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This is Disk First Aid, the software to fix hard drives that works like the one we saw in the System 7.0 boot disk. >_>
This is Apple HD SC Setup, the software to set up SCSI drives that works like the one we saw in the System 7.0 boot disk. >_>
This is the Installer and Installer Script, the installer for System Six dot Zero Eight! ^_^
>_> This is the End of Tour for the System Startup drive's root folder. >_>
Who wishes to visit the System folder? >_>
@aditsu $_$
@zyabin101 💣_💣
@aditsu O_O
... cam-ops: hey, when do we show the next pic? ... me: alright, alright, give me a second! ...
Welcome to the System Folder folder, located on the System Startup disk in the first partition of the drive of the emulated computer that accepts floppies. Blah bwah boo. >_>
This folder has 21 items.
These 7 Mac icons, hand holding files, Apple briefcase, sun, Mac showing an accessibility icon, and keyboard aren't the only items. >_>
The full list is,
System, Finder, Multifinder, Clipboard File, Backgrounder, General, Scrapbook File, AppleShare, DA Handler, Brightness, Easy Access, Keyboard,
Key Layout, Map, Mouse, Sound, Startup Device, Color, Access Privileges, Monitors, and Portable.
@aditsu @_@
The list is so large that it would take me forever to describe each item.
Q: Judge Some Titrations

MaltysenIn chemistry class, we were learning about titrations, and attempting one as a lab. We were using phenolphthalein as the indicator for the titration, and so on top of grading the lab normally, my teacher held a little contest to see who had the lightest shade of pink, and thus the most accurate t...

@zyabin101 🔥_🔥
@aditsu O_O
To shut down the computer, we, as always, choose Special and Shut Down from the menu.
All done, almost. >_>
Next episode, I'll show you the Apple menu items.
... beep beep beep ... delay ... boop ...
Who liked the show?
@wizzwizz4 image not found
@ArtOfCode How about now?
still image not found
@ArtOfCode Try refreshing..
work code work!
@wizzwizz4 now it's just entirely blank
@wizzwizz4 it says "user image" for me
Maybe my server just isn't holding out...
Click on it though; it should take you to the proposal page.
I can't click on it. The element doesn't exist :P
@ArtOfCode Refresh again...
Wait, what browser are you using?
@wizzwizz4 nada
@ArtOfCode Huh. In theory it works in Chrome.
In practice, Chrome isn't so good with consistency sometimes...
Well it is the Canary channel...
@ArtOfCode Try Firefox. (The stable branch of Firefox)
I use QtWeb >_<
So a Question Mark in a Blue Box shows up for me.
@zyabin101 Why is it working on mine and nobody else's?
@wizzwizz4 hang on then
@wizzwizz4 You're the only one who has access to the Azure workspace.
@wizzwizz4 idk #_#
@VTCAKAVSMoACE That shouldn't make a difference.
Ack, it's gotta update. Give it a minute.
@wizzwizz4 You're sending it through a query on this page, which appears to be forwarding to a location we can't see.
Blank in FF too
@VTCAKAVSMoACE Wait. Are you saying that, because I'm signed into my Microsoft account, it's giving me access to my server, and nobody else can access it?
@wizzwizz4 probably
@wizzwizz4 That's correct.
@wizzwizz4 I can see it
and i'm (probably) not signed into your microsoft account >_>
Only probably
@VTCAKAVSMoACE It's not forwarding anywhere. If an image is requested, it will return the image as payload. If not, it will request the webpage.
@Maltysen Which browser?
It's not working in Safari 9.1 either, then.
@Maltysen Which ip range?
Nope, not working in updated FF either
@wizzwizz4 Now I just get linked to Area 51.
@VTCAKAVSMoACE That's meant to happen. :-)
@wizzwizz4 huhwhat?
@Maltysen I thought it might be ip discrimination... never mind.
@wizzwizz4 oh I'm in new york
@Maltysen But which ip range? The server's hosted near there...
And nobody else can access it...
starts ddos
@ArtOfCode Close. Everyone use a proxy. Give it your Stack Exchange login Bad idea...
@ArtOfCode ends ddos
@zyabin101 damnit
@wizzwizz4 I'm safe cuz I live in Russia :)
@zyabin101 Maybe it doesn't let you through because most attacks are routed through Russia?
I'm in the UK, so bang goes that one
Also, by far the majority of attacks route through China, not Russia.
Keep talking about this, we've almost got a whole page about it.
Azure Portal's completely crashed now...
What are you doing to my server?!? :-)
Actually, I stand corrected... most attacks are originating from the US today.
Followed by China.
Russia is 4th.
@ArtOfCode Are most of them targeted at my server, by any chance?
3rd is?
@wizzwizz4 New York? Nah
@ArtOfCode Most DDOS attacks?
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ everything attacks
@zyabin101 Germany
I'm not sure what you mean. Most digital attacks come from the US?
Azure Portal's almost loaded, and then I'll have access to the request stats...
Targets are in NY state, by the looks, but not the city itself
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ today, yeah
Ok, I've got live HTTP traffic. ONE person who it doesn't work for, please refresh chat.
still blank
@wizzwizz4 done
Apparently live HTTP traffic doesn't actually give me any info about the traffic.
By the way, 3 people?!?
Five people?
@Maltysen Would you golf my pyth solution here?
@wizzwizz4 course not, it'll give you headers at max
you want a server log
@KennyLau sure!, lemme see
@ArtOfCode ...
Leaderboard (evaluated):
Jelly:       !¡
Actually:    `!`n
CJam:        q~{m!}*
Pyth:        Mem=.!GH
Mathematica: #!&~Nest~##&
UGL:         iilRc%l$d:_l*%:%rd:_o
Julia:       x->y->eval(parse("$x"*repeat("|>factorial",y)))
Python:      f=lambda a,b,k=1:b and(a and f(a-1,b,k*a)or f(k,b-1))or a

