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uh, I posted a picture in here once... let me find it...
Aug 24 '15 at 18:23, by Martin Büttner
user image
Oh, yea see that would be okay.
and yes, it's definitely a darker grey
oh, I have that
I think I now have three of those :D (one with the old logo and two with the new)
I have the straight black one with the name/logo.
@HelkaHomba whatever... although I'd love to have False, just so we can finally get over that bloody alex is wrong meme...
wait, mine has the old logo
@Geobits that, too. and the same in white.
@MartinEnder he is wrong though..
@MartinEnder Yeah, alright. Now Martin = False and alex = print
double wait, I forgot which one is the old logo and which one is new ^_<
@HelkaHomba perfect :)
@aditsu the old one had a gradient
the new one doesn't
@HelkaHomba way to allow yourself to get pushed around by mods
the main difference is the number of tiles
yes, I have the new logo :p
not the old
@PhiNotPi Mod. When Alex asked I didn't change it.
@PhiNotPi and you can be not, ok?
that's because Alex i.. nevermind
@HelkaHomba Alex wanted return at first though?
I wonder how long it will take until somebody makes a user script that turns PPCG usernames into their keywords.
> put on hold as off-topic by False finally ♦ 42 minutes ago
I'm not sure I'm understanding. Explain it to me as if I was five? — Braiam 10 mins ago
@himarmjr well, if he complains more maybe I'll change it again
Ok; you're five and I don't want you to spoil your supper, but there's cookies on the table for later. I point at them and tell you, "don't eat these cookies". So you go into the pantry and eat the rest of the package of cookies, because I didn't tell you not to eat those cookies. Here, we have a system that inadvertently said, "don't vote exactly like that" when it really meant, "don't vote for people, vote for posts". — Shog9 ♦ 5 mins ago
@HelkaHomba okay
@Dennis What does it take to get something on TIO?
(is Level River St an anagram?)
@HelkaHomba steve verrill
@MartinEnder ikr
@HelkaHomba how are you planning on implementing the keywords?
A parser to compile or modifying the python source
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ask him
@himarmjr I just did...
16 hours ago, by Helka Homba
@Upgoat not sure yet, I'll worry later
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I think putting oration and FOG on there would probably be the best.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ no, like tell him what you want and he'll do it.
oration allows arbitrary eval
No file i/o or command line.
@himarmjr I'm asking him how it works
That's it iirc.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Writing an interpreter that can be run (safely) from the command line and asking in chat.
@Dennis does it have to have a github repo?
@HelkaHomba 10/10
> marky markov
@HelkaHomba yield
It's really too bad unknown isn't a keyword. It would be perfect for marky.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Not necessarily GitHub, but hosting it on a similar platform would be beneficial for updates.
@Geobits NotImplemented?
@Optimizer k
@Dennis can you put FOG on TIO? It has no command line things.
@himarmjr Link?
@Dennis Okay, cool.
@Optimizer the giant explosion when it reaches the bottom
@himarmjr OK, I'll take a look later.
has that guy pressed an iphone?
or imac
I'd LOVE to see that :)
goodbye friends of hagrid
i'm going home now
@himarmjr awesome :) also, there are several of these channels?!
@Poke An obscure reference but I get it :p
bah, it's not the latest model, still good though
I was hoping for another kind of mac :p
@HelkaHomba Ooh, can I be zip?
Damn, that's a good question.
Gonna have to go with coffee.
that's so random
@flawr $5 coffee?!
@Fatalize I don't drink coffee, just an estimate, probably depends on where you are and where you buy.
@flawr Honestly, I'd just stick it in my wallet and leave it there.
I don't either but that seems expensive
but fountain ink is fun
@mbomb007 Not an option=)
$5 foot long at Subway?
@flawr @Fatalize @mbomb007 Requests? github.com/HelkaHomba/ThePeoplesPython
Too bad and is already taken, it would fit Fatalize's prolog obsession well
@mbomb007 didn't they raise the price?
I think to $5.95
@HelkaHomba PhiNotPi should get not
@flawr he did
I gtg, bye!
Hm, I really do not know which one to choose.
No kidding. Python needs a planecrash keyword. Maybe break?
Choose a builtin. We need to fill those out
Haha, let's go with break=)
@HelkaHomba I want abs, so that I can say that if you look up abs in the dictionary, it lists my name.
@mbomb007 as mbomb or mbomb007?
@mbomb007 lol :) 6 pack?
@HelkaHomba If you want to fill up the builtins, you can change mine from None to bytes :P
(That's NOT me)
> (That's phinotpi me)
thanks for clarifying :p
I kinda wanted input or exec, too, but w/e
since those are most-used
@Fatalize last chance or I'm making you filter
Are you replacing symbols?
mini challenge: try to tell something using only python keywords
@mbomb007 no
Aw, @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ got import. lucky.
and from
@flawr while False is True break global
haha, good one=)
is is a keyword??
@flawr True is as global as False
May 28 at 5:53, by Helka Homba
Mini-challenge: Make a coherent English sentence using nothing but Python Standard Module title names.
@Maltysen @Poke Anyone want to win a million dollars by doing Minesweeper math?
It can't be too hard to prove P=NP, can it? :P
@flawr if nonlocal import, return
@mbomb007 Well for the case N=1 or P=0 it is trivial
@flawr try is not pass
not while in class
@flawr Continue class break
global import is nonlocal
except if true is false or else none is true
I feel like there is a hydraulic-press inflation happening over at youtube.
someone needs to be input, hmm...
peter taylor?
he's for...in
That's no reason to judge
luis mendo?
@trichoplax took me a second to get xD
@mbomb007 Well, I originally had for ... in but was demoted :p
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ but now we can do Conor pickle O'Brien dumps
is that seriously a python module?
@HelkaHomba Wrote a quick little script that handles most of the things fine but I can't do operators like and
import re

