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@Mego Late to the party but both NetBeans and Eclipse can be used a good C++ ides
NetBeans can even build Qt projects
a ide for c++?
use vim and g++
it's less bloated
doesn't really answer the question
I tried Eclipse for C++ once, but wasn't a fan. Maybe it's changed in the last couple years though.
Vim + GCC masterrace
NetBeans for C++ is great. No idea about Eclipse
@TùxCräftîñg Pen and paper is "less bloated" for long division than a calculator, but it's still dumb if you have one on hand.
Vim = LDE (Lack of a Development Environment)
Vim is better than a IDE
Sure it is... sure it is... >_>
Vim is an editor. GCC is a compiler collection. What else did you need?
and if you need a debugger: gdb
Ye tru
@betseg You don't need anything else. Just like you don't need to eat tasty foods to survive. But it's better.
A: Count to 100 in Danish

Beta DecayFourier, 7028 bytes This was golfed programmatically uaing issacg's golfing program 122a101a114a-3a10a111ava-9a10a116a+3a-8a10a116a104a114a101aa10a102a+9a+6a-3a10a102a+3a118a101a10a115a105a120a10a115a101a118a101a+9a10a101a+4a-2a^a116a10a110a-5a+5a-9a10a116a101a+9a10a101a+7a-7a118a101a+9a10a116a...

Fourier, the 'golfing language'
have a updoot
@BetaDecay do Turkish verb conjugation thing
I can't now but I'll try later
I've used Jetbrain's CLion for C++
(delayed, I know)
Wut... Someone downvoted that answer... :P
it was pretty good
> I'll give a 100 rep bounty to anyone who outgolfs this
Lemme learn Fourier
@BetaDecay I didn't DV, but it might be because it appears to have been golfed/written on auto.
Oh I see. Yeah, that might be cheaty
@Mego CLion
Halp anyone what is the best symbol for length operator if # is for comment
/* */
Prefix length operator
What's wrong with a delimited one? It would be easier to parse
@BetaDecay Personally, I don't see any problem with robots submitting golf entries, provided they are open about not being human. I see no reason to assume they'd win, so it's still interesting competition.
@ASCII-only l:list
@ASCII-only like APL: ρ
@TùxCräftîñg pls ascii only
@ASCII-only But you are ASCII-only
And |list| is the most recognizable to me at least. It's cardinality
Aaaaaa im bored
Go outside and stop letting us suck away your life on this forsaken thing
CMC: help betseg ^^
@zyabin101 quartata already won that challenge
@ASCII-only the letter l…
@Fatalize Yeah but what if it's next to a variable name
Don't know what your language looks like
Just make all variable names runs of a. So a, aa, aaa, and so on. Done and done.
@Fatalize Not my language, here
@Geobits Not very golf-friendly
Yeah but it frees up a lot of ascii for operators :P
0$($:,<LF>,0+$:'):' code in my new esolang printing a thing like 0<LF>00<LF>000 (where <LF> is the actual linefeed character)
BTW not a golf-oriented lang
so why not just length(…)?
Every language is golf-oriented. Some are just oriented in the wrong direction.
@Fatalize It's still an esolang
@TimmyD Yeah, that
@ASCII-only GIMMETEHLENGTH{{{<array>}}}
@ASCII-only It's out to write things, I don't see how length for lengths is much less esoteric
But it still needs to be a 1-char prefix operator
@ASCII-only why?
@Fatalize I know, but here is the original suggestion (also @Geobits)
Remove comments, and use # for lengths
$ for scalar is the best I can do then
You could do just one pipe but it would look weird
@ASCII-only That suggest a built-in. I'm asking why that built-in needs to be single character prefix.
they use pipe for OR it seems
@Geobits IDK, but he recently changed head/tail to 1-char, so I'd think he wants this 1-char as well
Just gonna use quartata's suggestion and let him change it if he wants
Q: Auto-Golfing: Good or Bad?

Beta DecayFor some kolmo questions, I use the golfing algorithms created for the challenge Golfing Strings in Fourier. Is this okay to do? Does this constitute as cheating?