Leaderboard (without evaluation):
Julia:       x->y->"$x"*repeat("|>factorial",y)
Chat mini-challenge: given positive integers x and y, output the result of the application of factorial to x for y times
For example, 3,2 -> (3!)!
@Maltysen I'm referring to here
Though I would also appreciate if you golf my Pyth solution on your question
@KennyLau Hey! We almost had an entire page solely about my little image linky thing. :'-(
@KennyLau .!F+E
I think
wait nvm
that doesn't work
@isaacg Feature request: see above
Ok, can anyone who it doesn't work for check which request your browser was sending?
@KennyLau .!F+UE
that should work
.!F never works
no nvm
I see
@wizzwizz4 gimme a moment to filter this network log
@Maltysen The doc says that F must be preceded by a function of arity at least 2
It is also the only function that has an unfixed arity
@KennyLau u.!GEQ
It takes 2 additional argument, if the preceding function has arity 2
reduce is better than your solution
but not implict
It takes 1, if the preceding function has arity more than 2
@wizzwizz4 what's the URL?
Leaderboard (evaluated):
Jelly:       !¡
Actually:    `!`n
CJam:        q~{m!}*
Pyth:        u.!GEQ
Pyth:        Mem=.!GH
Mathematica: #!&~Nest~##&
UGL:         iilRc%l$d:_l*%:%rd:_o
Julia:       x->y->eval(parse("$x"*repeat("|>factorial",y)))
Python:      f=lambda a,b,k=1:b and(a and f(a-1,b,k*a)or f(k,b-1))or a

