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There is no caching, so, no, you should not blame caching.
Belittling Ritual Burials
@Geobits But... the creator of the standard says it's a hard G...
It's objectively right
@quartata Huh? The creator said it should be pronounced like JIF peanut butter. That's a soft G.
@QPaysTaxes Black Ruby Box
Using 1 in unary makes as much sense as using 2 in binary.
@QPaysTaxes 1.
I'm saying that the "digit" should be "u" and the number should just be a string of "u"s :P
@flawr This is fantastic :D
We should do a survey.
I mean @QPaysTaxes.
@Geobits Uh, how do decimals work in unary? Wouldn't u.u == uu? 1 * 1 ^ 1 = 1 * 1 ^ -1?
Everyone puts in one character to use as the digit.
@Geobits Really?
Oh, wait.
Wow, I feel dumb.
The character put in the most times wins.
@zyabin101 going to the next class
@FryAmTheEggman Trying to make integers work in unary is enough of a pain. I don't want to try making sense of anything past that :P
Google Forms?
@QPaysTaxes Eww. If you're allowing arbitrary strings, just make every character count and use the length.
If it's locked, I can make an Instant.ly survey.
@Geobits Changed Contact section to be easier on the eyes.
But it doesn't show results publicly.
Ah. So you should exclude the eyeball then ;)
@Geobits The eyeball?
o nvm
@VTCAKAVSMoACE Was not directed at yours. The contact area is very clean now.
You could have just changed the font instead, but I think this looks better overall.
@DigitalTrauma I don't get it ._.
Working in an office chair with a laptop in lap? Are you sure these are programmers...?
@Quill monring
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Do I really have to explain? ;-) normal people (non-programmers) dress up sharp for work, and look shabby/down-and-out if unemployed
@DigitalTrauma Oh, I see. :P
I'm only 15 so I don't know that
What's the most starred image (or gif) in TNB?
not an image/gif
@DigitalTrauma can confirm
This is the most starred onebox
@HelkaHomba I think it's this one:
Feb 18 at 23:53, by mınxomaτ
user image
@Doorknob Ah yes. Back then graduation seemed like a pipe dream
Well damn >_<
Yep, way back in... February.
Oh, but I guess it was announced 5 days later meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/8538/26997
@QPaysTaxes I don't think there's anything like that in the regex library, you could do like for key, val in dictionary: str.replace(my_string, key, val) or something
@HelkaHomba Obviously the image did the trick.
@Geobits We still are on the design waiting list :I
Oh. I thought this was the new design and they were just being lazy with it :)
@Geobits They golfed it ;)
They mixed camel and snake case for some reason.
Is there an estimate on when we truly graduate? (meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/8968/26997 isn't conclusive)
Oh god. Mixed camel_Case_Conventions_areTerrible
@HelkaHomba What do you mean truly?
We are a graduated site.
^ We just don't look pretty yet.
TODO: rewrite the navy seals copypasta to be about programming.
@FryAmTheEggman We've always been beautiful on the inside though
@Geobits howDo_You_Decide_BetweenACapitalAnd_An_Underscore?
@HelkaHomba A complex algorithm that you need to run every time you want to name a variable or class
> Graduation works in two phases. Starting today, you'll receive the following benefits: ...
That seems to indicate not 100%.
We have graduated. There are more graduation-associated perks to come, but that doesn't mean we aren't fully graduated.
Graduated => no beta
I'd say it means phase one of graduation is complete, awaiting phase two.
Well, you still knew what I meant
I didn't
I mean, will it be a month, 6 months, a year?
I heard we'll be getting the design in November, though. From a very good source.
@HelkaHomba Your guess is as good as mine. We haven't heard anything from the CMs since the election.
Also community ads we don't have yet
@AlexA. :/ Now I'm regretting voting for you... ;)
Also, when we get swag? licks lips
@zyabin101 That's when we'll be fully graduated in my eyes. When I see that sweet swag in the mail.
Do they have license plates?
@zyabin101 The top two pages of user by reputation get swag, not everyone
@Geobits 2026
@AlexA. ikr
@HelkaHomba ._.
Also <3 for voting for me
@AlexA. That just reminded me that I never got one of my meta swagbags :/
@HelkaHomba I've seen that around but I think it means something else.
So maybe it's just on a ten year delay.
@AlexA. At what pont of time?
I didn't know that was allowed
@HelkaHomba It isn't. This url is commiting an outrage.
So much E
Why would you post that? My poor ears...
Did you know that email addresses have comment syntax? :O
I didn't.
@VTCAKAVSMoACE I smell a challenge.
Just writing it up. ;)
@flawr Wow, I think someone needs counseling.
vtc.aka(")")"("vsm.o."."[email protected]
HowToBasic is garbage
simplify to the shortest valid adress.
@flawr Yup. ;P That's my plan.
shitty markdwon
o e c
@Fatalize I thought so too at first, but then I realised how much cleaning that guy has to do after each episode.
got it >:D
Why is this happening
@Loovjo Doesn't make it less dumb, especially considering how much he makes with this