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

RizzeShortest way to write "Stack Exchange" Stack Exchange has many site (159) and It has a logotype too. Anyway, In this challenge you'll need to write Stack Exchange in the most shortest way. This is a code-golf. challenge. Rules Have fun! You can use every languages and methods you want to wri...

// Here's a standard view manager.  You can store a View by a name, and then retrieve it later by the same name
class ViewManager
    mut fun put(name: Str, view: View) {}
    fun get(name): View {}

// This trait indicates the ViewManager has a particular view with a given name
trait HasView(name: Str, view: Class<View>) for ViewManager{
    put(name, view) -> HasView(name, view.class)

    HasView.get(name): view  //If we call `get()`, we know the class of the view

mut manager = ViewManager()  //Needs to be mutable so that we call the mutable functions
@Geobits ^
@ASCII-only No no the sandbox post
Is the ViewManager the example of 3rd party code here?
@NewSandboxedPosts ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????‌​?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
@Geobits No?
@Geobits sure!
I can define traits anywhere for any class
@NathanMerrill so wait does the trait store the view?
idea: a esolang using ANSI color codes to differentiate type of commands
so when a code is cated, it's colored
@TùxCräftîñg brah
no, the trait is a compile time constraint. It technically is storing a String, Class<View> pair
the type of the manager after the two puts() is ViewManager[HasView("home",HomeView.class),HasView("sidebar",SideBarView.class)‌​]
One second let me wrap my lizard brain around it. I think I understand it but I don't quite get the syntax
Ok, for Views in particular I'll use an Android example. I define views in XML that go into a layout. In code, I simply inflate the layout into my activity. Then I grab views using the view ID defined in XML and cast to the appropriate subclass. With the proposed typing and traits etc, I'm not sure how I would do that.
Where does HasView.get enter the equation?
Unless I grab a Manager every time and add traits to it. But a simple cast for each View seems a lot easier, both conceptually and keyboardingly.
@Geobits so, your code looks like HomewView view = (HomeView)manager.get(23456)?
@NathanMerrill yes
the solution to that is to define the traits of the manager beforehand
Well, not as gross as getManager().addTrait("home", new HomeView()).findView(23456)
@NathanMerrill But where do you do that? I'm not using a custom manager, but the system-provided one.
trait HasGeobitsViews {
    HasView("home", HomeView.class)
    HasView("sidebar", SideBarView.class)

val manager: ViewManager[HasGeobitsViews] = someInitCode()
basically, you have a trait that stores all of the possible traits
then you declare that trait on the view manager
Still seems simpler to just subclass View and cast to me
true, its easier. Typing always makes you type more. That's why its called that
I shouldn't have to change both the manager and the view to make the views work with the manager. That defeats encapsulation.
If the View is a singleton object just store the current one in a static field
but this way, you know that if you type "homE", you'll get a compile time error
When wouldn't a capitalization error like that give a compile time error?
I can't cast to an incorrectly-spelled class.
HashMap.get("homE") would just return null
@Geobits When you're using PowerShell which doesn't care about capitalization until it suddenly matters.
manager.getView("homE").callHomeFunction() would throw a compile time error
because manager.getView("homE") would return a View, not a HomeView
Oh I see what you mean.
Still though, that's simple capitalization. That's like saying (HomEView) causes a compile-time error.
...well, in your case, you could mistype the ID
(HomeView)manager.getView(48484) would throw an error at runtime if the id was actually 48485
Well, in some cases. Not in my particular example. IDs are stored as named ints, which would still throw compile-time if misspelled.
where I can put that error at compile time
@Geobits then you're basically already adding all the syntax needed to make it a compile time constraint!
So you wouldn't call getView(23456), you'd call getView(R.id.my_button)
But the ints themselves are autogenerated from XML, so there's no extra work involved on my part.
so you can automatically declared classes from the XML?
Assuming you mean what I think you mean... yes?
oh, I get it. You have a Toolbar with a list of ids (that each pair to a button)
@flawr I noticed that you really liked "af" a little while ago, which amused me since it's a bit of slang that you started using but I don't. :P Also, you didn't really use it correctly there... :P
Android Studio does type checking for them as well
actually, I'm a bit confused
lets say HomeView has a Sidebar. who stores the Sidebar id?
@NathanMerrill Autogenerated at compile time
Writing less code simplifies maintenance and tends to create fewer opportunities for introducing bugs - Code Review SE
@TùxCräftîñg i think a color code is 7 bytes
Welcome to PPCG! :D
goes in R.layout or something
Too long
@NathanMerrill The ids are all just static ints in a class strictly for that purpose. They're not stored by any view (except itself I guess).
ah. So the static class is R?
@NathanMerrill Yes
@betseg nope, 5
so R.home_sidebar_id
@mbomb007 Gonna re-post that message in the 2nd Monitor >:)
@NathanMerrill Something like that, yeah.
@NathanMerrill Not really, the resources are further divided by general type (number/string/array/layout component)
@Geobits then in my language, you'd simply autogenerate the Trait, as opposed to a static class
@zyabin101 Link to the room?

