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Wow, that's not a small acquisition.
i am at 497 rep
So it only took me 2 weeks to figure out how to bend the Source engine to my will and replace the default class selection menu with my own....
did you ever try the source sdk? (or did you decompile all of that)
@Midnightas I'm making a SourceMod plugin not a mod
but yes I suppose I am using the SDK headers
@TùxCräftîñg HNQ! \o/
i just need one upvote and i will be at 500 rep \o/
What does HQL mean, anyway?
hot question list
Firetruck you
instead of f**k I just use Firetruck
It still starts with f and ends with uck
i just use fck
u ruined it with the explanation
I AM AT 500 REP :D
Or, Alternatively, Brainfuck.
it doesn't start with f, though
unless you want to say buck
yes. and he's steve
@Optimizer steve who?
hail hydra
Fun fact: It appears that 1 - 1/2 + 1/3 - 1/4 + ... = ln 2
not just appears..
its true
mathematically, of course
Yeah, came across it while looking at BBP-type formulae
Then what is ln 3
Specifically P (1, -1, 1, (1))
2 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4...
@Midnightas Uhh.. that's 1 + the harmonic series which doesn't converge
well then
@TùxCräftîñg \o/ \o/ \o/ congrats!!!
@quartata ohhh. idk if that'll be useful though
@LegionMammal978 Also, 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + ... = -1/12
@TimmyD Hey, complex arithmetic not allowed
Q: Calculate A190810

TùxCräftîñgYour task is pretty simple, calculate the n-th element of A190810. Elements of A190810 are calculated in this way: a(1)=1, and if x is in a then 2x+1 and 3x-1 are in a. You can use 1-based or 0-based indexing, but if you use 0-based indexing, please say it in the answer. Test cases a(1) = 1...

6 upvotes :O
/ \
@LegionMammal978 I'm reasonably confident you're at the wrong site if you want to avoid complex arithmetic ... ;-)
okay, we should stop the yay-emoji-people before mods eleven it into oblivion
What is esoteric programming languages + cellular automata
@Downgoat you mean move it to Trash
Seriously, Its not a yay emoji, Its a laser.
@Downgoat did someone call the cleanup crew?
But seriously, try to avoid posting noisy, unnecessary messages, 'kay? :)
@Quill no
Q: Build a working game of Tetris in Conway's Game of Life

Joe Z.Here is a theoretical question - one that doesn't afford an easy answer in any case, not even the trivial one. In Conway's Game of Life, there exist constructs such as the metapixel which allow the Game of Life to simulate any other Game-of-Life rule system as well. In addition, it is known that...

seriously? can we avoid posting ASCII art please
This room was placed in timeout for 1 minute; the topic of this room is "General discussion for codegolf.stackexchange.com | Guidelines: ppcg.github.io/chatiquette/"; - conversation should be limited to that topic.
Quill probably just doesn't want to go that far since he isn't a mod here and it would look bad. Please control yourselves and don't put him in that situation, kthx
2 messages deleted
I mean, really. do we have to enforce everything with a mod hammer. Why can't we all just get along
Yeah, I'm not a PPCG mod, or even a privileged user on PPCG
@quartata :)
@Quill <3
Does Anyone use flowgorithm
@MatthewRoh flowgorithm?
it's propietary
Yes. flowgorithm
Its a flowchart based language/ide
Question: if my language has a built in that gets data from an external source, if that external source changes does that count as a language change?
@MatthewRoh I'll try it. :3
The data are changing?
@Downgoat Why not ask it on meta?
@Downgoat that depends on what kind of data it is
@MatthewRoh probably has already been asked before and I don't feel like writing a meta question rn >_>
@Quill idk, wikipedia/google I guess
So, curl?
I can't try Flowgorithm, because it requires .NET 3.5
You don't have visual studio installed?
visual studio comes with .NET
i think this is in the reverse order
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 (or you can just get the .NET sdk)
@TùxCräftîñg What do you mean?
No, Visual studio contains .NET. There is also an SDK for it.
sry misinterpreted it
Thats ok :)
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 Flowgorithm is quite useful So after you download Visual studio or .NET SDK be sure to download Flowgorithm
It can translate Flowchart to many other languages
@MatthewRoh I don't use C#.
Not Visual Studio, either.
What language do you use, then?
also, It doesn't has to be C#
@Downgoat Wouldn't that violate the "outsourcing the real answer" loophole regardless?
I don't use C# either
@MatthewRoh I use Python.
@TimmyD mathematica does a similar thing and there was a meta post on it too
I think Visual studio has Python too
Solution: outsource your code to Mathematica ;-)
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 Look at this!
@Downgoat Mathematica downloads the data from the Wolfram databases and saves it, only redownloading it when there's a change. The meta post assumed that Mathematica was run with an internet connection once and then never again I believe
So whatever the current knowledge database at the release of that version is what you can use
I won't use Visual Studio, not even for all the gold in the world!
If you're using Windows you're already using .net as we speak. Not sure what the problem is lel
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 are you in linux
@MatthewRoh VS have python, but it's worst than windows notepad
@MatthewRoh No, he's using Windows Vista
must not post caret
qemu and bochs dont work on my computer D:
huh, just discovered bash's reverse-i-search
Wait, zyabin Said he won't use visual studio for all the gold in the world. Why should we give him gold to make him use visual studio. Visual studio is free and forcing someone to use visual studio is not free? unfair.
It's not free as in freedom ;)
 /  \
/    \
@Doorknob Sure it is. It's from a 'Murican company.
This is the last time I'm gonna warn about the ASCII art @MatthewRoh
Useless noise in general, really
Okay. But everyone is sending carets
... yes, that's why we're asking everyone to stop
gtg for now, bye bye!
someone know a x86 emulator for windows except qemu, bochs and VirtualBox?
qemu always crash on my machine, bochs dont want to start and virtualbox is really slow
Specifically x86? Or would something like DOSBox work?
Otherwise, I'd suggest Bochs
a emulator to test OSs
> except... bochs
You could try VMware Workstation Player -- it's free for personal use
Q: Calculate A190810

