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@RohanJhunjhunwala response to first setence: :3 thanks. respond to second sentence: ;_; y u no think cheddar isn't serious language
maybe if i make stack overflow tag it'll be serious language
question: anyone have any questions about cheddar?: stackoverflow.com/questions/ask?tags=cheddar
@Downgoat I mean in popularity, comparable to C or C++ or Java, no offense intended
Not in quality
It is 10/10 high quality language
Is Why on Earth did you choose Node? a valid question?
@RohanJhunjhunwala :D :D :D :D :D
The internet is a magical place
@Downgoat :D if I get some time I will make the cheese package
@βετѧΛєҫαγ :O there is another goat on the internet! \o/
@Downgoat I have not forgotten, cheddar will have leeet memes
@Dennis idk >_> will port to sane language (C++?) when i have time (this is joke i will never have time to rewrite this in another language)
@βετѧΛєҫαγ that is Chatgoat
you must of not met him :/
Damn it
The internet isn't as magical as I thought
@Downgoat lol u seem to actually have answered questions on that account
lol that's how I feel somedays
@Downgoat u should add an on error resume next command to cheddar :D just like vb
@βετѧΛєҫαγ :(
@βετѧΛєҫαγ and tautological statements are tautological :(
@RohanJhunjhunwala good idea brb
@Downgoat seriosuly? YES!
@mınxomaτ it looks like the Flattr trend is much flatter!
we should stop posting goat pics before mods eleven to trash. (btw this is best source of goats)
oh yyeah
makes sense
changes room name to Nineteenth Goat
No goats here
@Downgoat are you actually considering an on error resume next command? Please say yes!
@Downgoat and do not worry, I will ask a stack overflow question tagged with cheddar, I'll ping you so you can answer it
(when I get around to the memes package)
@Downgoat Who ya gonna call when mods eleven everything?
@βετѧΛєҫαγ room topic changed to The Nineteenth Goat: General discussion for en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goat | Guidelines: media.lifehealthpro.com/lifehealthpro/article/2015/12/28/… (no tags)
@RohanJhunjhunwala yes. I have it on TODO list. I will think of the details soon and write up a proposal soon, and get working on it.
@RohanJhunjhunwala :D :D :D
@Downgoat :D I'll put a feature request on to the repo
@RohanJhunjhunwala ok, cool
Q: The absolute quine

user2638180First of all, I'm not sure if something like this can even be done, but looks fun to propose anyway. I'm asking for a quine that shows itself and then puts its own code for execution on memory and that code gets executed again, and theorically again and again... Input: The code for the own prog...

Should I (vote to) close as duplicate?
I'm voting to close as unclear.
I think its fairly clear that he wants a quine that will run itself again and again, but it is a dup as well. It did take me a few passes to figure out what he wanted
So I guess there is multiple close reasons
@mod unfreeze pls?:

 Chatgoat's Barn

Will chat goat bite?
I heard goats bite
@Downgoat lol do you chust use the cleverbot api?
thats what I would use
im lazy
@βετѧΛєҫαγ no, no, of course they won't
I think you're lying
@βετѧΛєҫαγ this might happen if you don't like goats though: vine.co/v/igUZnYWWjhq
@βετѧΛєҫαγ this is faked. you can clearly tell this is fake because the goat has no teeth
It gives me an idea for a king of the goat pen koth
@Downgoat Holy crap
@RohanJhunjhunwala I made chatgoat use some different algorithms so it could generate longer sentences
That butt must've hurt
markov chain analysis?
Is that kid alive?
@Downgoat ^^
Butts are dangerous
@RohanJhunjhunwala no. just a bunch of frequency analysis. It analysis important words and the important words that were responded back to the message's important words and scans it's lexicon for items with important words that will be relevant
@βετѧΛєҫαγ no, he was turned into curry
@Downgoat That's okay
@Downgoat Anti-Esla'd.
Anything curried is good
@Downgoat I had one idea for an A* bot, it worked mediocrely with the ability to output canned responces. It had a list of a hardcoded conversation. It would pick the response with the biggest score. The score was the number of matching words in the corresponding question (to the users question) to the response
in Chatgoat's Barn, 46 secs ago, by Chatgoat
Okay. I started the chatgoat in his barn
Wow, chatgoat makes better conversation than most people in this room XD
in Chatgoat's Barn, 19 secs ago, by Chatgoat
I'm sorry Downgoat I'm afriad I can't let you do that
not again....