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
Q: Implement driftsort

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'BʀɪᴇɴDriftsort is a simple way to "sort" an array. It works by "sliding" or "rotating" the elements over in the array until the array is sorted, or until the array fails to be sorted. Let's walk through two examples. First, consider the array [10, 2, 3, 4, 7]. Since the array is not sorted, we rotate...

Q: Binary Search Problem

Riya KFarmer John has built a new long barn, with N (2 <= N <= 100,000) stalls. The stalls are located along a straight line at positions x1,...,xN (0 <= xi <= 1,000,000,000). His C (2 <= C <= N) cows don't like this barn layout and become aggressive towards each other once put into a stall. To preven...

What's the record for the longest delay in newmainposts?
Does anyone know Binoxxo? The newspaper game?
speak of the devil
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ few years
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ The devil (from Greek: διάβολος or diábolos = slanderer or accuser) is believed in many religions and cultures to be the personification of evil and the archenemy of humankind.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ My favourite citation:
@Geobits I know this.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ You said speak of him. Just trying to comply.
@Geobits What makes you think the devil is male?
"Speak of the devil and he shall come" is the saying, isn't it?
Ah, there we go, 8.8k
@NewMainPosts Jelly probably has a five-byte answer.
Haha, in wikipedia there is a whole bunch of translations of that saying:
@flawr I don't believe in the devil at all, so I'm just using the most commonly portrayed gender in media.
> Albanian: "Kujto qenin e bëj gati shkopin", which translates to "Remember the dog and prepare the stick."
@Geobits Or you're using the gender-neutral pronoun accepted by the majority...
@AlexA. Devil = dog chasin gsticks
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ No, I wasn't in this case. When I picture the devil, it's a male, due to it being portrayed that way in basically everything I've ever seen/read.
@flawr Strangly that seems to be the translation of many other languages.
@Geobits Oh. \(-__-)/
I really wish my utilities company would stop sending me bills
I typically try to use singular they when going gender-neutral.
A he still slips out every now and then though.
I use xe when online, they when possible, but he when writing for school.
@Geobits This is a nice thing in german, you do not have to decide or construct anything artificial=)
Good god, why would you say that?
Pronoun: xe
  1. (nonstandard) they (singular). Gender-neutral third-person singular subject pronoun, coordinate with gendered pronouns he and she.
Verb: xe
  1. smack
  2. xe
  3. to block so that it is not possible to pass / to prevent (something or someone) from passing
  4. to catch (a ball)
  5. to fill, to make full
(4 more not shown…)
Adjective: xe
  1. hoarse
Noun: xe
  1. bird
  2. (classifier chiếc; con) xe ‎(車)
  3. wheeled vehicle (except for airplanes and trains)
  4. đậu xe‎ ― to park
  5. lái xe‎ ― to drive a car
(3 more not shown…)
that verb definition #2 tho
> Verb: xe. ... 2. xe
And how do you pronounce that in english?
> 1. (nonstandard)
I've pronounced it "zee"
> I use xe when online
o_O to pronounce
I'm gonna start using dhje.
@Geobits And how do you pronounce that^^
I don't know IPA, so I'm not sure I can make it any clearer than that in print.
@Geobits I'll start saying "GIF" as "dhjeef"
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Gesundheit.
@flawr ??????????
@flawr I don't think dhje sneezed.
@Geobits Seems the flu is making it's rounds here?
My phone really hates it when I type 'dhje'.
@Geobits I do not like being sneezed at either.
Hmm. For the record, the correct pronounciation of dhje isn't anything like a sneeze.
Give me a word with that sound in it?
That's a tough one.