TùxCräftîñgYour task is pretty simple, calculate the n-th element of A190810. Elements of A190810 are calculated according to these rules: The first element is 1 The sequence is increasing If x occurs in the sequence, then 2x+1 and 3x-1 also do You can use 1-based or 0-based indexing, but if you use 0-...

90% of the answers run out of memory when i>12 or i>13 ಠ_ಠ
@TùxCräftîñg ! Nice!
@TùxCräftîñg By default, there are no time or memory limits for code golf contests, so if a terribly inefficient approach saves even one byte, people will use it.
If you want to prevent that in future contests, you should specify limits.
i know, just answers of this question are the literal definition of slow code
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 WHAT. Grrr...I suppose someone deleted the album, but why? I have no idea. Do note, though, that googling "imgur phone number" turns up the link as the second result (for me anyway).
@TùxCräftîñg You wouldn't expect someone to write golfed code in a fastest code challenge, so don't expect us to write fast code in a code golf contest.
I would say that an answer should verify all test cases, otherwise what's the point of test cases
doesn't matter if the program is extremely slow
as long as you can demonstrate that it will give the correct result
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101: Google result had OP's username, and apparently, they submitted almost the same thing before: imgur.com/gallery/r102w
(assuming infinite memory etc.)
I quite like dual constraints, like code golf with a generous time limit, so you can be a little bit brute force, but not as bad as bogosort
Sharing your pain by posting a bad comic is like going around with a hammer to help people understand how it felt when you stubbed your toe :P
What did I just read
@BusinessCat It's a BTG - Behind The Gif.
As if gifs weren't bad enough ;)
11 answers and 11 upvotes to my question
Syntax error: ReferenceError: runCJam is not defined
when i try to execute a code on the online CJam interpreter
Just be patient.
Did you wait for the page to load? Try refreshing.
still crashing
Alternatively, there's cjam.tryitonline.net.
the only efficient answer to my challenge is
A: Calculate A190810

mbomb007Python 2, 88 83 72 bytes You may want to read the programs in this answer in reverse order... Slower and shorter still, thanks to Dennis: L=1,;exec'L+=2*L[0]+1,3*L[0]-1;L=sorted(set(L))[1:];'*input() print L[0] Try it online This doesn't run as fast, but is shorter (83 bytes.) By sortin...

@Downgoat no problem!
@TùxCräftîñg Actually, that's almost the exact same algorithm my MATL answer uses.
Actually, wait I'm not sure. They look similar.
Actually, I can't understand the python answer.
and me i cant understand the MATL answer
Haha, I wrote an explanation.
this question gave me 63 rep for now
One thing that helps me understand MATL answers is to run the first byte, than the first two bytes, than the first three bytes... etc.
Although that won't help since it has a loop.
so, what is the comment byte in MATL ?
I Think it's % but I'm not positive.
I only use matl for golfing so I've never needed comments
yeah it's that
@TùxCräftîñg try running each byte of this
That'll make it more clear.
Q: How to define a 2D array of structures in a private of a class?

johnwoeI want to define a 2D array of structures in a class in C++, how should I do it, here is an example approach for a struct tt class{ private: int a,b; tt yum[a][b]; }; Can this be done in some way? This AoS will be used by all the member functions of the class/ultimatey defined object so it ca...

