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I just realized: if I want to write a virus and don't know how, I could 1) go to StackOverflow, ask how. Get hate from everyone and probably the question will be closed. Or 2) Go to code golf, ask others how they'd do it. Get a handful of creative answers to select from, and the question is so popular it gets on the network-wide "hot" list. Mua ha ha ha ha. — rumtscho Feb 22 '14 at 15:31
About the DDoS talks
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei Now malicious codes are off-topic
@LeakyNun we can still DDoS OEIS, no?
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei you aren't going to DDoS OEIS by normal questions
It isn't like 1000 people are sending a request at the same time
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei We also don't really want to create ill will with one of our biggest sources of challenge ideas... ;)
@flawr Can't tell if that's a joke...
it wasn't labelled
(neither was mine...)
so clearly, you weren't joking :P
function(s) {
    return function(n) {
        return (((require)("http")).get)((((("http://oeis.org/").op_add(s)).op_add("/b")).op_add(((s).slice)(1))).op_add(".txt"))(function(r) {
            return ((console).log)(r);
i am getting SyntaxError: Unexpected token (
Or I was making a point about what would happen if I took flawr's labelling advice...
oh nvm
oh no nvm it still fail
@TùxCräftîñg is this is BF?
because that'd explain why it doesn't work
it's a js code generated from Neoscript
You forgot to label...
"the empty string" or "an empty string"?
Both are correct depending on context
but there's only one empty string
in implementation?
that's what I heard happens in Java
or C
Is "hello" and "hello" equal?
"" is an empty string. Is the previous sentence grammatically or logically incorrect?
@NathanMerrill in Java they are equal
@Rainbolt Is the sentence factually correct?
That's what I just asked...
@LeakyNun how are you testing? "hello"=="hello" doesn't always return true
@NathanMerrill You can't compare strings using "==" in java, iirc
yeah you can. you shouldn't though
@NathanMerrill Nope
@T.Lukin Nope
@flawr Well, that can I say. It's a nice city, although you may not like its extreme, dry weather @Maltysen
@LeakyNun new String("hello") == "hello"
@NathanMerrill then you are not comparing "hello" and "hello"
@ASCII-only In case you're interested, I got it to work in Chrome now.
which is what you were asking
@LeakyNun yeah you are. The only reason "hello" == "hello" is because of string interning, which isn't guaranteed
@NathanMerrill It is guaranteed, unless you twirk it around like new String("hello")
new String("hello") is just a way of enforcing that it doesn't happen
"hello"=="hello" is always true
Is this JS?
No, Java is not Javascript
I didn't see what language you were talking about. :P
In that case, "hello" == "hello", but new String("hello") != "hello" because, since Strings are immutable, the JVM reuses existing strings unless explicitly defined otherwise.
The "hello"s in new String("hello") != "hello" are still equal
But using new String is one of the worst things ever
just that by passing it in the constructor, you made a new object
which made them not equal
That's correct.
using java is the worst thing ever
Because they're two different objects.
I'd rather use Java than C
If you wanna see what I mean with the storing of strings upon declaration through "", use javap -pc <filename>.class to decode the bytecode.
@LeakyNun I looked it up, you are right that String interning is guaranteed
Java is one of the languages I use most often
@NathanMerrill I've learnt Java for 10 years, it's my first language
@BusinessCat Same.
@Poke they help other people find devs, but they used their own product themselves and found me and want to hire me.
@BusinessCat I usually use Pyth or Retina now since they're so terse
Here is the email:
i use Javascript or Python for most of my projects, and C for 'performance critical' projects
Hi Maltysen,

I am a Developer Relations Engineer at source{d}, we are working on improving developer recruitment. We have analyzed your open source contributions on Github and we think that you could be a good fit for the position as Software Engineer for our Tools team at source{d} (http://sourced.tech/).

source{d} is a recruitment product built by developers for developers. We analyze over 1.2B code contributions in the open source community to match developers with the best opportunities and contact them only with relevant offers.
@LeakyNun mine as well...and I knew it would happen, but I didn't know it was guaranteed
@Maltysen wot
I like golfing in JS, but I'm not that good at it
actually,now that I think about it, TI Basic was my first language
my first 'language' was minecraft commands
Java is a good language in general, it just sucks for golfing
@TùxCräftîñg Actually, this is true for me as well, I just didn't count it, lol.
only problem: i started minecraft in 1.4 ;_;
what language has the biggest "potential" for golfing (size of typical program/size of golfed program)?
The first language I ever used was Batch.
I'm thinking perl
But it was terrible and I decided against learning it further.
Advertisement: a language that is completely different from the mainstream languages; a language that forces you to adopt a different mindset:


