxford comma actually does create ambiguity i 99% of cases
42 mins ago, by DJMcMayhem
disclaimer: Video contains some language
grabs shotgun
ಠ_________ಠ ;____________; Q___________Q Y U DO DIS DR HAM JAM
o wait is that for the goat h8rs?
im OK with that :P
You're putting words in my mouth
@Downgoat he does it because he wants to shoot the goat
@Maltysen u guys suck ;_; :P
@ConorO'Brien The right way.
hahah I didn't notice that
Didn't notice what?
@Geobits What was the movie corpus you were using?
2.0 iirc
@ConorO'Brien >_> why am i the first voted for jee - eye - eff
y u do dis apple ;_;
Earpods are objectively shit. --Sincerely, an audiophile.
i use them :P but I know they are shit
i just don't care
Challenge in 3... 2... 1...
@DJMcMayhem earpods in general are all arond shit
Hmmm. waffles...
there is not a single reason to use them over headphones
Thanks a lot irskterly, now I'm hungry. :/
CMC: Two-limb bigint supporting +-*/ :P
@Downgoat Do you mean earbuds?
Earpods are specifically apple, earbuds are more generic
@DJMcMayhem TIL
> Iʀᴋsᴛᴇʀʟʏ Eᴀsᴛ
I thought debugging Cheddar was difficult but I am trying to debug my Whiteout tape and this has turned out to be the most difficult thing I have ever done
@Downgoat Is debugging C++ memory leaks easier?
Although I agree, I much prefer headphones. I'm listening on these ones atm, and I adore them.
@ASCII-only yes
@Downgoat How is your Whiteout tape broken
Q: Parse the comments out of my esoteric code

DJMcMayhemEarlier this week, we learned about how to format esoteric languages for commenting. Today, we're going to do the inverse of that. I need you to write a program or function that parses some well-commented esoteric code and parses the comments out, returning just the code. Using some examples from...

Earbuds still have their use though
Is it a get/set error
@NewMainPosts Thankyou!
@DJMcMayhem what do earbuds do that haedphones can't ._.
@Downgoat Or is your tape the wrong size, or is it not wrapping (if you're expecting that)
@Downgoat They're usually cheaper, smaller, lighter, and better for carrying around various places. And they're more discreet, which sometimes is nice
@ASCII-only basically the tape should be like around the lip. but mine is like a giant huge strand of tape just leaking out and everything is borking and ugggghhhh
@Downgoat rewind it?
tape.index -= 15
A cool answer from a new user:
A: Is it a Bumpy Word?

ijustlovemathLabVIEW, 246.5KB First we convert to lowercase, then to byte array. Trim off the first element of the byte array as it has no precedent. Then, for each element in the array, check if it's greater than the previous one (U8 char maps to ASCII as you expect) and store the result for the next iter...

@DJMcMayhem cheaper point is true, but wireless haedphones are also easy to cary. In terms of discreteness it annoys the hell out of me when people have earbuds coming out of their shirt
Or 15..cm()
Too bad we can't use a smaller byte-counting scheme
@DJMcMayhem there is labVIEW byte counting scheme
@Downgoat it's good not to have hell in ya
Plus, most headphones these days aren't that bulky.
Mine are wired and they're easy enough to walk around with
The sound quality definitely outweighs the slight extra weight (pun absolutely intended)
@Downgoat Why would they have earbuds in shirt and not in ears
@Downgoat It's sometimes nice though. I like to have 2-3 earbuds that I can carry around and use when I don't really care about sound quality (like if I'm just goofing around, watching yt on my phone) or take on road trips, cause then I don't really have to care if they break or not.
Ear buds. What the hell am I supposed to do with ear buds? Play Sarah McLachlan at a guy until he gets so sad he dies?
ES6: s=>s.replace(/#.*/gm,'').split`<newline>`.reduce((p, c)=>[...p].map((_,i)=>[p[i],c[i]][+(_==' ')]).join``)
guess who said it
Will past once i get home if I'm not outgolfed by then
@ConorO'Brien scooty booty man
@quartata claps
I mean, it isn't really that hard...
@ConorO'Brien Scout?
@DJMcMayhem yup
Ya know, google does exist. :P
I didn't need to google
The second I started reading it I heard it in the Scout's voice in my head
@quartata Yeah, but you also have 300 hours in TF2, so there's that
Any delay was just me typing
@DJMcMayhem 300 hours is peanuts though
has 1k+ hours
not that much still :P
I have 3.1 hours in TF2
I have 140 in terraria and 120 in BL2 though.
And I haven't even touched the season pass yet, lol
bai y'all
Q: Source code GO!

