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I would consider "warning" to be "something unusual happened, but we can still continue"
@QPaysTaxes Error
Q: When to use the different log levels?

raoulssonThere are different ways to log messages, in order of fatality: FATAL ERROR WARN INFO DEBUG TRACE How to decide when to use which? What's a good heuristic to use?

Well, some logging libraries use trace level also.
shit ninja
call it GenericError then
@QPaysTaxes you should make that second one play a sound effect before crashing
@QPaysTaxes Your teacher sounds shitty
that's awesome :D
How about duckandcover?
@Fatalize what is a s**tstorm?
I would do debug (you only care about this if you're looking at the code), info (generic heads-up messages about starting/stopping operations), warning (something unusual happened but it was handled/it's not a big enough problem for you to worry about it), error (something went wrong and the thing you were trying to do didn't work), and fatal (something went really wrong kthxbai)
@zyabin101 this
@zyabin101 Exactly what it sounds like. Shit's flying everywhere, but mostly coming down from above.
halt and catch fire?
Ah, the old HCF error
Halt and Catch Fire XD
@QPaysTaxes But that's the standard nomenclature. Call out your teacher on being ridiculous. Actually, don't do that. That's the remnants of inebriated Mego talking.
@AlexA. fairly good
@Fatalize I'm not a big fan of that particular song, actually. I prefer Love and Relentless if I'm going to listen to SYL.
"Error" means "something went wrong, it's still running, but the thing you were trying to do didn't work"
If your teacher doesn't like the word "Error" for that, it's clear that they are unreasonable, so you might as well call it a "Mego".
@Geobits ಠ_ಠ
@QPaysTaxes Exception
@QPaysTaxes call it FAULT?
@AlexA. I have no idea what that's for >_>
Just like irl
@QPaysTaxes sounds a bit like Avian flu
I like how ERROR is too generic, but FAULT would work.
"ME GO back to where me was before because me no worky right"
like a fault in sport, it's an error but the game doesn't end
@QPaysTaxes Congratulations on being #1
stumble? slip-up? screw-up? fumble?
Gonna declare the synonymisation of "The Nineteenth Byte" to mean "Hilarity Ensues"
strike if he likes baseball?
@Quill This is too meta for TNB. You want meta.tnb
Just name it after the teacher. That can't possibly go wrong.
I had an idea for a nearly-impossible-to-use programming language. You start with a large array of bits (let's say 100K). The array starts with the first bits equal to the input (so an input of 8 would start with 1000), and the rest of the bits are random. You can't directly manipulate the bits, but you can manipulate the entropy of the array.
Ok, so if I say entropy--, what happens?
entropy lowers, duh
The entropy decreases by a set amount, which causes the array to be less random.
@AlexA. throw(lemonGrenades)
@Fatalize Thanks, capitaine évident.
@Geobits capitaine évident ಠ_ಠ
@Mego But how does it decide what to change to get "less random"?
no, évident
@Quill throw(baseball)
@AlexA. throw(aTantrum)
unles the capitaine is a woman, but by default it's not
My fault, I thought capitaine is feminine.
So let's disregard the leading bits from the input. The array would be entirely random - you had no guarantee that a specific bit is a 0 or a 1. By decreasing the entropy by 1 unit, you'd get an array where one bit is guaranteed to be a certain value (we'll say a 1 for simplicity).
@KennyLau it can be both depending on who you are referring to, but by default we assume it's masculine
> One may not dye a duckling blue and offer it for sale unless more than six are for sale at once.
Wonder what the story is behind that one...
So entropy--; would result in one more bit in the array being locked in as a 1 (though you don't know which bit).
@Fatalize oui d'accord bien sur
Just making sure, but fyi this exists
@Mego Kind of reminds me of quantum computers
@Maltysen Every rule has a great story behind it :P
