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@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Nooooooooooooo
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Also, I prefer isup.me
I couldn't find that one :P
Had the URL wrong, whoops.
Yeah, I was wondering :P
But it's much shorter to type. :)
It's up for me o_O
I guess ?
Really? How many bytes is this: ~T."૎્««"Ιj
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ that ain't even bytes m8
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ that's not bytes :)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ 11 chars, 18 bytes
@orlp Yeah. I'm asking how many.
unless you specify an encoding
@Calvin'sHobbies Thanks!
really? o_O
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ (assuming utf-8 naturally...)
@Calvin'sHobbies Yeah.
Hey, it's back up!
I propose we score Jelly using UTF-8 :D
Wow, I'd never been to the parent site before.
May Pyth win!
The good thing about having lots of languages is that you'll be able to answer in each of them :P
Yo I got a reference request
is there a meta question about programming languages storing the program in compressed form?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ So Y is your new language?
@orlp I think so one second
@quartata Yes it is :)
@orlp If Bubblegum is legal, certainly that is also legal
I don't think a separate meta thread is necessary
It was proposed as a standard loophole and was shot down.
So I'd say it's legal.
terrible, but "legal"
I think I might write an extension for Pyth then :P
FWIW, I supported that as a standard loophole.
I thought it was in place, tbh.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ And it's all about trains I see
@Doorknob Traitoring intensifies: I made my first CR answer.
@quartata Thomas the Dank Engine
@Dennis Could you please pull the newest version of 05AB1E to TIO?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Sorry, APL terminology. Chains?
I think
Define "chain"
Functions linked together
@Adnan Pulled.
Thanks :)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Then wat is it
@orlp Fun fact: it's possible to implement a Turing-complete language where every program has different semantics.
I can't find a reference right now, but I have seen it somewhere.
I've seen that before. In my nightmares.
@quartata The program is first parsed. There are things called "nodes" or "couplings" that denote the border of a "chain" or "link"; each chain is evaluated as a 1D, non-wrapping stack-based program. Each node can tell the program to carry on to the next program, or do stuff in a certain way.
That's embarrassing. I was working on something similar for pl.
How similar?
Each line is a procedure, bottom line is the main procedure
Not quite the same.
Procedures are stack-based snippets
Similar, but different in that Y is focused on the transitions between links. pl is (probably) focusing on other things.
Instead of studying for an Economics test today I wrote this program for you to be able to make the Karel equivalent of ASCII art.
good job.
I forgot what the alternative to else if is so I'm looking that up now
@Zgarb I know a simple way for halting programs
@Zgarb I don't know exactly how to define equivalence of semantics between non-halting programs, though
@Dennis Is it possible to do and if-else branch (or equivalent) in Jelly? Can you point me to some example?
Does a non-halting program even have semantics?
If anyone ever visits Orcas island in Washington, I strongly recommend visiting Anthony Howe's (free) sculpture garden (cc @Alex)
@LuisMendo It has if, but an if-else would have to be done with two links I think
I smell a spam account
@Calvin'sHobbies Oooh, I'll check that out the next time I'm in the islands. (Dunno when that'll be though.)
@Mego Saw that
@AlexA. They copypasta'd another answer this time
I don't think that account is spam yet. For example, he has accounts on other sites and has posted two answers (one of which I just deleted).
@AlexA. I'll check Smokey
But other accounts on other sites doesn't necessarily mean clean
@Calvin'sHobbies Have you been to the Sculpture Park on the downtown Seattle waterfront?
@quartata I know.
@AlexA. Hasn't been tripped by Smokey ever according to metasmoke
Just weird troll?
I guess.
@AlexA. Yes, but I think some of the things there are weird bordering on ugly :P I guess I prefer shiny kenetic sculptures
anyways keep feeding me those helpful flags yassss
How many people can guess what this is a sculpture of:
@Calvin'sHobbies Bordering on? Thing's ugly as fuck.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ nope, nope
@Calvin'sHobbies a wheel?
Almost as bad as the popsicle sculpture at 4th and Lenora (or closeby)
Alex A?
@quartata well it has a wheel, but why?
It's a wheel of fortune, of justice, of fate?
Well the things on top look like wires.
I was thinking a dismembered wheel from something
@quartata Soon we'll have the deputy badge :)
shit you have 51 flags
stop trying to outperform me
mang i just flag stuff when i see it
I mainly just stalk the review queues :P
@Mego I appreciate this. You've been very proactive with flags (and I've handled quite a few of yours).
@AlexA. :D I like this site. I want it to be nice.
I do too. :)
I noticed the user from a defacing suggested edit that I rejected, then a first post that I thought was 1. innocent and 2. node.js, which I edited, then realized it was a copypasta, rolled back, and flagged
what is that
An eraser.
> Vintage typewriter eraser from Eberhard Faber, model Van Dyke. This model has the red eraser with green brush whiskers, one of the more colorful versions of the typewriter eraser. I believe these erasers were manufactured sometime between 1950-1960s. The eraser was used to eliminate mistakes while using a typewriter and the brush to whisk away any eraser crumbs left on the page.
A "typewriter" eraser. The brushy part is for rubbing rubber bits away (what minx said)
I have never seen one of those before.
Me neither, until I saw that ridiculous sculpture in Seattle
@quartata Well, now you've seen a 3.5m one and a 0.08255m one.
The larger one is for big mistakes. Which is probably why it's located in Washington, D.C.
@AlexA. I'm reviewing it now
@Quill <3
Maybe in 40 years a pencil eraser we be just as arcane...
Did you know they have erasers for computers?
Like ones you can use outside of the computer
They're called "Magnets"
@Calvin'sHobbies The artwork is from 1999. That's more like 50ish years later.
@Quill Not if you have ssd's ;)
@Calvin'sHobbies I have a Eraser for an SSD, its' called "A hammer"
@Quill Well I remember re-aligning "broken" tube monitors with magnets.
Well, kinda:
Q: Is it possible to wipe SSD with strong magnetic force?