if __name__ != "__main__":
  with open("assignments.txt") as f:
    people = re.sub("^\n|KEYWORDS.*?\n|BUILTINS.*?\n|\(.*?\n", "", f.read(), flags=re.M).rstrip()

    for assign in [re.split("=", s) for s in people.split("\n")]:
      exec(assign[1].lstrip() + " = " + assign[0].rstrip())
Adnan = and isn't valid though obviously :P
Oh shit, doesn't seem to work
Ah, they go out of scope. Oops
Hmm, I have a better idea...
why not just write a simple tokenizer?
@HelkaHomba del
just my first name
All of the good ones were taken: looking at you @El'endiaStarman
@quartata I'd like to make the old keywords/builtins no longer work as well
The builtins I think I can override and remove from scope but the keywords seem trickier
Would replacing all instances of keywords in the code not inside strings suffice?
yes, but then I could still pass regular python in
Oh, and my Minesweeper clone is to a playable state now. Chording works. Those mouse events were definitely the hardest part. I just need to do highscores, Custom mode, help menu, etc. And performance optimizations.
you'd need to have an inverse map removing all python keywords out/erroring on them
it shouldn't be that difficult. Just make a tokenized version of the input and perform some simple maps
@HelkaHomba Requesting id.
@HelkaHomba why marky but not chatgoat ;_;
Marky proved superiority by killing chatgoat, didn't he?
I thought they made love to each other
@Geobits brb finding conversation
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ O_O Oh god
it's time to learn React \o/
Uh, well yes last time Marky was on he was in a very strange mood >_>
I'm surprised no one (here) has built a natural language parser yet

Chatgoat & Chathuahua are smarter than Marky. He said it not me

Mar 10 at 1:04, 16 seconds total – 4 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Mar 10 at 1:05 by Upgoat

Marky says he's an idiot

Mar 7 at 3:20, 1 second total – 2 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Mar 7 at 3:20 by Upgoat

@Upgoat Only to lull them into a false sense of security. Chatgoat wasn't smart enough to avoid a gruesome death. Just sayin.

Marky, stop getting so intimate with my goat!

Mar 5 at 0:58, 1 second total – 2 messages, 2 users, 4 stars

Bookmarked Mar 5 at 1:04 by Upgoat

@Geobits that's what happens when your bot is a userscript
@Quill chat goat isn't userscript
@Upgoat That's not intimate. He was calling him a literal baby.
stop avoiding the turtle
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ why would I avoid @trichoplax :P

Marky says he's not the best chatbot

Feb 27 at 16:56, 2 seconds total – 2 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Feb 27 at 16:58 by Upgoat