Discussions about the Brachylog language. github.com/JCumin/Br...
@NathanMerrill It depends on what you mean by "typical" program
my first real programming language was Java
and after HTML/CSS
I think Perl too. I've seen Perl be competitive with golfing langs
@T.Lukin you're right, but "typical" is hard to define
Id probably say something in the realm of perl or python, something less verbose than the C or Java types
sometimes Javascript is pretty good at golfing too
question: how to do docs where i have seperate sqrt cbrt and root operators? Should I put root on one page and make sqrt, cbrt on subpages of root, or put them all together on one page?
@Downgoat depends on how you treat other arithmetic operators
I would say same page
Or at least link between them since they're related
Yeah, I'd say make them subpages of root
@Downgoat What good is sqrt if I have **.5?
how to make them same page though?
@LeakyNun as said on arithematic page: "to make mathematics more idomatic"
Huh. Pretty sure someone's trying to log in as me on PSN. Three "link to change your password" emails in the last half hour.
I see
Or the system itself has gained intelligence and is trying to log in
@Geobits shit you're onto— :|
@BusinessCat an AI trying to hack an AI? ._.
As long as I don't also get a "somebody accessed your email from an unusual spot" email, I think I'm okay ;)
@Geobits Unless they already deleted it.
I'm not going to let it bother me though. Today's Minibits-getting day.
@VTCAKAVSMoACE I get notifications on my phone for that too.
@Geobits oic
@NathanMerrill Definitely Perl
Python sometimes. I've seen some interesting tricks
Yeah. Heavily depends on the challenge though
> Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, RenderScript>>
gotta love java sometimes
CMC: show a snippet of Java code you've written with more than three nested generics
CMC: Given positive integer n, return/print all the square numbers not greater than n^2 concatenated in order.
Testcase: 6 -> 149162536
hm... what happens when you do git commit -F /dev/urandom
@Downgoat Hangs. No eof
Example implementation: Brachylog, 7 bytes: yb:^ac.
(Yes, this is obviously optimized for Brachylog)
so do I do git commit -m $(head /dev/urandom)?
yup that works :D
@LeakyNun FN>n?
@quartata ?
Unfornately ƒ ranges from 0 to a + 1 otherwise it could be four: ƒNn?
@quartata Very nice :)
@Adnan Automatic vectorization ?????
I didn't know anything in 05AB1E vectorized
My English isn't that good, so I don't know what that means
Automatically maps over an array
Oh, yeah
Is that new?
Most of the commands do
Nope, it's pretty old now
What is CMC?
Chat mini challenge
Chat Mini Challenge
ninja'd because poor connection :/
Ah. Thanks
Three dashes
Help Jellyfish is stupid
where's to_string
@LeakyNun Jellyfish don't have brains
Is Jellyfish a combination of Jelly and ><>?
@BusinessCat Yes
@LeakyNun /?
@mınxomaτ ._________.
@quartata how to use?
@LeakyNun no idea
@LeakyNun Is there no docs for Jellyfish?
The second one is still developing
but will be much richer in content
nvm it's a chatroom
anyway wat
... I found an extremely bizarre bug in one of my java programs... I don't understand it.
@PhiNotPi tell us
i will give you a advice: dont use java
@TùxCräftîñg what did java do to you
java is slow
and buggy
and slow
and buggy
So I have a program that outputs a bunch of debug data to STDOUT, but when I remove those debug print commands, the other output changes.
output with debug commands:
@PhiNotPi Do you have assignments in the debug prints?
Do you mind sharing the whole program?
@LeakyNun no
@LeakyNun sure.... give me a sec
@PhiNotPi Any threads?
@Maltysen i don't think i have a good idea of an ideal salary in Madrid but that seems pretty low for a software engineer in the us?
@quartata no
@LeakyNun There's no to_string yet. :(
source code: github.com/PhiNotPi/CircuitSim the debug commands are in the Circuit.java labeled "HERE" and "AND HERE"
I am surprised to find out that Java has no preprocessor directives like #IFDEBUG
@Rainbolt For the record Java is not C
Why is that a surprise?
@PhiNotPi and the output?
Sorry, I meant NetBeans, not Java.
@PhiNotPi do you also have example input/output
Give me a sec....
I thought NetBeans was more robust than that
It has little things to auto-include logging
github.com/PhiNotPi/CircuitSim/tree/master added two files for example output
System.out.println("g " + r + " " + c + " " + side + " " + val);
System.out.println("s " + r + " " + c + " " + side + " " + val);
^ remove either of those lines and the other output changes
That's just odd.
Geobits has identified the root cause. It's just odd.
Cookies for me?
@PhiNotPi what exactly are the changed outputs?
I guess I'll just chalk this up to an unknowable java bug and rewrite some code to hope it disappears.
@PhiNotPi It's not. Gimme a second
@LeakyNun in the two example outputs, the non-numerical lines change. (such as ----X---- to ---->----)
What happens when you remove the one on line 75 but not the other one?
Still incorrect output.
OK I've got nothing then
@PhiNotPi When I remove the two lines commented with "HERE" and "AND HERE", the output is:


that's different than what I'm getting. :/
there's some weird timing bug... but there shouldn't be any threading anywhere in the program
If any of you are just sitting back and enjoying watching this inexplicable bug play out, you might enjoy all the stories here
or maybe I'm doing something like editing something while I iterate over it... like maybe I should use replace some "for(...:...)" loops withe "for(...;...;...)" loop.
It's something with timing
If I run it many times
I get different output
regardless of the debug statements
First image is with the lines commented out. Second image is the original.
Advertisement: the only uncracked cops thread:
A: Can you outgolf me? (Cops section)

