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I use Oxford commata. (I also use commata.)
We invited the strippers, Hitler and Stalin. vs We invited the strippers, Hitler, and Stalin.
Oxford comma or gtfo
@Dennis Each pull would be in a different location.
Stamped with a commit, version and/or time stamp.
Heretic confession accepted. — Geobits 5 mins ago
This should be enough of an answer for you :P
@zyabin101 Way too much wasted space. Duplicating the entire interpreter because a single line was modified? No thank you.
@TimmyD To be fair, both of those parties sound terrible.
The first one sounds worse though.
@Dennis Solution: keep one copy of the repo, on demand copy the repo and check out the needed commit.
I can understand people having different opinions on indentation and root beer brands, but the Oxford comma is a no-brainer.
@zyabin101 And convert TIO into an easy way to DoS GitHub. :/
It removes ambiguity. It's necessary.
Root beer brands are a contended topic?
@Dennis Problem.
According to Geobits :P
I said A&W > IBC and he considered banning me
I actually keep a log of root beer brands I've tried, their flavor notes, and whether I've liked them or not.
@Dennis cool :D
i dont know why i bothered with GNU readline
Okay, now would TIO 2.0 have profiles and developer profiles? :3
But... it is better >_>
After 2 weeks on PPCG, it seems that almost everything can be solved in Jelly in at most 20 bytes.
Too bad I find it so difficult to learn.
A&W is only better than IBC if you like watery root beer.
@TimmyD, is this special to root beer, or do you do this for everything you can?
Umm. Primarily root beer.
@zyabin101 Eventually. I'll probably release v2 beta before starting to work on that.
What's root beer?
A and W, I B C?
To be fair, my exact statement was "A&W > IBC for mixed drinks"
@Dennis Beer.
Kind of beer.
If I'm drinking straight-up root beer, IBC all day
@Dennis Nothing what's root beer with you?
@Mego Yes, that makes sense. Don't waste IBC on a mix drink.
Irish root beer: can of A&W, shot of Jameson, half shot of Baileys, half shot of butterscotch schnapps (optional)
One of the best drinks I've ever had
That sounds very tasty
@Dennis Chiefly American soda. Primarily wintergreen and caramel flavors.
If I'm drinking straight up root beer my particular choice will probably go to Virgil's.
Sorry -- primarily wintergreen and caramel as secondary flavors. Sarsaparilla is the primary flavor.
A: How long is a Welsh word?

TùxCräftîñgStraw, 30 58 35 bytes <((?i:[cprt]h|dd|ff|ng|ll|.))(0)/$> Replace each occurence of the regex by 0, and convert from unary to decimal. Sadly, Straw can't pass flags to regexs. I forget about the ?flags: construct Try it online! (The added code is to verify all test cases)

yay now with a tio link
@StevenH. Stewart's is a good brand also, but it's hard to find around here unless you go to Cracker Barrel :/
But if I'm drinking a Stewart's I'm not going to waste it on root beer. Dreamsicle soda ftw.
I've legit never seen Stewart's at any of the stores around here
Had to look it up
I've never heard of Stewart's
I've found Frostop to actually be a pretty good brand. They've got an excellent Red Birch Beer, too.
Now you're just making up words
Chupathingy root beer: in stores now
So are you guys talking about beer or root beer?
I haven't had a red birch beer in some years.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Weeing If FirstCan you remove the ground? In power system engineering, short circuit currents are essential when engineering a power system. There are mainly four types of currents, and one impedance value that are calculated Three-phase (3P), Line-line (LL), Line-ground (LG), Line-line-ground (LLG), in additi...

