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Do I seem human to you? I just spent 5 minutes identifying endless rivers and street numbers and shop fronts before being allowed to post an SE answer.
Shit happens.
@trichoplax Daaaaarn, this is an advanced ICCS (Image CAPTCHA Challenge Syndrome).
Did you try a sane browser? If so, which?
I use Firefox, which has allowed me to submit questions and answers unhindered up until now. Maybe my history of questions and answers don't seem sufficiently human...
Chat mini-challenge: Returns if x is power of y
x>=1, y>=2
both integers
@zyabin101 Don't spoil please, others haven't seen it
Challenge idea: reduce an unary fraction in Retina.
@zyabin101 32 bytes
@zyabin101 How many bytes did you use?
@KennyLau I didn't do the challenge.
Another challenge: detect if a fraction cannot be reduced in Retina.
Even more \(o_O)/
Do you understand it?
@KennyLau shrug
try to
it's useful
Fractions are represented as <unary anything but ;> ; <unary anything but ;> in the input
@MarsUltor Thanks, I used x in the fractions
Capturing group 1 captures a number, 2 optionally repeats it, and 3 repeats it. If all are repeats, it passes and returns 0, otherwise it returns 1
@KennyLau Oh wait my bad
@KennyLau Maybe you should use 0 instead of x so it's more like unary?
Huh, TIL
Why though?
Well, so that the value is actually 1
the standard base conversion algorithm would work
for example, 1001_2 is really 1*2**3 + 1*2**0
@KennyLau Not this?
Well, the output should be in unary also
Wow, it's only 24 bytes to return GCD for integer numerator+denominator proper/improper fractions
is sure that's shorter than Java
Wait, is Retina optimized for arithmetic?
Apparently not
Any golfing suggestions are welcome: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/79916/47581
Maybe Retina should have arithmetic mode? i.e, long repeats are stored as repeats, not massive strogns
what does that mean? (sorry for bad English)
@Sherlock9 Would it be faster to use reverse and base conversion?
What is your native language?
(programming langauge)
My native programming language is Python, and it doesn't have anything for converting to another base, just from
@Sherlock9 I see
oops, that's 77 bytes
Is much shorter at 61 bytes
oops, very long
I just noticed what Google is using instead if the traditional Lorem Ipsum
> shank kevin
Good thing I don't know anyone named Kevin.
Kevin not Kenny Lau?
I requested the name change... he really followed xd
I was just telling El that he probably does know that Kevin
Also Kenny. would you mind I post that 61-byte version of your code?
what do you mean?
Since you came up with the idea, and I just golfed it, I figured you might want to post it
Try this
why ppcg isnt getting its design ?
@KennyLau sorry
i unstarred it now
@Agawa001 Because it is in the depths of the Stack Exchange Design Department's TODO list. :P
who will guarantee it lasts on the top
@Sherlock9 I don't know why it doesn't work in the online compiler
@zyabin101 ofcourse, this site deserves too much time to ameliorate
You used {:+} in the reduce when it should be (:+)
oh ok
For 52 bytes
> 1234.to_s(­5).spli­t(­"")
=> #<NoMethodError: undefined method `t' for main:Object>
I want someone to post all three of these answers somewhere because they're great algorithms
What happened?
That is really weird
Try retyping it
This answer is invalid, right?
@Sherlock9 That is black magic. It worked.
@ANerd-I It's abusing a standard loophole
@ANerd-I yes it is
@KennyLau Sometimes, copy-pasting throws is random characters for no good reason as I found out today
@Adnan Oh wow you ninja'd me even there.
Alrighty then
@Sherlock9 It's true. It inserted U+00AD between spli and t
@ANerd-I languages not fitting the contest-conditions are alll loopholes
for some reason, chars also doesn't work online
oups, ninja'd
@KennyLau Retyping didn't work this time?
@Sherlock9 Nope. Different version, I guess.
Also, more Google shenanigans: They named their natural language parser "Parsey McParseface" (source):
@KennyLau I don't quite understand why this works
Black magic.
@Fatalize the middler one .
Challenge: Retina this
lambda n:reduce(lambda a,b:a+b, [d*(5**i-1)/4 for i,d in enumerate(str(n,5)[::-1])])
(5**n-1)/4 == reduce(lambda a,b:a+b, 5**i for i in range(n))
that's basically how it works
but why n - sum of digits of n in base 5 and then divide by 4?
That's the part I don't get
well, it's basically the same
I do remember that 1+5+25+...+5**n=5**(n+1)/4
consider 2413-2-4-1-3 as (2000-2) + (400-4) + (10-1) + (3-3)
all in base5, of course
then consider it as 2*(5**0+5**1+5**2) + 4*(5**0+5**1) + 1*(5**0) + 3*()
then convert it back to the famous repeated floor-division algorithm
Now how do I explain all that in the post?
f=lambda n:n and n/5+f(n/5)
link them to oeis xd
oh, that's already posted xd
I managed to discover a several versions-old bug in FF and now we can't even work on it, since Bugzilla is down >.>
user image
@AlexA. Still better than I.
@Sherlock9 You know, f=lambda{|­n|n<1?n/5+f­(n/5):n}
@KennyLau Yeah, i saw that too :D
So have you updated your solution?
(For some reason recursion doesn't work online)
@flawr @AlexA. Cute billiard dog alert! >.<
@Sherlock9 Wait... there is a ruby answer using this
A: Zeroes at the end of a factorial

