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@Downgoat avocad.ppcg.lol
@Downgoat as long as you like. The longer the better though
@QPaysTaxes that looks good
@Quill on CR are upvotes proportional to answer length?
@QPaysTaxes on CR? I'd hate to give you evil CR rep :P
@Downgoat Here. try doing this, and foo:=1
@MarsUltor is that chrome/firefox only?
@Downgoat Yeah
@QPaysTaxes ok, link me to your CR account and i'll upvote
Doing a code review for FOG is making me cringe a bit o___O
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ ^
I legitimately am having trouble testing things
@MarsUltor wow, you are really making progress! Cheddar is still stuck on class construction and all
@Downgoat Same here
you should have an avocad.juic getter :P
It supports basic class parsing, but has no classes yet
But no classes = no getters
@MarsUltor How are operators being done then?
@Downgoat They're global. Also, if you mean primitive classes, then yes, there are (kinda)
@MarsUltor ah, okay.
@MarsUltor I've finished classes for cheddar (but not the syntax). So you can try to use CheddarClass to finish classes
Does anyone want to be part of the Cheddar github organization?
@QPaysTaxes >_>
horde mode :D
@AshwinGupta wuh
@AshwinGupta Is this also browser lag mode? :P
@Downgoat 1 neat thing about JS, chrome has an interactive JS console.
@Downgoat well, its still kinda working, everything is just started moving REALLY slow
I just wrote an infinite
then put my addAlien() command in there
@QPaysTaxes pfft...
ok people
I'm done for the night
satisfied w/ my progress for the day
:D ty downgoat, conor, qpays, malt, etc.
@Sp3000 ok nvm i fixed it thank u
Hmm k
Q: C**e Profanity: Remove all f**r letters words from code, and keep it running correctly

Yossi GilAs everybody knows, four letter words, from love to fuck, from "milf" to this white thing we quaff called in everyday life: "milk". All of these should be marked as something dirty. Your challenge is to write a program that replaces all four letter words from the input text, by replacing the two...

imgur why
Maybe gfycat will work
One last try:
hwat (link to the shown question revision page)
> languages such as APL
s/APL/almost every golfing\/esolang, and some normal ones/
That means words with the middle two letters ignored probably count
@YossiGil All challenges must be objectively score-able to determine a clear winner. You can't have "alternative" scoring systems, because there can be only one. Secondly, this challenge essentially restricts the usable languages to only a few, which is suggested against. This challenge would be viable if it was python only, but, alas, that's not something we do here. Also, the downvotes on this question are likely not due to question content, but of tone. Perhaps editing it for a less sarcastic vibe would be beneficial? — VTCAKAVSMoACE 23 secs ago
I'm pretty sure this challenge isn't going to come out, in the end...
C**e Profanity: Fix all f**r letters words in c**e, and k**p it running correctly [on h**d]
I'm pretty sure he's left, he hasn't responded in half an hour.
I've tried to add some neutral comments in case the confrontational attitude was just due to perceived attack. I guess we'll find out in time when things have cooled down.
@VTCAKAVSMoACE Last edit was 4 minutes ago
@Mego Oh, I must've missed it. :P
The latest edit is actually a big step in the right direction
Also, hwat
Those hemorrhoids though... — Frigo Nov 30 '14 at 18:34
Looks he has deleted the challenge just to weed out any bugs and make it at least a bit clear.
Or I don't see the challenge on the main page.
No, it's not deleted.
There's a delete vote on it (?), but it's still there.
Not my delete vote
AFAIK a challenge disappears from the frontpage when it hits -8(?).
Pretty sure it's greater than -8, like -3 or something
It's +1/-8 now
(Hmm -3's too high, there's one on the front page)
Threshold is -4
A: Meta sites' front pages should not hide questions with very low scores

Jeff AtwoodThe threshold is higher on meta, I think it's -8 or so compared to -4 on the parent site. Are you recommending that as the standard for all metas? I think I could support that. edit: setting this to a global value of -8 for all metas.

And there goes 50 rep :/
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

xnor1D Langton's Ant code-golf An ant lives on a horizontal 1D strip where each cell points left or right. Each second, the ant moves one cell as directed by its current cell, then that cell flips directions. This continues until the ant falls off the strip. Determine whether the ant falls off the l...