@BetaDecay Root Beer. Although, Not Your Father's Root Beer (alcoholic root beer) is pretty tasty.
@Geobits I'm spoiled by the Blue Sun Soda Shop
CMC: Primality check in Straw
Off-topic: in Chrome, the onkeypress event apparently doesn't include the backspace key.
I found that out when I tried using my byte-counter on Chrome at a public computer yesterday.
I've switched to onkeydown and it works like a charm.
Name your keyboard handler M, then you could have M.onkeydown
@ETHproductions That won't work for copy, paste and cut with the mouse. oninput ftw.
@TimmyD I'm using <textarea onkeydown="...">, so that wouldn't work.
@Dennis wow... an HTML event I didn't know about? O_O
@Dennis dont work on ie <9 -1
Uh...does .onchange not work? I think that's what I use for the byte counter on the Minkolang interpreter page...
I know very little about JavaScript, so it was a half-hearted joke
@TùxCräftîñg If someone is still using IE8 or earlier, too bad.
@TùxCräftîñg onpropertychange adds support for IE 8. Not sure why anyone would use IE 8 though...
IE on widows vista/xp
If you're using IE8, you need to learn about this awesome thing called "the Internet".
Vista supports at least 9
@TimmyD i dont get it...
high alert, man
Who doesn't love serious george. unowatimean
@TimmyD Oh, haha. How did I not get that the first time?
Also, if someone visits your site using IE8, there should be a redirect in place that sends them to a random torrent site, y'know, just to see how well the rest of their security works.
@TùxCräftîñg Vista supports IE 9, XP reached EOL (and there are non-IE browsers).
@El'endiaStarman mon.keyup() ;3
@TimmyD ah XD
A: How long is a Welsh word?

Rich StarkieMy wife who is a native Welsh speaker would recommend that the J is added into the "Borrowed" letters section as it isn't actually part of the Welsh alphabet