Kevin Lau - not KennyRuby, 22 bytes One of the few times where the Ruby 0 being truthy is a problem for byte count. f=->n{n>0?f[n/=5]+n:0}

@KennyLau Not yet. Still working on the explanation
Did update with the second algorithm though
Question for you guys. When a challenge says input can be in any format, does that mean that anything is fair game?
@Suever Link?
Specifically this challenge
Q: Do these squares overlap?

El'endia StarmanGiven the coordinates of the upper left corners of two squares and their side lengths, determine whether the squares overlap. A square includes the top and left lines, but not the bottom and right lines. That is, a point (a,b) is inside a square with side length k that starts at (x,y) if and only...

Could I have two inputs 1) [k1, k2] 2) [x1, y1; x2, y2]
I would say yes.
@mınxomaτ what's the bug?
@Sherlock9 You just achieved "longer-than-java":
A: Zeroes at the end of a factorial

Kenny Lau Java, 38 bytes int z(int n){return n>0?n/5+z(n/5):0;} Full program, with ungolfed method: import java.util.Scanner; public class Q79762{ int zero_ungolfed(int number){ if(number == 0){ return 0; } return number/5 + zero_ungolfed(number/5); } ...

What the heck XD
@Downgoat The encoding routine FF uses for all it's hash digests is essentially broken for anything but pure ASCII.
@mınxomaτ oh... That seems bad (and possibly quite problematic)
@Sherlock9 Have you seen my challenge?
@Downgoat That's not a problem per se. It just rejects valid hashes for no reason, marking valid websites as untrusted.
2 hours ago, by Kenny Lau
Chat mini-challenge: Returns if x is power of y
2 hours ago, by Kenny Lau
x>=1, y>=2
2 hours ago, by Kenny Lau
both integers
@mınxomaτ Oh. I thought you meant its ssl would break on non-ASCII
Hm, I did but I haven't considered it yet
I just finished editing the post, I was going to try to make a regex that did the challenge since I don't know Retina
@Downgoat No. That would be an OpenSSL problem. The bug is in the encoder that transfers files from memory to OpenSSL. They get mangled somehow in the process.
@Sherlock9 Who and what are you replying to?
@Quill how did you get coveralls working ._.
@Downgoat Coverage tool, Coveralls plugin for Node.js and Travis. :P
@Fatalize Never had wine.
Plugin? Oh.......
Cheese, yes.
@Agawa001 ?
>_> how did i not know about this
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ good
@KennyLau Did I see your challenge? Yes. But I will work on the following challenge first
33 mins ago, by Kenny Lau
Challenge: Retina this
But with regex since I am unfamiliar with Retina
well okay.
@Sherlock9 Retina is basically regex.
Er, hang on. How do you convert from decimal to base 5 in regex?
With a special notation.
@zyabin101 Sure, basically, but every regex system has its own quirks
See ^^
@Sherlock9 By black magic.
@Sherlock9 Yeah, but everything should just be using PCRE.
@Sherlock9 Regex isn't turing-complete without repeat.
@KennyLau Check with 35 xs. I think you're missing a zero, there.
@Sherlock9 Oops.
Alright, so the next steps are to sum the digits, subtract from the original and divide it by 4
Where was that page on unary arithmetic?
Actually, it would be simpler just to repeatedly divide by 5 and sum. If I knew how to sum in the first place
sum is a no-op
or just remove the delimiter
I will leave this part to you
Repeatedly is + in Retina
After fiddling with Retina for a bit, I should really be studying for my exams
As it might be more productive than trying to relearn regex one token at a time
Chat mini-challenge: Write a program which outputs a version of this file, but fixed (supports empty arrays), in as few bytes as possible
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ ??
@KennyLau This was much faster
@Downgoat Cheddar, 22 bytes: getSource()
@Agawa001 ??
@Sherlock9 How does that work?
27 mins ago, by Eᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏ Iʀᴋ
@Agawa001 ?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ :2965374 doesn,t woek
@KennyLau If x in base y is "1" plus (len(a)-1) "0"s then x is a power of y
@Downgoat does on y machine
try updating to the latest release