@Mego What do you mean?
@Sherlock9 I put up a bounty on MSE
I've posted on meta about the possibility of having a winner per category
I actually think that aspect of the challenge is a workable idea
I've linked to it from the 4 letter word question but I'm not sure if the comment will be seen after all the others
Q: Challenges with categories of winners

trichoplaxA challenge must have an objective winning criterion. However, does this have to define a single winner, or is it acceptable for a challenge to have categories of winners? We already encourage people to think in terms of competing with other solutions in the same language, and we often include a ...

@Mego Ah alright. Thanks
So how is everyone?
"Everyone", of course, being the dead air in the room. How are you, particles of silence?
noot noot
Barely awake
Kept conscious only by the need to write more unit tests
That... doesn't seem that urgent, but I could be wrong
Could you write your ideas for unit tests down in a notebook and then sleep?
It's what I do sometimes with ideas that I get in the middle of the night, on the infrequent occasions that I decide that getting some sleep is more important an interesting, but not urgent, idea
@Mego What time is it where you are?
@MarsUltor 4:22 AM
@Mego Okay, then you really should go to sleep now
@Sherlock9 I mostly work at night because my gf and roommate are asleep. I find it very difficult to work when other people are around, because I get distracted.
This room must be a nightmare when you want to get work done then...
@MarsUltor 12:25 here.
This room is always a nightmare :)
@Mego typical penguin.
He changed his meta name.
It also applies to main iirc.
@Mego Fair enough
fork this forking piece of sheet mac :( nothing ever works on a mac!
macs are the worst useless pieces of junk in the world
@AlexA. it's probably your fault
@Sp3000 no, those macs are actually useful
they run software much better
although mostly spaghetti code
@Sp3000 They run Cheddar especially well
Q: ECHO! Echo! echo. (echo)

Williham TotlandYour challenge, should you choose to accept it, is simple: Implement RFC 862, also known as the Echo Protocol. Scoring The score is one point for every byte of code as encoded in UTF-8 or a language-specific code page, whichever is smaller. If the program incompletely implements RFC 862 by pr...

>>> import socket
>>> TCP_IP = ''
>>> TCP_PORT = 7
>>> s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
>>> s.connect((TCP_IP, TCP_PORT))

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#7>", line 1, in <module>
    s.connect((TCP_IP, TCP_PORT))
  File "C:\Python27\lib\socket.py", line 228, in meth
    return getattr(self._sock,name)(*args)
error: [Errno 10061] Connection unresolved,
>>> # wat
Q: Exploded substrings

AdnanIntroduction Let's observe the string abc. The substrings that can be made from this are: a, ab, abc, b, bc, c We now need to align them under the initial string, like this: abc a b c ab bc abc The order of the string doesn't matter, so this is also perfectly valid: abc a ab abc b b...

hi all
hi part of all
I was thinking of another impossibly difficult math related challenge :)
in case anyone was relaxing too much
toss ur luggage
the "impossibly difficult math related challenge"
@Lembik We await it ~_~
Unrelated: @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I announced a new nested programs challenge. Coming soon...
in short the challenge would be to write code to find the minimum number of multiplications needed to multiply two matrices of small size
there is no minumum and maximum number of matricial multiplication
@Quill I thought about that all last night. Cat woke me up at 4:00am (now) and I came to check it. :P
because there is one algorithm
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ you're back! \o/
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Well you got two new answers :D
great turnout
I thought you went off the internet for the rest of the week.
@Agawa001 this is incorrect
also go back to bed ;p
@zyabin101 that was for 2 weeks ago
@Agawa001 if you multiply two 2 by 2 matrices you can do it in 7
@Quill hmph
row1*column1 , row1*column2, row2*column1, row2*column2
in 15 min
@Sp3000 sowee
hmmm nice, the bot corrected my last post
@Agawa001 Which bot?
@Lembik That actually sounds like a good challenge idea
@Sp3000 thanks! And don't sound so surprised :)
@zyabin101 dunno which but when i type a single * it wouldnt show up usually
Well, I'm assuming you're thinking of Strassen's/other sub O(n^3) algorithms, and the fact that people aren't sure whether O(n^2) is doable or not...
@zyabin101 I think he means markdown.
@Sp3000 precisely.. also rectangular multiplication is less well studied
but in particular there is no known optimal answer for two 3 by 3 matrices
@Sp3000 thanks a lot for reviewing my FOG interpreter.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ No worries, sorry I didn't get through it all, didn't have much time to decipher the specifics
@Doorknob how do you read a Babble program out loud?
Simply put it looked a little... buggy :/
that's fine. and :/
it is buggy
especially about the things like lists
@Sp3000 that is new to me :S
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ you have to put a Code Review shield badge on your FOG repo.
@zyabin101 can i has pic?
@Agawa001 Hm? What is?
Q: Shielding your CodeReview on GitHub