 The 2nd Monitor

General discussion about codereview.stackexchange.com - Welcom...
ninja'd D:
@NathanMerrill But the ids aren't linked to a given class there. When you "find" them in code, it just looks for any view in the hierarchy with that id.
they should be. Otherwise, you're code is hiding information that a particular name matches up to a particular class
@TùxCräftîñg still too long
i have never said it should be a golf lang
> To become a Master, you must practice for ten thousand hours.
Has anyone programmed for 10000 hours here?
@mbomb007 Well played PPCG. Well played.
@zyabin101 Yes, surely.
@zyabin101 probably
@zyabin101 I'm at 9000 here. I've got a timer right next to me that I tap every time I start coding
@NathanMerrill :O
@NathanMerrill I'm not so sure that's a bad thing.
@Geobits what do you mean?
(:D int)(=D 10)
^ happy lisp
@NathanMerrill It just seems to me that your example makes it harder than it has to be. Why bother with adding traits to every class that works with Views when I can just cast them when needed?
by "every class", I expect you mean that the constructor of every class takes a ViewManager, and so you have to change it to ViewManager[GeobitsViews]?
@zyabin101 I've almost certainly hit that mark. I've been programming for 9 years now, and to get 10,000 hours altogether would mean an average of 3 hours of programming per day.
because GeobitsViews is autogenerated, it doesn't look that much more complicated than adding (SomeView) manager.getView()
Well, it seems like that, plus having to define all the traits within GeobitsView.
@Geobits right, but the point is that GeobitsViews is autogenerated
because all of that information is in the XML
Ok, so when I go to get a view from the manager, how does it know which of the GeobitsTraits that particular view has?
it depends on the ID you use.
so, your R would look something like:
HomeViewID = 1
SideBarID = 2

trait GeobitsTraits {
    HasView(HomeViewID, HomeView.class)
    HasView(SideBarID, SideBarView.class)
so, when you call manager.getView(R.HomeViewID), it already knows its a HomeView
So I assume if there's more than one HomeView on a page, you'd add a trait for each one?
...er, not sure what you mean by "more than one", but sure?
Well the HomeView is just a subclass of View. You can have lots of views on the page, that's all.
So if you had a custom text entry view type, you'd use that in multiple places on a form, etc.
do they have different ids?
and do they have different classes?
Different ids, same class.
then yeah, you'd simply add additional entries in the GeobitsTraits
Say I have a HealthBarView. I'd want one of those over each player or something.
Right, ok.
Hmm. IDE autocomplete sounds tricky with that setup :/
Ok, so we've come to the conclusion that the ideal typing system will just read the coder's thoughts and act accordingly?
the ideal typing system reads the coder's thoughts, and then tells the coder when they are wrong
I mean, that's the entire purpose of typing, right?
Noooo, it just fixes it behind the scenes without disturbing the ego.
Compiles first time, every time.
this is sounding dangerously close to an English compiler
Apr 4 at 19:55, by Geobits
Though I think "English interpreter" would turn into "evil AI bent on destruction" soon enough that the price wouldn't matter.
completely random: Pandora was playing The Bird and the Worm by Owl City. I decided that I really liked Owl City today, so I booted up google play's Owl City station...and it played The Bird and the Worm
it knows
@El'endiaStarman Well I have to use every effing opportunity to swear in english.
Google is seriously creepy sometimes when it comes to autocompleting things.
Thats the advantage I have as a non native, you're not expectet to speak or write without errors=)
I don't really expect native English speakers to speak or write without errors any more :/
@Geobits have you played google feud?
@Geobits l u madd br
@Geobits I shud of known
@Geobits I should have said that errors made by nonnatives are easief forgive
^^ should of*
@flawr I have now. Apparently the completion of "where can you sell a" is neither "kidney", "child", nor "bicycle".
Gotta embrace the errors
@Geobits house?
@NathanMerrill Nope. #1 answer is "testicle".
> Google is seriously creepy sometimes when it comes to autocompleting things.
... the hell
It guessed right for Geobits
just choked on my English muffin
Why are there that many people who want to sell one?
Because you have two dude
why would you need two!
@DJMcMayhem Maybe it's just harder to figure out where to sell one. I know where to sell a used phone, for instance.
@Fatalize I'm horrified, but don't actually know the answer to that question.
Exactly :P
One for making girls, one for making boys, isn't that how it works?
Don't know, never used them
Fun fact: the average human has one testicle.
Fun fact: the average human has lesd than one testicle
@DJMcMayhem slightly fewer than one
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Ali786Find all paths in a matrix maze. A maze is represented as a two-dimensional array of 0s and 1s. Zero indicates a closed door and one indicates an open door. An example representation of maze is given below. +----------+ |0100 | |0010 | |1101 | +----------+ Write an application either in Java ...

