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Oh wow
I want to find teams that work well together
200 points for a blank answer :P
I can't say I'm proud
teams will initially be grouped randomly, but I'd like to slowly converge to teams that have synergy
@El'endiaStarman My terms go late August to mid-December; short semester for research from January to early March; then late March to mid-July
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Sherlock9Capsa, a card game KotH! king-of-the-hillcard-games Capsa, known by many times, including the name Big Two in English, is a popular card game in East Asia and South East Asia, especially throughout China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan. There are many variations and...

@Sherlock9 Ahh, okay. That's definitely a different term structure.
Holy crap, I posted this before Christmas @_@
@PhiNotPi does that make sense?
@NathanMerrill Are we trying to construct a single team with high synergy, or maximize the synergy of all teams?
teams aren't distinct
so a player can be on as many teams as possible
but that said, we are trying to increase the synergy of all teams
But, we want each player to be on (at least a) certain number of teams, right?
@zyabin101 Please excuse my weird-ass controller (github link to it is at the bottom of the post)
@PhiNotPi yeah, likely
actually, maybe some sort of evolution
Because, the "simple" way is just find the 5 highest-scoring bots and place them on a team, but that's a terrible solution for everyone else.
hmmm, its actually not that simple
because scores are given via teams
and because the top 5 scorers may not work well together
Okay.... so we need to figure out a way to give individual players "scores" based on team performance.
I actually think that evolution is the answer here.
> I'll trade you, we have an in house php framework with no documentation and a designer that hates object oriented programming.
create 1000 teams or so
then of the ones that win, randomly merge and mutate them
the problem is that teams are only 5 players large
Idea: we create a method to assign individual scores based on team scores (say, average team score), then, to maximize "synergy," we look for teams that score significantly better than predicted based on its members.
hmmm, that's not a bad idea
Are "team scores" simply win/lose or an actual number?
Is there a concept of offense/defense?
the problem is deciding how much of the improvement is due to synergy and how much is due to performance
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Nathan MerrillBattle of the Fellowships king-of-the-hill epic In this challenge, you are going to create a Fellowship with the goal of defeating all other fellowships in battle. Your group will consist of 4 characters. Character details: Attributes Available attributes are: Strength, Agility, and Intellig...

The best measure is win/lose
you could count the number of remaining players after the battle is over, but I don't know how accurate that is
I think win/lose is the best.
But, that also complicates the problem.
Because now we need to find a way to assign numerical individual scores and team scores based on just win/lose.
Is there a version of multiplayer elo?
the only stuff I found on multiplayer elo divides the scores
Like, players ABCDE each have elo scores, and FGHIJ also have elo scores, find a way to distribute them based on the result of the match.
that said, you could assign an ELO to each possible grouping
Is it something we can invent?
aka, AB, AC, AD, AE,.. ABC, ABD...ABCDE would each have their own elo scores
oooh, the problem
that's a lot of data
who is AB going against?
unless we pair them against every other possible combo
which is a lot of calculations each game
maybe we could limit it to pairs
that's 15 pairs a team, so 225 matchups a game
I'm surprised this isn't a problem that's been thoroughly solved already.
I'm still leaning towards genetic algorithms
I mean, isn't this what this is meant for?
I assume each "genome" would represent a possible grouping of all of the players. If a set of teams A beats the majority of a set of teams B, then A is the better grouping.
no, I was thinking that a genome is a team
randomly pair each team
But, then we would have gravitation towards the single best team, right, instead of using all the players?
if they win, they live on and breed
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TimmyDGenerate ASCII TetraVex TetraVex is a tile-based edge-matching game that was originally coded by Scott Ferguson for the Microsoft Entertainment Pack 3 back in 1990. The game consists of a grid upon which square tiles are placed. The tiles have numbers or letters on each edge, and the goal is to ...