@Mego Oh, so you were absolutely right when you said "nearly impossible to use". Got it.
(not quite the same, but also as impossible to program in)
@Sp3000 That's not the same thing
I'm talking about only being able to control the data on a macroscopic level, rather than bit-by-bit
@Mego Except the no XKCD feed in chat rule :(
@Geobits These are the great ideas I come up with while failing to fall asleep
I see. I should probably get to sleep now then, before I start thinking this is a good idea.
Oh, thanks for offering to help me with the language spec!
@Geobits what time is it?
Here? 2:20
11:19 pm here
@Fatalize peanut butter jelly time adventure time late
10:19 here
8:19 ;(
@Fatalize AM or PM?
1:19 AM
@Geobits same!
@AlexA. am
@AlexA. AM
@zyabin101 you still haven't answered about your age
What's your age, Fatalize?
24 in a few weeks
@Quill, dedicated to your bot Marvin:
Oh, happy birthday soon!
@Fatalize I've heard that nobody likes you when you're 23.
@Fatalize Given their behavior, I'd guess around 13-14
@Mego Yup.
@Geobits ಠ_ಠ
@Geobits It's the truth. Luckily, I have about another year before I have to suffer through that.
that means Alex is also 23?
@Fatalize ಠ_ಠ
No, we like Alex just fine
He's just wrong
@Mego Really? Huh, I thought you were mid-20s for some reason.
@Mego "ಠ_ಠ"
@Geobits Nope, 21. I turn 22 next month.
@Fatalize Nope
I would guess 21 then
But I'll take that as a compliment :)
Nah, Alex is an old man.
Alex is 25? 26?
I'll be 26 in a few months
that's one old bird
That's noot that old
for a bird it is
Not for a macaw.
I thought he was a magpie
RIP Alex
Luckily for me, downvotes last forever.
Alex is kill
Well, penguins have it worse, so...
@zyabin101 if you don't want to answer you can just say that you don't want to answer ಠ_ಠ
Penguins are immortal
@Fatalize I don't want to answer.
(Also, I wish @ಠ_ಠ was in chat so I can easily type ಠ_ಠ.)
@zyabin101 wat
did you make that?
@Quill Yes. ^_^
that is a scoop alex is the only one of my age here
I think Marvin's love module will be something like _.sample(rickAstleyLyrics, 3)
@Agawa001 I was quite surprised when I found out how young a lot of people are here
especially @EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ
They have yet to experience the feeling of retail coding
@Quill you're also underage ಠ_ಠ
I still have a programming job ಠ_ಠ
you can have a job at 17? ಠ_ಠ
lots of ಠ_ಠ's flying around ಠ_ಠ
@Fatalize if you're pure magic, yeah :p
On a side note: PIP > NPM
@Quill Well duh
@Fatalize I had a job at 16
a coding job though
Oh, no
I got mine at 14
We had work experience and my school suggested I go to the local tech business and after I finished they asked me to stay on
Fun times
> teenage years
> working
> fun times
user image
Yeah I was a fucking dishwasher when I was 16
me too i worked at 13 y o , it is ilo conventions abusive but noone really cared for this
@AlexA. I read the "a" one word to the right...
My first job was at 17, as an intern in a bank's IT department
@Agawa001 What country?
until 20 years old i worked in IT
north africa
The time Siri interrupted senate estimates is like something wonderful out of Veep. (via @inthehansard) https://t.co/g38RJtUzDb
@Agawa001 Oh nice! I don't know of any other regulars on the site from that area. That's neat. :)
Night all o/
me neither :( because you can just find them in french forums
@Agawa001 Morocco, Tunisia or Algeria?
10 more beta sites getting their own design later...
@Optimizer ?
Chat mini-challenge: check if a number is the power of another number
1000, 10 -> true
256, 2 -> true
1000, 3 -> false
only positive integers
How big will the inputs be?
as big as your language/program can support
reasonable size please
Hint: it is 6 bytes in Pyth
Not much of a hint when I'm not trying in Pyth :P
well, which language are you using?
7 bytes
Can be better :p
input as 1000 3
Not in CJam I don't think, although I did ask the "how big will the inputs be" question because I'm not sure what the smallest input log would break for is
Hint: I didn't use log.
Q: Continuously expanding code