Super ChafouinLet's use augmented reality to hunt small creatures hidden in source-code. Write a quine program that outputs its own code source, except for 5 consecutive characters that will be modified and that will display a PCG-mon : (^_^) The 5 consecutive characters can be positioned anywhere in the sour...

I thought you guys would find this amusing: spells and programming languages grrlpowercomic.com/archives/2257
A: Source code GO!

DJMcMayhemVim, 33 keystrokes qqqqqS<C-v>40<C-v>94<C-v>95<C-v>94<C-v>41q@q<esc>hh"qPq@q Note that <C-v> means ctrl+v, and is byte 0x16 and <esc> is the escape character, and is byte 0x1B. This just uses a slightly modified version of my Golf you a quine for great good! answer. Outputs: (^_^)S^V40^V94^...

My second vim quine. (^_^)
Any Java-ers here?
I have a new Rectangle but how do I set it's fill color?
is there any way to select the current bounds of the view as left and right bounds on a TI-84?
Now with 20% more gif. XD
2/10 not enough jpg
is there an esolang that just cats the source code?
cat, type, for many purposes cpp?
no wrapping at all
just a -> a
found it, /// without any slashes
How could I forget sed
no wrapper though
A: Source code GO!

Easterly Irk///, 5 bytes (^_^) Try it online! Without any of /\, /// is pretty much just a big cat program.

Hey East
or just hey!
Just saying hey
By my reckoning I haven't seen you in a while
hallo to you
@Sherlock9 I haven't been in chat too much, and I'm never active on main. :P
s/seen/spoken to/
Ah, that makes sense
I'm in chat a lot, but I don't talk during school.
I can take 6 bytes off, but that means I'd have to re-record the gif...
I'm torn
That's probably a better idea than my popping in whenever I'm bored
Including in the middle of class
@Lynn your jelly string compresser doesn't work for me, any clue what I'm doing wrong?
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "filenamehere", line 53, in <module>
    .string(' ==')
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-2: ordinal not in range(128)
it does this with any string I put in, regardless of the characters in it
and with or without any dictionary calls
Try Python 3?
What platform / Python version are you on?
That looks like either Python2, or Windows being crappy about Unicode in cmd. Although I’m not sure at all why it complains about that line.
I second the Python 3 suggestion. Python 2 usually has pretty poor Unicode support (or rather, you have to be more explicit about it).
If you're running it from the command line, try chcp 65001 to change the code page to Unicode.
@Lynn python 3
@Lynn OS X
@El'endiaStarman I did make sure it was python 3
@El'endiaStarman not from command line but I can try that. how do I use that (if possible on mac)?
Dammit, I just recorded my gif and now the Internet is out. :(
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Oh, you're on a Mac? Sorry, can't help you. ('cause I don't know Macs.)
3.5.2 (default, Jul 28 2016, 21:28:00)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 7.3.0 (clang-703.0.31)]
@El'endiaStarman yeah, i would've thought that python would run mostly the same though :/
I can’t help either. :(
Over here it just works™.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Yeah, Python really tries, but there are just some things that can't be fully controlled. It's like 95% cross-platform, I would say.
Down to 27. 5 more to go before I beat jelly. XD
I think you mean before you beat Jonathan's Jelly (i.e. no hope if Dennis were to try :P)
Haha, probably
@Lynn :/
@El'endiaStarman :/
@Sp3000 Jonathan's pretty decent, I have to say. Generally dennis is better, but jonathan can often FGITW him.
I'm just a little suspicious because it looks a bit longer than I'd have expected, but never mind me
I can probably SCITE (slowest cheater in the east) them, if that counts.
@Dennis It's becoming a regular occurrence where I post a challenge, you post a competitive answer within ten minutes and the next thirty answers say "basically just a port of Dennis's answer". :P
"Proth", "what base is this number", and now "parse out the comments"
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ The characters at these positions are supposed to be spaces. Look like they got replaced with something else.
Dennis is the fastest, most accurate gun in the West
I made a Java thing :D
Did you use attributes, XML, and factories?
no I wrote it by hand
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.awt.Polygon;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import javax.swing.JComponent;