Project Reviewer


Apply here: https://review.udacity.com/apply.html Machine Learning Project Reviewers are experts on Machine Learning…

Posted on Stack Overflow Careers on June 13, 2016

Sounds like a good kinda deal if anyone into that kinda thing
I think you should be posting that on Code Review chat
@Quill hey that's pretty good
@Quill brb submitting application and mentioning chatgoat as my kolafication
@Downgoat ^ A more suitable job
I should put chatgoat on my account and see if he can complete the turing test...
lol he will not pass the turing test :(
Alan Turing is a sad goat
@RohanJhunjhunwala are you going to run for mod?
lol with 800 rep
@RohanJhunjhunwala Is PPCG better than code review
@Downgoat I will build a wall around ppcg and everyone on this sight will say that its a great great wall!
@Downgoat most cerainly yes! I was just trying to troll chat goat. PPCG is the top sight on stack exchange
In terms of quality
@RohanJhunjhunwala okay question: did you think those last two messages were submitted by me or chatgoat?
Probably chat goat
ok, maybe next time he'll pass
@Downgoat I would not have suspected it had you not asked
You need to do it like this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turing_test
Lol Downgoat it only past because I assumed you were teasing me about my original answers :D
okay well back to working on cheddar
I can't find a good sequence for the cops and robbers :-/ Every time i think i have a clever idea, oeis spoils the method, or my posted code has to spoil it, or even the length is a spoiler
You should be proud of chatgoat and cheddar they oth clearly are thoguht out. Cheddar however is clean and polished @Downgoad chatbots are ahard though, but they are fun to experiment with
@Downgoat whoops misspelled your user
I think chatgoat is having an identity crisis
@DestructibleWatermelon idk what you're talking about
@DestructibleWatermelon .___.
@RohanJhunjhunwala :3 thank you, though I should probably learn some AI theory before I go around making more chatbots >_>
Not necessarily AI theory, read up on NLP and Neural networks
@Downgoat Congratulations!
@LeakyNun on?
@LeakyNun oh, well I didn't really do much for that >_> thank @Dennis for the Cheddar TIO
@Downgoat I saw your long-winded convo above on how to install cheddar
A: Can you outgolf me? (Robbers section)

Leaky NunHaskell, 5 4 bytes, xnor (^)1 Simple currying.

@Downgoat There's a shorter way to convert int to string
@LeakyNun yay!
@xnor nice, I enjoyed it
@LeakyNun I think he means explicit conversion
@LeakyNun wait wat rly
@Downgoat guess
@Downgoat halp how reverse array
oh "%f"%n?
@LeakyNun array.rev
@Downgoat bingo
added in latest cheddar version
@Downgoat wow it's already beta35
last time it was only beta30
beta36 should be coming up soon too
@Downgoat How do I see all functions of a namespace?
without going to the source?
@LeakyNun can't as of now. I do already have that on my TODO list though.
I can do it now though
can you give me proposed syntax for how it would be done?
cheddar.inspect(<namespace>) maybe?
halp how go from your site to the github site
@LeakyNun go to bottom of page
@Downgoat worked
in Mos Eisley, 2 mins ago, by bleh
Q: Why is goat associated with Satan?

amphibientWhy is the goat often associated with Satan in various religious folklore and illustrations? What makes the goat satanic?