bbaja42I know it is possible to wipe a hard disk, but I'm wondering if something similar can be done to SSD disks as well?

in The 2nd Monitor, 1 min ago, by SirPython
It's actually quite good that PPCG users are posting here more often now because it is drawing quite a lot of attention from other users from other sites.
<3 u guys
That a heart?
Interpretation is left to the reader.
@Quill Cool, can we post our esolang code there and ask for review?
1~12$:;56*[i53*$:1-0c*99*[di39*$:2-+048*[d$~2`9&d*2c+]02@ik" "+Oxx]lOx].
I'd love to see CR folk struggle with that... :P
(I'm sure I'd just get a flood of downvotes. :P)
one of your backticks isn't escaped
Fixed. <_<
@Mego feel free to ask on Meta, you'll see what they have to say there
> I really need help with this Perl code. I think it's almost perfect, but I wanted to check here to see if anything could be improved.
func(arg, key=val)In python, what is the term for key?
^^ That looks familiar.
Named argument?
Or keyword argument.
@Quill We <3 you too! I'm glad you've joined our community, even if you're more active in chat than on the site.
def func(req_args, *args, **kwargs)
@AlexA. I'm getting there
@AlexA. Wow nice backhanded compliment :P
@Mego I didn't mean it that way
@AlexA. Mmhmmm
@Mego Thomas kwargs
I'm just glad that we've assimilated Quill.
@LuisMendo If-else is done as <if-link><else-link><condition>?. Example:
A: Xorting an array

DennisJelly, 25 bytes ṡ2Zµ^/Bo1Ḅ‘×>/|/H Ç-¹^Ç¥? The latest commits postdate this challenge, but the above code works with this revision, which predates it. Try it online! To run the large test cases, depending on your shell, it may be necessary to wrap the above code in a program that reads input f...