mutation will ensure that a player never gets removed from the gene pool, but yes, good players will play more
hmmm, there is a problem with diversity though
@KennyLau I assume you solved your problem?
Not really
I mean, say that "top team A" beats everybody
but there's a theoretical team B that would beat it (but does worse in general against other players)
how would you find B?
Your submission gives me an error on tryj.tk
Perhaps you meant 2 3 4&([*>:@<.@%~)?
@NathanMerrill Once enough of the gene pool becomes similar to team A, then team B will start to win on average.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ perhaps you forgot the 123 at the end
 2 3 4(>.@%~>:) 123
@KennyLau Yeah, you need & in there in order for it to be a tacit phrase--without it, it's just a snippet
I just need to ensure that my mutation rate is high enough to make sure that B gets found
I.e., I should be able to assign it to a verb v and call it with 123.
Why would 2 3 4 ([*>:@<.@%~) 123 error?
the submission on its own should return a verb.
I believe tryj.tk is down now
it keeps showing redtext for me
[USER]: a296a8f7c5110b2ece73921ddc2abbaaa3c90d10.googledrive.com/host/…
3cbLoy-_9Dbb0NaSk9MRGE5UEU/index.html: process is not a function
refresh the page?
never mind
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I'll modify my submission later
Let's go back to my question
2 3 4(>.@%~>:) 123 works
Okay. which question?
2 3 4([*>.@%~>:) 123 doesn't
@KennyLau Works for me
@quartata It's ok now, I refreshed the page
   2 3 4([*>:@<.@%~)123
124 126 124
   2 3 4(*>:@<.@%~)123
4 6 8
It seems the one with [ works, and the one without doesn't.
you're still not dealing with my question :(
what's your question, then? I thought that was it
2 3 4([*>:@<.@%~)123 <--what you just typed
2 3 4([*>.@%~>:) 123 <--my question
Oh. You used the wrong codes in your earlier phrasing.
earlier phrasing?
@flawr :(
3 mins ago, by Kenny Lau
2 3 4([*>.@%~>:) 123 doesn't
that's the right code
3 mins ago, by Kenny Lau
2 3 4(>.@%~>:) 123 works
that's also the right code
1 min ago, by Kenny Lau
2 3 4([*>:@<.@%~)123 <--what you just typed
2 3 4([*>.@%~>:) 123 <--my question
never mind, let's get back to my question, lol
([*>:@<.@%~) is a fork of [ (id) * (times) and that black magic thing
([*>.@%~>:) is four-(train?) consisting of [, (*, >.@%~, and >:)
how would I link the last two together?
the second-to-last would be a dyad
the last would be a monad
that would be a hook
   (f g h k) y     means     y f ((g h k) y)
x(fghk)y means x f (ghk) y
I would like to have x f x (gh) y
Oh, look - I just wanted to return to J, too. Running jhs...
what is jhs?
@zyabin101 According to the report, the parachutist was not allowed to land there, and the pilot was 87 years old and didn't had the proper medical record.
@KennyLau The J HTTP server.
It is provided in my j804 package for Windows.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ if you remember your last question about x f x g y
I used x [ y f x g y
which would be x([fg)y
but this would not work here
It requires any HTML5 compilant browser with JavaScript.
It listens on port 65001 and has the following tools:
x f x (gh) y means (x [ y) f (x (gh) y)
jijx, the interactive REPL.
x (gh) y means x g h y
jfiles, a list of all J programs found in the workspace.
jijs, an IDE for J.
jfif, a search engine for J files.
jal, a J package manager.
jhelp, a help center for J.
x f x g h y
I think that was posted earlier here
not to say it isn't worth posting twice
@MartinBüttner Um we have seen that b4
lots of time
Haha, über-ninja
double ninja'd
I stopped reading the entire transcript a while ago, and I've given up all hope in the chat search so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i don't think that even if chat search was all fine, you would have found a video lin k
also @BaldBantha those are other rooms, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@BaldBantha dude, why are you posting links from other rooms?
ugh. ninja'd
I, for one, hadn't seen it and am glad martin reposted ;)
@Optimizer I just chat searched and posted all the things
@BaldBantha which u did not post
@Optimizer Got ninjad
I like the part where Alex has literally done the Beyoncé's Theorem joke in here 5 times and only now has it gotten any stars
@BaldBantha I don't think so you can call it ninja'd if u did not post at all :P
Aug 12 '15 at 20:09, by Alex A.
Beyoncé's Theorem for Singleton Sets: If you like it then you should have defined a ring on it.
he was not that famous back then. Also, these might very well be his last words.
Feb 11 at 22:37, by Alex A.
Beyoncé's Theorem for singleton sets: If you like it then you should have defined a ring on it.