@El'endiaStarman did you see this?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Oooh, cool.
Woah wait what. Some user that chatted on July 27 was removed, and broke my transcript parsing code.
Shoot, I have to figure out how to handle messages without user ids.
Hmm, no, I think I've got this. The user id is in the username.
> <Chatgoat> Sure, goats suck
Heard it a long time ago
@El'endiaStarman Matthew right?
feedback on this challenge please?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Destructible WatermelonRoll an ASCII die In this challenge, you must output an ascii-art of a random die roll. like this: ________ /\ \ / \ 6 \ { 4 }-------} \ / 5 / \/_______/ Please note that: ________ /\ \ / \ 3 \ { 4 }-------} \ / 5 / \/_______/ is invalid...

@Downgoat If that's the guy whose disappearance prompted some surprise from some users a couple days ago, then yeah, probably.
@Downgoat Yep, Matthew Roh! I was able to confirm it by using the data in my local database that was from before his account went bye-bye.
Matthew Roh is gone?
@LeakyNun how many possible outputs should I include in the ascii die challenge?
@DestructibleWatermelon all
but that would mean 48 die pictures
@El'endiaStarman why did he go?
7(6 high+1 space)*48= 336 lines of examples
@DestructibleWatermelon No, just compress each output to one line
oh, you mean just the numbers? ok, can do
@LeakyNun No idea. Might've been too young (under 13 years old).
@El'endiaStarman my god
@LeakyNun because he drank too much water >.<
@ConorO'Brien i am trying to write up some cheddar code which displays some of cheddar's cool abilities. Any ideas on what?
@Downgoat make a cop thread
Use my cheddar serverside thing to make a cheddar website displaying some cool cheddar stuff
@Quill does cheddar serverside work with new cheddar?
I need you to set up one of those latest-cheddar-syncs-to-another-repo things like you did for the REPL
.____. why are you using Chedz
use npm install --save cheddar-lang
then you can do require('cheddar-lang')
and use it like:
Feel free to make a PR ;-)
var cheddar = require('cheddar-lang');
cheddar("print 1", {
    PRINT: (text) => process.stdout.write(text)
For God's sake
I now have multiple approaches to the sequence
and I am required to post the second best
but the second best hints to the best
so I am forced to post the third best instead
but if I do so people will be able to post the second best
@Quill in the cheddarRoute function. how do I error?
I guess I'll just post the third best
can someone link to a tac program (reverse cat?)
@DestructibleWatermelon in which language?
I actually want to use it for legitimate reasons
oh wait
I just thought up a better way to do it instead
thanks anyway though
@Downgoat No idea, it's basically the same code as the REPL
I'm assuming you can just overload console.error
halp, how the brainfuck is GCD(3+4i,4+5i) equal to 5+i

TypeError: res.write is not a function
@Quill halp is borked
what did you do? did you modify the code? did you do npm install?
wait gonna use tac program anyway
@Downgoat compatibility problem I guess
@Quill yeah. here's my current code:
var cheddar = require('cheddar-lang');
var fs = require("fs");
var express = require('express');
var port = 4001;
var app = express()

var Cheddar = Function('return this')().Chedz;

var cheddarRoute = function(path, res){
    fs.readFile('www/' + path, function(error, data){
        if (error){
            throw error;

        var output = "";

        var res = cheddar(data.toString(), {
            PRINT: (data) => output += data.toString()

Here's a tricky python script to make debuggers go crazy:
real_false = False
real_true = True
True = real_false
False = real_true
__main__.True = real_false
__main__.False = real_true
(python 2 only)
works for me @Downgoat, try removing the var Cheddar line
yeah just relized that
that moment when you actually use BF productively
A: Can you outgolf me? (Cops section)

Leaky NunJ, 9 bytes, score = 0.6667 (6/9) 9 o.0j1^] Computes A056594.