@Quill This is the first code review I've done, i.e. my first answer on CR. Did I do okay, senpai?
I got hella badges on CR today. Two Nice Answer, one Teacher, and one Yearling.
@Dennis Thanks! I was looking in the Jelly room but didn't find it
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ flags as offensive oh it changed removes flag
@Quill !
Look at Quill, being all snarky because the CMs didn't ignore his site for nearly 2 years
That's the Area51 process actually
@Mego No, they ignored our graduation, we did have to ping the CEO to get attention
@Quill Really?
@Quill You "graduated" but you didn't get your design
Big difference
@quartata No, we had to ping the CEO for grad
Feb 9 at 21:59, by Quill
in The 2nd Monitor, Nov 18 '15 at 18:40, by 200_success
@JoelSpolsky Could you please help answer some important long-standing questions about the graduation process, and about transparency at Stack Exchange in general?
Anyway, Grace Note is handling things, let them handle things :-)
Grace Note or GraceNote?
Either way
Just wondering :|
@orlp It works for non-halting programs too (non-halting is seen as a special "output"), that's what was surprising about it. Unfortunately I don't remember how it works...
@Quill Did the CEO ever respond? Does the CEO even know chat exists? I don't feel like looking through pages of transcript :P
@Mego The CEO has never spoken in chat, and yes of course, it's just so you can't reply to him, I'm assuming
We just had a CM pop into the room super fast after that
and by chat, I mean any chatroom
@Quill And then get roasted for an hour :P
There used to be a SE podcast chatroom that used to get used for the live podcasts they did, but they don't do them anymore
At least you guys get to talk to a CM
Grace Note came here after that question was posted to Meta
She came here after being pinged, and responded with an eighth note emoji
You guys kinda graduated yourselves, I mean, you've got the design, if you get someone to block privs, it'll be complete
That doesn't count as "talking to a CM"
@Quill What do you mean get someone to block privs?
Privs go up when you graduate
Things that you get at 2k, you get at 4k
I lost deletion privs when CR graduated
We made a design because we were tired of being for well over a year. That's not a reason for us to remain
No, it's not, you're right
@Zgarb well...
@Quill Also we're missing elected mods
Dennis, Alex, and Martin were semi-elected
@Zgarb nvm
@AlexA. I edited my answer
But we have one mod who hasn't contributed to the site in 8 months
@orlp thx bb I'll take a look
And another who hasn't been seen since December, when he left SE and went back to being a normal site mod
So how many Mods will be in the new election, then, if gnibbler and chris aren't active
@Mego Martin was chosen. Dennis and I were informally elected.
@Quill We'll ask Grace Note for 4 slots.
assuming you're talking about gnibbler there and not alex @mego
The pro-tems all plan to run for election.
@Quill huh?
I nominate myself :3
1 min ago, by Mego
But we have one mod who hasn't contributed to the site in 8 months
@AlexA. I thought Martin was elected also. I may be mistaken; I wasn't around then
Lol no as much as I pick on Alex, I can't claim he hasn't contributed :P
@Mego Nope. When CJY was hired by SE and became no longer a mod, he chose Martin to replace him.
And now that he's not working for SE anymore and back to being a regular mod...
We have "6" mods
We have 4 active moderators
So ask for 6 at the election ;-)
Nah, 4 is plenty
"We, the people of PPCG, demand a team of six highly-skilled moderators to ward off the evil spammers and trolls."
fast forward to 6-8 weeks from now, when we're graduated with 4 mods
user image
@Conor Sounds like the Justice League
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ If you're going to make a JS version of Vitsy, can we write it together? I kinda wanna learn JS, and since I already know the inner workings of Vitsy...
I have like 0 interest in having a diamond next to my name
Too much stress yo
@VoteToClose Totally! :D
Also I wanna get that flag badge :P
@Mego I have 2,000,000 interest in having a diamond next to my name.
@Quill We are justice. WE ARE POWER
I've handled over 200 flags this quarter. :O
Over 70 in the past month.
@VoteToClose I can start working on it tomorrow, that's when the weekend is.
Sound good?
I've raised a bunch of helpful flags this quarter (not sure the #)
\o/ I'm happy.
Hey guys, quick small Q
@Quill we don't do quick here
we do small
What's a good esolang to learn first
@Quill Pyth
@Mego don't be so rude, it's Br**nfuck
@Quill Java
I shouted. Therefore mine is best.
@Mego already done that, we even do it at CR
@Quill For golfing or for strangeness?
@AlexA. T_T
@Zgarb for golfing, of course
@Quill Seriously
@Quill pyth
@Quill APL
@Mego yes, seriously
@Quill Start with something simple, like Vitsy, ><>, or Befunge.
@Quill seriously is the name of an esolang
@AlexA. VHDL
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ pep8online.com/s/QsR6e8iI
@Quill no, seriously is an esolang
@Quill @Mego See? That's why you don't name your esolang that D:
@Maltysen it was a joke
but Pyth is simple and you can start winning contests immediately
@orlp the fuck's a fortnight
Holy shit all of the replies
@AlexA. 14 days
Seriously, Seriously is the name of an esolang made by Mego.
@AlexA. An A51 stats period
@Quill Sarcasm doesn't travel across the intertubes well :P
@El'endiaStarman Seriously?
Noun: fortnight ‎(plural fortnights)
  1. (chiefly Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand) A period of fourteen nights; two weeks.
Adverb: fortnight ‎(not comparable)
  1. After a fortnight has passed.
  2. 1852 Charles Dickens, Bleak House: We will proceed with the hearing on Wednesday fortnight.
Also Jelly
tbh Seriously is actually a pretty simple language
@Mego You win. >_>
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ pep8online.com/s/z8mbRoxD
Hmm, okay, I'll take a look at Pyth
@Quill initially, try translating your programs from Python into Pyth. It won't win you any challenges, but you'll learn it
Man no love for Seriously :(
I like it. I love almost all esoteric languages.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Vitsy can get pretty complicated, to be fair.
@orlp I use this word frequently.
@VoteToClose I use it fortnightly
@VoteToClose True, but you can write a lot of simple stuff in it. It's probably one of my top three "playfield" languages because of it's power, capacity, and simplicity
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Yeah, you don't really have to know everything about it to do something. :D
><>, Minkolang, and Vitsy are top 3. ><> because it was first, Vitsy because of ^^^^, and Minkolang because it's practically a 3D language.
@Quill consider enrolling in defense against the dark arts, where we learn not to use Retina
@El'endiaStarman \o/ ^^
I've nearly got the stack exchange badge on CR
@orlp does that make Dennis professor Snape
@orlp Small nitpick on your answer: Technically get_area51_estimate is incorrect when returning the number of answers per question, since the number Area 51 reports is over the lifetime of the site, not just the past two weeks like it does with questions/day.

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