oh vim 8 released
@betseg yay! \o/
CMC: write a program the enumerates all positive, unique fractions less than one, yielding pairs [n, d].
@TùxCräftîñg Keep calm and trust in the eleven.
windows smartscreen will not stop me for installing vim 8
good try, krosoft
I feel sorry for Tucker. — Peter Olson Dec 3 '11 at 17:29
@ConorO'Brien Unique meaning 2/4 is considered the same as 1/2?
@TimmyD yes
~                                                    VIM - Vi IMproved
~                                                     version 7.4.872
~                                                by Bram Moolenaar et al.
~                                       Vim is open source and freely distributable
~                                              Help poor children in Uganda!
~                                     type  :help iccf<Enter>       for information
> version 7.4.872
That is one large box.
@TùxCräftîñg v
~                                              Help poor children in Uganda!
~                                     type  :help iccf<Enter>       for information
@ConorO'Brien One that prints [1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 3], etc. forever?
@El'endiaStarman I'm going be that one person to say it, but those are too precise to be realistic IMO.
you dont want to primality checker in straw?
@ETHproductions you can print it forever, give the Nth member, you can even do a different enumeration, so long as all fractions are enumerated over.
@ConorO'Brien See the mini charts in the middle for how much variation is likely to be smoothed out
@trichoplax yeah, I saw those. I just don't see how in the blazes he even has that information :P
Yeah [citation needed]
@TùxCräftîñg DIY : P
@trichoplax I thought there was a citation in the comic.
At least, something like it.
@El'endiaStarman yeah, a nice jumble of names
idk what methods they used or who they are are where this was published. the poster was big, surely he could've posted more information :p
@El'endiaStarman Oh yes - I see it now. I missed the sideways smallprint down the right hand side...
~                              VIM - Vi IMproved
~                                 version 8.0
~                           by Bram Moolenaar et al.
~                 Vim is open source and freely distributable
~                           Sponsor Vim development!
~                type  :help sponsor<Enter>    for information
~                type  :q<Enter>               to exit
~                type  :help<Enter>  or  <F1>  for on-line help
~                type  :help version7<Enter>   for version info
@ConorO'Brien Also those are all recent sources. A suspicious absence of sources from the time.
@TùxCräftîñg The reply doesn't work with fixed font ^^
@trichoplax Yeah, I just noticed that too. There's also the "citation" between 16000 BC and 15500 BC.
i installed vim 8.0, but it dont work
i chosen to not delete vimfiles, idk if it borked it
@trichoplax yeah. I did some research on this before, I think one of the methods for getting temp. data are analyzing groups of warm- and cold-loving bacteria in the bottom of the ocean
@El'endiaStarman Oh yeah - same sources in both places
@ConorO'Brien PowerShell, not golfed very well, 78 bytes -- $a=@();for($j=1;1;$j++){1..$j|%{if(("$_/$j"|iex)-notin$a){$a+=$_/$j;"$_/$j"}}}
Subject to limitations for IEEE double-point precision
And will only work up until 49999/50000
@ConorO'Brien That does seem a good way to smooth out local peaks and troughs
@trichoplax I personally think that it's a really dumb way of testing it, but eh
@TimmyD darn IEEE! shakes fist
PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> $a=@();for($j=1;1;$j++){1..$j|%{if(("$_/$j"|iex)-notin$a){$a+=$_/$j;"$_/$j"}}}
@ConorO'Brien I'm fine with inaccurate measurement techniques as long as they are open about the level of inaccuracy...
@TimmyD why did someone flag this
@TimmyD Infinitely long code blocks are frowned upon ;)
seriously people, that is not flagworthy -.-
@ConorO'Brien Sorry, I think I accidentally re-flagged it :P
I've never used the flag interface before
@ETHproductions xD that's okay. And SE's fault
Wow, that's three accidental flags today.
@ConorO'Brien No, I clicked the little blue circle with a 1 and clicked valid without paying much attention to the text
I wanted to give example output. Sorry for length of output. I actually snipped a bunch, because it executed faster than I could ctrl-c, it was somewhere in the mid-20s for denominator.
@ETHproductions oh
I thought it meant "this post is valid" :P
CMC#2: write the inverse of this
@TimmyD In case it wasn't obvious, I was joking about the "infinitely" long output. I don't see any problem with code blocks in chat except when they are used repeatedly in a short space of time
@ConorO'Brien for($I=1;1;$I++){$i}
@ETHproductions Yeah I think that could do with being "valid complaint" or "valid flag" since everyone has to see it for the first time sometime
@ConorO'Brien g=(a,b)=>b?g(b,a%b):a;f=x=>{for(i=1;x&&++i;)for(j=0;x&&j<i&&++j;)g(i,j)-1||x--;a‌​lert(j+"/"+i)}
@ConorO'Brien Why, though? The bottom of the ocean is insensitive to temperature fluctuations at the surface, and it should still go through temperature changes in proportion to surface temperature changes. Correlation with other methods of determining temperature should enable us to use them to determine the temperature in ages past.
@flawr Big deal. I could install XP on a 286 and get the same thing. :D
@El'endiaStarman well, yes, it's a nice general metric. but is by no means precise
@TimmyD too good for me :P
> When mum says "one more video" I come here
@ETHproductions so I pass n as g(n)?
@ConorO'Brien The data doesn't seem unduly precise to me, just from Randall's drawing of it.
@ConorO'Brien f(n)
g is GCD
Even if it was off by a whole degree, you still have the huge contrast between gradual changes taking place over hundreds or thousands of years and what happened in the last century.
not the browser console :P
A: Consolidate an Array

TùxCräftîñgStraw, 30 bytes <:([^0 ])()/,0()/ +,+( +) /0⌠> Use the CP437 encoding Explanation <:([^0 ])()/,0()/ +,+( +) /0⌠> < Take input : Duplicate ([^0 ])()/ Remove every character that is not a 0 or a space , ...