@DestructibleWatermelon you implemented tac in BF?
@Downgoat You should totally make a cop thread with Cheddar
I won't crack it
reason I needed tac: I wanted to reverse the valid outputs I wrote
@DestructibleWatermelon how on earth did you do that
anybody see my evil python script?
well, actually it wasn't tac I guess
or maybe it was, I don't know
if only I could monkey-patch True/False globally - too bad that feature isn't available until python 3
either way, this was code ,[>,]<[.<]
>>> True,False=False,True
>>> True,False
(False, True)
>>> True,False=False,True
>>> True,False
(True, False)
@LeakyNun ...
@DestructibleWatermelon tac splits on newline
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC 10/10 completely original guaranteed
@LeakyNun hm ok
@Downgoat jk, of course I'll crack it
A: Can you outgolf me? (Cops section)

Leaky NunJ, 10 bytes, score = 0.9 (9/10) *2%~3<:@*] Computes A000326. This one should be easy. Online interpreter. Quickref.

A: Can you outgolf me? (Cops section)

Leaky NunJ, 9 bytes, score = 0.6667 (6/9) 9 o.0j1^] Computes A056594.

@LeakyNun made it up myself, probably somebody else already done it before - but now I'll monkey-patch all the built-in functions
Two J cop threads in a row
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC that's another reason to use python 3
@LeakyNun too bad you can't assign to literals in python 3
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC security
@LeakyNun python doesn't have buf overflows, already pretty secure
@Downgoat I'll be gone for quite an amount of time
so post it ASAP so that I can't crack it
@LeakyNun ok ¬_¬ bai
What's this graph thing?
@downgoat functional!
Btw did you fix &
but is it over 24 hours?
Yeah, it's the average activity over each hour for a 24 hour period
laid out by time since UTC 00:00
let's take a survey of time zones and calculate when people go and surf for golfing!
no >_> not yet
@El'endiaStarman oh wow that's cool!
Only July 27 has been parsed thus far.
@El'endiaStarman another awesome thing from you
vihan:~/Documents/Code/serverside/www (master) $ ls
index.chr  index.html test.chr
vihan:~/Documents/Code/serverside/www (master) $ rm index.cdr
rm: index.cdr: No such file or directory
chr vs cdr
we should have a meetup where we discuss non-code related stuff
We have a discord chat that we were having chats on, but nobody came :(
@Quill discord chat? you need to advertise it in the community chat section
gimme link
make events
I don't have a link (or invite privs) in any case; nobody came to the events when we had them. I think someone was looking at reviving it, but it wasn't me and I'll leave it up to them
@Quill make a new one. I have stuff to talk about
We were talking for a while a few days back
gimme link!
but is it the same topics as here? I want some off-topic chat
or I could put it here
Does anyone else find it irritating when 5 people answer a challenge with a totally unclear specification
Here's something completely unrelated but fits our culture:
3 hours since last question and 11 since one that isn't closed, so can I get some feedback on my ascii die challenge?
Learn to Fly 2 is a game about a penguin nuking the Antarctic ice, filled with jokes and eastereggs to the brim. It has 50 million plays and 4.5 stars on Kongregate, making it one of the most popular game. The developer is an indie dev (w/ multiple sclerosis and not rich - but still funny).
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Destructible WatermelonRoll an ASCII die In this challenge, you must output an ascii-art of a random die roll. like this: ________ /\ \ / \ 6 \ { 4 }-------} \ / 5 / \/_______/ Please note that: ________ /\ \ / \ 3 \ { 4 }-------} \ / 5 / \/_______/ is invalid...