ericw31415Your job is to write a program that rewrites and makes itself longer on each run of the program. Challenge The program will print Hello, World!\n (\n denotes a newline). Then, it will modify its own file so that the new program length is exactly 2x the length at runtime. This modified file when...

I was talking about Optimizer's code :/
Yeah log fails pretty easily, e.g. 243 3
>>> from math import*
>>> log(1000,10) == int(log(1000,10))
>>> False
>>> log(1000,10)
>>> 3.0
>>> int(log(1000,10))
>>> 2
Don't need the int, just use ==
>>> from math import*
>>> log(1000,10) == log(1000,10)
>>> True
But yeah in general it's not an approach that would work without arbitrary precision
I mean log(1000,10) == 3, but okay
@Sp3000 its true for me.
@Optimizer Oh, sorry I thought it was in Pyth
you know, even I cannot read Pyth codes
Yeah and it gives 0 for me, is what I mean
gives 1 for me
hard refresh?
Not sure if browser or OS, but I'm sure I'd be able to find other examples
not sure why it should not give 1. Since equality treats the number as float anyways so decimal comparing to without decimal doesnt matter I think.
If any of them don't end with .0, try that number
[0.0 1.0 2.0000000000000004 3.0000000000000004 4.000000000000001 5.0 6.000000000000001 7.000000000000001 8.000000000000002 9.000000000000002 10.0 11.000000000000002 12.000000000000002 13.000000000000002 14.000000000000002 15.000000000000002 16.000000000000004 17.0 18.000000000000004 19.000000000000004]
Hmm interesting, I have [0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 4.999999999999999 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 9.999999999999998 11.0 12.0 12.999999999999998 14.0 14.999999999999998 16.0 16.999999999999996 18.0 19.0]
(with 4.999999999999999 5= being 0 being the problem I was trying to induce)
so what input should i try?
Play around with that? (replacing 3 and 20 with different values to see if you get different results)
I have a 7-byte solution in CJam that works for reasonably big
doesn't use float
I think I know which approach you're going for, but I'm checking for 6
@Sp3000 without floats?
You could have just done 1=
oh, right
@Sp3000 I advise you to delete that comment
shrugs doesn't really matter that much
Too late anyway
36 for Python atm, doesn't look great
you can delete a comment at any time?
oh, you can't...
2 min window
what's the code?
I'll just assume you're probably going to try in a bit, so maybe later :P
using my approach?
Feel free to use whatever you see fit
42 bytes :(
Hmm actually mine doesn't quite work, gimme a sec
Temporary fix at 39, but this definitely doesn't look good now
Yeah 1s are making this tricky
35 bytes :D
Does it work for [2, 1]?
oh, second input won't be 1
(don't be ridiculous)
Let me just go take a bunch of bytes off...
(what about first input?)
positive, as said before
1 is a power of 10
Well you said positive, so why can't the second input be 1?
okay I was wrong lol
So... first input >= 1, second input >= 2 then?
44 bytes with 1
(sorry, fixed)
35 bytes without 1, 44 bytes with 1
34 / 39
how did you check for 1 in 5 bytes...
Oh wait, 31 I think
(Lemme make sure first though)
Hmm... yeah I think this works
you know, 35/49...
how did you check for 1 in 5 bytes
Hm... in a way I kind of didn't?
Or, rather, I have a<2
34 bytes...
f=lambda x,y:x if x<2else f(x/y,y)
Wouldn't that fail for, say, f(4,3)?
ok i've no idea
f=lambda a,b:a<2or a%b<f(a/b,b)
I think that works?
Surprisingly tricky to golf, that problem :/
But yeah re: Pyth/CJam, I was thinking sure there's a better way to check the array
But I can't think of anything
Guess how many bytes it takes in Jelly
you know jelly also?
DAAAAARN! I wanted to guess, too!
I was the one that suggested :P
=æḟ  Main dyadic chain. Argument: x,y
=    Check if x equal to:
 æḟ  Floor x to nearest power of y
Er... not the one I was thinking, but okay
What were you thinking?
oh.. nice
it works for unary also :D
Didn't realise Jelly had æḟ tbh
Too far down the docs :P
1848 is a wonderful year...
I just need one person to star it.
It will be wonderful.
> Revolutions of 1848
Hmm about that
@AlexA. I heard some people like pizza without pineapple.
@flawr Just look at the url: "Hmm... Chef!" IDC if the letter is m or h.
@zyabin101 Haha=)
How juic ananas
Hello I have quetions how does juice an ananas i tri for thirtee minit and no juic.
100 Well, PPCG is the best site ever.
@zyabin101 Would you return the favour?
PS: I'm still looking for criticism on this one:
Q: Updating the [popularity-contest] tag info: suggestions

flawrThe current tag info of the popularity-contest is outdated and needs to be replaced/improved as we now have much clearer notions of what a pop-con is compared to the time of creation. From the recent discussions (links below) we can conclude that a pop-con needs an objective validity criterion ...

Guys, "how juic ananas" meme elevated to QPixel question: stage.artofcode.co.uk/questions/76
What do you guys think about @ericw31415 creating a tag?
I thought there should at least be a meta discussion on it
Synonym it to .
The quipu bounty has been awarded to @KennyLau
Congratulations! :D
Is there a well-known tag for self-modifying code?

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