@AlexA. What theh ell are you thinking you're doing?
Alex is a reposter, and he knows it.
^ because of that, it might be his last words
@Optimizer last words? alex is leaving? what? ^
did u see the link?
@BaldBantha Average lifespan of magpies: 25 years. Alex is 25 years old, and is a magpie. Therefore...
@El'endiaStarman ಠ_ಠ,
A single tear is shed as we learn of this after 25 years of waiting.
You've been waiting this whole time for... what... exactly?
@KennyLau sorry, back
25 years I've been waiting! Yes, even before I was born! Waiting for...Alex to die!
bah, I just realized my KoTH framework doesn't handle team based construction
@NathanMerrill \o/
This means you now have work to do!
The first result of that search is a question on Yahoo Answers.
> The answer is, "Approx 1000yrs"
Good! Unipants can go for a millenium :D
You probably shouldn't trust yahoo answers for medical advice. Just sayin.
Or, well, anything else.
@flawr Oh maybe that's @AlexA.'s girlfriend? :P
@flawr seems even crazier than horse girls
@El'endiaStarman Probably
I don't know about that magpie lifespan. My profile picture is a pun superimposed over ice cream. The lifespan of ice cream is pretty short. The lifespan of a pun?
Puns are immortal. In part because they keep getting repeated, reposted, reincarnated, reinvented, etc...
Isn't that great? That hour-long punversation we had a while ago based on birds might outlive us!
@El'endiaStarman I am sad that I missed this conversation. I love puns
I broke GitHub. I'm a member of an orga that doesn't exist and I can't leave or delete it.
@Sherlock9 Starts here:
Apr 18 at 1:20, by Helka Homba
@AlexA. You're just too fowl
Ah, it was a month ago
Someday, I shall join in a TNB punversation! I swear it!
That was a month ago?! Holy crap!
...I mean...holy carp!
Some people are tsundere, some are yandere. I am pundere :D
@mınxomaτ Illuminati!
@mınxomaτ I edited my brute-forcer so that, given a desired percentage X%, it finds sequences of gates that produce qubits that give that percentage while measured. For example, with input of 8/11, it gives [HtHTHTHtH], which measures as a 1 about 72.9% of the time.
@El'endiaStarman -1 not a bird :P
@Geobits I was thinking we could do, ahem, fishy puns this time.
@PhiNotPi Nice. Any plans to make it public (GH etc.)?
Meta-Quantum-Programming :)
@El'endiaStarman Oh. Well, feel free to make some crappie puns if you want >_>
I'll not be lured in this time though.
@Geobits Oh, catfish got your tongue?
@Geobits I feel like you're already hooked though.
Nah, I just reely need to do a few things.
Maybe later, if the bait is enticing enough.
Now you're just trolling for puns
@Geobits Let minnow when you're ready.
Sure, when I've got time to clown around.
I sea we have fish puns worth paying for, but I don't have anemone to buy some
I've got a couple sand dollars.
Punversations are a surefire way to get porpular
Ugh, I'm cringing at my own pun XD
Mora puns on the way?
I betta there are
Oh goodness, it just occurred to me that if Geobits is checking for repeats, at some point, we're going to have "mark punversation topic as duplicate" X(
TIL smartphone controlled laser:
But only if we make a halibut of it
I wonder if we can go for a larger scale than one hour
We'll have to tuna our puns and fish for salmon the best/worst puns we can think of
There are loach of different fish to make puns of
Eel be over here when guys think of some moray puns. Unless, of course, you're floundering to think of them
We'll have to pike our best ones carefully
I thought you were grc >_>
This whole task is over-whale-ming.
I'll have to remora some more fish to mako puns of
googles list of fish names to find a new angler to work from
Lets hope more have time to platy with us
Ah, still at it, if I'm herring you right
@Sherlock9 I was the one that pointed out repeats the last time. And yes, I'm watching carefully...
@El'endiaStarman But that hampers the fun, for cod's sake
Ah yes, my apologies @Geobits
Let's stop with the puns now (just squidding)
Interesting :D
what is the carp
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ That's a repeat! :P
what the crappie how long have you guys been at it?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Also a repeat! :P
This is getting quite guppy-lar (is it a repeat if I'm reefing on the same word with a different fish?)
@Sherlock9 I typically count it as a repeat if it's the same fish. Doesn't matter what the word being punned is.
Can-di-ru a worse pun than this?
Beautiful landing page framework: foundry.mediumra.re/chooser.html
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Yes. In fact, you repeated the first two fish puns in the order. :P
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

