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@quartata the z is bugged
What's going wrong?
@quartata making C calls doesn't make a language practical for real use
@quartata I suspect it returned a generator (in python jargon)
@KennyLau Ah, gotcha.
@Downgoat (joke)
@Quill the chat viewer for the terminal
But J can be used for practical programming if you're really really good
@quartata Oh :|
@quartata here
def zip_ragged(array):
	return listify(map(lambda t: filter(None.__ne__, t), itertools.zip_longest(*map(iterable, array))))
How to make a tacit verb in J?
@KennyLau =:
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Oh, uh, I've made improvements on the chat engine, but I haven't fixed the Input yet, I gotta change prompt to readline
@quartata I remember something like 13:0
=: is assign
verb =: ( ... )
You don't need the parens.
I didn't know he was golfing
I find it easier to read with the parens
I meant convert non-tacit to tacit
I remember something like 13:0
@quartata is executed with argument 72, because z forks.
@Dennis Why does ({./:~#~@]~) x work but not ({./:~#~]~) x? (The difference is @)
@Dennis oh right oops
@Dennis They're all monads, right?
@Quill okay.
And multiple commands...
@orlp Awesome. :D
@KennyLau J's verbs don't have fixed arities. They're used as monads or dyads depending on where they occur in the train.
How would those be interpreted?
I need to use $ then right
@Dennis Also, please see this.
@KennyLau As a fork followed by a hook.
I see
@El'endiaStarman you know what's awesomer?
@KennyLau I can't see those characters on my phone.
@El'endiaStarman that graph is 1/H(p) where H(p) is the binary entropy function
Huh, cool.
@Dennis Then just see the chat history without clicking any links
@El'endiaStarman it makes a lot of sense when you think about it
the binary entropy function tells you basically how much information you'll get out of a comparison on average
so if the pivot (the thing you're constantly comparing with) lies at 30% percentile...
@KennyLau I can't see them on TIO, but I copied them here. That works exactly as expected. What do you think z does?
Well, transpose?
Yes, but it's dyadic transpose, and the right arg is a filler for non-rectangular arrays.
dyadic transpose?!
Wait, I thought it was monadic
oh... sorry
The monadic transpose is Z (capital Z)
@quartata Uppercase letters are monadic, lowercase letters dyadic.
mfw people are discussing APL- like languages (J, Jelly, APL, K, etc)
@Dennis Oh I never noticed that pattern. Dur.
OK I think I know how to do this right
@quartata Is your name pronounced "kwor-TEI-tuh"?
the stress?
stress is on the first tah I think
I see
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ yeah, when I fix the input it'll fix that. I'll fix it in a few hours and ping you when I do
@Dennis Does / make the link vectorize? Like does +/ on [[2,3],4] add 2 3 and 4 or [2,3] and 4
It doesn't vectorize.
it returns [2,3] + 4
which is [6,7] (auto-mapping)
Gotcha. So I need to flatten first
Makes sense
@Quill :D
warning: I won't be on then probably.
But I'll get the message.
@KennyLau kwor-TAH-to-es
It barely looks like APL anymore
Any chat-mini challenge?
Or @quartata are you still working on the previous one?
Chat mini-challenge: output "Chat mini-challenge: " followed by 6 space-delimited randomly selected words from /usr/share/dict/words or similar equivalent
I don't even know how to access dictionary.py
present in Jelly
Could make a random base 256 number between 0 and the length of the dictionary - 1 and eval it with the compressed string delimiters around it
Oh wait there's the capitalization stuff
where's the dictionary even
I think you are using the wrong tool for the job to say the least
I'm using Pyth
Just do '"/usr/share/dict/words
I didn't download Pyth
Oh well you can't use ' online
pyth doesn't have a dictionary
oh I know how to do it in jelly
@quartata +Njd>6.S'"/usr/share/dict/words
@Dennis I have much to learn about chains. Everything after $ was confusing :$
@Sherlock9 How may I help you clear your mind?
Nice. Could you pack the file path maybe?
@quartata probably
Nah, I just don't yet understand Jelly and J and such
@Maltysen Why don't you make a chat mini-challenge?
I imagine if I took time to read the docs, I'd understand it better
@Sherlock9 How could I help you? Maybe you could give an example task and I could tell you how to do it in Jelly
Actually, let me read through the Jelly docs
too complicated
I'll ask if I get stuck
@quartata ." seems to be borked with slashes
oops, too many unprintables
@KennyLau try running that
it gives something weird
because they're unprintables?