@El'endiaStarman oh, I was talking about something related but different :P
@ConorO'Brien g=(a,b)=>b?g(b,a%b):a;f=(j,i)=>{for(x=i>1|0;i;j=--i)for(;--j;)g(i,j)>1||x++;alert‌​(x)}
Called as f(n,d)
wow, nice
@El'endiaStarman SQL-request: people who post answer oneboxes the most
@ConorO'Brien New Main Posts, New Sandboxed Posts, New Meta Posts
Surely only New Sandboxed Posts :P
i think new main posts is more active
But only with questions...
In an ideal world New Sandboxed Posts would be more active than New Main Posts, since every challenge would be sandboxed first, and not all would make it to main, but in the real world I think you're right, New Main Posts posts far more.
@TùxCräftîñg Those are bots though, not people.
If you're going to compare, make sure you date range it. I belive they were not born on the same day, but about a year apart.
@El'endiaStarman You bigot :P
Also there are more than one of each
of each what?
@ETHproductions Can I see ETHbot's source? I might play with it a little bit just for fun
Try to see if I can coax it into assembling more syntactically correct sentences
@Mego Bots are people too
btw i will GH zalgo
@quartata Exactly
They may be severely lacking in intelligence, but so are some of the people I've met
People are bots too
This category combines all user-created public domain files from April 2008 (2008-04) to enable us to work through the backlog more systematically. It is a member of Category:User-created public domain files....
^ that's a thing
> import chatexchange6
That's cheating, try writing your own SE Chat interface :p
(trust me, it's (NP-)hard)
@ConorO'Brien There are two bots called "New Main Posts" and two called "New Meta Posts", but only one called "New Sandboxed Posts". You can see by doing a chat search and then using the "user" box to search for the name
the word "bot" would've sufficed :P
I wondered myself so I looked... :)
Turns out the younger of each bot has never posted
ah, I see
Should have been a few seconds work but my internet connection died
an interesting extension would be a thing that highlights user's most common phrases when they say them
Mine would be "python" and "jameson" :P
For some users that might burn out pixels from my monitor. I'd have ;_; permanently etched into various parts of the screen
3 upvotes for my 'boring' welsh counter answer in Straw but no love for the array consolidation ;_;
Why don't SEchat interfaces support other OpenIDE?
Such as Google
@TùxCräftîñg Your timing couldn't have been better :P
@TùxCräftîñg s/no/some/ :-D
A: Consolidate an Array

TùxCräftîñgStraw, 30 bytes <:([^0 ])()/,0()/ +,+( +) /0⌠> Use the CP437 encoding Explanation <:([^0 ])()/,0()/ +,+( +) /0⌠> < Take input : Duplicate ([^0 ])()/ Remove every character that is not a 0 or a space , ...

@TùxCräftîñg I mentioned there being lots of ;_;s in chat, and the very next message contained one :)
@DJMcMayhem :O how did you copy paste this
by copypasting the entire terminal screen...
@TùxCräftîñg ono ur turning into zyabin who has turned into Sp :o
@TùxCräftîñg I'm talking about the "ah k"s
@Downgoat Ah k :)
@Downgoat Ah kalm down :P
@TùxCräftîñg wow penguins have either lots of mouths or chins
@trichoplax turtles have hooves confirmed?
@Downgoat ah krazy goat
c and k have a keyboard distance of 4, so even hooves would not permit this error
@ConorO'Brien ;_; y u sai dis
@TùxCräftîñg I count 5?
Real answer is sqrt(6)
real answer is real answer
You can make it 4 if you measure corner to corner
(at an angle)
Speaking of real things... I need to implement complex numbers in cheddar
Also, I've seen hooves bigger than that
@Downgoat how are you implementing stuff if you're still porting?
@Downgoat @TùxCräftîñg Nope. Even better :D
A: Output Vim display to Text

DJMcMayhemYes, there is a way to do this! You can use the screenchar() function. From :help screenchar() screenchar(row, col) *screenchar()* The result is a Number, which is the character at position [row, col] on the screen. This works for every possible sc...

@ConorO'Brien porting will take ages
@TùxCräftîñg you forgot the final step onto the k
@Downgoat Also are we gonna port to v8
</shameless self promotion>
A: Oxford Comma Conventions

Adam KatzThere are situations where use of the Oxford comma will make or break a sentence. Choose a style and be consistent. When you run into a situation in which your choice suggests a misinterpretation of the sentence, rewrite it in another manner to avoid the confusion. Consider these two pairs whe...