DennisM, 9 bytes, score 0.6667 (6 / 9) r©0+’Ac®Ḅ A tad cheaty since M and Jelly are quite similar, but allowed by the rules. @miles' crack to my Jelly answer doesn't work in M; it lacks the œċ atom. This calculates sequence A119259. Try it online!

you're the Jelly expert
so your job
Obvious belongs to Dennis
@Fatalize if I'm at level 1 Dennis is at level 10
I'm at level -1024
I'm at level WTF
@Fatalize Error while trying to assign signed -1024 to unsigned int.
@BusinessCat WTF is a string not a number.
WTF says it's not a number?
@T.Lukin I like the last sentence of that first story
@trichoplax Haha yeah. I've been reading a couple a day, always makes you a little more thankful that your crash was just caused by a forgotten semicolon
@T.Lukin There is a bug here where you message is short enough to fit on one line, but long enough that here gets covered by the flag, star, reply to symbols. In other words, I cannot click that link
WTF is 010101110101010001000110 which is 5723206
Totally a number
@T.Lukin Yes it's nice living in a world where I can always assume a bug in my code is my own fault
@PhiNotPi i don't really know what your code does but public class Container extends Circuit seems weird
(the fact that your container extends circuit, that is)
@Sherlock9 How ironic... Have you tried zooming in or out slightly?
@Geobits Do you still have that plain text dump of the 19B's transcript?
@Sherlock9 Link again: here
@BusinessCat In a base-34 world.
@quartata Yeah, lemme find it
@trichoplax I just opened the permalink to get it in the transcript
@T.Lukin Thank you very much
WTF is actually a base-64 number
Does Python have something like Perl's Tie::File?
@PhiNotPi I'm only noticing the issue when you have multiple wires
somebody should make a browser that supports a different <script> type than JS
@quartata This one is probably the most useful. It's from March, but I don't have anything newer atm.
@BusinessCat Ikr, 34 is the minimal base where that number works.
@Geobits That's perfect
All the messages past March of this year have too many dank memes for my liking. I want my chatbot to be quality
Ah yes, nothing like a quality chatbot.
baby ruth
3 Musketeers is objectively the best
Clearly. Almond Joy is a close runner up though.
Marky was an objectively bad quality chatbot, because he hated some people.
He only hated people who pinged me multiple times for no good reason about him.
@Geobits Yeah, not bad. Mounds is nice too
ohhh boy this text file is 45 megs nice
I hope you aren't giving me any viruses because it exceeds the size Google Drive can scan for ;P
IIRC it's around 330k messages. Might be thinking of a different one.
The transcript itself is a virus, you didn't know? Not my doing.
I think the TNBDE database is almost at 900k rows.
7 mins ago, by quartata
Does Python have something like Perl's Tie::File?
@quartata I don't know what that is.
Tie::File basically ties a file to a lazy list. tie @list, Tie::File, "filename"; print $list[17] gets line 18 without loading the whole file into memory
@quartata I don't think Python has that built-in.
But lemme look around in the docs a bit.
@quartata Here's some good ansers
@quartata This might do.
Ah, that looks about right
@PhiNotPi you're storing your wires in a HashSet which may not have guaranteed order. This might affect things when you iterate over it?
@quartata Another possibility (haven't tested it)
I thought of that, but it seems like a hash set would still have the same order between runs.
Is there a way to unapprove an edit?
@Adnan No, though you can rollback edits.
Oh okay
The actual editing hasn't been done yet
A: Reject an already-approved suggested edit when rolling it back

DennisYou make a very good point about edits getting not only rampantly suggested, but also rampantly approved but I think that your idea of Mark[ing] the edit as rejected [...] Revok[ing] the +2 rep bonus [...] doesn't address the real problem which is not the low reputation use...

@PhiNotPi yeah if I use a LinkedHashSet instead I get consistent output
@Dennis Hahaha
I should probably add a GIF somewhere to make my point.
I'm reading the last two lines of that answer over and over, but somehow I can't understand what it means
Which answer?
If you approve a suggested edit that is rolled back afterwards, you get a notification in your inbox. If that happens to many times, you cannot approve or reject edits for, say, a week.
I figured out the bug... it turns out that it was due to the absence of signal overwriting the presence of a signal, so the order in which the wire components were processed caused a difference in result.
so... something rather unmystical
Ohh, that makes sense
I also already partially rolled back my approval
@Peanut You were the one who made the tag. Do we need the tag, and why exactly?
@T.Lukin "We can't send mail more than 500 miles" XD

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