Simon ForsbergIn response to a feature-request on meta, I spent a few hours today creating the feature in php. This application adds a review shield to your GitHub repository (or wherever else you want it). It looks like the following: To use it, use standard image/link markdown, like this: [![Code Revie...

@Sp3000 Strassen's
@zyabin101 hey I remember that thing
how i use it
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Link me to the FOG interpreter question on Code Review.
o_O dunno if I'd recommend putting a shield on personally, seems a bit misleading
@Agawa001 Ah k yeah - have a read about subcubic matrix multiplication, it's pretty interesting :)
@Sp3000 why?
@zyabin101 don't worry, i got it
@Sp3000 also, thanks for not picking at my emoticon list. :P
For one thing, your code no longer looks like that, so it's a bit like sticking a "Best Local Restaurant in 2016" sign which won't make sense in a few years
If I had to review operator choices that's a whole different problem altogether, but since it's just a code review I didn't pay any attention to that actually
we need a real "language-design" review catagory
would use that
But how many people would even review a language written in JS?
other than Dan Pantry and Quill?
wait hm
idk if they would do languages design reviews, but they would do js at least
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ v
$ prospector fog

  Line: 46
    pylint: import-error / Unable to import 'stack'
  Line: 142
    pylint: unidiomatic-typecheck / Using type() instead of isinstance() for a typecheck. (col 70)
  Line: 144
    pylint: unidiomatic-typecheck / Using type() instead of isinstance() for a typecheck. (col 13)
  Line: 183
    pylint: bad-indentation / Bad indentation. Found 16 spaces, expected 12
  Line: 191
    pylint: bad-indentation / Bad indentation. Found 16 spaces, expected 12
That's a lot of warnings for your interpreter code.
Pylint gave me a score of -15/10
So that you don't have to search the full text, there's 21 warnings.
at least it did on the code on CR now, not the current version.
Most of those are just isinstance instead of type, so there's not a lot of unique warnings
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Uhh, running Pylint on my machine and your code gives 5.32/10.
Chat mini-challenge: Make a Python program that will be rated by Pylint at 8.7/10.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ We have quite a few JS reviewers actually
@MarsUltor You should submit UGL for review at Code Review.
@zyabin101 Simplest fraction is 87/100, so if pylint works how I think it does you'll need at least 100 lines
(unless multiple violations in 1 line are counted differently?)
@Sp3000 I think it will take less, so objective winning criteria: smallest lines wins.
Hmm nvm got it in less
@Sp3000 Post-it!™
Too long
@Sp3000 Use a gist.
I mean, too long, golfing it down
$ dodgy --help
  "warnings": []
$ dodgy -h
  "warnings": []
$ dodgy -?
  "warnings": []
$ dodgy /?
  "warnings": []
$ dodgy help
  "warnings": []
@zyabin101 1 line
(This is for Python 3's lint)
I have Python 2. :(
@Sp3000 i pinged u beffore for ur best score in project euler asking u how u did it
Which problem?
but unfortunately i fixed my regex after they closed challenge delay
Did you mean Hackerrank?
@zyabin101 Get 3.
hmm yes
Ah, k
@Sp3000 ಠ_ಠ
No, I'm serious. There's no reason why you can't have both
@Sp3000 But still, it's the earliest 1 line answer, so it wins. :D
@zyabin101 Also, get PyPy
@MarsUltor PC doesn't support SSE.
Forgot which x in SSE-x.
@MartinBüttner Help how do I do nested comments with regex without .NET balancing groups?
Er... use a parser?
(anything like matching brackets depends on which regex flavour you're using, e.g. it's flat out impossible in Python with Python's re module alone)
(I think?)
For sublime highlighting
What makes you think they used regex for that?
@Quill but will they review for specifically language design?
Like not for how nice the code is, how good your language is.
wait nvm
Q: Which questions should get deleted (and how fast)?