He doesn't need to be the best to be better than Chatgoat though ;)
parental pride goes too far
user image
@Upgoat Thanks for bringing me here for that pun :P
@Geobits :|
I had a basic chatbot working the other day, but it got destroyed with my hard drive <_<
@Quill was it a goat?
@Quill Anything above a certain level of intelligence will lead to its own destruction
@Upgoat Marky just asked me the same question.
streamu.li/75567fbe Watch me jam on my keyboard liiive
no, it was just a shell, it didn't have a name
@Quill So now it's just a ghost in a shell?
I wrote some basic sentence resolution code that was supposed to tell how positive or negative a sentence was, who it was directed to and what the context was
@Lynn see nothing=(
@Geobits that was a good movie, the new one was pretty good too
@Lynn why would you put jam on your keyboard? it goes on toast
lol now I'm getting the ghost pings
me too!
oh, are these pings @lynn
Oh, we hear it when @Lynn gets pinged=)
Haha jeez
I’ll mute them!!
@Lynn Don't stop! I like what you're doing=)
@Lynn, you might wanna mute this tab ;)
@lynn aww no more pings
I seem to be pinged whenever lynn is pinged >_>
@Lynn Do you have some pipe organ sound?
@HelkaHomba ^
Also I'd like to request pow
@NinjaBearMonkey bears are cuter than monkeys.
@HelkaHomba minibits = issubclass ?
@HelkaHomba What do you assign to @ಠ_ಠ ?
@Lynn No more music?
I have loads of sounds! Also my internet is horrible. ;_;
well I'm trying to stick to ascii
@flawr if it bites you and you don't die, clap your hands
clap clap
@Lynn nice jazz chords
Wow these organs suck
@NinjaBearMonkey at least he thought of you
This subreddit is pure gold:
A: OK, we are all adults here, so what is a bidet for and how do I use it?

BerwynI have a bidet, and have had a bidet since before I got married and in 5 or 6 houses since. I'm married to an EU contintental and have been for about 20 years. First bidet was installed in the UK. After proving my credentials I hope I can provide guidance from 20 years of experience: I have no i...

Q: Shortest λ-term that nobody can prove if it terminates or not

DokkatPost a term on the λ-calculus that nobody can prove that this term terminates. If someone proves either that it terminates or that it doesn't, you lose the post. Term with shortest length on the binary lambda calculus wins.

@mbomb007 ...did you ping me??
@flawr ikr
there are ghost pings going around
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ still gtg, bye!
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I had to leave because it turns out chatting with quesadillas on the comal isn't a good idea. :/
I burned 2, but ate them anyway.
Now I smell like burnt tortilla. :/
@Geobits can I make a people's python request on behalf of marky?
(cc @HelkaHomba)
@HelkaHomba lol
@himarmjr Depends on the suggestion :P
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ So that we can import it as a module
... or NotImplemented
inb4 Geobits says or is taken.
@quartata you mean Conor it is a module :p
@himarmjr You can always try
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ avocad juic ^^
@Geobits is ... or NotImplemented okay?
Jeez, you people and this silly avocad meme. I can't eat an avocado in peace without hearing "juic avocad hahahahaha nice meme" in my head anymore
@HelkaHomba I note both of those aren't in the list.
@quartata ... why would you tell us what you eat?
I think we should fill up the current list first, really.
@quartata hey, it was mars who asked for it, I just made it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That sounds like you are asking for stalkers/memers.
@himarmjr Uhh?
Apr 3 at 23:12, by Easterly Irk
@Dennis I don't eat chicken.
@himarmjr Memers?
Mar 9 at 2:08, by Easterly Irk
@tac hahlp me eat tasty bird
My personal favorite
Jan 21 at 22:40, by RikerW
Also, poll: Should I eat brownies, lemon bars, or chocolate bar with frosting?
stalker much?
or just searching for "eat" nvm
A stalker would have his address on a post-it on the desk like I do.
huh, when did python 3 get docs ._.
when it got sick
so that's why I have death notes on my window filled with downvotes
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ you have a death note with Geobits?? D: D: D:
Just to calm everyone's mind, I don't stalk with the intent to creep you out or do anything weird. I'm just a cannibal and need meals.
Consider me creeped out :p
@Geobits it puts the lotion on its skin
If I were to learn a language for the purpose of making a clone of the windows shell (but better), which language should I learn?
@Quill Nah, that's just done to preserve the skin if you want to make some nice leather. I'm not into that kind of thing; too weird.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Just use Cygwin
@himarmjr Here's a yup
@quartata I have it. I just want to colorize the windows console
I already have cygwin

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