CrazyPythonKOTH Screeps Fighting AI king-of-the-hill Screeps is an MMO for programmers (not a regular MMO, this is not modding, but rather the only way to play) where you program creeps. I want to make sure one more time: this is not hacking or modding, this is the only way you play the game. It has a buil...

Oh well. I can see the sunfish behind the cloudfish. I found more puns.
Chat mini challenge: given a list of integers S, encode S as a number using powers of primes. E.g., S = [A,B,C], so the encoding would be [2^A,3^B,4^C]. Bonus points if you use ><> :p
Since when is 4 a prime? Or am I misunderstanding?
He meant "Fourtimus Prime"
@NewSandboxedPosts This KOTH is a shark contrast to Nathan's KOTH
@Emigna Depends on the ring.
Dangit, I'm forgetting everyone today :P
Soon we need psychotherapists for our AIs.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

PokeAppleSauce code-golf Back in the day, all the 1337 kids used text faders in chatrooms. I don't know about you guys, but I want to feel cool like they did. The only problem is that their old scripts and applications were heavily coupled to the software they were made for, so I can't just make ...

@flawr Did you watch the Black Mirror Christmas episode?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I don't think I'm understanding.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ you mean factor a number into powers of primes and return the list?
oh, the converse
Great. Github confirmed that I managed to break Github. Why do I always have to discover weird bugs in everything.
My Calculus teacher is the best.
Dang, I guess we troutted out our best puns already
Today was senior skip day, and there was only 3/17 people in class today, so, instead of calculus, we had a really long discussion about why society is bad and should feel bad.
It ended up talking about school social hierarchy, wherein my teacher said, and I quote:
> I don't give a fuck about what people think about me.
@TimmyD Let's say you wan to encode the list 5 3 4. This is equal to 2^5 * 3^3 * 5^4 = 540000.
@mınxomaτ Link?
@mınxomaτ did they pay you?
@Sherlock9 /slaps for doing that.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ will it always be 3 numbers?
variable amount of number >= 1
@VTCAKAVSMoACE Look at my profile (github.com/minxomat). Then try clicking on the "Git Rest" organisation.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ We're doing a fish punversation for goodness' sake. They're supposed to be bad :/
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Ah. Gödel numbering
Is that what it's called?
@Optimizer It's not security related.
@mınxomaτ Uhhh, wut
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ can we assume a list of primes long enough to encode the numbers is given?
I need to git some rest >_>
I don't want to have to calculate them
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ nope. generate the primes.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ It's one version of Gödel numbering, though it's usually for functions not just lists, IIRC
oh @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ did you pass the finals?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I think I did, 2 of them. I still have to take math
In mathematical logic, a Gödel numbering is a function that assigns to each symbol and well-formed formula of some formal language a unique natural number, called its Gödel number. The concept was used by Kurt Gödel for the proof of his incompleteness theorems. (Gödel 1931) A Gödel numbering can be interpreted as an encoding in which a number is assigned to each symbol of a mathematical notation, after which a sequence of natural numbers can then represent a sequence of symbols. These sequences of natural numbers can again be represented by single natural numbers, facilitating their manipulation...
@Sherlock9 any links? :3
@mınxomaτ Also interestingly, when I hit the "report organization" button, it tries to report the last repository I visited.
(I wasn't gonna follow it, don't worry. Was just testing. c:)
How do you even get to the orga page. It 404s for me.
yeah, it's a mapping between Z ^N to Z ^+
> He first assigned a unique natural number to each basic symbol in the formal language of arithmetic with which he was dealing.
Blah, calculating primes.
And thus, the basic principle of golfing languages was born :P
Well, there was a starred link a couple days ago that I clicked on that went to a site that required so much memory my computer crashed and I literally just got it working again.
Ooh found an interesting one in the Wikipedia page for list of common fish names.
Alex isn't always wrong, but he's morwong than right
@ANerd-I lol
what link?
@Sherlock9 >_>
@ANerd-I story of my life
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Pie + Snapple?
Pie + Pineapple :p
Mmm, pie
D: @VTCAKAVSMoACE >_> my computer borked my own keyboard layout.
The pineapple, or as literally every other language calls it (with their own transliteration) the ananas, is a very cool fruit
@Sherlock9 yes
ᴏʜ ɴᴏ ᴛʜᴀᴛ's ɴᴏᴛ ɢᴏᴏᴅ
(small caps faces are SO KYUT :ᴘ)
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ (I always read this as "an anus")

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