Read the comments
@NathanMerrill ...wut.
That's hilarious.
this men just put random citations in comments
That might be the first time I've seen someone post a fairly on-topic question and wildly off-topic comments.
What the....
and he's still going
@El'endiaStarman on topic? Not for that site.
Maybe for SO, but not programmers.
yeah this is more fitted for SO
Sorry, "software engineering"
I like software engineering, but I hate the acronym
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Yeah, okay, the question is off-topic too, but it's at least in the right country.
> Training is everything. The peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education.
most on-topic 10/10
@NathanMerrill o_O
this comment is more on-topic on seasoned advice ._.
> Can you explain this a little more clearly? I'm a native English speaker and I have no idea what "... and if x is in a then 2x+1 and 3x-1 are in a." is supposed to mean. – cat
what is unclear here ಠ_ಠ
I had a hard time understanding it too.
@NathanMerrill wat
I agree. Its more obvious if you indicate that a is a set
@TùxCräftîñg Okay, stop with the face-only messages. Use them sparingly.
@LegionMammal978 Yes it does
Important chatiqutte question: if a caret points at a deleted message, does it automatically point at the next one?
@TùxCräftîñg idk if you have read it yet but read our chatiquette to avoid getting elevened by the mods: ppcg.github.io/chatiquette
idk what i have done but this dont make any sense
[[shlex.split(x)[0], [int(y) for y in shlex.split(x)[1:]]] for prg.split("\n") if x != ""]
Possibly stupid question: what does "eleven" mean in this context?
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Question with a catch: carets are invalid by the Chattiquette.
s/by/according to/ o_o
@BusinessCat by now it just means anything action that uses mod powers
e.g. the mod deleted the post -> the mod elevened the post
Why "eleven" though?
I am confused
@BusinessCat It's from "mod abuse eleven".
Which means "mod abuse!!".
mod abuse!!!!!! -> mod abuse !1!!!!1!!! -> mod abuse !11!!!!!!! -> mod abuse 11!! -> mod abuse eleven!! -> mod abuse eleven
I see, that is very esoteric :P
Are you sure it isn't what happens when the mods turn the abuse knob up to 11?
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 A) it was a joke and B) carets are perfectly fine. Spamming carets is not.
861 views on your-mom repo
@HelkaHomba thanks! I was just gonna start dinner and was wondering what to see
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SuperJedi224Subdivide the array! code-golfarray-manipulation This challenge is based on the game Layerz. Given a 2D rectangular array of cells where each cell contains either a blank*, a 1, a 2, a 3, or a 4; find a way to divide it into valid regions (as defined below) such that each non-blank cell is con...

Hi guys
@SuperJedi224 What was the result of your SOETCA (Search of Extra-Terrestrial Cellular Automata)?
B45/S12, right?
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 LegionMammal has basically taken over the C1 search, so I've been doing searches with other symmetries for the rule instead, mainly D8_4
I managed to find this thing -> catagolue.appspot.com/object/…
@SuperJedi224 Ermahgerd, still life so large, the apgcode is so large...
We still need to prove or disprove that ships don't exist in b45s12.
7 hours ago, by LegionMammal978
@SuperJedi224 I was thinking: with the B45/S12 rule, nothing can live outside of the initial bounding box, as any external cells will have at most 3 live neighbors. This implies that there are also no spaceships.
@LegionMammal978 has disproved that ships don't exist in b45s12.
Let's try B2-a/S12.
I outgolfed one of his answers, so he decided to sit at his computer until he made a shorter one, apparently.
A simple 2 line is a still life in B2-a/S12, apparently.
x = 1, y = 2, rule = B2-a_S12
Apparently, an user with display name EricABQ already did the search. o_o
anyone a sql db guru
@El'endiaStarman It took me half a minute until I got it=)
@flawr Bahaha. Well, I suppose that isn't too bad for someone who isn't a native English speaker.
Just remembered I haven't read today's Darths and Droids yet.
@El'endiaStarman that took me way longer than I'd like to admit
@El'endiaStarman Thanks for making me feel good <3
>_> outplayed by flawr
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ What time interval is the limit that you usually still feel comfortable to admit? =P
@flawr a few seconds before it gets uncomfortable
I wonder whether deaf people get puns like these too
@Optimizer :) I always try to schedule my videos so they're released 6pm UTC (on weekdays at least)
Alright I have now read today's Darths and Droids, today's Irregular Webcomic!, and the bonus comic for Hero oh Hero (the author decided to do a bunch of bonus comics this week)
@flawr If they've never been hearing? Maybe. I don't know for sure.
Nothing new on my comicfury subscriptions since yesterday
Random totalistic rule for the day: B56/S26.
I mean even if they don't, there is nothing to feel bad about. Many hearing people don't get any puns.
@TùxCräftîñg Thats how my lawnmower sounds in idle.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 Averaging over 1000 soups/second ON THE PYTHON VERSION
Must mean very short stabilization time
And (checks the running census) apparently not much pattern variety
@HelkaHomba Initial patterns.
@HelkaHomba Bean soup, cabbage soup, caret soup, etc...
Randomized initial patterns
It's a term in Conway's Game of Life search of patterns.
My answer's more specific though
Welp, ninja invalid.
I've found six distinct still lifes and two oscillators so far
Just cleared 200 kilosoups
Running average just under 1300 soups/second
Poosting this now, any objections?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'BʀɪᴇɴLanguage succession answer-chaining string Given two words (two strings of lowercase-only letters separated by a space) as input to a program PX written in language X, output two programs in languages Y and Z such that program PY outputs the first word and program PZ outputs the second word. Yo...

@SuperJedi224 That's one fast kitchen
That's one fast computer.

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