Stewie GriffinFirst the numbers: Duplicate questions: 71 questions are closed as duplicates 37 have a score of zero or less 47 have a score of one or less 63 are more than one month old 37 are more than one year old Closed questions (not duplicates): 70 questions are closed, but are not duplicates ...

sorry, I went to bed.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ generally not. we don't really make languages in our spare time, we don't get much language design through
> we don't generally make languages in our spare time
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ does that regulary. :P
We make them during work time…
true that
or school, for the students in the room
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Actually true
I do it, you most likely do it, ... oodles of people do it.
I'm interested: which golfing languages have string compression?
Jelly, Bubblegum, Maybe cinnamon?
@zyabin101 Pyth/CJam/Jelly definitely
@MarsUltor Not CJam
at least most that Dennis golfs in.
ohai @cat
hallo! c:
I meant to send you that earlier
@cat what time zone are you in?
Someone should vote to delete (or delete) this: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/78632/…
And I do like your avatar.
EST, but the Wifi I usually use is too slow for Chat.SE, so I have to wait til school.
just wondering, because it is 5:21am here.... >.<
and thank you :P Yours is arguably cooler though
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ GMT+3
@zyabin101 i know yours. :P
hey look it me
@cat my cat woke me
she had abcess, went to vet, healing, stuck in room for 10 more days
not fun having angry frustrated cat on face putting paw in facehole
:( poor kitty, I hope she gets better
she will
well, i should try to go to bed
will tell stormy (cat in my avatar) cat says hai
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Why did you flag a post as off-topic when it was already closed 19 hours ago?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ sighs
the [closed] text wasn't big enough
kms xkcd is blocked at school and I don't have my own laptop's wifi working
{"month": "4", "num": 1673, "link": "", "year": "2016", "news": "", "safe_title": "Timeline of Bicycle Design", "transcript": "", "alt": "I'll be honest--the 1950s were a rough time for cycling.", "img": "http:\/\/imgs.xkcd.com\/comics\/timeline_of_bicycle_design.png", "title": "Timeline of Bicycle Design", "day": "27"}
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ yah. :3
@cat cat?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ ^_^
8 hours from bounty end:
A: All downloaded files cannot be opened as they are 'damaged and should be moved to the Trash'

AllanThe problem that you are running into is that Gatekeeper is trying to protect you from malware and not only doesn't recognize the developer "signature" of the App you downloaded it "sees" the file was modified by someone/something other than the developer. Gatekeeper options are found in Apple ...

go give him upvotes
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ you prolly don't have a Ask Different account becuase you don't use macs, go make one and get a mac and then upvote.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ never
at least do the 1st and 3rd step.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ "never"
@HelkaHomba @AlexA. no matter how cute the dog is, don't hug it.
@zyabin101 for you or conor or both?
Maybe those dogs are stressed by the camera, not the hugs :P
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Both.
Would "fibonacci base" count as a duplicate of this?
Q: Convert to and from the factorial number system

VolatilityThe Factorial Number System, also called factoradic, is a mixed radix numeral system. The factorials determine the place value of a number. In this system, the right most digit can be either 0 or 1, the second rightmost digit can be 0, 1 or 2, and so on. This means that an n digit factoradic num...

link to snadbox post?
Now that one I can believe without clicking at all.
Unnessacary. Everyone knows that.
But, the link is faulty.
@HelkaHomba bad link, try this instead.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Unnecesscary?
You don't need to link to that video for us to believe dogs are smarter than college students and most humans.
@MartinBüttner Can the mathematica showcase be updated?
@KennyLau I'd close it as a dupe of this probably

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