@KennyLau no, I mean copy paste the stuff from the interpreter into the code box and run it
Post a hexdump of the utf 8 version
it preserves the unprintables, but it doesn't work
ohhh newlines, it should be code point 13, buts its turning into 10
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Reecer6Shortest Pangrammatic Window A pangram is a sentence or excerpt which contains all twenty-six letters of the alphabet, as is demonstrated in this code golf challenge. However, a pangrammatic window is a pangram in the form of some segment of text, which may end or begin halfway through a word, f...

[46, 34, 47, 119, 13, 128, 238, 237, 89, 52, 221, 132, 39, 64, 17, 240, 25, 192, 64, 233, 34]
How did you access the dictionary?
Can somebody tell me what a spherical is in python?
I keep seeing them....
Global. You have xkcd substitutions on
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ a what? link plz
@Maltysen no links
wait brb finding CR link
xkcd substitution on global?
How do you turn on/off xkcd substitutions?
@Sherlock9 thank you.
Thank quartata. They pointed it out first
I was just asking a follow-up question haha
chat mini-challenge: all substrings without built-in
4 bytes in Pyth
That'd depend a lot as to what counts as a builtin
@KennyLau s{./
^ uses partition built in
Yeesh. 53 bytes in Ruby ->s{(1..s.size).map{|a|(0..s.size-a).map{|i|s[i,a]}}}
> ./ <seq> Partition. Return all divisions of A into disjoint substrings.
> That'd depend a lot as to what counts as a builtin
well, alright
my solution was }#Qy
@Sherlock9 Does Ruby really need that much?
There's probably a golfier way and I just don't know it
is there any way to recursively do this?
Yes, but it just might not be golfier
I'm still interested
Working on it
Recursively doing what usually requires a nested loop is a pain
this may help:
nCr = (n-1)C(r-1) + (n-1)Cr
You want all substrings? Not just every consecutive substring? "qwerty" -> [["q", "w", "e", "r", "t", "y"], ["qw", "we", "er", "rt", "ty"], ["qwe", "wer", "ert", "rty"], ["qwer", "wert", "erty"], ["qwert", "werty"], ["qwerty"]]
what is the difference?
"qwerty" -> [["q", "w", "e", "r", "t", "y"], ["qw", "we", "er", "rt", "ty", "qe", "qr", "qt", "qy", "wr", "wt", "wy", "et, "ey"], etc.]
oh, all consecutive substring
those are subsequences
Ah, thanks
>>> f=lambda s,a=1:s and a<=len(s)and f(s[1:],a)|{s[:a]}|f(s,a+1)or set()
>>> f("qwerty")
{'er', 'w', 'qwe', 'e', 'qwerty', 'qwert', 't', 'rt', 'qw', 'ty', 'wert', 'q', 'werty', 'erty', 'we', 'y', 'ert', 'wer', 'rty', 'r', 'qwer'}
67 bytes starting at lambda :/
@Sherlock9 replace ` set()` with {""}
@Maltysen 65 bytes, thanks: lambda s,a=1:s and a<=len(s)and f(s[1:],a)|{s[:a]}|f(s,a+1)or{""}
all_substrings(a) = map(lambda b:a[0]+b,all_substrings(a[1:]))+all_prefix(a[1:])
would this work?
f=lambda s:s and f(s[:-1])+[s] or[]
g=lambda s:s and map(lambda b:s[0]+b,f(s[1:]))+g(s[1:])or[]
Oops, for recursive that should be f=lambda s,a=1:s and a<=len(s)and f(s[1:],a)|{s[:a]}|f(s,a+1)or{""} for 67 bytes
And for Ruby at 89 bytes g=->s,a=1{s=s.chars;s[0]&&s[a-1]?((g[s[1,s.size]*'',a]+[s[0,a]*'']+g[s*'',a+1])‌​.uniq):[]}
challenge: multiplication in Retina
Q: Needs more jQuery!

Sam WeaverInspired by this site, this question could potentially be a doozie. People on StackOverflow often overuse jQuery as an answer. Therefore, we need a way to recognize programmatically if a code snippet uses jQuery. Given a string (which may or may not contain new lines,) of valid Javascript, dete...

... hmm
... hmm
... hmm
Wow, I'm such a trend-setter. First people start face chains, now this.
@AlexA. There's probably something I wouldn't mind eating, yes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Fatalize ಠ_ಠ
What is a honhon?