@Downgoat why not finish making cheddar then port it?
@ConorO'Brien huh you count also the K?
@ASCII-only wat
v8 = JS???
Yeah but isn't Cheddar pretty similar
@ConorO'Brien cheddar will never be "finished"
Plus we get really nice GC + really fast interpreter for free this way
garbage collector?
@TùxCräftîñg u gotta use distance formula
@Downgoat until you get a public working version? :P
@ASCII-only ohhh I see what you mean
i would never do that
manual allocation/deallocation is teh best
@ASCII-only Node runs on V8
Pretty sure it does
I wish there was a fast version of JS :P it would make this so much easier
@quartata yes
@ConorO'Brien "fast version of JS" is oxymoron :P
@Downgoat great, fantastic. I didn't know that. -.-
@quartata Your mom runs on V8.
Well JS by its nature probably won't ever be very fast
MyClass c(); is bad. my_class_t *c = my_class_new(); /* do stuff */ my_class_destroy(c); id better
I would too. It's like juice.
@TùxCräftîñg ...
@quartata Yes
@mbomb007 I actually like V8
@TùxCräftîñg oh my sweet goodness that looks like masochism
@TùxCräftîñg i don't think you understand whaf better means ._. :P
no, it's C :P
@quartata same
C is superior to C++
@TùxCräftîñg to*
@TùxCräftîñg ...
C++ > C == true
so C = a enormous number, but C++ = 0
@Downgoat I should be able to port cheddar grammar to cheddarfile parser right
@ASCII-only wait wat
@TùxCräftîñg You mean anterior? :P
No idea what you mean
@trichoplax yes but it's better
btw there needs to be a flatten modifier
C > C++
@TùxCräftîñg No. lol
@Downgoat flatten?
@mbomb007 yes. lol
1972 rep \o/
@ASCII-only You know how the first letter is seperate from there rest of letters
@TùxCräftîñg Send this one back for neural restructuring.
@Downgoat also do we even need current merge behavior? we can just modify merge so that it joins the token before to the current token
only 30 rep for 2K
@ASCII-only ok
I hit 8500
@Downgoat Also do you mind if I keep working on the C++ port at school today?
@mbomb007 will not give lots of broken emoji people until 10K :P but congrats!
and I hit 13k
@Downgoat I'm working for it (not that hard, though). I want to hit 10k before the rep requirements change.
@Downgoat ok so how recent is cheddar1 c9
@ASCII-only huh wat
cheddar one? TIL cheddar is from microsoft
You're making me hungry.
chedfar v1 was started mid June
@mbomb007 solution: get ches :D :P
wat why my message is on the starboard o_o
@Downgoat is the cheddar1 c9 the most recent copy
@TùxCräftîñg Because people/animals starred it
@ASCII-only yes
plz i need 3 upvotes
@Downgoat Edible Chess! Best idea ever!
the original cheddar C9 broke so I had to create new one
@TùxCräftîñg This sounds like a recipe for downvotes :P
@TùxCräftîñg -1 for upvoet brgging
> ( ͡°I AM ͜ʖ COOL PENGUIN ͡°)
@TùxCräftîñg For?
just noticed this
@mbomb007 ಠ_ಠ ches =/= chess
this is horrid
@quartata XD
@zyabin101 to hit 2K
ches = chees
@Downgoat ches =/= cheese
@quartata xD
@Downgoat That poor poor lenny
@mbomb007 ಠ_ಠ
ches = cheess
His face got stretched like bubble gum
this is 2016 I should not be discriminated based on my spelling which is a disability I'm born with because hooves
@quartata that looks more like... puts on sunglasses cinnamon gum.
Actually 2016 is why you should be discriminated based on your spelling
Autocorrect folks
@mbomb007 wat
@mbomb007 I really wish I didn't need to see her again >_<
@TùxCräftîñg It's from Doctor Who. google.com/…
@quartata my spelling is bot many matter with autocorrect
Oh wait, Doctor Who. I totally remember now
good 'ol cassie
@quartata honestly i have no idea why i written this xD
It's not like I don't like Doctor Who and am the only person on the planet who doesn't watch it or anything
In all seriousness I do remember that... vaguely
One of the many predicted futures of the human species. I'm not sure how they manage to all fit into the same canon...
@Downgoat We're all born with bad spelling. That doesn't mean you can't improve.
@trichoplax different planets, of course :P
A: Consolidate an Array

TùxCräftîñgStraw, 30 bytes <:([^0 ])()/,0()/ +,+( +) /0⌠> Use the CP437 encoding Explanation <:([^0 ])()/,0()/ +,+( +) /0⌠> < Take input : Duplicate ([^0 ])()/ Remove every character that is not a 0 or a space , ...

You could spend this begging time writing other submissions that would gain you more rep than the begging...

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