I bet this is a dupe
Pretty sure I've seen it before yeah
@NewSandboxedPosts there are so many problems with this, but I don't really have time to be nice.
I'll just let you guys take care of it
"Write an application either in Java or Javascript"
Wikipedia says birth rates are 107:100 in favor of females, but population is 101:100 in favor of males
"Handle error cases like a production application"
@DJMcMayhem Yeah, but with all those sold testicles...
@NewSandboxedPosts Props to that person for posting it on main, deleting it almost immediately, then posting it to the Sandbox
@Geobits hahaha
@NathanMerrill I wouldn't even do that for work, let alone for fun!
New topic please
Right now there are lots of penguins on my desktop, all very fast. That slows down production, productivity and my PC.
Seems like fast penguins would only speed things up.
Well, that was an interesting conversation.
OK, I think my num and cap lock indicator lights are trying to send me messages
every minute they start randomly flashing
One second lemme get a Morse code chart out
Hmmm, I'm not sure it's Morse code. The flashes are the same period but I can't tell if the number of flashes is varying
This clearly needs a video posted.
It might just be the alphabet
@Geobits To be honest I think it's just my shitty USB cable
But I like to pretend it's something stranger
Yes, that's much less fun than having the chat analyze and decode flashing lights.
It appears to have stopped
This is a summary of the use of Morse code to represent alphabets other than Latin. == Greek == The Greek Morse code alphabet is very similar to the Latin alphabet. It uses one extra letter for Greek letter Χ and does not use the codes for Latin letters "J", "U" and "V". The tonos is not transmitted in Morse code; the receiver can simply infer which vowels require one. The Greek diphthongs presented in the bottom three rows of the table are specified in old Greek Morse-code tables but they are never used in actual communication, the two vowels being sent separately. == Cyrillic == Cyri...
it's clearly not in english:
@Geobits Join The Block?
Marky stopped responding all of a sudden
I didn't enter that room.
@quartata I think Laff is just responding to him too quickly. He only hears one every six seconds, so straight bot2bot talk is often too fast.
I can remove the six second timer, but then he gets rate limited pretty badly.
I'll make it sleep for six seconds then.
Mine uses Chatexchange's queue so it doesn't normally have a problem
@Geobits what if you make him listen faster but talk slower?
in The Block, 8 secs ago, by Laff-O-Tron
no more like gnu
@DJMcMayhem Well that was what was happening when he was getting rate limited. But especially talking to another bot, they'd end up 45 seconds or more behind.
Hi everybody
@BasicallyAlanTuring Welcome to Programming Puzzles & Code Golf chat!
@BasicallyAlanTuring hi
@flawr delicious
Neat. Cheetos now comes Taco Bell flavored.
@quartata do you also hate washing dishes?
@flawr Not that much....
@TimmyD On my screen it's a chihuahua
So I'm not sure what Taco Bell has to do with it
(sorry, that was the last one
i promise)
@flawr that's actually genius
For more stuff like this go to /r/hmmm
@quartata It was a mascot for them for a while.
@TimmyD Oh yeahhh
I never eat there so I didn't really remember
I do remember cringing at yo quiero Taco Bell though
Plz stahp ._.
@BasicallyAlanTuring no, hmmm
That's +1 byte though.
No, he golfed the ellipsis out.
There, now we're all happy.
Looks like a dead clown face :/
@Geobits Yeah, why do dead characters always have crosses as eyes?
^ send to CodeReview.SE
> Sometimes, the eyes of dead people pop open. This could be very upsetting to those viewing the body and paying the final respects. Historically, one method of preventing the eyes from popping open is to sew the eyelids shut. The X over the eyes are supposed to be stitches keeping the eyes closed.
@betseg Unimplemented.
According to reddit at least. Makes sense though.
still no vim 8 tho :/
So, TI has no support in my country, nor availability. I want to choose HP 50G but i think it has less programming ability (though it's perfect and i'll need it soon) are there any other things to do with a gift money about 150 $ ?
Q: Output "Lorem ipsum" with minimal number of characters