Leaderboard (without evaluation):
Julia:       x->y->"$x"*repeat("|>factorial",y)
@ArtOfCode Oh, you need to do it when it's embedded in a page as an image...
@wizzwizz4 I just refreshed chat again to make it re-fetch
Aand the image has gone off the top of the screen :-(
29 mins ago, by wizzwizz4
user image
Ah, got it. Moment.
@wizzwizz4 :-(
Shows the Question Mark in a Blue Box again.
We're still debugging.
I've worked out one thing though:
Hah. Okay, net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT. AdBlock nuked it.
@ArtOfCode :-o
It's the client's fault.
It has "ads" in the url so that's probably why
@Maltysen Why did you delete this?
@KennyLau probably didn't work for some cases
I didn't read some of the more specific rules about duplicates and stuff, it doesn't work for them
@ArtOfCode Make an exception for this page: there aren't ever ads here. (Well, except Area51 ads...)
@wizzwizz4 already have, looking through yet another network log
@ArtOfCode Thanks for that. I just need that little tiny request header, then I can fix it.
Too bad it's such a little tiny request header! Hard to find in -
Needle in a haystack.
@Maltysen May I attempt the challenge?
Set the needle to the url, and the haystack to the network log.
Then automate it.
(In other words, use the Find tool!)
Request URL: wizzwizz4webtools.azurewebsites.net/imagepage.php?url=http://…
Request Method: GET
Status Code: 200 OK
Remote Address:

Response Headers
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Length: 14901
Content-Type: image/*
Date: Sat, 21 May 2016 16:52:51 GMT
Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.45
and yes, it works now
But that is the response of a working system.
@wizzwizz4 they're below the response headers :P
Adblock was blocking it the whole time!
@ArtOfCode Erm... I did not make a mistake. Definitely.
@wizzwizz4 of course not
Now to see how many more people have commited to AI...
Nobody. All that, and nobody committed to the proposal. :-(
I created an entire web application, highly extendible, reusable...
Two entire pages of people helped to debug...
@wizzwizz4 Why don't the ~80 people count?
@wizzwizz4 I would, if I wasn't already
@zyabin101 I meant nobody else.
@ArtOfCode You commited to AI?
@zyabin101 Oh yes. (Ninja'd)
@ArtOfCode aye
@zyabin101 sqrt(-1)
@wizzwizz4 i, the imaginary unit.
Definitely a human. :-[
> IterativeSolverDoubleNotConvergedException
This is probably the most verbose exception name I've ever seen
@quartata :O
Which class?
What should I draw for zyabinVI :/
That's a nice one
@wizzwizz4 That's evil.
@wizzwizz4 You do realise SE chat allows you to just link an image, instead of proxying it? :P
I knew what it was when I hovered over it but I clicked on it anyways in hopes that it might be an 8-bit rickroll or something cool
@ArtOfCode Click it
@quartata I don't need to... I know how to use URL preview :P
Click it anyways
@ArtOfCode Yes, I know. But the xkcd image doesn't go to -
@wizzwizz4 ssshhh :P
@quartata no ta
I'm not sure it's what you think it is, that's all.
@quartata let me guess: it's a creative rickroll, to the extent that a rickroll can be called creative :P
@ArtOfCode Yup.
You've all gone quiet.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Kenny LauSerialize and Deserialize a Binary Tree! code-golf A coding website, leetcode.com, has a method to serialize a binary tree. Serialize means making a binary tree linear. For example, we have: [1,[[2],[3,4,5]]] 1 / \ 2 3 / \ 4 5 First, we fill the missing places with 0...

should preset variables such as pi be final/const/immutable?
They should be final fields in a class
They should not be globals
:/ okay
PersonFactory.createPerson().eat(new Food(Food.PIE));
I don't know if I can implement that yet though. There scope class cannot call accessors for variables
Cheddar:T_REPL..expr.exec> pi == pi
━━ Implicit Output ━━
\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/
Is it actually pi though?
@quartata once I implement a rational class pi will actually be equal to pi
@wizzwizz4 that's a funny one
@quartata Click. Click. Click.
@Downgoat But pi is irrational?
@quartata oh yeah :|
And transcendental
@KennyLau the one i deleted? sure
idk what to call it, it'll be a class that only evaluates once told to, to a given prescision
@Maltysen Well I've abandoned it already, so...
o_O name change
its an ...interesting one
Why can't I see it?
what should happen if you compare a string and a number? Throw an error?
@KennyLau I cant see it in chat either. I saw it on your answer
why are you starring my stupidity ಠ_ಠ
@Downgoat That sounds like symbolic computation kinda?
Anyone want to make a compiler?
@Downgoat yes
@Maltysen How do I make it here lol
ok what about nil and a boolean?
@KennyLau ask a mod
null pointer exception
@Maltysen really? :o
yeah they have to refresh it for you
Would anybody like to make a C++11 compiler?
@quartata oh,yeah, right
Or a backend for LLVM?
@Maltysen Let me try something
@wizzwizz4 no thank you
yep, it works
@wizzwizz4 Are you asking us if we want to recreate gcc?
If so the answer is definitely no
@quartata Not... quite.
Q: Are there any modern compilers that can generate Amiga/m68k executables?