(no one laughs like that)
They don't? :(
There goes everything I thought I knew about the French
we don't even know that they think we laugh like that
Wait, what
The French don't know that people think the French laugh like that?
o_O How?
Outside of people like me that know this dank meme
because we don't know it
no one laughs like that
it's just not a thing here
How disappointing
Next you're going to tell us that kids don't start smoking at age three :/
huh no not three
it's bad but not that bad
13/14 some kids do though
How old do kids start drinking wine and eating stinky cheese?
looks at @EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ
cheese, I guess 5/6
wine it depends on the family, some give you a taste before 10
but really getting served, probably more around 16
People here drink at 16, it's just not strictly legal :P
@Sp3000 Thanks.
it's not illegal here
selling alcohol to minors is
What's a minor there?
Oh, okay
So you can drink wine and stuff but you can't pay for it?
under 18
Man, I wish I could drink without paying for it :/
What a magical place
it's probably not 100% legal but no one cares that you give alcohol to your son at a christmas party
cops would laugh
@Geobits we told you to stop drinking ಠ_ಠ
There was no "we", it was just you. If you recall, I responded with a "no".
No, we told him to stop smoking
Drinking is fun
Alcohol is bad ಠ_ಠ
You don't drink?
In excess, yes it is.
never have
not a single drop
My gf and I have started a weekly ritual: we watch bad horror/sci-fi movies on Friday night and drink to get through them
I made myself a very potent Long Island... The movie got really enjoyable about halfway through (the cup, not the movie).
I had a couple drinks earlier, but nothing serious :)
I drink often but never enough to get drunk
I dislike being drunk
maybe you would be right more often if you were
I've never gotten fully drunk. I always stop before I get that far, because it's much more fun to just be mentally lubricated while still coherent and aware of my surroundings.
Also I'm a heavyweight when it comes to alcohol, so getting drunk is expensive
"mentally lubricated" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I stay right at the top of the Ballmer peak :P
@Fatalize If you don't mind me asking, do you abstain from alcohol, tobacco, etc. for religious reasons?
I weigh 55kg and have never drank alcohol, one glass would probably destroy me
Climbing the Ballmer peak is the closest I'll ever get to mountain climbing
@AlexA. Certainly not, I despise religion
I abstain from it for personal reasons
I have gotten very drunk. Trust me when I say you're not missing much.
Dang, which message do I star, the original "mentally lubricated" or the lenny face? I want to star responsibly
I weigh about double. It takes 2-3 drinks for me to start feeling it.
@Fatalize Oh right, I forgot who I was talking to. We were talking about Necrophagist et al. the other day. ;P
I'm the one that caused the shitstorm the other day
I should stop speaking about religion
@AlexA. Why do we need religion to realize that alcohol and tobacco are bad for our health?
How did I miss a religion shitstorm? Dammit...
Alcohol and tobacco, along with many other things, are bad for your health in excess
I'm quite glad to miss a religion shitstorm. I have contradictory views in my head and I'd got too much other stuff to do to bother sorting out the cognitive dissonance
They're just special because the excess level is very low for them
@Fatalize S**tstorm?
@AlexA. I have this poster over my bed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (jk I certainly don't)
There's code to golf, dammit!
@KennyLau What Mego said. The people I know that are vehemently opposed to both are very religious people so I wondered if there was a correlation.
@Fatalize Oh god is that Varg Vikernes??
It is
Dude's insane!!
He lives in France now, for some reason
Is he not still wanted for murder?
A very aryan country... oh wait it never has been
@Sherlock9 Then golf this code, dammit!
No he served his 20 some years
I don't smoke. I am of the opinion that smoking is a very bad thing to do to one's body. My friends know that I hold this opinion, and that I would support anyone who was trying to quit smoking, but I don't chastise people who smoke.
Only 20 years for multiple homocides? o_O
@AlexA. same ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
He only killed one guy
(and burnt some churches but I think he wasn't convicted for that)
that was an interesting conversation to catch up on
@Mego Stop being so sensible.
@Quill reported for underage drinking
I could have sworn he killed more than one person
I drink, but not very much. I only have a significant amount of alcohol about once per week, if that. Like smoking, I believe excessive drinking is a bad thing to do to yourself, and I support people who want to kick the habit, but I'm also not going to try to make people stop drinking.
If you report someone for underage drinking do the cops come and detain them?