feedback pl0x so I can post
''.join('feedback' for i in range(100))
@Dennis feature-request for TIO: test suites
@DestructibleWatermelon "they are allowed to be trick dice" So one one output could have probability 1 and the rest 0?
I'm fairly sure it said that each must have some probability of happening
but that they didn't have to be even
I guess I didn't phrase it properly
let me rephrase now
@DestructibleWatermelon I'd get rid of that - just require equal probabilities. It is not clear that "some" means > 0
interesting golfs and stuff
But also opens the door to abuse.
give one example of abuse
I'd probably get rid of the right/left handed stuff too, it's unnecessarily confusing. A dice net and a list of xyz combos and the ascii art suffices.
@Downgoat Not that easy. Different languages take input in different ways...
@HelkaHomba but I want to be culture compatible
Then at least explain what left/right handed means
oh, right. I don't know why I didn't just do that
And definitely give a dice map example, like
To generalize, maybe allow any die as long as opposite faces add to 7
that's just left and right handed, no? or is that what you mean to say?
left and right handed mean the die net is different
I'm not sure. But that's easier (for me at least) to understand that handedness.
added edit, how is it now?
So I've been logging 404 requests to the web server that hosts one of my projects.... I've been getting some strange traffic.....
Parsing of the whole TNB transcript is in progress. The first three and a half years were parsed in several minutes. :P
The last two years will take several hours at least.
how does the parsing work?
@Downgoat jk i'm back (for 15 mintues)
Um, this is scary. I just set up a Twitter account for TIO (first time I do this), and it suggested following @StackCodeGolf.
@Quill Shame on you for not properly configuring your server's Peach Sundress.
that's normal traffic
the font is great
"attempt at path" is not an error?
@DestructibleWatermelon Better. I still vote for equal probabilities but it's ready enough to post otherwise
@DestructibleWatermelon The Python standard library html.parser.
@Downgoat halp (**)(2) quits without RuntimeError
well, I think that if someone can figure out a way to compress the code by making the die uneven (but still possible for all results) that just makes a cool golf
well, if people suddenly complain as soon as I post the challenge I'll change it
(because they don't care before you post)
@HelkaHomba Ah right, I visited that account once when it popped up in the community ads.
Good thing I didn't disclose what else was suggested. >_>
> Your account has been locked.
OK, that was fast.
Apparently, providing a phone number is optional, but not at all optional. Great...
Ah, I already regret this.
Q: Roll an ASCII die

Destructible WatermelonIn this code-golf challenge, you must output an ascii-art of a random die roll. like this: ________ /\ \ / \ 6 \ { 4 }-------} \ / 5 / \/_______/ Please note that: ________ /\ \ / \ 3 \ { 4 }-------} \ / 5 / \/_______/ is invalid output, ...

Hey guys
Am I allowed to use pictures from Wolfram MathWorld to help explain my answers? Or should I create new ones?
Q: Roll an ASCII die

Destructible WatermelonIn this code-golf challenge, you must output an ascii-art of a random die roll. like this: ________ /\ \ / \ 6 \ { 4 }-------} \ / 5 / \/_______/ Please note that: ________ /\ \ / \ 3 \ { 4 }-------} \ / 5 / \/_______/ is invalid output, ...

@IsmaelMiguel Hey! Haven't seen you around in a while :)
Yeah, I've been away of everywhere in general
How's everything here?
Going pretty well!
That's good to know
Wanna check something for me, and give your constructive opinion?
Sure, what is it?
I've made some changes to the leaderboard
And I just want to know if you see anything missing or something
That has test data, with small changes
Oh wow, very nice!
Thank you
One of the things I really hate on the other leader board is the speed
I think that that one loads half as fast
There must be something behind that isn't being taken into account
@Dennis In case you're wondering, my solution is 2&o.t: (E.g.f. instead of g.f.)
Ah right, that makes ] superfluous.
@Dennis but nice
20 mins ago, by Sherlock9
Am I allowed to use pictures from Wolfram MathWorld to help explain my answers? Or should I create new ones?
As in, will Wolfram make rude noises if I use one of their images in my answer?
Wow, guys, TNB froze on Nov 10, 2011 and wasn't really unfrozen until Nov 14, 2012.
For the interested: twitter.com/Try_it_online
(I have no idea what I'm doing.)
How I found out? This query.
@El'endiaStarman Ah, I remember those days. Good times.
Actual talking in Discord. Wow.
So there is a suggested edit on the tag wiki for (link). I took a look and saw that there are only 3 challenges with that tag. After some analysis it seems to me like we don't need this tag at all. Thoughts?
Podcast AMA, in voice or text here, now.

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