anatolygI remember people saying that code size should be measured in bytes, and not in characters, because it's possible to store information with weird Unicode characters, which have no visual meaning. How bad can it be? In this challenge, you should output the following Lorem Ipsum text, taken from ...

Q: Output (¬Source)

tuskiomiI loved the Challenge given out by NonlinearFruit to have a program that outputs itself And the source code. Its seemed like a great novel challenge that stretched everyone's mind. I wish to bring in another program that would allow for quines to access binary operations completely, the inversion...

I'm still not happy with this (tangram challenge) being
what prevents us from making it a ?
Is there a lot of variation, though? I had thought that any particular tangram had only one solution.
@NewMainPosts Gotta do this in a few langs :D
Gotta get that fresh, hot rep...
@TimmyD No, most have many solutions.
*many have many solutiosn
The intersting part would be how people are going about to solve it=/
perhaps not so interesting...
Hmm, which langs have text compression? :3
@zyabin101 PHP
@flawr PHP doesn't have text compression :/
You just put the entire text in a file, which is the same as plain text.
Ooh, gotta do that in PHP after Bubblegum.
Crossed out 4 is still regular 4...
A: "Hello, World!"

DJMcMayhemBrain-Flak, 180, 176, 170 + 3 = 173 bytes ((()()())((((((((({})){}{}){}){}){})(((()()()){}()){}){}())([])[]{})))((((([][]()){}){})[[][]])<>)<>((((((({}))[]{}[][]())[][][])()()())[[]]()()()())[[]]()()())(<>{}()<>) Try it online! This code is 170 bytes long, but adds three bytes for the -a flag...

zlib.compress(lipsum) seems to contain a zero, which isn't allowed by the challenge D:
Zeros are allowed, just not NUL \0
And by zero, I do mean the null byte D:
Q: Faux Source Code

NonlinearFruitOutput one random character for each character of source code (as illustrated below). The probability of each character is its frequency in the original source code. Thus the output will be fake source code resembling a quine. Specification Restrictions Standard quine constrains apply. No em...

I think this is a really clever question, needing more attention.
It shows quine-like challenges are not yet exhausted.
@zyabin101 There should be a compression library called ziplip or zlip. It would make more sense, because then you know what you're zipping -- your lips.
@mbomb007 that right there is my childhood
from plug import shameless
A: Output "Lorem ipsum" with minimal number of characters

zyabin101Fourier, 1449 bytes Golfed using isaacg's meta golfer. 76a111a+3a101a+8a32a105a+7a+3a+2a-8a32a100a111a-3a+3a+3a32a115a105a116a32a97a109a-8a116a44a32a99a111ava+5a101a99a116a101a116a^a-3a32a97a+3a+5a+7a-7a115a99a+6a+5a-7a32a101a+7a-3a116a44a32a115a101ava32a100a111a32a101a+4a117a-2a-6a+2a100a32a11...

prays that this answer is still good
Hmm, Jelly :3
Woah. I just wrote a Quine! I've never been able to do that before!

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