@Mego I used to chastise, realized first that it wasn't doing anything useful, then later that I was being an asshole
@Fatalize @Quill is underage?
@Fatalize Only if you have evidence
in Three Word Chat, May 10 at 0:52, by A Nerd - I
Hello there @NewMainPosts
Occasionally having breathing trouble puts you off smoking fast
@Fatalize no
@Maltysen don't know but his message makes it seem like he did drink alcohol underaged ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Partly because I am very against trying to force my views upon others, and partly because I know that the only way someone will quit any vice/habit is if they make the decision themselves, rather than the decision being forced upon them by those around them.
It's not underage to drink alcohol as long as a parent buys it for you or something
Hello @NewSandboxedPosts :P
Something about not being a public place and the property owner being okay with it
Or at least that's for Australia
@Mego That's really really true, too. I've had several people try to get me to quit in the past, and it always leads to bad feelings, whether that's right or wrong.
wait you're australian that doesn't count then
@Fatalize ;-;
TIL Fatalize hates everyone
not everyone, remember ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Everyone but a particular vegan... and not me ;-;
Most of my friends are of age but I'm not.... ;-; so I just don't buy it
It's the same way in some states here. Parents can buy alcohol for their kids in quite a few. They just can't be drunk in public or anything.
No one likes you @AlexA.
hides from the banhammer
Underage drinking laws/regulations/enforcement vary by locale. In Texas (where I live), it's acceptable for minors to drink so long as 1) it's not in public, 2) they don't go in public while inebriated, and 3) they don't purchase it. It's technically illegal even with those provisions, but it's not enforced.
That's not true. Everyone likes Alexa.
We can be drunk in public as long as we don't have the alcohol on us. The same as being high, IIRC
I like Alex. He's a swell bird.
@Fatalize struck by banhammer
@Mego "In Texas (where I live)" insert joke on Texas here
ohai @RenderSettings
@Fatalize Alex and I will always have a special bond because he is a bird (with feathers) and I am a Quill (made of a feather)
Not every law on the books is enforced. There's whole websites dedicated to silly, antiquated laws that are technically still on the books, but aren't enforced because they're unenforceable/unconstitutional.
It's exactly what it says on the tin
New Jersey:
> It is illegal to wear a bullet-proof vest while committing a murder.
What the hell am I watching??
@Fatalize That one is a holdover from when Texas was a sovereign nation, iirc. It's obviously unenforceable due to unconstitutionality.
> It is illegal to milk another person’s cow.
Well damn ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
> Taxi cabs are required to carry a bale of hay in the trunk.
> The harassing of Bigfoot, Sasquatch or other undiscovered subspecies is a felony punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment.
> Under Australian Communications Authority (ACA) regulations, a modem can’t pick up on the first ring.
All these years I thought people just didn't want to talk to me.... oh wait it doesn't say 14th ring
lmao the first one for France
> In ads for products that contain salt or sugar, it’s mandatory to include that you should exercise and eat at least 5 fruits and vegetables a day
do people really think it's weird???
It is weird, so yes.
> Since 1313, MPs are not allowed to don armor in Parliament.
It worked though, everyone knows that motto of eating 5 fruits and vegetables per day
Having to include obvious warnings or advice on labels for what should be common sense is weird, no matter how noble.
> Excluding Sundays, it is perfectly legal to shoot a Scotsman with a bow and arrow.
And now the inebriation has faded to a headache. Urge to make a gin and tonic rising...
uh wat
@Quill Ireland?
@Mego Ugh. All I have in the house is clear bacardi and no mixer. You have at it.
@Geobits Today was payday for both me and my gf. We celebrated by going out to eat for the first time this month and restocking our liquor cabinet.
@Quill Well that just seems sensible.
@Mego Oooh, what'd you have for dinner
@Quill Italian s
@Mego Nice. What on earth are you doing in here? Enjoy the evening :)
@Mego "eat for the first time this month"
@Geobits It's 1 AM. She's already unconscious. I'm still awake because I'm a night owl.
you're resilient
@Mego Ha, fair enough.
@Fatalize "going out to eat for the first time this month"
Quoting works better with context
@QPaysTaxes quarter
@QPaysTaxes IndecisiveError
@QPaysTaxes Warning
Now I'm just reading SE and Reddit while petting my cat
@QPaysTaxes I think I've seen such a thing before... it's on the tip of my tongue.
In between warning and fatal
non-lethal error
debug, info, warning, crippling, fatal

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