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ ...
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ i am
@Sherlock9 There is a much shorter solution
Sorry for the multiple pings
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Can you share screetshot of your output?
@Sherlock9 chat-minichallenge output
@Downgoat no, has PII
i was annoyed by the decimal remainder 1 of my previous rep so i downvoted, it is divisible by 10 now
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I was replying to Kenny saying there is a much shorter solution
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ then redact it
@Sherlock9 25 bytes
excluding ->x,y{}
the sequence of [redacted]s are PII
How can i know your solution actually works then?
... u no trust innocent cat?
@KennyLau I found this ->x,y{a=x.to_s(y);a==?1+?0*~-a.size}
@Sherlock9 29 bytes
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ i trust you but i want to know the output
>_> it wiped cheddar completely
i need to reinstall cheddar for that
sorry, not today
Sure, but brainbool's native integer size is 1 bit. The fact that it is turing complete is not related to the concept of native sizes. The fact that the language is turing complete means we can compute arbitrary precision numbers with it, however. But then, we can say the same about every language. Would you complain about a C solution limited to 64 bits numbers? This is not a serious answer, however, maybe you should state a minimal integer size, like 8 or 16 (or even 32) bits, to avoid these kinds of problems ;) — Nax 37 mins ago
I don't even...
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ :(
@KennyLau I found this for 31 bytes ->x,y{/^10*$/.match(x.to_s(y))}
@Sherlock9 In fact I found a 24-byte
@Adnan To be fair, the answer hits a loophole.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Yes, but it seems that he ignores that fact
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Yeah, one that's a standard loophole that was never funny
@Adnan yeah... idk what he means?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ curl http://install.cheddar.vihan.org/ | bash? >_>
@Downgoat @zyabin101 has a good idea. install.cheddar.vihan.org should show the most recent cheddar downloads.
@BassdropCumberwubwubwub I love how your name spreads across the whole list of users when you come in... :P
@KennyLau Welp, I don't know. What do you have?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ It should but im too lazy to make a website...
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Did you just call me fat?
@Sherlock9 x.to_s(y).­reverse.to­_i<2
@Downgoat I'll make it?
@BassdropCumberwubwubwub no.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ @Downgoat install.cheddar.vihan.org should be the install script for Cheddar and CPM.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ :P kidding mate
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ you'd want to? :D
I called your name a type of spread, like onion dip.
@Downgoat Yes. I need more stuff that other people think is cool so I can skip learning java next year...
@zyabin101 yeah
or at least a link with a download?
@KennyLau O_O Damn, that's brilliant and I am pissed that I didn't think of it XD
->x,y{x.to_s(y).­reverse.to_i<2} is 32 bytes though?
And my regex is 31 bytes
well, I said excluding ->x,y{}
@Downgoat i gtg, talk about wubsite later.
Well, then this is also 24 bytes /^10*$/.match(x.to_s(y))
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ BAI
@Sherlock9 oh, alright
that's brilliant
It's not much of a spoiler if I barely understand what's going on XD
Ah, wait. I think I get the first stage
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ bai
@zyabin101 BAI
@Downgoat bai
@Sherlock9 Retina, the new malbolge
Until \b. Hang on, looking at docs
@Sherlock9 \b is regex meaning word-boundary
if you look closely enough in her eyes you can see photoshop staring back at you
So, we post cats again?
@KennyLau I see. Is this because $ was not available for end of string?

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