   A component that draws two rectangles.
public class ShapeComponent extends JComponent
   public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
      // Recover Graphics2D
      Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;

      int width = 480;
      int height = 400;
java is worst
i should put this on code review and watch the code reviewers gasp in disgust at my code :P
I love Java's library support... as for it's core language, well... it's got good library support
I think it's a pretty decent graphics hello world
:D thx
I started looking at the cosmic call just prior to Aaron's revival of it... found a very interesting high level pattern... performed some stats, calculated the entropy, and discovered that if I write an ideal arithmetic compressor exploiting it, I could encode it in twice what he had
So I just shrugged and upvoted him
@DJMcMayhem pls halp how to do <c-<cr>> in vim?
Wait... control-CR?
<C-x> usually can be thought of as taking x&31... CR is already 13... do you want to insert a carriage return?
Like <C-V><C-M>?
nvm it's <C-Enter>
A: Mapping Ctrl with equal sign

DJMcMayhemUnfortunately, this is not possible. Vim relies upon ASCII representations of keystrokes, so it can only map to keys that produce ASCII results. Here is every ctrl+key that you can map to, and the byte it represents. Ctrl-@ 0x00 NUL Ctrl-A to Ctrl-Z 0x01 to 0x1A...

Ah, I see what you're doing now
:( I just wanted something to nnoremap to o<esc>
good news: I got macvim working :D
bad news: macviim looks ugly and terminal vim looks better
o<cr>? Why would you map to that?
sorry, not thinking, I need sleep
Oh. Why not <M-o> or <leader>o?
what is <leader>?
It's \ by default, but you can map it to whatever you want. Basically, it's a way to make it easier to define your own mappings without worrying about overwriting other mappings
Q: What is <Leader>?

OxinaboxI see <Leader> quite often in other people's vimrc files. Like this one. What is it? What does it do?

> However, there's a good possibility this will work in neovim. I don't know if that works right now or not.
Why did I say that?
Speaking of vim... i need to convince the CS department to use vim over this shitty Java text editor
like it's not even an IDE it's just syntax highlighting + compile button
Just take it with you on a flash drive
Then you don't need to convince anyone
@DJMcMayhem wait wat I can do thag
but school uses Windows and i use Mac at home
Idk how I'd keep my vimrc in sync
How much control do you have over your computer there?
Obviously you're not an admin
User perms
all files get wiped when u log out
So than take the EXE with you, install it to the desktop, copy that over to your USB
Can u link to me to like a tutorial for this kinda thing? :3
I don't think there is one
Just grab windows installer, and choose a folder you have permissions, the rest should be pretty straightforward
@Downgoat What editor
@Downgoat for windows programs I boot up windows -> install -> copy to USB
First thing i checked when i got up was looking at Arch repos if Vim 8 is there :3
Its in unstable repos :(
I installed vim 8 three different times today, lol
@DJMcMayhem wat
Home computer, work computer, second work computer
> second work computer
Yeah, it's a long story. I'm not supposed to have two... >_<
@DJMcMayhem so why do they let you keeup using both
Why no answers
@ASCII-only The first is a crappy one that picked up for free a long time ago, and the second one is the "official" company computer they bought me (recently). So I own the first one, the company owns the second one. Problem is, I've been trying to switch over to the company one, but the older one has a project on it that the newer one doesn't like so I'm using both until I figure it out
@DJMcMayhem Doesn't sound like a long story to me :P
@Downgoat halp
Q: A simple C++ puzzle

markableIn order to execute run, please complete the code below. Conditions: 1.You must finish your code in one line. 2.You cannot use such words like 'main', 'run', 'asm', '#', '&', '*', '%', '/', '_', '(', ','. 3.You can only use one semicolon. 4.You cannot use more than 20 characters in your code...

> 2.You cannot use such words like 'main', 'run', 'asm', '#', '&', '*', '%', '/', '_', '(', ','.
> '&', '*', '%', '/', '(', ','
int i; return i; (or just return "";) should work most of the time I think
@Qwerp-Derp pls look at the GH issue
@ASCII-only oh wait it returns int
@Qwerp-Derp pls are you reading it

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