French word works, too.
> That's a toudhje one.
It almost sounds like something large moving very quickly past you, giving a doppler effect.
(that might not help much)
Haha ... doing a search for dhje and this video comes up youtube.com/watch?v=DHjE_EiPTLc
Does anyone know binoxxo? Those "crossword" puzzles?
I don't think I've even heard of dhjem.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ These
How does it work?
The goal is filling the rest with x and os.
In each column/row there are as many xes as ohs.
And there are at most two xes or two ohs in a row.
"in a row" -> sequentially?
Or in other words: There is always an o next to an x and vice versa in each row and in each column.
@flawr This has to be added to Simon Tatham's collection.
At least here it is in every other newspaper...
So in the example, you'd start with the double X in the middle by putting O on each side. Then doing the Xes surrounding the resulting double Os. Something like that?
@Geobits Yes!
did we just add 3 answers to @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ challenge simultaneously
@zyabin101 This guy doesn't even know Bimaru.
@flawr Is there an easy way to generate boards with unique solutions? Sounds like a not-bad challenge.
@Geobits I'm not aware of any.
But I thought about making a challenge about them. But it seems nobody here knows them.
You can teach.
PS: In hischool I programmed a bimaru game:
(Not guaranteed to be unique solvable though.)
@flawr Umm, doesn't it expire?
@zyabin101 It does.
@flawr ;_;
@zyabin101 The link does, the program does not.
I think that might make it solvable, but not necessarily uniquely solvable.
Wait, are you talking about sudoko?
15 mins ago, by flawr
user image
@Geobits Already solved it?
@flawr No, I was trying to show Q. His school got in the way.
It's a not-sudoku game :P
{2 2 1 $<:2%?4#3 <-- J program for generating a random grid 2x2 of _, 0, 1.
_ _ _ _ x _ _ o
o _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ x o _ _ _ o _
_ _ _ x x _ _ _
x _ _ o _ o _ _
_ _ _ x _ _ _ o
_ _ _ _ _ _ x _
o x o _ _ o _ _
. . . . X . . O
O . . . . . . .
. X O . . . O .
. . . X X . . .
X . . O . O . .
. . . X . . . O
. . . . . . X .
O X O . . O . .
we've already been over that
The goal is filling the rest with x and os.
In each column/row there are as many xes as ohs.
And there are at most two xes or two ohs in a row.
this looks oddly familiar!
please no
is that .... petabits?
someone star that XD
no. its scary.
He has an oddly long neck.
At least, it seems to me.
Wow, R.I.P. Prince
does Pyth have a built-in to check if a list is a sublist of another list, anologous to substrings?
Q: How should vim answers be scored?

Dr Green Eggs and Ham DJI like vim a lot. I've been golfing with it a lot recently. We already have clearly established that vim is a programming language, but there aren't any clear rules on how to score vim answers. The main things that I want to clarify are: Do modifiers (shift, alt, ctrl, etc.) count as an extra k...

@Dennis Is there a way you could make the code and input boxes on Try It Online re-sizable? I hate how there's a minimum width or that I can't resize it, and that width is huge.
Haskell types are driving me insane
J drove me insane a long time before this happened >_>
Why was I trying to learn this instead of Lisp, again?
Because Lisp is a shiv.
@Sherlock9 lisp is amazing
start with racket
Should I learn lisp?
because it's amazing
Is it functional?
Lisp was the first functional programming language, IIRC
@mbomb007 I'm not sure why I used min-width in the first place. I'll check it out.
I'll have to look at it.
(Ruby, Haskell, Lisp) are my current order of learning languages
Why doesn't exist? Because challenges in a specific language are discouraged?
Or by other reasons?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ (reverse language_list)
Implicitly at the end of that list are a bunch of esolangs.

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