Peter CorlettI would quite like to resurrect my openkick project. As I note on that project's README.md, it is stalled because GNU GCC is not fit for purpose. Sadly, there do not seem to be any other modern compilers which still have (or ever had) m68k support. The LLVM backend appeared to be my best bet but...

@LeakyNun No actually I refreshed it just before you left... :)
Thanks @ChatProlix
@wizzwizz4 That's even worse
@quartata What if I asked you to do it in as few bytes as possible?
That's even worse
@quartata What if I set additional constraints designed to make it harder but appeal more to the stereotypical user of this site?
1 min ago, by quartata
That's even worse
As if writing a C compiler wasn't bad enough, Motorola 68K assembly is hell.
@quartata What about an LLVM backend?
@LeakyNun ಠ_ಠ
I thought the name changing season ended.
We still have to write the LLVM backend which would be even harder
And people still change their names.
@quartata What if there was already a little bit of code that you had to debug and fix. One-and-a-bit pages of chat say that someone here will do it.
Fixing other people's code usually tends to be harder than doing it yourself
@quartata Hmm... It's harder to convince people to spend days, possibly weeks, on a project that they will probably not benefit from themselves.
Sorry, I just think you're underestimating the difficulty of something like this. Especially a C++ compiler. A C compiler for this probably wouldn't be nearly as bad.
@zyabin101 How old are you?
(albeit still annoying af)
older than 7
@zyabin101 How old were you in the name-changing season?
@quartata I'm not underestimating the difficulty of anything. I'm just trying to convince random internet people to do things.
@ArtOfCode Wait, how do you know? :P
@ArtOfCode I'm older than 7 too. I'm older than 8! :-)
@quartata psychic
@wizzwizz4 omg snap
Ah, right
@quartata well you can use llc to convert llvm to c
and then use your c compiler
@Maltysen lel
I wonder what would be worse, a LLVM backend or a C compiler. I'm actually guessing C compiler
@quartata Hmm... Let's benchmark it. 20 people try to make a LLVM backend, and 20 try to make a C compiler.
(This isn't working, is it?)
@LeakyNun I better not answer neither.
I'm too shy to.
14 messages of pure noise.
@LeakyNun MATL, 4 bytes: :":p
@Art 10/10 most constructive way to deal with it :P
mod powers are pretty boss
Leaderboard (evaluated):
Jelly:       !¡
Actually:    `!`n
MATL:        :":p
CJam:        q~{m!}*
Pyth:        u.!GEQ
Pyth:        Mem=.!GH
Mathematica: #!&~Nest~##&
UGL:         iilRc%l$d:_l*%:%rd:_o
Julia:       x->y->eval(parse("$x"*repeat("|>factorial",y)))
Python:      f=lambda a,b,k=1:b and(a and f(a-1,b,k*a)or f(k,b-1))or a

Leaderboard (without evaluation):
Julia:       x->y->"$x"*repeat("|>factorial",y)
@ArtOfCode if i become a mod, will i be able to see Trashcan
brb running for mod
@Downgoat You're not a mod...?
I assumed...
> Downgoat is a moderator
blue name == mod
@Downgoat Why do you want to see the Trashcan anyways?
@quartata because it's supah sekrit
@ArtOfCode You're a mod!
@wizzwizz4 that I am
@quartata who wouldnt want free breakfast
@Downgoat These options are very ambiguous so I'll just pick ;_;
@Downgoat Let the election decide all!
Wait until 2017.
@quartata is that a no ;_;
To see the real decision.
@Downgoat everyone ;P

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